Delock USB pin header female > 2 x USB 2.0 female - up
This USB pin header can be plugged to a free USB pin
header male of your mainboard in order to expand your
system internally by 2 USB-A ports. Thus you can use e.g.
connect an USB memory stick or USB-WLAN stick. Based
on the mainboard, both USB ports are aligned upwards
and side by side.
• 1 x 9-pin 2.54 mm pin header female
• For 2 x USB 2.0-A female directly on the mainboard
• USB Port direction: upwards, side by side
System requirements
• Mainboard with a free USB 9-pin connector
Item No. 41824
EAN: 4043619418244
Country of origin: China
Package: Poly bag
Package content
• USB pin header female > 2 x USB 2.0 female
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