Connect one monitor.
If your monitor has a DVI connector, plug it into the DVI connector on the computer. If your monitor has a VGA connector,
plug it into the VGA connector on the computer. If your monitor has both a DVI and a VGA connector, plug only the DVI
connector into the computer.
Connect a keyboard and a mouse.
Connect the computer and monitor to electrical outlets.
Turn on the computer and monitor.
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If you have a network device, connect a network cable (not included) to the network connector.
If you have a modem, connect a telephone cable to either of the modem connectors. Do not
connect the telephone cable to the network connector.
Not all modems have two connectors.
Set Up Your Computer First
Before you set up and operate your
Dell™ computer, read and follow
the safety instructions in your
Product Information Guide
If you purchased a Dell TV and
would like to use it as your monitor, see the
setup instructions that came with the TV.
If you ordered the Microsoft
Windows®XP Media Center Edition
operating system, connect the components
as described in the Media Center setup
instructions that came with your computer.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
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Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.
logo, and
are trademarks of Dell Inc.;
are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Dell disclaims proprietary interest in the marks and
names of others.
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See your
Owner's Manual
for additional
information on setting up, using, and
troubleshooting your computer.
To access support and educational tools,
double-click the
DDeellll SSoolluuttiioonn CCeenntteerr
on the Microsoft Windows desktop.
You can also access Dell through
For additional information about your
computer, click the
button and click
HHeellpp aanndd SSuuppppoorrtt
• To access the
Dell™ Dimension™ Help
file, click
UUsseerr aanndd ssyysstteemm gguuiiddeess
UUsseerr''ss gguuiiddeess
, and then click
DDeellll DDiimmeennssiioonn HHeellpp
• For help with the Windows
operating system, click
WWiinnddoowwss XXPP TTiippss
Help and Support
Connect other devices according to their documentation.
Printed in the U.S.A.
microphone connector
back USB 2.0 connectors (6)
sound-card connectors
headphone connector
IEEE 1394 connector
USB 2.0 connectors (2)
Set Up Other Devices Last