Delta Fan/Pump Vector
Control Drive
CP2000 Series
Quick Start Guide

Warning! T
his is a short guide, and does not give all necessary safety information.
Refer to the CP2000 Series User Manual for all safety information to avoid
damage to the drive, motor or personal injury.
Document Version 1.0
Published August 25, 2017

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 3
1-1 Before You St art ............................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2 CONTROL WIRING .............................................................................................. 4
2-1 Cabling ............................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 3 SET UP THE VFD P ARAMETERS ....................................................................... 5
3-1 About Parameters ............................................................................................................ 5
3-2 VFD Digital Keypad .......................................................................................................... 5
3-3 Digital Keypad Keys ......................................................................................................... 6
3-4 Display Workflow .............................................................................................................. 7
3-5 Setting Up Parameters for the First Time.......................................................................... 7
Changes to System Parameters (00) group ........................................................................ 8
Changes to Basic Parameters (01) group ........................................................................... 9
Digital Input / Output Parameters (02) group ......................................................................10
Motor Parameters (05) group .............................................................................................10
Special Parameters (07) group ..........................................................................................11
Communication Parameters (09) group .............................................................................12
CHAPTER 4 START UP TEST .................................................................................................14
APPENDIX A PUBLICATION HISTORY ..................................................................................15

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
This Quick Start Guide shows you how to configure the CP2000 Series drive settings to work
with your Delta Controls controllers. The guide assumes the drive has already been installed onsite by a qualified technician.
Refer to the CP2000 Series User Manual for more information about how to
unpack (Chapter 3), install (Chapter 2) and wire the drive (Chapter 4 and 5) to its
power supply.
1-1 Before You Start
Verify the following wiring setup before you turn on the VFD for the fi rst time.
• Make sure the line voltage (L1/L2/L3) is not connected to the output terminals (U/V/W) of
the VFD.
• Ensure the motor is connected to the drive before applying power to the VFD.

Do not remove the factory jumpers between STO1/STO2/+24V and
Chapter 2 Control Wiring
Chapter 2 Control Wiring
Make sure the AFM1 and AVI1 switches are in the 0-10V position.
Make sure the Start Relay shown is not in a closed state when the drive is initially
powered up.
For the conventional start/stop, speed control and speed feedback via hard-wired I/O, the
following wiring terminations are required:
• Start/Stop: Control relay contacts wired between FWD and DCM.
• Speed Control: 0-10V speed control is connected to AVI1 (+) and ACM (-).
• Speed Feedback: 0-10V speed status is connected to AFM (+) and ACM (-).
2-1 Cabling
The analog speed signals should be using shielded cable.