Develop ineo 164 User Manual

ineo 164
Dynamic balance
User Manual
ineo 164 Contents-1
1 Introduction
1.1 Energy Star® ................................................................................................................................... 1-3
What is an ENERGY STAR® Product?.............................................................................................. 1-3
1.2 Trademarks and copyrights........................................................................................................... 1-4
Note ................................................................................................................................................... 1-4
SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT................................................................................................. 1-4
1.3 Safety information........................................................................................................................... 1-6
Warning and precaution symbols ...................................................................................................... 1-6
Meaning of symbols........................................................................................................................... 1-6
1.4 Regulation notices........................................................................................................................ 1-10
CE Marking (Declaration of Conformity) for users of the European Union (EU)............................... 1-10
For users in countries not subject to class B regulations................................................................ 1-10
Laser safety...................................................................................................................................... 1-10
Internal laser radiation...................................................................................................................... 1-10
For European users.......................................................................................................................... 1-11
For Denmark users........................................................................................................................... 1-11
For Finland, Sweden users .............................................................................................................. 1-11
For Norway users............................................................................................................................. 1-11
Laser safety label............................................................................................................................. 1-12
Ozone release .................................................................................................................................. 1-12
Acoustic noise (for European users only)......................................................................................... 1-12
For EU member states only ............................................................................................................. 1-13
For EU member states only ............................................................................................................. 1-13
1.5 Caution notations and labels....................................................................................................... 1-14
1.6 Space requirements...................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.7 Operation precautions.................................................................................................................. 1-16
Power source................................................................................................................................... 1-16
Operating environment .................................................................................................................... 1-16
Storage of copies............................................................................................................................. 1-16
Precaution on transportation ........................................................................................................... 1-16
1.8 Legal restrictions on copying ...................................................................................................... 1-17
1.9 Conventions used in this manual ................................................................................................ 1-18
1.9.1 Symbols used in this manual........................................................................................................... 1-18
To use this machine safely............................................................................................................... 1-18
Procedural instruction...................................................................................................................... 1-18
Key symbols..................................................................................................................................... 1-19
1.9.2 Original and paper indications......................................................................................................... 1-19
Paper size ........................................................................................................................................ 1-19
Paper indication............................................................................................................................... 1-19
2 Part names and their functions
2.1 Options............................................................................................................................................. 2-3
2.2 Main unit .......................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.1 Outside of the main unit..................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.2 Inside of the main unit........................................................................................................................ 2-5
2.2.3 Control Panel ..................................................................................................................................... 2-6
3 Using this machine
3.1 Turning on or off the machine ....................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Basic operations ............................................................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.1 Loading paper.................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Loading paper in Tray 1..................................................................................................................... 3-4
Loading paper into the Bypass Tray.................................................................................................. 3-5
Contents-2 ineo 164
Configuring a custom size ................................................................................................................. 3-6
3.2.2 Placing originals................................................................................................................................. 3-6
3.2.3 Basic copy operations ....................................................................................................................... 3-7
4 Control Panel keys
4.1 Control Panel and functions .......................................................................................................... 4-3
4.2 Display indications.......................................................................................................................... 4-4
5 Copy function
5.1 Available copy features .................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.2 Basic settings.................................................................................................................................. 5-5
5.3 Application settings ([COPY FUNCTION]) .................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.1 [ID COPY]........................................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.2 [COMBINE ORIGINAL]....................................................................................................................... 5-8
[2in1]................................................................................................................................................... 5-8
[4in1]................................................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.3.3 [SORT].............................................................................................................................................. 5-10
[SORT] + [CRISSCROSS MODE]..................................................................................................... 5-10
5.3.4 [ERASE]............................................................................................................................................ 5-11
5.3.5 [BOOK SEPARATION]...................................................................................................................... 5-12
[ERASE] + [BOOK SEPARATION].................................................................................................... 5-13
5.4 Using [MODE MEMORY] .............................................................................................................. 5-15
Registering copy settings ................................................................................................................ 5-15
Recalling copy program................................................................................................................... 5-15
5.5 Function combination matrix....................................................................................................... 5-16
6 Installing the driver
6.1 Precautions for installation............................................................................................................ 6-3
6.1.1 Operating environment ...................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.1.2 Connecting to the computer.............................................................................................................. 6-3
6.2 Installing using Plug and Play........................................................................................................ 6-4
6.2.1 Installing the driver in Windows Vista/Server 2008............................................................................ 6-4
6.2.2 Installing the driver in Windows XP/Server 2003............................................................................... 6-5
6.2.3 Installing the driver in Windows 2000 ................................................................................................ 6-5
6.3 Installing using installer.................................................................................................................. 6-7
6.3.1 Installing the driver in Windows 7 ...................................................................................................... 6-7
6.4 Uninstalling the driver..................................................................................................................... 6-8
6.4.1 Uninstalling the printer driver............................................................................................................. 6-8
6.4.2 Uninstalling the scanner driver........................................................................................................... 6-9
7 Printer function
7.1 Print operations............................................................................................................................... 7-3
Canceling a print job.......................................................................................................................... 7-3
Sleep mode........................................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.2 Printer driver settings..................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.2.1 Common setting ................................................................................................................................ 7-4
7.2.2 [Setup] tab.......................................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.2.3 [Layout] tab ........................................................................................................................................ 7-6
7.2.4 [Per Page Setting] tab........................................................................................................................ 7-7
7.2.5 [Watermark] tab.................................................................................................................................. 7-8
7.2.6 [Quality] tab........................................................................................................................................ 7-9
7.2.7 [About] tab ......................................................................................................................................... 7-9
ineo 164 Contents-3
8 Scan function
8.1 TWAIN scanner driver..................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.1.1 Scanning a document........................................................................................................................ 8-3
8.1.2 TWAIN scanner driver settings .......................................................................................................... 8-4
8.2 WIA scanner driver.......................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.1 Scanning a document........................................................................................................................ 8-5
8.2.2 WIA scanner driver settings............................................................................................................... 8-5
Adjusting the quality from [Custom Settings] .................................................................................... 8-6
9 [MENU]
9.1 [COPY FUNCTION].......................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2 [COPY JOB SETTING]..................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.3 [UTILITY].......................................................................................................................................... 9-5
9.3.1 [MACHINE SETTING]......................................................................................................................... 9-6
9.3.2 [CUSTOM SIZE MEMORY] ................................................................................................................ 9-7
9.3.3 [USER MANAGEMENT] ..................................................................................................................... 9-7
9.3.4 [JOB SETTING] .................................................................................................................................. 9-8
9.3.5 [COPY SETTING] ............................................................................................................................... 9-9
9.4 [TOTAL PAGE]............................................................................................................................... 9-10
10 Maintenance
10.1 Paper.............................................................................................................................................. 10-3
10.1.1 Checking the paper.......................................................................................................................... 10-3
Replenishment message.................................................................................................................. 10-3
Precautions regarding the use of paper .......................................................................................... 10-3
Paper storage................................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.1.2 Loading paper.................................................................................................................................. 10-4
Loading paper in Tray 1................................................................................................................... 10-4
Loading paper into the Bypass Tray................................................................................................ 10-5
10.2 Toner .............................................................................................................................................. 10-6
10.2.1 Checking Toner................................................................................................................................ 10-6
Replacement message .................................................................................................................... 10-6
Replacing the Toner Bottle .............................................................................................................. 10-6
10.3 Cleaning procedure ...................................................................................................................... 10-9
Original Glass, Control Panel........................................................................................................... 10-9
Housing, Original Pad ...................................................................................................................... 10-9
11 Troubleshooting
11.1 When a problem is detected (call a service representative)..................................................... 11-3
11.2 Troubleshooting table................................................................................................................... 11-4
Simple troubleshooting.................................................................................................................... 11-4
Main messages and their remedies................................................................................................. 11-7
11.3 Clearing paper jams...................................................................................................................... 11-9
Clearing paper jams at the vertical transport section .................................................................... 11-10
Clearing paper jams at the paper take-up section ........................................................................ 11-11
Clearing paper jams at the exit section ......................................................................................... 11-12
Clearing paper jams at the Bypass Tray (optional) ........................................................................ 11-12
12 Specifications
12.1 Paper.............................................................................................................................................. 12-3
Paper types and paper capacities................................................................................................... 12-3
12.2 Machine specifications................................................................................................................. 12-4
ineo 164 ........................................................................................................................................... 12-4
12.3 Option............................................................................................................................................. 12-6
Multi Bypass Tray MB-503 .............................................................................................................. 12-6
Contents-4 ineo 164
13 Appendix
13.1 Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 13-3
14 Index
14.1 Index by item ................................................................................................................................. 14-3
14.2 Index by button.............................................................................................................................. 14-5
ineo 164 1-3
1.1 Energy Star®
1 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing this machine. This User's Guide describes the functions, operating instructions, precautions for correct operation, and sim-
ple troubleshooting guidelines of this machine. This manual also contains notes and precautions that should be followed to ensure safe usage of this machine. In order to obtain maximum performance from this product and use it effectively, please read this User's Guide as necessary.
The illustrations used in this manual may appear slightly different from views of the actual equipment.
1.1 Energy Star
As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, we have determined that this machine meets the ENERGY STAR® Guidelines for energy efficiency.
What is an ENERGY STAR® Product?
An ENERGY STAR® product has a special feature that allows it to automatically switch to a "low-power mode" after a period of inactivity. An ENERGY STAR
product uses energy more efficiently, saves you money
on utility bills and helps protect the environment.
Trademarks and copyrights
1-4 ineo 164
1.2 Trademarks and copyrights
Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
User's Guide may not be reproduced in part or in full without permission.
This package contains the following materials provided by KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (KMBT): software included as part of the printing system ("Printing Software"), the digitally-encoded ma­chine-readable outline data encoded in the special format and in the encrypted form ("Font Programs"), other software which runs on a computer system for use in conjunction with the Printing Software ("Host Soft­ware"), and related explanatory written materials ("Documentation"). The term "Software" shall be used to describe Printing Software, Font Programs and/or Host Software and also include any upgrades, modified versions, additions, and copies of the Software.
The Software is being licensed to you under the terms of this Agreement. KMBT grants to you a non-exclusive sublicense to use the Software and Documentation, provided that you
agree to the following:
1. You may use the Software and accompanying Font Programs for imaging to the licensed output de­vice(s), solely for your own internal business purposes.
2. In addition to the license for Font Programs set forth in Section 1 above, you may use Roman Font Pro­grams to reproduce weights, styles, and versions of letters, numerals, characters and symbols ("Type­faces") on the display or monitor for your own internal business purposes.
3. You may make one backup copy of the Host Software, provided your backup copy is not installed or used on any computer. Notwithstanding the above restrictions, you may install the on any number of computers solely for use with one or more printing systems running the Printing Software.
4. You may assign its rights under this Agreement to an assignee of all of Licensee's right and interest to such Software and Documentation ("Assignee") provided you transfer to Assignee all copies of such Software and Documentation Assignee agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
5. You agree not to modify, adapt or translate the Software and Documentation.
6. You agree that you will not attempt to alter, disassemble, decrypt, reverse engineer or decompile the Software.
7. Title to and ownership of the Software and Documentation and any reproductions thereof shall remain with KMBT and its licensor.
8. Trademarks shall be used in accordance with accepted trademark practice, including identification of the trademark owner's name. Trademarks can only be used to identify printed output produced by the Software. Such use of any trademark does not give you any rights of ownership in that trademark.
9. You may not rent, lease, sublicense, lend or transfer versions or copies of the Software Licensee does not use, or Software contained on any unused media, except as part of the permanent transfer of all Software and Documentation as described above.
ineo 164 1-5
1.2 Trademarks and copyrights
11. Notice to Government End Users: The Software is a "commercial item," as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R.2.101, consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software doc­umentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, all U.S. Government End Users acquire the Software with only those rights set forth herein.
12. You agree that you will not export the Software in any form in violation of any applicable laws and reg­ulations regarding export control of any countries.
Safety information
1-6 ineo 164
1.3 Safety information
This section contains detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of this machine. To achieve op­timum utility of this device, all operators should carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual.
Please read the following section before connecting the machine to the supply. It contains important infor­mation related to user safety and preventing equipment problems.
Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine. Make sure you observe all of the precautions appear in each section of this manual. Reference
- Some parts of the contents of this section may not correspond with the purchased product.
Warning and precaution symbols
The following indicators are used on the warning labels or in the manuals to categorize the level of safety warnings.
Meaning of symbols
Ignoring this warning could cause serious injury or even death.
Ignoring this caution could cause injury or damage to property.
A triangle indicates a danger against which you should take precaution.
This symbol warns against cause burns.
A diagonal line indicates a prohibited course of action.
This symbol warns against dismantling the device.
A solid circle indicates an imperative course of action.
This symbol indicates you must unplug the device.
Disassemble and modification
• Do not attempt to remove the covers and panels which have been fixed to the product. Some products have a high-voltage part or a laser beam source inside that could cause an electrical shock or blindness.
• Do not modify this product, as a fire, electrical shock, or breakdown could result. If the product employs a laser, the laser beam source could cause blindness.
Power cord
• Use only the power cord supplied in the package. If a power cord is not supplied, only use the power cord and plug that is specified in POWER CORD INSTRUCTION. Failure to use this cord could result in a fire or electrical shock.
• Use the power cord supplied in the package only for this machine and NEVER use it for any other product. Failure to observe this precaution could result in a fire or electrical shock.
ineo 164 1-7
1.3 Safety information
• Do not scratch, abrade, place a heavy object on, heat, twist, bend, pull on, or damage the power cord. Use of a damaged power cord (exposed core wire, broken wire, etc.) could result in a fire or breakdown. Should any of these conditions be found, immediately turn OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your authorized service representative.
Power source
• Use only the specified power source voltage. Failure to do that could re­sult in a fire or electrical shock.
• Connect power plug directly into wall outlet having the same configura­tion as the plug. Use of an adapter leads to the product connecting to in­adequate power supply (voltage, current capacity, grounding), and may result in fire or shock. If proper wall outlet is not available, the customer shall ask qualified electrician for the installation.
• Do not use a multiple outlet adapter nor an extension cord in principle. Use of an adapter or an extension cord could cause a fire or electrical shock. Contact your authorized service representative if an extension cord is re­quired.
• Consult your authorized service representative before connecting other equipment on the same wall outlet. Overload could result in a fire.
• The outlet must be near the equipment and easily accessible. Otherwise you can not pull out the power plug when an emergency occurs.
Power plug
• Do not unplug and plug in the power cord with a wet hand, as an electrical shock could result.
• Plug the power cord all the way into the power outlet. Failure to do this could result in a fire or electrical shock.
• Do not tug the power cord when unplugging. Pulling on the power cord could damage the cord, resulting in a fire or electrical shock.
• Remove the power plug from the outlet more than one time a year and clean the area between the plug terminals. Dust that accumulates be­tween the plug terminals may cause a fire.
Power cord
Safety information
1-8 ineo 164
• Connect the power cord to an electrical outlet that is equipped with a grounding terminal.
• Do not place a flower vase or other container that contains water, or metal clips or other small metallic objects on this product. Spilled water or me­tallic objects dropped inside the product could result in a fire, electrical shock, or breakdown. Should a piece of metal, water, or any other similar foreign matter get in­side the product, immediately turn OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your authorized service representative.
• After installing this product, mount it on a secure base. If the unit moves or falls, it may cause personal injury.
• Do not place the product in a dusty place, or a site exposed to soot or steam, near a kitchen table, bath, or a humidifier. A fire, electrical shock, or breakdown could result.
• Do not place this product on an unstable or tilted bench, or in a location subject to a lot of vibration and shock. It could drop or fall, causing per­sonal injury or mechanical breakdown.
• Do not let any object plug the ventilation holes of this product. Heat could accumulate inside the product, resulting in a fire or malfunction.
• Do not use flammable sprays, liquids, or gases near this product, as a fire could result.
• Using this product in a poorly ventilated room for a long time or producing a large volume of copies or prints may cause the odor of exhaust air from the machine. Ventilate the room well.
Actions in response to troubles
• Do not keep using this product, if this product becomes inordinately hot or emits smoke, or unusual odor or noise. Immediately turn OFF the pow­er switch, unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your authorized service representative. If you keep on using it as is, a fire or electrical shock could result.
ineo 164 1-9
1.3 Safety information
• Do not keep using this product, if this product has been dropped or its cover damaged. Immediately turn OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your authorized service representative. If you keep on using it as is, a fire or electrical shock could result.
• The inside of this product has areas subject to high temperature, which may cause burns. When checking the inside of the unit for malfunctions such as a paper misfeed, do not touch the locations (around the fusing unit, etc.) which are indicated by a "Caution HOT" caution label.
• Do not throw the toner cartridge or toner into an open flame. The hot ton­er may scatter and cause burns or other damage.
• Do not leave a toner unit or drum unit in a place within easy reach of chil­dren. Licking or ingesting any of these things could injure your health.
• Do not store toner units and PC drum units near a floppy disk or watch that are susceptible to magnetism. They could cause these products to malfunction.
When moving the machine
• Whenever moving this product, be sure to disconnect the power cord and other cables. Failure to do this could damage the cord or cable, resulting in a fire, electrical shock, or breakdown.
• When moving this product, always hold it by the locations specified in the User’s Guide or other documents. If the unit falls it may cause severe per­sonal injury. The product may also be damaged or malfunction.
Before successive holidays
• Unplug the product when you will not use the product for long periods of time.
Actions in response to troubles
Regulation notices
1-10 ineo 164
1.4 Regulation notices
CE Marking (Declaration of Conformity) for users of the European Union (EU)
This product complies with the following EU directives: 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC and 2009/125/EC directives.
This declaration is valid for the area of the European Union. This device must be used with a shielded interface cable. The use of non-shielded cables is likely to result in
interference with radio communications and is prohibited under CISPR rules and local rules.
For users in countries not subject to class B regulations
WARNING This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
This device must be used with a shielded interface cable. The use of non-shielded cables is likely to result in interference with radio communications and is prohibited under CISPR rules and local rules.
Laser safety
This is a digital machine which operates using a laser. There is no possibility of danger from the laser provided the machine is operated according to the instructions in the manuals.
Since radiation emitted by the laser is completely confined within protective housing, the laser beam cannot escape from the machine during any phase of user operation.
This machine is certified as a Class 1 laser product: This means the machine does not produce hazardous laser radiation.
Internal laser radiation
Maximum Average Radiation Power: 5.3μW at the laser aperture of the print head unit. Wavelength: 770-800nm This product employs a Class 3B laser diode that emits an invisible laser beam. The laser diode and the scanning polygon mirror are incorporated in the print head unit. The print head unit is NOT A FIELD SERVICE ITEM: Therefore, the print head unit should not be opened under any circumstances.
Laser Aperture of the Print Head Unit
Print Head
ineo 164 1-11
1.4 Regulation notices
For European users
This is a semiconductor laser. The maximum power of the laser diode is 7mW and the wavelength is 770­800 nm.
For Denmark users
Dansk: Dette er en halvlederlaser. Laserdiodens højeste styrke er 7 mW og bølgelængden er 770-800 nm.
For Finland, Sweden users
Tämä on puolijohdelaser. Laserdiodin sunrin teho on 7 mW ja aallonpituus on 770-800 nm.
Det här är en halvledarlaser. Den maximala effekten för laserdioden är 7mW och våglängden är 770-800 nm.
For Norway users
Dette en halvleder laser. Maksimal effekt till laserdiode er 7 mW og bølge-lengde er 770-800nm.
Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Usynlig laserstråling ved åbning, når sikkerhedsafbrydere er ude af funk-tion. Undgå udsættelse for stråling. Klasse 1 laser produkt der opfylder IEC60825 sikkerheds kravene.
Laitteen Käyttäminen muulla kuin tässä käyttöohjeessa mainitulla tavalla saattaa altistaa käyttäjän turval­lisuusluokan 1 ylittävälle näkymättömälle la-sersäteilylle.
Om apparaten används på annat sätt än i denna bruksanvisning specificerats, kan användaren utsättas för osynlig laserstrålning, som överskrider gränsen för laserklass 1.
Avattaessa ja suojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina näkymättömälle lasersäteilylle. Älä katso säteeseen.
Osynlig laserstrålning när denna del är öppnad och spärren är urkopplad. Betrakta ej strålen.
Dersom apparatet brukes på annen måte enn spesifisert i denne bruksan-visning, kan brukeren utsettes for unsynlig laserstråling som overskrider grensen for laser klass 1.
Regulation notices
1-12 ineo 164
Laser safety label
A laser safety label is attached to the outside of the machine, as shown below.
Ozone release
Locate the Machine in a Well-Ventilated Room A negligible amount of ozone is generated during normal operation of this machine. An unpleasant odor may, however, be created in poorly ventilated rooms during extensive machine operations. For a comfortable, healthy and safe operating environment, it is recommended that the room be well ventilated.
Placer l’appareil dans une pièce largement ventilée Une quantité d’ozone négligable est dégagée pendant le fonctionnement de l’appareil quand celui-ci est uti­lisé normalement. Cependant, une odeur désagréable peut être ressentie dans les pièces dont l’aération est insuffisante et lorsque une utilisation prolongée de l’appareil est effectuée. Pour avoir la certitude de travailler dans un environnment réunissant des conditions de confort, santé et de sécurité, il est préférable de bien aérer la pièce ou se trouve l’appareil.
Acoustic noise (for European users only)
Maschinenlärminformations-Verordnung 3. GPSGV: Der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB(A) oder weniger gemäss EN ISO 7779.
ineo 164 1-13
1.4 Regulation notices
For EU member states only
This symbol means: Do not dispose of this product together with your household waste!
Please refer to the information of your local community or contact our dealers re­grading the proper handling of end-of-life electric and electronic equipments. Re­cycling of this product will help to conserve natural resources and prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health caused by inappropriate waste handling.
For EU member states only
This product complies with RoHS (2002/95/EC) Directive. This device is not intended for use in the direct field of view at visual display workplaces.
To avoid incommoding reflections at visual display workplaces this device must not be placed in the direct field of view.
Das Gerät ist nicht für die Benutzung im unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld am Bildschirmarbeitsplatz vorgesehen. Um störende Reflexionen am Bildschirmarbeitsplatz zu vermeiden, darf dieses Produkt nicht im unmittel­baren Gesichtsfeld platziert werden.
Caution notations and labels
1-14 ineo 164
1.5 Caution notations and labels
Safety precaution notations and labels appear on this machine at the following positions. Be very careful that an accident does not occur when operations such as removing paper jams are performed.
Do not remove caution labels or notations. If any caution label or caution notation is soiled, please clean to make legible. If you cannot make them legible, or if the caution label or notation is damaged, please contact your service representative.
ineo 164 1-15
1.6 Space requirements
1.6 Space requirements
To ensure that machine operation, consumables replacement and regular maintenance can easily be per­formed, adhere to the recommended space requirements detailed below.
Be sure to allow a clearance of 200mm (8 inches) or more at the back of this machine.
570 (22-7/16)
ineo 164 Unit: mm (inch)
530 (20-7/8)
449 (17-11/16)
ineo 164 + MB-503 Unit: mm (inch)
928 (36-9/16)
449 (17-11/16)
783 (30-13/16)
607 (23-7/8)
570 (22-7/16)
856 (33-11/16)
927 (36-1/2)
Operation precautions
1-16 ineo 164
1.7 Operation precautions
To ensure the optimum performance of this machine, observe the precautions described below.
Power source
The power source requirements are as follows.
- Use a power source with as little voltage or frequency fluctuations as possible. – Voltage fluctuation: Maximum ±10% (at 110 V/120 to 127V/220 to 240 V AC)
Frequency fluctuation: Maximum ±3 Hz (at 50Hz/60 Hz)
Operating environment
The environmental requirements for correct operation of the machine are as follows.
- Temperature: 10°C (50°F) to 30°C (86°F) with fluctuations of no more than 10°C (50°F) within an hour
- Humidity: 15% to 85% with fluctuations of no more than 10% within an hour
Storage of copies
To store copies, follow the recommendation listed below.
- Copies that are to be kept for a long time should be kept where they are not exposed to light in order
to prevent them from fading.
- Adhesive that contains solvent (e.g., spray glue) may dissolve the toner on copies.
Precaution on transportation
Assign two or more persons who should position their hands at the portions shown when moving the ma­chine.
ineo 164 1-17
1.8 Legal restrictions on copying
1.8 Legal restrictions on copying
Certain types of originals must never be copied with the purpose or intent to pass copies of such originals off as the originals.
The following is not a complete list, but is meant to be used as a guide to responsible copying. <Financial Instruments>
- Personal checks
- Traveler’s checks
- Money orders
- Certificates of deposit
- Bonds or other certificates of indebtedness
- Stock certificates
<Legal Originals>
- Food stamps
- Postage stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
- Checks or drafts drawn by government agencies
- Internal revenue stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
- Passports
- Immigration papers
- Motor vehicle licenses and titles
- House and property titles and deeds
- Identification cards, badges, or insignias
- Copyrighted works without permission of the copyright owner
In addition, it is prohibited under any circumstances to copy domestic or foreign currencies, or works of art without permission of the copyright owner.
When in doubt about the nature of an original, consult with legal counsel.
Conventions used in this manual
1-18 ineo 164
1.9 Conventions used in this manual
1.9.1 Symbols used in this manual
Symbols are used in this manual to express various types of information. The following describes each symbol related to correct and safe usage of this machine.
To use this machine safely
- This symbol indicates that a failure to heed the instructions may lead to death or serious injury.
- This symbol indicates that negligence of the instructions may lead to mishandling that may cause injury
or property damage.
This symbol indicates a risk that may result in damage to this machine or originals. Follow the instructions to avoid property damage.
Procedural instruction
0 This check mark indicates an option that is required in order to use conditions or functions that are pre-
requisite for a procedure.
1 This format number "1" represents the first step. 2 This format number represents the order of serial steps.
% This symbol indicates a supplementary explanation of a pro-
cedural instruction.
% This symbol indicates transition of the Control Panel to access a desired menu item.
The relevant Display is shown.
d Reference
This symbol indicates a reference. View the reference as required.
The operation proce­dures are described using illustrations.
ineo 164 1-19
1.9 Conventions used in this manual
Key symbols
[ ] Key names on the Display or computer screen are indicated by these brackets.
Bold text Key names on the Control Panel, part names, product names and option names are indicated in bold text.
1.9.2 Original and paper indications
Paper size
The following explains the indication for originals and paper described in this manual. When indicating the original or paper size, the Y side represents the width and the X side the length.
Paper indication
w indicates the paper size with the length (X) being longer than the width (Y).
v indicates the paper size with the length (X) being shorter than the width (Y).
Conventions used in this manual
1-20 ineo 164
Part names and their functions
ineo 164 2-3
2.1 Options
2 Part names and their functions
2.1 Options
No. Name Description
1 Main Unit The original is scanned by the scanner section, and the
scanned image is printed by the printer section. Referred to as the "machine", the "main unit", or the "ineo 164" through the manual.
2 Multi Bypass Tray MB-503 (Option) Allows you to load up to 100 sheets.
Referred to as the Bypass Tray through the manual.
Main unit
2-4 ineo 164
2.2 Main unit
2.2.1 Outside of the main unit
The illustration shows the main unit with an optional Multi Bypass Tray MB-503.
No. Name
1 Original Cover 2 Original Pad 3 Control Panel 4 1st Side Cover 5 1st Side Cover Release Lever 6 Bypass Tray (Option) 7 Tray 1 8 Front Cover
9 Output Tray 10 Power Switch 11 Power Cord 12 USB Port (Type A) USB2.0/1.1
12 3
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