Function Combination Table.........................................................10-6
Conditions for Combined Functions..............................................10-6
10.4List of Paper Sizes and Zoom Ratios........................................10-7
Paper Sizes...................................................................................10-7
Zoom Ratios(Original Size to Paper Size) ....................................10-8
1.1We Want You to Be a Satisfied Customer
Thank you for choosing a Develop D1531iD/D1831iD.
This User Manual describes the functions, operating procedures,
precautions, and bas ic tro ubles hooting for the D1531iD /D 1831iD c opier.
Before using this copier, be sure to read the User Manual thoroughly in
order to ensure that you use the copier efficiently. After you have gone
through the manual, store it in the holder and keep it handy at all times.
Note that some of the i llustrations of t he machine used in the User Manual
may be different from what you actually see on your machine.
CE Marking (Declaration of Conformity)
This product complies with the following EU directives:
89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC directives.
This declaration is valid for the area of the European Union.
This device must be used with shielded interface cables. The use of nonshielded cable is like ly to result in inte rference with radio communication s
and is prohibited under EU directive s.
This section contains detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of this machine. To achieve optimum utility of this device, all operators should carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual.
Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Please read the next section before using this device. It contains important information
related to user safety and preventing equipment problems.
Make sure you observe all of the precautions listed in this manual.
* Please note that some parts of the contents of this section may not correspond with the pur-
chased product.
Warning and Precaution Symbols
Meaning of Symbols
A triangle indicates a danger against which you should take precaution.
This symbol warns against possible high temperature.
A diagonal line indicates a prohibited course of action.
This symbol warns against dismantling the device.
A black circle indicates an imperative course of action.
This symbol indicates you must unplug the device.
Ignoring this warning could cause serious injury or even death.
Ignoring this caution could cause injury or damage to property.
• Do not modify this product: Fire, electrical shock, or breakdown could result. If the product employs a laser, the laser beam source could cause
• Do not attempt to remove the covers and panels which have been fixed to
the product. Some products have a high-voltage part or a laser beam
source inside that could cause an electrical shock or blindness.
• Use only the power cord supplied in the package. Failure to use this cord
could result in fire or electrical shock.
• Use only the specified power source voltage. Failure to do so could result
in fire or electrical shock.
• Do not use a multiple outlet adapter to connect any other appliances or
machines. Use of a power outlet for more than the marked current value
could result in fire or electrical shock.
Do not unplug and plug in the power cord with a wet hand: An electrical shock
could result.
Plug the power cord all the way into the power outlet. Failure to do so could
result in fire or electrical shock.
• Do not scratch, abrade, place a heavy object on, heat, twist, bend, pull on,
or damage the power cord. Use of a damaged power cord (exposed core
wire, broken wire, etc.) could result in fire or breakdown.
Should any of these conditions be found, immediately turn OFF the power
switch, unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your
authorized service repr ese nta tive.
• In principle, do not use an extension cord. Use of an extension cord could
cause fire or electrical shock. Contact your authorized service representative if an extension cord is required.
Do not place a flower vase or other container that contains water, or metal
clips or other small metallic objects on this product. Spilled water or metallic
objects dropped inside the product could result in fire, electrical shock, or
Should a piece of metal, water, or any other similar foreign matter get inside
the product, immediately turn OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord
from the power outlet, and then call your authorized service representative.
• If this product becomes inordinately hot or emits smoke, or emits an unusual odor or noise, immediately turn OFF the power switch, unplug the power
cord from the power outlet, and then call your authorized service representative. If you keep on using it as is, fire or electrical shock could result.
• If this product has been dropped or its cover damaged, immediately turn
OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and
then call your authorized service representative. If you keep on using it as
is, fire or electrical shock could result.
Do not throw the toner cartridge or toner into an open flame. The hot toner
may scatter and cause burns or other damage.
Connect the power cord only to an electrical outlet that is equipped with a
groundin g terminal.
• Do not use flammable sprays, liquids, or gases near this product, as fire
could result.
• Do not leave a toner unit or drum unit in a place within easy reach of
Licking or ingesting any of these substances could injure your health.
• Do not let any object plug the ventilation holes of this product. Heat could
accumulate inside the product, resulting in a fire or malfunction.
• Do not install this product at a site that is exposed to direct sunlight, or near
an air conditioner or heating apparatus. The resultant temperature changes
inside the product could cause a malfunction, fire, or electrical shock.
• Do not place the product in a dusty place, or a site exposed to soot or
steam, near a kitchen table, bath, or a humidifier. Fire, electrical shock, or
breakdown could result.
• Do not place this product on an u nstable or tilted bench, or in a location
subject to a lot of vibration and shock. It could drop or fall, causing personal
injury or mechanical breakdown.
• After installing this product, mount it on a secure base. If the unit moves or
falls, it may cause personal injury.
• Do not store toner units and PC drum units near a floppy disk or watch that
are susceptible to magnetism. They could cause these products to malfunction.
The inside of this product has areas subject to high temperature, which may
cause burns. When checking the inside of the unit for malfunctions such as a
paper misfeed, do not touch the locations (around the fusing unit, etc.) which
are indicated by a “Caution! High Temperature!” warning label.
Do not place any objects around the power plug, as the power plug may be
difficult to pull out when an emergency occurs.
• Always use this product in a well ventilated location. Operating the product
in a poorly ventilated room for an extended period of time could injure your
health. Ventilate the room at regular intervals.
• Whenever moving this product, be sure to disconnect the power cord and
other cables. Failure to do this could damage the cord or cable, resulting in
fire, electrical shock, or breakdown.
• When moving this product, always hold it by the locations specified in the
User manual or other documents. If the unit falls it may cause severe personal injury. The product may also be damaged or malfunction.
• Remove the power plug from the outlet at least twice a year and clean the
area between the plug terminals. Dust that accumulates between the plug
terminals could cause a fire.
• When unplugging the power cord, be sure to hold onto the plug. Pulling on
the power cord could damage the cord, resulting in fire or electrical shock.
Precautions for Routine Use
• Do not store toner units, PC drum units, or other supplies and consumables
in a place subject to direct sunlight and high temperature or humidity, as
poor image quality and malfunction could result.
• Do not attempt to replace the toner unit and PC drum unit in a place exposed to direct sunlight. If the PC drum is exposed to intense light, poor image qualit y could result.
• Do not unpack a toner unit or PC drum unit until the very time of use. Do
not leave an unpacked unit standing. Install it immediately or poor image
quality could result.
• Do not keep toner units and PC drum units in an upright position or upside
down, as poor image quality could result.
• Do not throw or drop a toner unit or PC drum unit, as poor image quality
could result.
• Do not use th is pr odu ct in an ar ea w her e am mon ia or ot her gas es or ch emicals are present. Failure to do so may shorten the service life of the product, cause damage or decrease performance.
• Do not use this product in an environment with a temperature outside the
range specified in the User manual, as breakdown or malfunction could result.
• Do not attempt to feed stapled paper, carbon paper or aluminum foil
through this product, as malfunction or fire could result.
Do not touch or scratch the surface of the toner unit developing roller or the
PC drum, as poor image quality could result.
Use the supplies and consumables recommended by the dealer. Use of any
supply or consumable not recommended could result in poor image quality or
Laser Safety
This is a digital machine which operates using a laser. There is no
possibility of danger from the laser provided the machine is operated
according to the instructions in this manual.
Since radiation emitted by the laser is completely confined within
protective housing, the laser beam cannot escape from the machine
during any phase of user operation.
This machine is certified as a Class 1 laser product : This means the
machine does not produce hazardous laser radiation.
Internal Laser Radiation
Maximum Average Radiation Power:26.4 µW at the laser aperture of the
print head unit.
Wavelength:770-795 nm
This product employ s a Clas s 3b las er dio de th at em its an inv isibl e las er
The laser diode and the scanning polygon mirror are incorporated in the
print head unit.
The print head unit is NOT A FIELD SERVICE ITEM:
Therefore, the print head unit should not be opened under any
Print Head
There is a laser aperture at the location shown above, which must,
however, NEVER be viewed direct ly by the user.
CDRH Regulation
This machine is certified as a Class 1 Laser product under Radiation
Performance Standard acco rdin g to th e Food , Dr ug an d Cos me tic Act of
1990. Compliance i s mandatory for Laser products marketed in the U nited
States and is reported to the Cent er for Dev ic es and R ad iol ogi ca l Health
(CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This means that the device does
not produce hazardous laser radiation.
The label shown on page 1-9 indicates compliance with the CDRH
regulations and must be attached to laser produ cts marketed in the Unite d
Laser Aperture of the
Print Head Unit
Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation
This is a semiconductor laser. The maximum power of the laser diode is
5 mW and the wavelength is 770-795 nm.
For European Users
Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation
This is a semiconductor laser. The maximum power of the laser diode is
5 mW and the wavelength is 770-795 nm.
For Denmark Users
Usynlig laserstråling ved åbning, når sikkerhedsafbrydere er ude af
funktion. Undgå udsættelse for stråling. Klasse 1 laser produkt der opfylder IEC60825 sikkerheds kravene.
Dansk: Dette er en halvlederlaser. Laserdiodens højeste styrke er 5 mW
og bølgelængden er 770-795 nm.
For Finland, Sweden Users
Laitteen Käyttämine n muulla k uin tässä käy ttöohjee ssa main itulla tava lla saattaa altistaa käyttäjän turvallisuusluokan 1 ylittävälle näkymättömälle lasersäteilylle.
Tämä on puolijohde laser. Laserdiodin sunrin teho on 5 mW ja aallonpituus
on 770-795 nm.
Om apparaten används på annat sätt än i denna bruksanvisning specificerats, kan användaren utsättas för osynlig laserstrålning, som överskrider gränsen för laserklass 1.
Det här är en halvleda rlas er. De n m ax ima la effe kte n fö r las erd ioden är 5
mW och våglängden är 770-795 nm.
Avattaessa ja suojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina näkymättömälle lasersäteilylle. Älä katso säteeseen.
Osynlig laserstrålning när denna del är öppnad och spärren är urkopplad. Betrakta ej strålen.
For Norway Users
Dersom apparatet brukes på annen måte enn spesifisert i denne bruksanvisning, kan brukeren utsettes for unsynlig laserstråling som overskrider grensen for laser klass 1.
Dette en halvleder las er. Maksimal effekt till laser diode er 5 mW og bølg elengde er 770-795 nm.
Laser Safety Label
A laser safe ty label is atta ched to the outs ide of the mach ine as show n below.
Ozone Release
For Europe
For United States
= Locate the Machine in a Well Ventilated Room =
A negligible amount of ozone is generated during normal operation of
this machine. An unpleasant odor may, however, be created in poorly
ventilated rooms during extensive machine operations. For a comfortable, healthy, and safe operating environment, it is recommended that
the room well ventilated.
= Placer l’appareil dans une pièce largement ventilée =
Une quantité d'ozone négligable est dégagée pendant le fonctionnement de l’appareil quand celui-ci est utilisé normalement. Cependant,
une odeur désagréable peut être ressentie dans les pièces dont l'aération est insuffisan te et lorsq ue une utilisati on prolongée de l’apparei l est
effectuée. Pour avoir la certitude de travailler dans un environnement
réunissant des conditions de confort, santé et de sécurité, il est
préférable de bien aérer la pièce ou se trouve l’appareil.
Acoustic Noise
For European Users
Machine Noise Regu lation 3 GSGV, 18.01.1991 : The sou nd pressure le v-
el at the operator positi on ac co rdi ng to EN 27 77 9 is equa l to o r les s tha n
70 dB(A).
1.3About the User Manual
Explanation of Manual Conventions
The marks and text formats used in this manual are described below.
Failure to observe instructions h ighlighted in this manner may resu lt
in fatal or critical injuries.
Observe all warnings in order to ensure safe use of the copier.
Failure to observe instructions h ighlighted in this manner may resu lt
in serious injuries or property damage.
Observe all cautions in order to ensure safe use of the copier.
(* May also appear as “Important” or “Tip”)
Text highlighted in th is manner conta ins usefu l informatio n and tips to
ensure safe use of the co pier and serve as supplementar y information.
It is recommended that you read all of them.
The number 1 as formatted here indicates the first step of a sequence
of actions.
Subsequent numbers as formatted
here indicate su bsequent st eps of a
sequence of actions.
Text formatted in this style pro-
vides additional assistance.
Text formatted in this styl e describes the action that will ensure the
desired results are achieved.
[ ] key
The names of keys on the control panel are written as shown above.
An illustration inserted here shows
what operations must be perform ed.
1.4Explanation of Basic Concepts and Symbols
The use of words and symbols in this manual are explained below.
Paper Feeding
During printing, pa per is supp lied f rom the ri ght si de of the co pier a nd fed
into the Exit Tray on top with the printed surface of th e page facing down.
The paper feed direction is shown by the arrows in the diagram below.
“Width” and “Length”
Whenever paper dimensions are
mentioned in th is manual, the firs t value
always refers to the width of the paper
(shown as “A” in the illustratio n) and the
second to the length (shown as “B”).
A: Width
B: Length
Paper Orientation
Lengthwise ()
If the width (A) of the paper is shorter
than the length (B), the paper has a
vertical or portrait ori entation, indicated
by either “L” or .
Crosswise ()
If the width (A) of the paper is longer
than the length (B), the paper has a
horizontal or landscape orientation,
indicated by either “C” or .
Observe the following prec autio ns to kee p the copi er in the be st poss ible
2.1Installation Precautions
Installation site
To ensure utmost safety and prevent possible malfunctions, install the
copier in a location that meets the following requirements:
A location away from cu rtai ns , etc . th at m ay ca tc h fire and burn easily
A location that is not exposed to water or other liquids
A location free from direct sunlight
A location out of the direct airflow of an air conditioner or heater, and
not exposed to extremely high or low temperatures
A well-ventilated location
A location that is not exposed to high humidity
A location that is not extremely dusty
A location not subjected to undue vibrations
A stable and level location
A location where ammonia or other organic gases are not generated
A location that d oes not put the o perator in th e direct airflow of exhaust
from the copier
A location that is not near any kind of heating devices
Power source
The power source requirements are as follows.
Voltage Fluctuation: Within ±10% (127 V: +6%, -10%)
Frequency Fluctuation: Within ±3 Hz
Use a power source with as few voltage or frequency fluctuations as
Space Requirements
To ensure easy copier ope ration, s upply replace ment, a nd main tenanc e,
adhere to the recommended space requirements detailed below.
1038 (40-3/4)
959 (37-3/4)
1065 (42)
995 (39-1/4)
1524 (60)
1038 (40-3/4)
Unit: mm (inch)
Be sure to allow a clearance of 100 mm (4 inch) or more at the back
of the copier and 150 mm (6 inch) or mo re at the right of th e copier for
the removal of the misfed papers.
2.2Operation Precautions
Operating Environment
The environmental req uirements for correct ope ration of the copi er are as
Temperature: 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 90 °F) with fluctuat ions of no m ore
than 10°C (18°F) within an hour
Humidity: 15% to 8 5% with fluctu ations of no more than 10 % within an
Proper Use
To ensure the optimum performance of the copier, follow the precautions
listed below:
Never place heavy objects on the Original Glass or subject it to
Never open any copier do ors or turn OFF th e copier whil e it is makin g
copies/printing, as a paper misfeed could result.
Never bring any magnetized object, or use flammable sprays or
liquids, near the copier.
Always make sure that the power plug is completely plugged into the
electrical output.
Always make sure that the copier’s power plug is visible and not
hidden by the copier.
Always unplug the copier from the electrical outlet if the copier is not
to be used for a long period of time.
Always provide good ventilation when making a large number of
continuous copies/printed pages.
A negligible amount of ozone is generated durin g norma l opera tion
of this copier. An unpleasant odor may, however, be detected in
poorly ventilated rooms during extensive copier operations.
For a comfortable oper atin g en vironment, it is recommended that the
room be well ventilated.
The area around the Fusing Unit is extremely hot.
Do not touch any area other than those authorized in the manual to
reduce the risk of burns. Be especially careful not to touch parts
marked with warning labels, and their surrou nd ing areas.
Transporting the Copier
If you need to transport the copier over a long distan ce, consult your Tech.
Care of Copier Supplies
Use the following precautions when handling the copier supplies (toner,
paper, etc.).
Store the supplies in a location that meets the following requirements:
Free from direct sunlight
Away from any heating apparatus
Not subjected to high humidity
Not extremely dusty
Paper that has been removed from its wrapper but not loaded in the
copier should be stored in a sealed plastic bag in a cool, dark place.
Use only toner that has been manufact ured specifically for this cop ier.
Never use other types of toner.
Keep all supplies out of the reach of children.
Be careful not to spill toner inside the copier or get toner on your
clothes or hands.
If your hands become soiled with toner, immediately wash them with
soap and water.
2.3Legal Restrictions on Copying
Certain types of doc uments must not b e copied with the pu rpose or intent
to pass copies of such documents off as the originals.
The following is no t a c om pl ete li st, but is meant to be use d a s a gui de to
responsible copying.
<Financial Instruments>
Personal checks
Travelers checks
Money orders
Certificates of deposit
Bonds or other certificates of indebtedness
Stock certificates
<Legal Documents>
Food stamps
Postage stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
Checks or drafts drawn by gove rnment agencies
Internal revenue stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
Immigration papers
Motor vehicle licenses and titles
House and property titles and deeds
Identification cards, badges, or insignias
Copyrighted works without permission of the copyright owner
In addition, it is prohibited under any circumstances
foreign currencies, or works of art, without permission of the copyright
When in doubt abou t the nature of a document, cons ult with legal counsel.
to copy domestic or
Before Making Copies
3Before Making Copies
3.1Available Features
The main copy settings available with this copier are listed below. For
details on their operation, refer to the pages indicated.
1-sided copies (p.6-1)
2in1 copies (p.6-1)
4in1 copies (p.6-1)
Book separation copies (p.6-2)
Zoom Ratio
Reduced/Full Size/Enlarge (p.5-11)
Sort (p.6-6)
Group (p.6-7)
Before Making Copies
The Finishing functions available are limited according to the options
equipped to the copier.
Before Making Copies
Erase (p.6-10)
Neg.Pos. Reverse (p.6-13)
X/Y Zoom (p.5-14)
File Margin (p.6-14)
Mixed Orig. Detection
Mixed Originals (p.4-4)
The Mixed Orig. Detection function is available when the copier is
equipped with an Automatic Document Feeder (option).
3.2Components and Their Functions
Original Cover Kit OC-5 (option)
Presses down on an original placed
on the Original Glass.
Standard on D1531iD.
Automatic Document Feeder AF-10 (option)
Automatically feeds originals one
page after another for scanning.
Before Making Copies
Paper Feed Cabinet PF-120 (option)
Capable of holding up to 250 sheets
of paper.
Shifting Unit OT-103 (option)
Permits sorting or grouping of copies according to the particular
finishing setting made.
Job Tray JS-202 (option)
Performs sorting and groupi ng of faxes, printed pa ges, and copies into
the upper or lower bin.
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