TB-6106 January 2009 Page 1 of 4
Footwear Tester Installation,
Operation and Maintenance
ESD Systems.com • 432 Northboro Road Central • Marlboro, MA 01752 • (508) 485-7390 • Fax (508) 480-0257 • Website: ESDSystems.com
The Semtronics 62090 Footwear Tester is a 3-state touch
tester designed for fast and frequent testing of ESD
personnel footwear. The 62090 tester can be used to verify
that the ESD footwear resistance circuit is within the proper
limits. It can be setup to test a 1M - 100M circuit (foot
grounders) or a 1M - 1G circuit (dissipative shoes).
This unit can be used as one of the tools to fulfill the ANSI
ESD S20.20 paragraph Compliance Verification
Plan. "Verification should include routine checks of the
Technical Requirements of the Plan." The Footwear Tester
incorporates a unique dual test circuit design which
improves test accuracy.
ESD TR1.0-01-01 section 1.0 Introduction
"Since people are one of the greatest sources of static
electricity and ESD, proper grounding is paramount. One of
the most common ways to ground people is with a wrist
strap. Ensuring that wrist straps are functional and are
connected to people and ground is a continuous task."
ESD SP9.2 APPENDIX B - Foot Grounder Usage Guidance
"Compliance verification should be performed prior to each
use (daily, shift change, etc.). The accumulation of
insulative materials may increase the foot grounder system
resistance. If foot grounders are worn outside the ESD
protected area testing for functionality before reentry to the
ESD protected area should be considered."
NOTE: Refer to the technical manual for your footgrounding devices. Not all foot-grounding devices are
similar and it is very important that you review their
Made in America
Employee Owned
Figure 1. 62090 Footwear Tester
Figure 2. Footwear Tester and Foot Plate Features and
1 Footwear Tester
1 Foot Plate
1 12 VDC Power Adapter (500 mApositive center)
1 Banana Plug to Ring Terminal Cord
1 Snap to Ring Terminal Cord
1 NIST Certificate of Calibration
Mounting the Tester
• Verify that the correct low and high test limits are
correctly set before mounting the tester to a wall.
Refer to the overlay located on the bottom of the tester.
(See table on Page 4 for more details)
• Be sure to install the Footwear Tester and foot plate
away from any high voltage power supplies, power
boxes, chemicals, and other safety hazards.
• Place in a convenient area where waiting lines may
be allowed to form.
• Mount the tester in the upright position (See Figure 2)
approximately 4 feet above floor level.
• Place the foot plate directly below the Footwear