Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway
Systems Analysis INterface Tool (SAINT)
Users Guide
Document Number TBD
Version A , Draft 6
January 20, 2004
Copyright © Delphi Automotive Systems Corporation, 2004
Maintained by: Scott Herren
Delphi Delco Electronics Systems
1800 East Lincoln Road
Mail Station R329
Kokomo, IN 46904-9005
Phone: (765) 451-7168
FAX: (765) 451-7085

Keyword 2000 to RS-
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Precedence..............................................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Definitions and Nomenclature.............................................................................................................................. 3
2 Overview..............................................................................................................................4
3 RS-232 Setup........................................................................................................................5
3.1 Buffering and Flow Control.................................................................................................................................. 5
4 Message Format...................................................................................................................6
4.1 Data Stream.............................................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Messages IDs.........................................................................................................................................................7
4.3 Gateway Messages................................................................................................................................................8
4.4 Keyword 2000 Messages....................................................................................................................................10
5 Connectors.........................................................................................................................15
5.1 RS-232 Connector (J3-DB9F).............................................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Bus and Power Connector (J4-DB9M)..............................................................................................................15
5.3 Flash programming connector ................................ ................................................................ ............................16
6 LEDs ..................................................................................................................................17
7 Switches.............................................................................................................................18
7.1 SW1 Transceiver Switches: ................................ ................................................................................................18
7.2 SW2 Manual Reset:............................................................................................................................................18
8 Software Packages..............................................................................................................19

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Revision Log
Revision A
Draft 1 – March 12, 2003
Initial release of the document.
Draft 2 – April 25, 2003
Updated Section 4.4.1 (added message 2C 06 XX message)
Draft 3 – May 8, 2003
Changed all references of ACP to Keyword 2000.
Draft 4 – December 15, 2003
Updated Section 4.4.1 (added new commands – 07 thru 0A)
Updated Section 4.4.2 (added new KW2K transmit structure)
Draft 5 – January 7, 2004
Updated Section 4.4.1 (added new commands 0B and 0C)
Updated Section 4.4.1 (changed 500ms to 5000ms on P3 Timeout)
Updated Section 4.4.1 (changed 2C 01 to show Timeout/Error instead of just Error)
Draft 6 – January 20, 2004
Updated Section 4.4.1 (added new commands 0D and 0E)

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1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
This document describes the use and operation of SAINT Gateway with Keyword 2000 firmware. This document is
proprietary to Delphi Automotive Systems Corporation and cannot be copied in whole or in part without the
express written consent of Delphi Automotive Systems Corporation.
1.2 Precedence
This document shall have precedence over any information in any other document. Between reference documents,
the document with the later revision date shall have precedence.
1.3 Definitions and Nomenclature
Gateway - abbreviation for Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway.
SAINT - common nickname for the gateway (Systems Analysis INterface Tool).
Host - The computer which communicates to the gateway via RS-232 or USB.
USB - Universal Serial Bus

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2 Overview
This document describes the operation of the Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway. The gateway is often referred to
as the “SAINT gateway” or simply “SAINT”.
The following is synopsis of gateway features:
• Allows host system to communicate on Keyword 2000 bus.
• Performs timing, access, arbitration, serialization, and error control.
• Configuration via host to gateway messages.
• LED status indicator array:
1. Power LED (flashing LED)
2. Bus Message LED (toggles upon receiving a valid bus message)
3. Message Trigger LED (toggles upon receiving a specified byte pattern)
• Gateway to host status / error messages.
• Software is easily updated via a flash connector. Will eventually be done through the USB bus.
The following is a synopsis of requirements for use of the gateway:
Connection to power, ground, and busses to be monitored
RS-232 connection to host

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3 RS-232 Setup
The gateway use s the following RS -232 parameters:
- 8 Data Bits
- 1 Stop Bit
- No Parity
The gateway supported baud rate: 57600.
Baud Rate
The supported baud rate is sufficient for communicating with the Class2, Keyword, ACP, BEAN, and slower CAN
bus’s. However, USB connection is recommended for high speed CAN communications.
3.1 Buffering and Flow Control
Whenever the gateway receives a new message from the host, it will set the CTS line until the message can be
processed. The host should not send data to the gateway while the CTS line is set. Due to the speed of the
gateway processor, it is unlikely that the host will ever see the CTS line set.
The gateway buffers 64 bytes to send to the host. The gateway polls the RS-232 transmitter in the main loop to
send data to the host. In some cases, the RS-232 transmit buffer will overflow. This should occur only when
receiving CAN or IIC messages at a very fast rate. This will cause an ERc_RSFull error to be generated and the
data to be lost