Delta eZV-440, eZVP-440 Application Manual

Application Guide Edition 2.6
Table of Contents
Copyright 8
About the eZV-440 9
Object Restriction Settings (ORS) 10
ORS Troubleshooting 10
About the enteliZONE ORCAview Configuration Graphic 11
Downloading the ORCAview Configuration Graphic 11
Installing the ORCAview Configuration Graphic 11
Opening the ORCAview Configuration Graphic 11
Method 1 (Recommended) 12
Method 2 12
Working with the ORCAview Configuration Graphic 12
Selecting Between Multiple Controllers 12
Save to Flash, Save to PC and Load from PC 13
Shortcuts 13
Configurable and Programmable enteliZONE Controllers 14
Differences Between Configurable and Programmable enteliZONE Controllers 14
LINKnet Devices 14
Data Exchange 15
Alarming 15
Trend Logs 16
Programming 17
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enOcean Integration (firmware 2.2 and higher) 18
Upgrade to Fully Programmable Using Flash Loader (firmware 2.2 and higher) 18
VAV/VVT Programmable Objects 19
VAV/VVT Programmable Objects 19
Relationship Between Algorithm Unit Modules 20
General Tab 22
What is the General Tab? 22
Device Information 22
Network Settings 23
Global Settings 24
Local Inputs Tab 26
Setting Up a Hardwired Temperature Sensor 26
Set Up a Hardwired Temperature Sensor 26
Setting Up a Hardwired Occupancy Input 27
Set Up a Hardwired Occupancy Input 28
Setting Up a Hardwired CO2 Sensor 29
Setting Up Other Supporting Inputs 30
Set Up an Input 30
Setting Up an Airflow Sensor 31
Introduction 31
Setting Up Damper Feedback 31
Local Outputs Tab 33
Setting Up a VAV/VVT Output 33
Introduction 33
Set Up a VAV or VVT Output 33
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Setting Up a Fan Output 34
Set Up a Fan Output 34
Setting Up Other Outputs 36
Set Up an Output 36
Setting Up a Damper Output 37
Set Up a Damper Output 37
LINKnet I/O Tab 38
Configuring an eZNS-T100 Network Sensor 38
Set Up the Temperature Sensor 38
Set Up the Humidity Sensor 39
Set Up the CO2 Sensor 39
Set Up the Occupancy Sensor 39
Assign Functions to the Buttons and Slider 40
Set Up the LCD Display 40
Assigning Buttons and Slider Elements on eZNS-T100 Network Sensor 41
Introduction 41
Set Up the Buttons and Slider Elements 43
Configuring DNS-24L Network Sensor 46
Introduction 46
Set Up the Temperature Sensor 46
Set Up the Humidity Sensor 46
Set Up the CO2 Sensor 47
Set Up the Occupancy Sensor 47
Assign Functions to the Buttons 47
Set Up the LCD Display 47
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Assigning Buttons on DNS-24L Network Sensor 47
Introduction 47
Set Up the Button Elements 48
Setpoints Tab 50
What is the Setpoints Tab? 50
Space Temperature Setpoints 50
Occupied Heating Setpoint (OccHeatingSetpoint) 50
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint (UnOccHeatingSetpoint) 50
Occupied Cooling Setpoint (OccCoolingSetpoint) 50
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint (UnOccCoolingSetpoint) 50
Occupied Setpoint Offset Range (OccSetpointOffsetRange) 50
Eco Mode Setback (EcoModeSetBack) 51
Standby Setback (StandbySetback) 51
Discharge Air Temperature Limiting Setpoint Differentials 51
Discharge Air Temperature High Limit Setpoint Differential (DATHiLimitSetpointDiff) 51
Discharge Air Temperature Low Limit Setpoint Differential (DATLowLimitSetpointDiff) 51
VAV/VVT Setpoints 51
VAV Box Size (VAVBoxSize) 51
Flow Factor (FlowFactor) 52
Airflow Failure Setpoint (AirflowFailureSetpoint) 52
CoolingMinimum 52
CoolingMaximum 52
HeatingMinimum 52
HeatingMaximum 52
StandbyMinimum 52
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Controllers Tab 53
What is the Controllers Tab? 53
Controller Type 53
Proportional Band 53
Deadband 53
Integral Rate 53
Reset Band 53
Outdoor Air Temperature Heating Lockout Setpoint (OAT Htg Lockout) 54
Heating Demand Limit (Htg Demand Limit) 54
Outdoor Air Temperature Cooling Lockout Setpoint (OAT Clg Lockout) 54
Cooling Demand Limit (Clg Demand Limit) 54
Air Balancing Tab 55
What is the Air Balancing Tab? 55
Variable Air Volume (VAV) System Commissioning 55
Air Balancing 55
To auto zero-calibrate the airflow sensor: 56
To calibrate the airflow factor: 56
Check Duct Heater Airflow Safety 57
enteliZONE Sequence of Operations 58
Introduction 58
Setpoint Control 58
Setpoint Range Limits 58
Occupancy Modes 59
Switching Between Occupancy Modes 60
Setpoints and Occupancy Modes 62
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Heating and Cooling (VAV) 63
Time-Proportional Heating and Cooling 64
Discharge Air Temperature 65
Fan (VAV) 65
Single Speed Parallel Fan Sequence 65
Modulating Speed Parallel Fan Sequence 66
Single Speed Series Fan Sequence 67
Modulating Speed Series Fan Sequence 67
Damper and Airflow Setpoint Control 67
Airflow Setpoints 67
Air Balancing 69
Demand Control Ventilation 70
Open Window Detection 70
enteliZONE Database Configuration Objects 71
Introduction 71
Input Configuration Objects 71
Occupancy Configuration Objects 73
Output Configuration Objects 74
Setpoint Configuration Objects 75
Device Instance/ BACnet Address Object 78
Control Types 79
What are Control Types? 79
Open Source Licensing 81
lwIP 81
ST Microelectronics 82
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Document Revision History 83
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Copyright © Delta Controls Inc. All rights reserved.
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment to past versions of this document on the part of Delta Controls Inc. Delta Controls Inc. may make improvements and/or changes to this document /the associated software/or associated hardware at any time.
BACspec, BACstat, the Delta logo, ORCAview, ORCAweb, Earthright, enteliWEB, enteliBUS, enteliMESH, enteliTOUCH, enteliZONE, enteliSTAT, and Virtual Stat are registered trademarks of Delta Controls Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Document edition: 2.6
Published on Wednesday, August 23, 2017
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About the eZV-440

The eZV-440 and eZVP-440 controllers are native BACnet controllers optimized for fan coil applications. It features line voltage power input with a built-in 24 VAC inverter and line voltage rated relays eliminating the need for a local control transformer or external relays to switch the fan. The controller is also designed to be compatible with Delta Controls’ eZNS and DNS-24L network sensors.
The eZV-440 comes preloaded with algorithms which you configure using a configuration graphic to match your site’s needs. There are 2 types of eZV-440 controllers: both the configurable (eZV) and programmable (eZVP) models use the configuration graphic for setup but only the programmable controller allows you to overwrite the default sequences with General Control Language (GCL) programming.
You can use ORCAview 3.40R3 and higher or enteliWEB 4.1 and higher to access the configuration graphic.

About This Guide

This application guide introduces the controller and describes the differences between the configurable and programmable models. The guide also shows you how to use the configuration graphic in ORCAview 3.40 R3 and higher to set up your eZV-440 controller. The product name eZV-440 in this guide refers to both the configurable and programmable models unless stated otherwise.
The ORCAview configuration graphic version referenced in this guide is B-169041.1.
For help with the eZV-440 configuration page in enteliWEB 4.3 and higher, go to the online help in enteliWEB. enteliWEB users require the applicable object permissions to change the settings on the configuration page.
The installation guide for the eZV-440 can be found on the eZV-440 product web page on the Delta Controls Support web site.

Upgrading Firmware

See the release notes of the firmware version you are upgrading to for more information.
Release notes are available on the Delta Controls Support web site
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About the eZV-440

Object Restriction Settings (ORS)

The Object Restriction Settings (ORS) object allows the user to limit which database objects can be viewed and edited. This is useful for hiding configuration settings which are not used in day-to-day operation, to ensure a user cannot inadvertently change the configuration after initial system commissioning. enteliZONE controllers support permission options of visible, read and write. However, enteliZONE controllers do not support create or delete permissions as enteliZONE has a fixed database structure where objects are editable but cannot be created or deleted. enteliZONE controllers also do not support multiple ORS objects with temporary unlock permissions.
ORS security is turned on and off by locking and unlocking the controller. The ORS is unlocked in the default database configuration. It must be unlocked in order to configure the controller. If the controller is in a locked state, a message is displayed asking the user to unlock the controller.
To unlock the controller in ORCAview:
1. In the Navigator tree, right-click on the enteliZONE controller and point to Object Security and then click Unlock.
2. Enter the unlock username and password. The default username is DELTA and the password is login.

ORS Troubleshooting

If the controller time does not match the OWS time, the controller cannot be unlocked. To update the controller time in ORCAview, on the Tools Menu, click Set Controller Time.
Without the correct username and password there is no way to unlock the controller. If the correct username and password is unavailable, reload a copy of the default database into the controller, this restores access to the controller, using the default username and password, however any previous configuration changes will be lost.
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About the enteliZONE ORCAview Configuration Graphic

The enteliZONE controller configuration graphic in ORCAview provides a user-friendly interface to configure the controller’s algorithm and its corresponding objects and IO points. Each time a change is made to a field or option,ORCAview updates the corresponding object references. The topic enteliZONE Database Configuration Objects lists the fields and options, and their object references.
In enteliWEB, the configuration page is available as a tab on the Object List page.

Downloading the ORCAview Configuration Graphic

You can download the configuration graphic from the enteliZONE controller product web page on the Delta Controls Support web site and install it on your operator workstation.

Installing the ORCAview Configuration Graphic

To install the configuration graphic in ORCAview:
1. On your operator workstation, go to the graphic folder C:\Users\Public\Delta Controls\3.40\Sites\<site name>\Graphics. The site name refers to the site where the enteliZONE controller you are configuring resides.
2. Copy and paste the configuration graphic zip file into the Graphics folder.
3. Unzip the file.
There are 7 configuration (.gpc) files associated with the enteliZONE controller. Each file corresponds to a tab on the configuration graphic. The balancing file is not enabled on the eZFC­424R4-24 or eZ-440R4-230 controller.

Opening the ORCAview Configuration Graphic

There are 2 ways to open the configuration graphic in ORCAview. Make sure the configuration graphic is installed on your operator workstation before attempting any of these steps.
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About the enteliZONE ORCAview Configuration Graphic

Method 1 (Recommended)

1. In the left window of the ORCAview navigator, right-click on the enteliZONE controller you want to configure and click Open.
If this is your first time using the configuration graphic, the DEV object dialog opens.
2. On the Configuration tab, click and browse to the graphics folder and select the Main.gpc file for the enteliZONE controller. Click OK.
3. In the left window of the ORCAview navigator, right-click on the enteliZONE controller again. Click Open. Because you have set it up in step 2, the configuration graphic window should open and will open this way each time you select Open from the right-click menu.
Right-clicking does not work if you have changed the name of the configuration graphic file or if the Controller Graphic field in the Device object (in the controller database) has been edited.

Method 2

1. In the left window of the ORCAview navigator, open the Graphics folder and double-click on one of the configuration files. A new graphic window opens. You can access all the configuration files from this window.
2. In the numerical field at the top of the window, enter the BACnet address of the enteliZONE controller you want to configure and click Connect.

Working with the ORCAview Configuration Graphic

This graphic is interactive and dynamic in real-time. When you select an option in a field, other fields and options are displayed in response to the initial option selected. What this also means is that any changes made to the fields are saved and applied instantly.

Selecting Between Multiple Controllers

If you have multiple enteliZONE controllers of the same kind on the same network, instead of opening the configuration graphic individually for each controller in the ORCAview navigator, you can switch between controllers within the configuration graphic.
When you switch between controllers, any changes made in a previous session will be saved automatically before you switch to the next controller.
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To select between multiple controllers:
In the numerical field at the top of the window, enter the BACnet address of the enteliZONE controller you want to configure and click Connect.

Save to Flash, Save to PC and Load from PC

These buttons are displayed at the top of the configuration graphic dialog. They minimize the need to switch between the configuration graphic and the ORCAview Navigator when you are working with multiple controllers.
The Save to Flash button is used to save the controller database to the controller’s flash memory.
The Save to PC button is used to save the controller database .pdb file to your computer.
The Load from PC button is used to load a controller database .pdb file from your computer onto the enteliZONE controller.
Both Save to PC and Load from PC allow you to save your configuration graphic settings and copy them onto multiple enteliZONE controllers using ORCAview.


There is a quick way to open the ORCAview object dialogs by right-clicking on the configured input and output numbers in the configuration graphic.
In the example below, when you right-click on the number 1 and select Open SpaceTemp_AI1, the AI1 object dialog opens onscreen.
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Configurable and Programmable enteliZONE Controllers

Configurable and Programmable enteliZONE Controllers

Differences Between Configurable and Programmable enteliZONE Controllers

This topic describes the main differences between these 2 types of controllers.
Using the ORCAview or enteliWEB configuration page, variables and setpoints are entered into the algorithm and written to the appropriate preset objects (100 to 199 range, 1000+ range for LINKnet device configuration) in the factory controller database.
In the configurable type of controllers, there are no program (PG) objects.
In the programmable controllers, even though it is recommended that you use the configuration page to set up your programmable controller, local programming can be used to overwrite the
algorithm by writing to the objects in the 800 to 899 range.
There is a limit to the number of specific object types in these controllers. The number limits are summarized in the table below. You cannot exceed this number by creating any new objects.
Object Type Configurable Programmable
LINKnet objects (LNK) 1 4
Event objects (EV)
Trend Logs (TL) 4 8
Programs (PG) 0 3
Gateway Translation objects (GWT)
(firmware 2.2 and higher)
For a complete list of enteliZONE supported object types and the number of instances allowed for each object, go to the enteliZONE overview page on the Delta Controls Support web site.

LINKnet Devices

Configurable controllers can only connect to 1 LINKnet device at a time. This LINKnet device has to have a device address of "1" in order for it to work with the controller algorithm. Multiple LINKnet devices (up to 4) are only supported by the programmable controllers.
LCD and LINKnet objects are located on the enteliZONE controller and are numbered LCDx001 and LNKx001 respectively where x is the network sensor’s device address.
0 5
0 4
enteliZONE controllers only support eZNS and BACstat LINKnet network sensors. Other LINKnet devices like Delta Field Modules (DFM) are not supported.
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Data Exchange

This section describes how the enteliZONE controllers accept and initiate data exchanges in the network.
The enteliZONE controller accepts these data exchange requests:
l Poll. The default data exchange type set up in the Data Exchange Settings object (DES) is
Poll. The poll interval can be adjusted in the DES object, at a recommended minimum of 1 second per MS/TP device on a segment.
l Change of Value (Confirmed and Unconfirmed). The enteliZONE controller is limited to
a maximum of 12 subscriptions (Delta Exchange Local or DEL objects).
The controller does not support the Optimized Broadcast and Broadcast Data Exchange request types. If a controller attempts to subscribe using any of these exchange types, the exchange types will fail and revert to polling.
The programmable controllers can initiate up to 12 data exchange polling requests (Delta Exchange Remote or DER objects). Other types of Data Exchange initiating request types are not supported.
The DES object for the controller lists the number of DER and DEL requests that are in use.
The controller supports Bulk Data Exchange (BDE) but is limited to 2 BDE objects. Each BDE object can hold up to 12 tag and object entries on the object’s Transmit Entries tab.
For more information about Data Exchange types, go to the George Support knowledge base article KBA 1813.


The programmable controller supports up to 5 EV objects as well as intrinsic alarming on up to 5 input and output points (see below for more information about intrinsic alarming). These EV objects support these alarm types:
Change of
Used to monitor and alarm a binary value.
Used when you have a binary value with feedback. An alarm is generated if monitored values do not match the feedback value.
Used to alarm when an analog value varies more than a set limit from a variable setpoint value.
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Configurable and Programmable enteliZONE Controllers
Out of
Used to alarm when an analog value varies outside of a set of fixed limits.
The enteliZONE family of controllers does not support Change of Value or Change of Bitstring alarm types.
Even though the configurable controller versions do not have EV objects, intrinsic alarming can be enabled on input and output points, specifically analog input (AI), binary input (BI), analog output (AO) and binary output (BO).
EV objects will send out auto generated messages to notify users about alarms. enteliZONE controllers do not support alarm acknowledgments.
Custom alarm messages are supported by the following firmware versions:
l eZV-440 controller firmware version 2.1 and higher for EV objects only.
l eZFC-424R4-24 controller firmware version 2.2 and higher for EV objects only.
l eZ-440R4-230 controller firmware version 2.1 and higher for EV objects only.
For more information about how to set up an intrinsic alarm, see the webinar Intrinsic
Alarms in ORCA 3.40 on the Delta Controls support web site.

Trend Logs

A programmable enteliZONE controller supports up to 8 trend logs, 4 of which are user-defined. The configurable controller version supports 4 trend log objects (TL1 to 4) which are pre configured in the default database to monitor specific heating and cooling objects. However, all TLs can be modified to monitor objects other than the default set object. You can also change the method of data collection (Change of Value or polling) as well as the polling interval. However, fields that display the maximum and total sample size are read-only.
It is not recommended to use Change of Value for objects that are expected to change at a rate faster than every 5 seconds. TL objects have a 5-second record limit. Events that occur faster than this record limit will result in “Log Enabled” or “Log Interrupted” entries that can be hard to interpret.
The default database TL objects are listed in the following table.
Trend Log Monitored Object
1 SpaceTemp (AV1)
2 CurrentHeatSetpoint (AV800)
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Trend Log Monitored Object
3 CurrentCoolSetpoint (AV801)
4 HeatCoolLoad (AV802)
5 User-defined
6 User-defined
7 User-defined
8 User-defined
The enteliZONE trend logs also support Historian archiving. The enteliZONE controllers don’t support buffer full notification events so make sure the Historian update interval is frequent enough to avoid missing samples.


In the programmable controller, the 3 programs that exist alongside the configurable algorithm allow you to either create your own custom algorithm or override portions of the configurable algorithm to suit your needs. The maximum size of each program is 5 KB.
The programmable controller also allows you to create new I/O, AV, BV and MV objects in the 900­999 range for use in your custom program.
Supported GCL+ Programming Functions, Statements and Operators
The Call Statement is not used in the programmable enteliZONE controllers. Unlike other programmable Delta Controls controllers, the 3 programs in the programmable enteliZONE controllers are automatically scanned. The scan rate is also designed to be a constant 10 scans/second.
A list of supported and unsupported GCL+ functions and statements for the enteliZONE programmable controllers is recorded in KBA 2137 on the George Support web site. The ORCAview and enteliWEB GCL editors are not aware of these limitations, so using an unsupported function in an enteliZONE programmable controller will not register a syntax error in these GCL editors.
Overwriting the Algorithm
You can overwrite the algorithm by programming specific objects numbered in the 800 range. For example, if you want to change how the algorithm determines the occupancy state, you could write your own GCL+ program to set the occupancy MV800 state.
Your program must write more frequently than every 5 seconds else the factory algorithm will recapture control.
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Configurable and Programmable enteliZONE Controllers
Click on a link below to find out more information about these programmable objects.
l VAV/VVT algorithm programmable objects

enOcean Integration (firmware 2.2 and higher)

Gateway Translation (GWT) and Gateway (GW) objects are available on the programmable enteliZONE controllers so that you can integrate an enteliZONE programmable controller into an enOcean wireless system using a CON-ENOC enOcean Gateway device.
For more information about how to configure the GWT objects, see the CON-ENOC Application Guide on the CON-ENOC George Support product page.

Upgrade to Fully Programmable Using Flash Loader (firmware 2.2 and higher)

Delta Controls Flash Loader (Version 3.40 R4) can be used to upgrade controllers from configurable to fully programmable versions. Flash Loader is part of the ORCAview suite of software.
Flash Loader connects to and upgrades 1 controller at a time over the BACnet Ethernet network.
This upgrade requires 3 Flash credits on a Flash Loader key. Go to the Flash Loader page on the George Support web site for more information.
1. Insert a Flash Loader key with sufficient credits into a USB port on your workstation.
2. Download the .FLS upgrade file from the George Support web site onto your workstation. Save the file in the Flash Loader folder that was created when you installed Flash Loader, like C:\Program Files(x86)\ Delta Controls\3.40\Flash Loader.
3. Back up the controller database by saving it. Flash Loader does not save the database before the upgrade.
4. Open Flash Loader version 3.40 R4 on your workstation.
5. In the Filename dropdown list, select the upgrade file on your workstation.
For example, for firmware 2.1, the file name will be eZONE R2.1 B-xxxxxx.fls, where xxxxxx is the build number.
6. Click the Enables Features box to check it. The eZONE section is displayed.
7. Click the Settings button.
1. In the Protocol dropdown list, select BACnet Network.
2. In the Adapter dropdown list, select the Ethernet adapter that connects the workstation to the controller network.
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3. Leave the Password field blank unless a password is defined in the Flash Loader Password field on the Configuration tab of the controller’s DEV object.
4. Click OK to save changes made in the Settings window.
8. In the device Address field, enter the BACnet device address of the controller you want to flash. This is the address displayed next to the controller in ORCAview Navigator.
9. In the eZONE section, click the Upgrade to Programmable box to check it.
10. Click Add Features.
Flash Loader transmits the new firmware to the controller. The Status and Progress fields in the Flash Loader window display the status of the transmission.
11. When the upgrade is complete, the Status field displays an Update Complete message.
12. Close the Flash Loader program.

VAV/VVT Programmable Objects

VAV/VVT Programmable Objects

The following table displays all the programmable objects in the VAV/VVT enteliZONE algorithm.
For more information about programmable objects, go to the topic about programmable
Algorithm Unit
Unit Module's Function Programmable Object
Airflow Setpoint
Maintains the airflow setpoint in the duct. AV830 AirflowSetpoint
Box Mode
Controls “box mode” by monitoring the room temperature and the inlet air temperature.
MV801 VAVDuct1BoxMode
For more information about box mode, see the Heating and Cooling (VAV) sequence of
Controller Man-
Cooling Stage
Determines the heating and cooling load on
the system.
Controls the VAV/VVT cooling sequence.
AV802 HeatCoolLoad
AV808 AirflowDemand
AV810 Fan1
Damper Manager Controls the damper position. AV832 DamperCmd
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Configurable and Programmable enteliZONE Controllers
Algorithm Unit
Duct Status Man-
Flow Loop Man-
Heat Stage Man-
Occupancy Man-
Temperature Set-
point Manager
Unit Module's Function Programmable Object
Determines if there is enough duct air for
BV800 AirflowStatus
heating and cooling.
Controls airflow through the damper. AV831 Damper-
Controls heating sequences of operations.
AV808 AirflowDemand
AV803 Heat1
AV804 Heat2
AV805 Heat3
AV810 Fan1
Determines the occupancy mode in the
space at any time.
Controls the active heating and cooling set-
points in the space.
MV800 Occu-
AV800 CurrentHeatingSetpoint
Demand Control
Ventilation Man-
Controls the CO2 levels in the space.
See the Demand Control Ventilation
sequence of operation for more information.

Relationship Between Algorithm Unit Modules

The PDF displays the relationships between unit modules.
AV801 CurrentCoolingSetpoint
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enteliZONE VAV Algorithm Flowchart
Temp Setpoint
Air Flow
Flow Loop
Heating Staging
Duct Status
Box Mode
Demand Control
MV800 Occupancy
AV800 CurrentHeating
AV801 CurrentCooling
AV802 HeatCool Load
AV830 Air Flow
AV831 Damper
AV832 DamperCmd
AV808 Air Flow
AV803 Heat1 AV804 Heat2 AV805 Heat3
BV800 Air Flow Status
Hydronic and
Electric Duct
Point(s) in each algorithm manager box can be used to override the algorithm manager
Relationship between points
AV810 Fan1
AV813 DemandCtrlVent
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General Tab

General Tab

What is the General Tab?

The General tab on the enteliZONE controller configuration page is divided into 3 main sections.
The Device Information section contains basic controller information such as model number and firmware version, and a device description field.
The Network Settings section contains the controller BACnet address, the network number as well as the network speeds (baud rates).
In the Global Settings section, the options set here are applied to all tabs on the configuration page.

Device Information

The following fields are found in the Device Information section.
Name Displays the name of the controller as it appears in the Device Object.
Controller Graphic
(ORCAview only)
Displays the controller's Delta Controls model number.
Displays the controller's algorithm version.
In the ORCAview configuration graphic, this field is called the Firmware Version.
Displays the controller's firmware build number.
In the ORCAview configuration graphic, this field is called the Firmware Build.
Displays the configuration graphic file that opens every time you right-click on the controller in the ORCAview navigator. You can also enter the name of a dashboard graphic file and set it as the default graphic.
If you leave this field blank, the Device Object dialog opens instead.
You can enter and modify the controller's text description, up to 64 characters.
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Network Settings

The following fields are found in the Network Settings section.
Displays the controller's BACnet address. This field is read-only when the DNA box is checked. If you want to enter a new address, clear the DNA box.
Click here for more information about the BACnet address object.
Displays the password that secures access to the controller’s NFC chip. The value range is 0 to 65535. The password is stored on the AV96 object.
The Device Password field on the Delta Controls mobile applications must match the NFC password before any data can be written to the NFC chip.
Turns on or off Derived Network Addressing (DNA) automatic addressing. DNA is turned on when the box is checked; the BACnet address also becomes read­only. To manually enter a new address, clear the DNA box.
Delta Controls products have the option to use DNA or Derived Network Addressing, a system of organizing and configuring controllers in a network. When DNA is enabled, addresses are automatically assigned to a device based on the BACnet network type and the Delta Controls product type, so that a device can work out-of-the-box without much set up.
Displays the network protocol currently enabled for the NET1 port. This is a read-
only field.
Displays the baud rate for the NET1 port. Any changes to the baud rate will be
applied immediately to all Delta Controls controllers in the network.
Displays the controller's BACnet network number.
Displays the controller’s network address typically set up by the controller’s DIP
Displays the network protocol currently enabled for the NET2 port. This is a read-
only field.
Displays the baud rate for the NET2 port. Any changes to the baud rate will be
applied immediately to all Delta Controls controllers in the network.
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General Tab

Global Settings

The following fields are found in the Global Settings section.
Field Name Description
Select the main HVAC system application for this controller. This determines the algorithm that will be used for the controller.
The options for the eZV-440 are VAV-single duct, VVT and None.
The configurable controller has no functional state until you select an algorithm.
In a fully programmable controller, when you select an algorithm, you can override portions of the internal algorithm to suit your needs. See the section in this guide about overwriting the algorithm. Select None if you want to program a fully custom sequence of operations. When you select None, the internal algorithms are disabled and all preconfigured algorithm I/O points and variables are removed from the default database. Other object types, like AIC, that were part of the algorithm can be used as is or reconfigured.
If you change an application type for another, the settings of the previous application type will be deleted. You can save your controller database before switching application types.
Displays the temperature units used by the controller.
Airflow Units
Child Controller
(enteliWEB only)
Displays the airflow units used by the eZV-440 controller. Select between CFM, l/s or m3/h.
In the configuration graphic, when VVT is selected as the application type, the units are set to percentages which represent the damper min/max positions. When VAV is selected as the application type, the AV124 to AV127 objects and the air flow setpoint will use the units set up in the Airflow Units field.
If this controller reports to a parent controller, select this box. The child controller polls these variables from its parent controller:
l HeatCoolLoad (AV802)
l OccupancyMode (MV800)
l DemandCtrlVent (AV813)
Page 24 of 84 eZV-440 Application Guide
Edition 2.6
Field Name Description
Parent Address
(enteliWEB only)
Parent Child Address
(ORCAview only)
This field is enabled when the Child Controller box is checked. Enter the parent's BACnet address in this field. If you are setting up a parent controller, leave this field at its default zero value.
If the parent’s BACnet address changes in the future, you must manually update this value to match the new address.
If this controller reports to a parent controller, enter the parent’s BACnet address in this field. In all other cases, including setting up a parent controller, leave this field at its default zero value.
If the parent’s BACnet address changes in the future, you must manually update this value to match the new address.
The child controller polls these variables from its parent controller:
l HeatCoolLoad (AV802)
l OccupancyMode (MV800)
l DemandCtrlVent (AV813)
eZV-440 Application Guide Edition 2.6
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