Delta Electronics APM User Manual

PAW (Power And Wireless) INITIAL SET-UP
1. Plug PAW (no RJ-45 cable connected yet). Wait approx 40 seconds to turn On the wireless AP. Voodoo logo blinks once.
2. Turn On and log into your Envy notebook.
3. Envy Notebook broadcasts an active request with “Voodoo Aura PowerConnect” network name.
4. Envy Notebook will not see PAW yet because AP’s RF is Off when no RJ-45 cable is connected into PAW.
6. Hit a SYNC button of the PAW for at least 1 sec. Voodoo logo blinks 3 times.
7. PAW receives the active request from Envy Notebook with “Voodoo Aura PowerConnect” network name.
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