Delta NovoPRO User Manual

User Manual
Version 2.1
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1
Table of Contents
1. GETTING STARTED ............................................................................ 6
1.1 Package contents ...................................................................................... 6
1.2 Setting up your NovoPRO device ............................................................... 7
1.2.1 How to connect your NovoPRO device ...........................................................................7
1.2.2 The NovoPRO Home Screen ............................................................................................8
1.3 Software download and installation .......................................................... 9
2. NETWORK SETUP ............................................................................ 12
2.1 Hotspot mode ......................................................................................... 12
2.2 Client mode ............................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Ports used by NovoPRO ................................................................................................14
3. MAKING A PRESENTATION ........................................................ 16
3.1 Presenting with Windows and Mac PC ........................................................ 16
3.1.1 Step 1: Setup presentation session parameters ...........................................................17
3.1.2 Step 2: Connect to your NovoPRO device.....................................................................18
3.1.3 Step 3: Make a presentation .........................................................................................19
3.1.4 Step 4: Presentation management ...............................................................................20 Set Moderator mode (Corporate Edition only) .................................................................................. 20 Role assignment ................................................................................................................................. 20 Role change, screen preview, and four-way split screen ................................................................... 21 Pause, resume, and disconnect.......................................................................................................... 24 Lock/Unlock students’ tablets (Education Edition only) .................................................................... 24 Terminate session (Education Edition only) ....................................................................................... 25 Polling (Education Edition only) ......................................................................................................... 25 Voting (Education Edition only) .......................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Presenting with iPad .................................................................................... 31
3.2.1 Step 1: Connect to your NovoPRO device.....................................................................31 Connect to your NovoPRO device automatically via QR Code ........................................................... 31 Connect to your NovoPRO device manually ...................................................................................... 33
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2
3.2.2 Step 2: Make a presentation .........................................................................................36 My Note (Education Edition only) ...................................................................................................... 37 Presenting an image ........................................................................................................................... 41 Presenting a document (local storage) .............................................................................................. 43 Presenting a document (with Dropbox) ............................................................................................. 45 Presenting with a browser ................................................................................................................. 48 Annotation ......................................................................................................................................... 50 Screenshot and share ......................................................................................................................... 51
3.2.3 Step 3: Presentation management ...............................................................................53 Set Moderator mode (Corporate Edition only) .................................................................................. 53 Role assignment ................................................................................................................................. 54 Role change, screen preview, and four-way split screen ................................................................... 55 Pause, resume, and disconnect.......................................................................................................... 58 Reset .................................................................................................................................................. 59 Lock/Unlock students’ tablets (Education Edition only) .................................................................... 60 Terminate session (Education Edition only) ....................................................................................... 61
3.3 Presenting with Android tablet ................................................................... 61
3.3.1 Step 1: Connect to your NOVOPRO device ...................................................................62 Connect to your NovoPRO device automatically via QR Code ........................................................... 62 Connect to your NovoPRO device manually ...................................................................................... 64
3.3.2 Step 2: Make a presentation .........................................................................................66 My Note (Education Edition only) ...................................................................................................... 67 Presenting an image ........................................................................................................................... 69 Presenting a document (local storage) .............................................................................................. 71 Presenting a document (with Dropbox) ............................................................................................. 73 Presenting with a browser ................................................................................................................. 75 Annotation ......................................................................................................................................... 77 Screenshot and share ......................................................................................................................... 78
3.3.3 Step 3: Presentation management ...............................................................................79 Set Moderator mode (Corporate Edition only) .................................................................................. 79 Role assignment ................................................................................................................................. 79 Role change, screen preview, and four-way split screen ................................................................... 81 Pause, resume, and disconnect.......................................................................................................... 83 Reset and rename local device .......................................................................................................... 85 Lock/unlock students’ tablets (Education Edition only) ..................................................................... 86 Terminate session (Education Edition only) ....................................................................................... 86
3.4 Presenting with Chromebook ...................................................................... 87
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3.4.1 Step1: Connect to your NovoPRO device .....................................................................87
3.4.2 Step 2: Make a presentation .........................................................................................89
3.4.3 Step 3: Presentation management ...............................................................................89 Role assignment ................................................................................................................................. 89 Role change, screen preview, and four-way split screen ................................................................... 90 Pause, resume, and disconnect.......................................................................................................... 93
3.5 Presenting with the NovoPRO device .......................................................... 94
3.6 User groups ................................................................................................. 97
3.6.1 Two Ways to organize a group .....................................................................................97
3.6.2 Create a User Group file ................................................................................................98
3.6.3 Manage an existing User Group file ........................................................................... 100
3.6.4 Installing and operating the User Group file ............................................................. 101
3.7 Video file and YouTube streaming ............................................................. 104
3.7.1 Application features ................................................................................................... 105
3.7.2 Streaming local video files ......................................................................................... 105
3.7.3 Streaming YouTube video .......................................................................................... 106
3.7.4 Video controls ............................................................................................................ 107
4. ADVANCED FEATURES ............................................................... 108
4.1 Moderator credentials .............................................................................. 108
4.2 File sharing ................................................................................................ 112
4.2.1 Opening File Sharing in NovoPRO DesktopStreamer Windows/Mac PC ................... 112
4.2.2 Using File Sharing to share a file with participants .................................................... 112
4.2.3 Using File Sharing to share a desktop screenshot PC ................................................ 114
4.2.4 Receiving a file to your PC with NovoPRO DesktopStreamer .................................... 114
4.2.5 Troubleshooting and rules to remember with DesktopStreamer PC ........................ 115
4.2.6 How to send and receive files using NovoPresenter ................................................. 116
4.2.7 Send a screenshot with Send Screen in NovoPresenter PC ....................................... 118
4.2.8 Receiving files in NovoPresenter ............................................................................... 119
4.2.9 Troubleshooting and rules to remember with NovoPresenter PC ............................ 119
4.3 Remote manager ....................................................................................... 120
4.3.1 Software setup ........................................................................................................... 120
4.3.2 Adding devices ........................................................................................................... 120
4.3.3 Removing a device ..................................................................................................... 121
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4.3.4 Refreshing device list ................................................................................................. 121
4.3.5 Managing device settings........................................................................................... 121
4.3.6 Uploading a logo ........................................................................................................ 122
4.3.7 Updating firmware ..................................................................................................... 123
4.3.8 Setting moderator credentials ................................................................................... 123
4.4 Responding with Voting (iOS, Android, Chromebook) ............................... 124
4.4.1 Answering Voting questions with Android phone and tablet ................................... 124
4.4.2 Answering Voting questions in iOS (iPhone, iPad)..................................................... 125
4.4.3 Answering Voting questions with Chromebook ........................................................ 126
4.5 iOS device mirroring .................................................................................. 127
4.6 Android device mirroring .......................................................................... 129
5. DEVICE CONFIGURATION .......................................................... 133
5.1 Configure NovoPRO system locally ............................................................ 133
5.2 Configure NovoPRO system remotely ....................................................... 136
5.3 Custom configuration file .......................................................................... 137
5.3.1 Create and install custom configuration file .............................................................. 137
5.3.2 Download and open NovoPROConfig.xml template file ............................................ 138
5.3.3 Fill in the values for personal configuration .............................................................. 138
5.3.4 Add a home-screen logo (optional) ........................................................................... 138
5.3.5 Copy and install files .................................................................................................. 139
5.4 Wi-Fi reconnection .................................................................................... 139
6. SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................. 140
7. TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................... 141
8. SAFETY INFORMATION ................................................................ 143
9. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ....................................................... 144
10. INDEX ................................................................................................. 145
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 5
1. Getting Started
1.1 Package contents
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 6
1.2 Setting up your NovoPRO device
RJ45 (Ethernet) Port
USB Port
DC Power Jack
Kensington® Security Slot
microSD Card Slot
Reset button
IR Receiver
System Power On (Green)
System Standby mode (Red)
Network activities
5 4 3
10 9 8
1.2.1 How to connect your NovoPRO device
1. Video/Audio connection: Connect the HDMI port to a TV/projector’s HDMI input port using a
HDMI-to-HDMI cable (item (2) in “Package Contents.”)
2. Power: Connect the Micro-USB port to a power outlet using a Micro-USB-to-USB power cable
and a USB power adapter (items (3) and (5) in “Package Contents.”)
3. At this stage the NovoPRO’s green LED power indicator should be illuminated.
(See above illustration for Power LED location.)
Note: In this manual, your NovoPRO will also be referred to as NovoPRO for short.
Note: You may connect an optional USB mouse or a memory drive to the USB port.
Note: The microSD slot supports microSD cards up to 32 GB in FAT32 and NTFS file formats.
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7
1.2.2 The NovoPRO Home Screen
2 3 1
The NovoPRO device will power up with the below display after the step 1 and 2 listed above. This
display is referred to as NovoPRO home screen” or just “home screen” in this document. The
home screen is generated by the presentation management software, in the NovoPRO device,
which is also known as remote viewer.
Presentation Setup
NovoPRO is default at WiFi Hotspot mode with its SSID name displayed at the home screen
(e.g. NVC_4DF8F in box ). Alternatively, you can connect the NovoPRO to your existing
network via a wireless connection and/or a wired connection. You can change WiFi setting via
“WiFi” Button. You can also change display setting via “Display” button and other general
settings via “Settings” button. For detailed information, please refer to the section 5.1
NovoPRO System Configuration.
Software Installation
Windows/Mac Users: Enter the URL displayed on the home screen under “Desktop
Streamer” into your web browser and follow the instructions in the next section.
iPad/Android Users: Follow the instructions in the next section.
Chomebook Users: Follow the instructions in the next section.
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 8
Windows/Mac Users: Launch the installed Novo Desktop Streamer application and input
Corporate Edition:
During a presentation, all participants can project screen contents directly onto the NovoPRO screen. One of the participants can become the moderator to conduct attendance. For more information on the moderator, refer to the Presentation
Management section for your respective device
Education Edition:
During a presentation, the moderator can preview the screen of any participant without needing to first obtain permission, lock the
participants’ tablets, and terminate the session. For more information on the screen preview function refer to the
Presentation Management section for your respective device.
the IP address of the NovoPRO device, and PIN (if required) shown on the home screen.
iPad/Android Devices: Launch the installed NovoPresenter App, and then scan the QR code
shown on the upper left corner of the NovoPRO home screen or manually input the IP address (and PIN if required) into your NovoPresenter App and connect.
Chromebook Users: Launch the installed Novo Desktop Streamer App and input the IP
address of NovoPRO device, and PIN (if required) shown on the home screen.
Select the Application Edition (optional)
Connect a USB mouse to your NovoPRO. Click the on-screen edition display area to set your
NovoPRO to either Corporate Edition or Education Edition.
The main differences between these two editions are as follows:
Note: This manual primarily references the Corporate Edition for instructional examples. Special
notes will accompany instructions that are specific to the Education Edition.
1.3 Software download and installation
The NovoPRO device supports connections of up to 64 concurrent participants across a mix of PC,
Chromebook and tablet devices if it is connected to your existing network (Hotspot mode only
supports up to 8 concurrent participants). Each participant’s device will need to set up a
connection through the presentation application, Remote Viewer, residing on the NovoPRO to
make a presentation. You will need to download and install the following application software:
On Windows PC - Novo Desktop Streamer On Mac PC - Novo Desktop Streamer On Chromebook – Novo Desktop Streamer On iOS tablet – NovoPresenter
On Android tablet – NovoPresenter
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 9
Note: Throughout the document, these five presentation applications and the NovoPRO Remote
Viewer software are highlighted in italics type.
Downloading the presentation software for Windows PC and Mac PC
Enable Wi-Fi on the computer, and click the wireless network icon . Select the NovoPRO SSID
on the NovoPRO home screen (for example, NVC_4DF8F ) and click Connect or Join. Ignore all
security warnings.
Launch your preferred Web browser on your PC and enter the URL displayed on the NovoPRO
home screen. For the example home screen shown above, you would enter into the address line of the browser. The following screen will be
displayed on your browser.
Select the appropriate operating system from the drop-down menu and then click the DOWNLOAD
button to download the Novo Desktop Streamer software to your PC.
Installing the application software for Windows PC and Mac PC
Install either Desktop_Streamer_Setup_Windows.exe (for MS Windows based computers) or
Desktop_Streamer _Setup_Mac.exe (for Macintosh computers) by double clicking the downloaded
file on your computer. Follow the installation instructions on the PC to complete the installation
and allow all security permissions for Novo Desktop Streamer and all of its subcomponents.
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 10
The computer is now ready to make a wireless presentation with your NovoPRO.
Downloading and installing the presentation software for Android and iOS tablet devices
On iOS tablets, the iOS version of NovoPresenter is required. You can download and install it from
the Apple App Store.
On Android tablets, the Android version of NovoPresenter is required. You can download and install
it from the Google Playstore.
Downloading and installing the presentation software for Chromebook devices
On Chromebook, a Novo Desktop Streamer App is required. You can download and install it from
the Google Chrome Web Store.
Once you have downloaded and installed the presentation software, you are ready to make a
wireless presentation from your PC/Chromebook/tablet device.
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2. Network Setup
Depending on where your presentation content is located and the number of participants in the
presentation, you may select one of the following connection modes from the NovoPRO home
A) Client Mode – for when your content is residing in a private cloud or the Internet cloud, and
the number of participants is more than eight
B) Hotspot Mode – for when your content is residing on your PC or tablet, and the number of
participants is eight or fewer
C) Neither – for when your content is stored on your microSD card
The NovoPRO defaults to start up in Wi-Fi Hotspot mode, which is the most direct way to create a
wireless presentation without using a Wi-Fi access point (AP) or connecting to a wired network. If
this is your preferred mode, go to section 2.1 “Hotspot Mode” for steps on making a presentation.
If you would prefer to make your presentation through an existing network (either wireless or
wired), please refer to section 2.2 “Client Mode” in this chapter.
2.1 Hotspot mode
Right out of the box, NovoPRO’s Wi-Fi is set to function as a Wi-Fi Hotspot and will stay in this
configuration until you alter it. The default SSID for the Wi-Fi hotspot is “NVC_XXXXX”, where
“XXXXX” is a device-generated string of characters and numbers. A USB mouse is required for the
following steps.
If you alter your settings and then choose to revert to Hotspot Mode, on the NovoPRO home
screen, select WiFi-> Hotspot Mode->Apply.
For a PC to connect to the NovoPRO Hotspot, click the network icon on task bar. Select the
SSID of the NovoPRO device shown on the home screen (for example, NVC_DC9AB) and click
For a Mac to connect to the NovoPRO hotspot, click the network icon . Select the SSID of the
NovoPRO device shown on the home screen (for example, NVC_DC9AB) and click Join. Ignore any
security warnings.
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 12
For a tablet to connect to the NovoPRO hotspot, enable Wi-Fi and go to the Wi-Fi AP list. Select the
SSID of the NovoPRO device shown on the home screen (for example, NVC_DC9AB).
For a Chromebook to connect to the NOVOPRO hotspot, click the network icon . Select the SSID
of the NovoPRO device shown on the home screen (for example, NVC_DC9AB) and click Connect.
Note: When operating in Hotspot Mode, all participating presentation devices must be connected to
the same NovoPRO Wi-Fi hotspot.
Note: Up to eight simultaneous participants are supported in Hotspot Mode.
2.2 Client mode
Please consult your organization IT administrator on how to connect a NovoPRO device into to the
existing network securely.
Generally speaking, in this mode, the NovoPRO device functions as a client to join an existing
network. You can connect your NovoPRO to a Wi-Fi AP for wireless connectivity or an Ethernet
Switch for wired network connectivity. A mouse is required for the following steps.
Wireless Network
On the home screen of the NovoPRO, first select WiFi->Connect to WiFi -> Config->Wireless &
Networks-> Wi-Fi (ON), and then select the desired Wi-Fi AP SSID (the name associate with the
Wi-Fi network). Enter a password if prompted.
Wired Network
Once being connected to a wired network via the NovoPRO’s RJ45 port, it should automatically get
an IP address from your organization’s DHCP server.
Both wired and wireless network
NovoPRO can even be connected to both your organization’s wired network and wireless network
simultaneously. This function is extremely useful for some organizations with “guest” wireless
network setup for external visitors. In such a case, the NovoPRO’s RJ45 port is connected to a wired
EMPLOYEE network for organization internal employee to securely access it; at the same time
NovoPRO’s WiFi is configured to connect to a GUEST network to allow external visitors to access it.
The following graph describes such a network setup scenario.
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 13
Port Number
Port to transfer commands and status reports between the NovoPRO unit and users’ devices. (For example, laptops/tablets use this port to establish “connection” to the NovoPRO unit.)
Port to enable “Remote Mouse” functionality
Port to transfer screen image
Port to send discovery message (so that the NovoPRO unit can be discoverable by laptops/tablets.)
Port to transfer preview image
Port to transfer AV-streaming’s command data
Port to transfer AV-streaming’s audio data
By doing so, you still keep the GUEST and EMPLOYEE networks separated, and at the same time,
the NovoPRO device is available to both your guest users and employees.
Notes on Network Security: Inside the NovoPRO device, the WiFi section is completely separated
from the Ethernet section, namely, there is no network routing between these two sections.
Therefore, users connecting to the WiFi section will not be able to access any resource on the
Ethernet at all, and vice versa. In short, security is not compromised in this configuration.
2.2.1 Ports used by NovoPRO
NovoPRO is a TCP/IP-network-based device, and the communications between a NovoPro device
and its client devices (e.g. laptops, tablets, etc.) are achieved through several TCP and UDP ports.
The following table summarizes all the port numbers being used.
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 14
Port to transfer AV-streaming’s video data
Port to transfer voting/polling data
Port for video streaming service
Port for file transfer service
Port for device management
To enable successful operations of a NovoPro device, the above ports should not be blocked by
your network’s firewall.
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 15
3. Making a Presentation
The NovoPRO device supports up to 64 concurrent participants across a mix of PC, Chromebook
and tablet devices. To make a presentation, each participant’s device will need to connect to the
NovoPRO and join the presentation group hosted by the NovoPRO. There are four key features that
help facilitate smooth collaboration and coordination of presentations using the NovoPRO:
1) A participant list is included with the individuals’ roles indicated by clear graphical
2) A specific capability is defined for each role.
3) The split screen for simultaneous presentation of multiple participants.
4) Annotation tools allow participants to highlight, draw or make notations on the display
3.1 Presenting with Windows and Mac PC
Launch Presentation Application
Launch the Novo Desktop Streamer Application by double clicking the icon. Once launched,
the Novo Desktop Streamer will appear as follows.
To make a presentation, follow the steps listed below:
Step 1: Setup presentation session parameters
Step 2: Connect to your NovoPRO device
Step 3: Make a presentation
Step 4: Manage the presentation
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 16
3.1.1 Step 1: Setup presentation session parameters
The first popup window of Novo Desktop Streamer Application.
Manually enter the IP address shown on the NovoPRO home screen, or select an IP address entry from the drop-down menu that matches the IP address shown on the NovoPRO home screen.
(Optional) Manually enter a name for this computer to be identified in the presentation group among other participants. Example: Kevin (Note: If a name is not entered in this field, the default name of your device will be used.)
If PIN is required for a presentation group, check the “PIN required” box and enter the four-digit PIN shown on the home screen.
Click to expand the Settings tab to access additional settings options.
Before clicking the connection button , some presentation session parameters should be setup
as shown below.
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1. Projection Mode:
Video Playback: Select this option for a higher frame rate screen mirroring and to turn on audio transmission. Presentation: Select this option for document presentation or browser content presentation. The audio will be automatically set to off. Two additional drop-down configurations, Visual Quality and Screen Refresh Rate, will be enabled.
2. Visual Quality:
High: This setting yields the best visual quality but has the most latency and may result in longer video delay. Normal: This setting yields the normal visual quality with the normal CPU consumption.
3. Screen Refresh Rate:
High: This setting yields the enhanced visual quality but results in higher CPU consumption. Normal: This setting yields the normal visual quality with the normal CPU consumption.
4. Check for updates:
Click to check whether Novo Desktop Streamer is the latest. If not, initiate an upgrade process.
Connect to your NovoPRO device.
Click the button. If you are the first participant, this will start a presentation group on your NovoPRO. If you are not
the first participant, you will be joining a presentation group.
After your Desktop Streamer is connected successfully to your
NovoPRO, you will see the connection tab light up .
If you are the first participant, you will see that your PC’s on-screen display is wirelessly mirrored on your projector or TV display. You can also slide the PIN requirement switch to OFF or ON to enable the use of an access PIN code for the presentation group.
3.1.2 Step 2: Connect to your NovoPRO device
Once you have setup presentation session parameters, you are ready to start or join a presentation
group with your NovoPRO.
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If you are the first participant you may allow other users to
join the presentation group via QR code by clicking to display the QR code and session information windows for
others to quickly connect to your NovoPRO.
Please note that your PC screen resolutions may change to match projector resolution. After
disconnecting from the NovoPRO device, the original screen resolution will be restored. This will
occur for all PCs in the same presentation group.
3.1.3 Step 3: Make a presentation
Once you have started/joined a presentation group you can make a presentation with the contents stored on your PC, local network, or the Internet. Your desktop screen will be mirrored to the NovoPRO display regardless of the applications you are running on your PC.
There may be situations in which you want to write, highlight, mark, record video or cut-and-paste
portions of your presentation materials directly on the desktop screen. DELTA Electronics, Inc.
provides a simple-to-use tool for all of these functions – NovoScreenote.
NovoScreenote is a simple yet powerful screen annotation and recording software with the
following features:
(Education Edition only) Write, type or draw on the desktop screen over any running
application such as MS Office, a PDF reader, a photo viewer or a video player.
Save or email your annotations.
Record the whole session as a video clip.
You can download the Windows PC or Mac PC versions of NovoScreenote from
After you have installed NovoScreenote, you can launch it from your Novo Desktop Streamer.
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Launch NovoScreenote:
Click the tab to bring up the toolbar page, then click
Launch NovoScreenote.
3.1.4 Step 4: Presentation management
Set the moderator mode:
Click the tab and click the Moderator On/Off switch to
turn the moderator function on or off
: The moderator mode is off.
: The moderator mode is on.
Manage presentations or make a presentation:
After the moderator mode is turned on, the moderator will now have the authority to manage attendance or make a presentation in split screen. Set Moderator mode (Corporate Edition only)
This feature is only available in the Corporate Edition. It allows anyone to enter moderator mode,
but the preview function has been disabled. It works with both PCs and tablets. Role assignment
There are three roles in a presentation group, the moderator, the presenter, and the participant.
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 20
The first participant to start the presentation group is assigned the moderator role. Subsequent
Click the tab to show the participant list.
indicates the current moderator.
indicates a participant.
indicates the current presenter.
indicates the current presenter that is being presented in the indicated split-screen box number (#1-4) (the icon shown here is for a presenter that is presenting in Box #1).
For the Education Edition, all participants will automatically allow screen preview.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Indicate the names of the presenters, the participant list sorting method, and the total number of participants.
For the participant list sorting method, indicates that the list is sorted
by participants’ name in reverse alphabetical order. Indicates that the list is sorted by the presentation group join time (most recent on top).
Toggle between or to change the participant list sorting method.
Example 1: Kevin is the only presenter. The participant list is sorted by participants’ name in reverse alphabetical order. There are currently 6 participants. Example 2: Batty, Ivan, David and Kate are 4 presenters. The participant list is sorted by the presentation group join time (most recent on top). And there are currently 6 participants.
individuals that join are assigned the participant role.
At first, the moderator is defaulted to assume the presenter role until he hands over the presenter
role to another participant.
To show all current participants who have joined the presentation group, click the tab.
(Note: For Education Edition all participants will automatically allow screen preview.) Role change, screen preview, and four-way split screen
(Note: For Education Edition all participants will automatically allow screen preview.)
Copyright © 2015 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 21
Role change: change a participant to a moderator
Click the tab to list all participants. If you want to transfer moderator role to another participant, please move
your mouse cursor to that participant’s icon, and click
the icon.
Please note: only the moderator is allowed for this operation.
The moderator’s screen:
The participant’s screen:
A dialog box pops up to ask for your confirmation. You have 20+ seconds to click the Yes button to accept or click the No button to reject the requested role change.
At the same time, a dialog box will appear on that participant’s screen to ask for his/her confirmation. The participant has 20+ seconds to click the Yes button to accept or click the No button to reject the requested role change.
Role change: change to be a sole presenter
Click the tab to list all participants. If you want to promote one participant to be a presenter, please move your
mouse cursor to that participant’s icon, and click the
icon. A bigger icon window pops up, and please click the middle part illustrated below to pass presentation role to that participant.
When a participant is asked to be a presenter, a dialog box will appear on the participant’s screen.
The participant has 20+ seconds to click the Yes button to accept or click the No button to reject the requested role change.
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To perform screen preview (Education edition only):
1. Click the tab to view the participant list.
(Note: Only the moderator can preview the participant’s
2. Move your mouse over to one participant’s button and
click the middle part of that button.
That participant’s screen will be shown under his/her name.
You can click the middle of the button to close screen preview.
To perform a four-way split screen presentation:
Click the tab to view the participant list. (Note: only the moderator can designate a four-way split screen presentation.)
1. Move cursor over to highlight participant Kevin.
2. Click on a numbered box to assign a presenter’s on-screen display to the corresponding presentation screen (numbers 1-4).
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In the dialog box, we see that Kevin has received a request to assume the presenter role.
After Kevin clicks Yes to accept being a presenter, Kevin’s screen will appear in one of the four quarters of the four-way split screen.
To pause/resume a presentation:
Click the tab to bring up the presentation control page.
Pausing and resuming a presentation:
Move your mouse cursor onto the tab. Toggle
between and to pause and resume a presentation respectively.
To disconnect from a presentation group:
Click the button to exit the presentation group.
If the moderator exits a presentation group without handing over the moderator role, all participants will receive a message prompting them to take over the moderator role. The first to respond to the prompt will assume the moderator role. Pause, resume, and disconnect
(Note: For Education Edition all participants will automatically allow screen preview.) Lock/Unlock students’ tablets (Education Edition only)
This feature for PCs and tablets allows teachers to lock down student tablets. This feature is only
available in the Education Edition.
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To lock/unlock mobile devices:
Click the tab to bring up the toolbar page, then click Mobile Devices to lock or unlock mobile devices.
: mobile devices are unlocked.
: mobile devices are locked.
Mobile device locked:
A lock icon will pop up on all mobile device’ screens to show that the screen has been locked. Terminate session (Education Edition only)
To terminate the session:
Click the tab to bring up the toolbar page, then click
Terminate Session.
Click Yes to terminate the session. All devices will be disconnected. Polling (Education Edition only)
or class when used with the Voting feature.
Creating a quiz or question set with voting
1. Click on the “Tools” tab and select “Edit Voting.” This will open the Voting window.
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Polling allows moderators or teachers to create sets of questions or quizzes to present to a group
2. To create a new question set or quiz, select “New.” This will open a set of windows to create
the first question.
3. Enter the text of your question by clicking on the top text window. If the question is a multiple
choice question, you can list the possible answers in this area below the question. Be sure to
list the possible answers as “A.”, “B. “, “C.,” etc.
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4. If you wish to include an image with your question, click on the window below the text
window. This will allow you to locate an image on your computer.
5. Select the image (.png, .jpeg, .jpg) and click “Open.” The image should now appear in the
window below your question.
6. Choose the type of question from the “Type” pull-down menu.
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7. Select the correct answer from the “Answer” pull-down menu. If the question is a type where
there is no correct answer (such as an opinion poll), you can choose “Not Selected”.
Open-ended question have no answer selection option.
8. To add another question, click on the “+ Question” button in the lower left corner.
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9. When the group of questions or quiz is complete, save it by clicking the “Save” tab.
10. Name you quiz and select a save location on your computer. This will create a database (.db)
file that can be opened, edited or administered through the Voting feature.
11. You can also create a CSV file of your poll or quiz by clicking “Export as CSV.” Voting (Education Edition only)
Voting allows a moderator or teacher to administer a poll or test created with the polling
function to members of a group or students in a class.
Voting allows group participants or students to respond to questions from their devices. Moderators or teachers can monitor results in real time.
Asking questions with Voting (Windows PC and Mac only)
1. Click on the “Tools” tab and select “Edit Voting.” This will open the Voting window.
2. Open a pre-made set of questions or create a new one by following the steps in the Polling
3. Select a question and click “Start” to send that question to the participants or students. The
question will appear on the screens of their devices.
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4. As the students or participants answer the questions, the teacher or moderator can monitor
the results by clicking the “View Status” button. With the status window open, the moderator
can see how many students have responded to the question, as well as how each participant
5. To return to the question, click “View Question.”
6. To send another question to the class, select a new question from the poll and click “Start.”
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