Dell 883933-11 User Manual

Reference Guide

Wyse® Enhanced UbuntuTM Linux INI Files
Issue: 040414 PN: 883933-11 Rev. E
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Summary of Revisions v
1 Introduction 1
About this Guide 2
Finding the Information You Need in this Guide 2
Dell Technical Support 2
Related Documentation and Services 2 Dell Online Community 2
2 Getting Started: Learning INI File Basics 3
Supported INI Files You can Construct 3
Working with wlx.ini Files 3 Working with $MAC.ini Files 3
Working with {username}.ini Files 4 Rules and Recommendations for Constructing the INI Files 4 Placing the INI Files into the Folder Structure on the Server 6
3 Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 7
General Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only) 8 Peripheral Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only) 14 Connection Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only) 15
4 Parameters for WLX INI, $MAC INI, and {username} INI Files 21
General Settings (wlx.ini, $MAC.ini, and {username}.ini Files) 22 Peripheral Settings (wlx.ini, $MAC.ini, and {username}.ini Files) 24 Connection Settings (wlx.ini, $MAC.ini, and {username}.ini Files) 26
A Connect Parameter: Options 29
Chromium Connect Options 30 Citrix (ICA) Connect Options 31 Custom Connect Options 35 Ericom PowerTerm® TEC Connect Options 36 RDP Connect Options 38 SSH Connect Options 42 VMware View Client Connect Options 43 VNC Viewer Connect Options 45 Web Browser (Mozilla Firefox) Connect Options 47
B Printer Parameters: Options 49
JetDirectPrinter 50 NetworkPrinter 52 Printer 53 PrinterURI 54 SMBPrinter 56
iv Contents
C TimeZone Parameter: Values 59
D Keyboard.layouts Parameter: Values 63
Tables 71

Summary of Revisions

Dell Inc. 883933-11 Rev. E
The following changes were made to this document since revision D
Reference Description
AudioBandwidthLimit New INI parameter to ensure quality audio added to Table 9 "ICA
Connect Options."
EnableUDPAudio New INI parameter to enable the transport of audio data as UDP
added to Table 9 "ICA Connect Options."
H264Enabled New INI parameter to enable deep compression codec support
added to Table 9 "ICA Connect Options."
IcaStorename New INI parameter to set name of the Store in global ICA settings UI
added to Table 9 "ICA Connect Options."
StoreFront New INI parameter to have the connection attempt to connect to the
Storefront server added to Table 2 "General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only."
StoreName New INI parameter to define the name of the store connect through
the PNAgent server or Storefront server added to Table 2 "General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only."
ThreadQueueSize=<integer value> New INI parameter to defines the size of the thread's data queue in
bytes added to Table 9 "ICA Connect Options." NOTE: If threading is enabled, this defines the size of the thread's data queue in bytes. Default is 65536 for Thinwire and 32768 for client audio. A larger queue size may result in more lag because the overall buffering increases.
UDPAudioPortHigh New INI parameter to specify the maximum port number for UDP
audio on the user device added to Table 9 "ICA Connect Options."
UDPAudioPortLow New INI parameter to specify the minimum port number for UDP
audio on the user device added to Table 9 "ICA Connect Options."
UseThread New INI parameter to enable the use of a a thread to be used for this
virtual channel. added to Table 9 "ICA Connect Options."
vi Summary of Revisions
Dell Inc. 883933-11 Rev. D
The following changes were made to this document since revision C
Reference Description
Updated URLs Updated various Wyse Web site URLs.
Bootorder New INI parameter to set the boot order in the BIOS added
Citrix ICA Connect Options New Citrix naming for ICA connect options in "Citrix (ICA)
to Table 5 "General Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files."
Connect Options."
Connect has the following new values:
Connect= parameter updated in Table 7 "Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files" to include the following values:
Custom Connect Options New Custom connect options in "Custom Connect
Ericom PowerTerm Connect Options New Ericom PowerTerm Connect Options connect options
in "Ericom PowerTerm® TEC Connect Options."
INIFileSource New INI parameter to specify the location of the ini file to
use added to Table 5 "General Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files."
MgmtDiscoveryMethod New parameter to specify the automatic discovery
methods you want to use for the automatic discovery of a thin client (after failure of thin client discovery) added to Table 2 "General Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)."
NoGrabKeyboard NoGrabKeyboard added to Table 3 "Peripheral Settings:
wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only" providing an option to enable or disable the grabbing of keyboard events in any direct RDP connection session.
RepeatRate New INI parameter to specify the number of allowable
repeat key presses per second added to Table 6 "Peripheral Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files."
RdpDriveMap DO NOT USE. Deprecated and removed from Table 7
"Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files." See replacement RDP.DriveMap= in Table 7 "Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files" and see also Drives= in Table 12 "RDP Connect Options."
Rdp.DriveMap New parameter Rdp.DriveMap to enable drive mapping in
an RDP session added to Table 7 "Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files." See Drives= in Table 12 "RDP Connect Options."
VMWareViewExcludeUSBFamily New parameter to specify the USB family of devices that are
excluded from the VMWare View session (comma separated USB device families that are excluded from the VMWare View session) added to Table 4 "Connection Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)."
Summary of Revisions vii
Reference Description
VMWareViewExcludeUSBID New parameter to specify the USB devices that are
excluded from the VMWare View session (comma separated vendor Ids and product Ids of USB devices that are excluded from the VMWare View session) added to Table 4 "Connection Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)."
VMWareViewIncludeUSBFamily New parameter to specify the USB family of devices that are
included in the VMWare View session (comma separated USB device families that are included in the VMWare View session) added to Table 4 "Connection Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)."
VMWareViewIncludeUSBID New parameter to specify the USB devices that are included
in the VMWare View session (comma separated vendor Ids and product Ids of USB devices that are included in the VMWare View session) added to Table 4 "Connection Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)."
Web Browser Connect Options New Web Browser Connect Options connect options in
"Web Browser (Mozilla Firefox) Connect Options."
viii Summary of Revisions
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1 Introduction

Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu Linux combines the security, flexibility, and market-leading usability of Ubuntu™ (trademark of Canonical Group Limited) with Dell’s cloud computing optimizations in management and user experience. It is ideal for organizations that want to run server-based, Web-based, or local applications (including legacy applications) without the deployment and security concerns of a non-standard Linux distribution.
CAUTION: Information and procedures presented in this guide are intended for use by system administrators and should not be used by untrained persons.
2 Chapter 1

About this Guide

This guide is intended for administrators of Dell thin clients running Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu Linux. It provides the detailed information you need to help you understand and use the Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu Linux INI files. It contains information on the different INI files you can use and the rules for constructing the files. It also provides the parameter details you need (with working examples) to get the most out of your INI files.

Finding the Information You Need in this Guide

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Dell Technical Support

To access Dell technical resources, visit If you still have
questions, you can submit your questions using the Self-Service Center at or call Customer Support at 1-800-800-9973
(toll free in U.S. and Canada). Hours of operation are from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
To access international support, visit

Related Documentation and Services

Fact Sheets containing the features of hardware products are available on the Dell Web
site. Go to, click the link for your hardware
product, and then click the link for the Fact Sheet.
Administrators Guide: Dell® Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu™ Linux is intended for administrators of Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu Linux. It provides information and detailed system configurations to help you design and manage a Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu Linux
environment. It is available at:
Dell Cloud Software is available on the Dell Web site at:

Dell Online Community

Dell maintains an online community where users of our products can seek and exchange information on user forums. Visit the Dell Online Community forums at:
2 Getting Started: Learning INI File
In this chapter you will learn how to construct and use the supported INI files.
It includes:
"Supported INI Files You can Construct"
"Rules and Recommendations for Constructing the INI Files"
"Placing the INI Files into the Folder Structure on the Server"
After you become familiar with the INI file basics, you can refer to the parameter details you need in the other chapters and appendixes of this guide.

Supported INI Files You can Construct

The INI files contain the parameters (and associated options and values) necessary for the various functionality you want.
You can construct the following INI files:
wlx.ini file (see "Working with wlx.ini Files")
{username}.ini file (see "Working with {username}.ini Files")
$MAC.ini file (see "Working with $MAC.ini Files")
IMPORTANT: The INI file processing hierarchy is as follows:
Scenario 1 - $MAC.ini exists. The $MAC.ini file is processed and if the Include=wlx.ini
statement is included, then the wlx.ini file is processed.
Scenario 2 - $MAC.ini exists and {username}.ini exists. The $MAC.ini file is processed
and if the Include=wlx.ini statement is included, then the wlx.ini file is processed. Once the credentials are provided, the {username}.ini file is processed.
Scenario 3 - wlx.ini exists. The wlx.ini file is processed.
Scenario 4 - wlx.ini exists and {username}.ini exists. The wlx.ini file processed. Once
the credentials are provided, the {username}.ini file is processed.
Scenario 5 - No ini files exist. Local configuration is applied.

Working with wlx.ini Files

A wlx.ini file contains the “global” parameters you want that will affect all thin clients accessing the server. Parameters in both Table 4, "Connection Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only," and Table 7, "Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files," can be used in a wlx.ini file. TIP: Parameters in Table 4, "Connection Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only," can only be used in a wlx.ini file; they cannot be used in a {username}.ini file.

Working with $MAC.ini Files

A $MAC.ini file can be used instead of a wlx.ini file for device-specific configurations. If the thin client locates a $MAC.ini file (it is stored in the same directory as a wlx.ini file), then the wlx.ini file is not accessed, unless you use the include=wlx.ini parameter. Note also that the placement of the include=wlx.ini parameter within the $MAC.ini file will dictate which value will take priority for a same specific parameter that is contained
4 Chapter 2
in both the wlx.ini file and the $MAC.ini file but is defined differently (different values for the same parameter). For example, if the wlx.ini file has parameterA=valueB, and the $MAC.ini file has the same parameterA=valueC, then:
- If the include=wlx.ini parameter is included in the $MAC.ini file before the parameterA=valueC statement, then the wlx.ini parameterA=valueB is discarded and parameterA=valueC (from the $MAC.ini file) is the final value used.
- If the include=wlx.ini parameter is included in the $MAC.ini file after the parameterA=valueC statement, then the $MAC.ini parameterA=valueC is discarded and parameterA=valueB (from the wlx.ini file) is the final value used.

Working with {username}.ini Files

A {username}.ini file contains the user-specific or “user profile” parameters you want that will comprise the connection profile for an individual user. These parameters will affect only the user you specify. Parameters in Table 7, "Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files," can be used in a {username}.ini file. TIP: “User profile” parameters (found in the {username}.ini file) generally override the identically named “global” parameters (found in the wlx.ini file), however, some “global” parameters do not allow this (for hierarchical precedence of one variable over another, refer to the parameter descriptions in Table 7, "Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files,"). CAUTION: If both PNAgent/PNLite and a user profile are being used in the environment, the username must be defined in the Windows domain to be used, and the password used must be the same for both the Windows domain and the user profile.

Rules and Recommendations for Constructing the INI Files

In general, Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu INI files follow currently accepted “standard” INI file formatting conventions. The INI files consist of Wyse parameters. Any of the parameters can be used if you desire, but are not necessary unless you want changes from client and “other” defaults (for example, “other” can be the default resolution of your monitor). Every parameter (and their options) has a name and a value, with the name appearing to the left of the equals sign (name=value). All parameters with the same name in the various INI files have the same meaning (that is, a parameter named WyseXYZ in a wlx.ini file and named WyseXYZ in a {username}.ini file will have the same meaning). Number signs (#) indicate the start of a comment. Comments can begin anywhere on a line. Everything between the # and the End of Line is ignored. Along with these general formatting conventions, use the following guidelines when constructing the INI files:
1. Global Connect Parameters First
Global connect parameters should be listed before other connect parameters in a wlx.ini file.
2. Continue Lines with a Space and Backslash
Placing a space and backslash ( \) at the end of a line indicates line continuation; that is, the backslash means that the line and the following line are, for the purposes of reading code, the same line. No white space can appear after the backslash; the requirement of white space between parameter entries is maintained by the use of the space before the backslash. In addition, starting all parameters at the left margin and placing at least one leading space (or tab) at the beginning of all (and only) continuation lines makes an INI file easier to read. Note that in circumstances where you require string concatenation, you can use a backslash without a space before or after it to concatenate with the first set of characters from the previous line; for example the strings snow and ball may be concatenated to give snowball.
Getting Started: Learning INI File Basics 5
3. Blank Lines Make Files Easy to Read
Using blank lines is recommended for making code easier to read.
4. Comment with a # Sign
As stated earlier, number signs (#) indicate the start of a comment. Comments can begin anywhere on a line. Everything between the # and the End of Line is ignored.
5. Values with White Spaces Require Quotation Marks
Values (of parameters and their options) containing white spaces must be placed inside quotation marks (use common-practice nesting rules).
6. Separate Lists with Semicolons or Commas
Use semicolons or commas for list separators.
7. {username}.ini Files must be Write-Enabled
All {username}.ini files must be write-enabled to allow the thin client to place the encrypted user passwords in the files.
8. Use the wlx.ini File to Set the Maximum Number of Connection Entries Allowed
The combined number of connection entries defined in a {username}.ini file and a wlx.ini cannot exceed a defined total maximum number of connections. The maximum number of connections has a default limit of 216, but can be set from 100 to 1000 using the wlx.ini file.
9. Use System Variables with Some Options of the Connect Parameter
Some options of the Connect parameter can use the system variables shown in Table 1 to map the string. All combinations of the variables are supported. For options that support use of system variables, see "Connect Parameter: Options."
Table 1 System Variables
Option Value
$SN Serial number used.
$MAC MAC address used.
$IP IP Address used.
$DN Sign-on domain name used.
$UN Sign-on name used.
$PW Sign-on password used.
$TN Terminal name.
6 Chapter 2

Placing the INI Files into the Folder Structure on the Server

If you have set up your environment to provide your thin clients running Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu Linux with automatic configurations (as described in Administrators Guide: Dell® Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu™ Linux), you can use the following folder structure on your server under the C:/inetpub/ftproot folder (for FTP) or C:/inetpub/wwwroot folder (for HTTP or HTTPS) and place your INI files and other necessary files inside the structure as noted (this list describes the folder structure, starting with the root directory). NOTE: You can also use WDM to provide your thin clients running Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu Linux with automatic configurations.
/wyse/ The root directory. It stores the wlx folder and the addons
/wyse/wlx The main INI configuration folder. It stores the following:
wlx.ini file or $MAC.ini file
bitmap folder
certs folder
ini folder
/wyse/wlx/bitmap The folder where you can place custom images you plan to
/wyse/wlx/certs The folder where you can place the CA certificates that can be
imported to a thin client. Note: Use the Certs and ImportCerts INI parameters in the wlx.ini file to import the certificates to thin clients.
/wyse/wlx/ini The folder where you can place the {username}.ini files.
3 Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC
INI Files Only
This chapter provides the supported parameters that you can use in a wlx.ini file and in a $MAC.ini file.
TIP: For information to help you construct and use the supported INI files, see "Getting Started: Learning INI File Basics."
CAUTION: Parameters in Tables 2 through Table 2 can only be used in a wlx.ini file or $MAC.ini file; they cannot be used in a {username}.ini file.
To increase usability (such as relation to thin client dialog box equivalents), the supported parameters are separated into the following categories:
"General Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)"
"Peripheral Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)"
"Connection Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)"
8 Chapter 3

General Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)

Table 2 contains parameters used for configuring general settings (bold values are defaults).
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only
Parameter Description
AudioMute={no, yes} Yes/no option to mute the audio.
AudioVolume= {0 to 100} Determines the audio volume level.
Values of 0 to 100 provide more exact volume level.
AutoInstallPackagesUrl="url dir1 dir2" Used for auto installing packages from a url (ftp or
http/https) where packages reside, without the need of establishing an APT repository. How to use: 1 - Provide an ftp or http/https url as the value for "url dir1 dir2" in the INI file. For example: AutoInstallPackagesUrl="ftp:// dir1-name dir2-name" NOTES: a) the url should be within double quotes "" b) the "ftp" can be replaced by "http/https" c) the dir1_name is the name of directory under the base directory of ftp server or http/https server d) the dir2_name (optional) is the name of directory under dir1_name. More subdirectories are acceptable
2 - Place all debian packages (ending with .deb in file names) to be automatically installed/updated under the directory dir1_name/dir2_name on the ftp or http/https server. 3 - Create a "directory" file which is generated by running "sudo ls >directory" in the directory mentioned in Step 2 above. 4 - Log file is /tmp/autoInstallPackages.log where success or failure (with failing reasons) is reported. In most failure cases the lack of proper dependencies is the reason for failure (so that more packages can be provided in the ftp/http/https server). 5 - There is a warning notification on the panel during installation for not turning off the power.
NOTE: The NewAddons parameter specifies which packages among all installable packages should be installed by this INI command. All dependent packages must be provided together with the packages to be installed.
ChangeAdminPassword=password Specifies the new password for the admin user.
ChangeGuestPassword=password Specifies the new password for the guest user.
ChangeRootPassword=password Specifies the new password for the root user.
ChangeThinUserPassword=password Specifies the new password for the thin user.
Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 9
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description
DefaultBrowser={yes, no} Yes/no option to display the default terminal
connection icon on the home screen of the desktop for the high privilege users. NOTE: In cases of autologin, the user must logout/ reboot to see the changes take effect. The boot-up time is faster than the time to execute the INI file (completes before fetching INI file from the server).
DefaultTerminal={yes, no} Yes/no option to display the default chromium
browser connection icon on the home screen of the desktop for the high privilege users. NOTE: In cases of autologin, the user must logout/ reboot to see the changes take effect. The boot-up time is faster than the time to execute the INI file (completes before fetching INI file from the server).
DefaultUser=username Specifies the default sign-on user. See also AutoLogin.
FormURL={None, Default, <Filename>}
IdleAction.Enable={no, yes} [IdleAction.TimeOut={0 to 1440}] [IdleAction.Action={Any valid Command}]
ImportCerts={no, yes} [Certs=list of certificate names]
Specifies the logo on the login screen dialog box. None — Sets the logo to the Wyse default image file. Default — Sets the logo to the Wyse default image file. Filename — Sets the logo to the image file contained in the bitmap directory of the file server. It is recommended to use a PNG file no larger than 100 (Width) x 120 (height) pixels.
IdleAction.Enable — Yes/no option to enable IdleAction (allows an action of the device for an idle state). IdleAction.Timeout — Specifies (in minutes from 0 to
1440) the amount of inactive time before the device will execute the command specified in the IdleAction.Action parameter if IdleAction.Enable=yes. IdleAction.Action — Valid commands include either:
Note that /sbin/reboot is the default. Example: IdleAction.Enable=yes IdleAction.TimeOut=30 IdleAction.Action=/sbin/reboot
ImportCerts — Yes/no option to import certificates from the server. Certs — is a list of certificate names (the names must be separated by a semicolon). NOTE: Certificates must be placed in the wyse/wlx/ certs directory. NOTE: The certificates must be .crt, .pem, or any valid certificate type. Example: ImportCerts=yes Certs=Cert1.cer;Cert2.crt;Cert3.pem;Cert4.der
10 Chapter 3
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description
IniAptUrl="deb your_deb_pkg_repo" Install="pkg_name" or Upgrade={yes,no} or DistUpgrade={yes, no}
IniForSystemUsers={no, yes} Yes/no option to allow fetching the corresponding
IniAptUrl — Specifies a new APT URL which is the deb package repository server. APT URL should be in double quotes and include keyword: 'deb'. Be sure that the InitAptUrl provides the correct information, without spelling errors, as anything incorrect may result in the abortion of "apt-get update" used for subsequent "Install", "Upgrade" and/or "DistUpgrade".
Install — Be sure there is NO spaces to the right side of the "=" sign. The "," (comma) or ":" (period) is used to separate multiple packages. Do not specify the package version. At least one of the "install", "Upgrade", or "DistUpgrade" must be specified to carry out the actions.
Example: IniAptUrl="deb http://my_server.com_or_ip_address/ repo public" Install=wyse-patch,your_pkg_name NOTE: if the package name is wyse-patch_1.0.0-00.01_armel.deb, use "wyse-patch" only, do not use the full name such as "Install=wyse-patch_1.0.0-00.01_armel.deb"
user.ini for the system users (admin, thinuser, guest) during automatic login.
Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 11
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description
Default is the following order SRV, CNAME, HOSTNAME, UI, DHCP (if any of the methods specified in the INI file fails).
Specifies the automatic discovery methods you want to use for the automatic discovery of a thin client after failure of thin client discovery. Use any or all of the following:
SRV — DNS SRV Record (Dynamic Discovery)
Allows devices to use the DNS SRV record lookup method to discover a WDM Server.
CName — DNS Alias Allows devices to use the
DNS Alias method to discover a WDM Server.
Hostname — DNS Name Record (Dynamic
Discovery) Allows devices to use the DNS Hostname lookup method to discover a WDM Server.
UI — Allows devices to use the UI entries to
discover a WDM Server.
DHCP Option Tags — (Dynamic Discovery)
Allows devices to use DHCP option tags to discover a WDM Server.
Static — Allows devices to use a static location
to discover a WDM Server. NOTE: When the Static option is used, the MgmtDiscoveryMethod parameter should be used with a valid Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP Address.
Default — The Default method to discover a
WDM Server is used when none is specified or if any of the methods mentioned in this section fails; then the default method is used which is the following dicovery order {SRV, CNAME, HOSTNAME, UI, DHCP}.
NewAddons=<name of addon> Specifies addons to install. Use comma separated
add-on names. See also AutoInstallPackagesUrl parameter.
RemoveAddons=name_addon1,nam e_addon2
no, yes} Default is no.
Yes/no option to enable the keyboard event grabbing in any direct RDP connection session (not supported through VMware View broker). For example: NoGrabKeyboard=yes
Specifies addons to uninstall. Use comma separated add-on names. NOTE: Since this is based on the deb package removal process, it may fail if a dependency is not satisfied or extra packages may be removed as well because of the dependencies requirements. Use this option only when it is necessary and dependencies are clearly understood by administrators.
12 Chapter 3
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description
RepoConfigFile = {Default or <filename>}
RootPath=root path This root path is used to access files on the server. The
ScreenSaver={0 to 180} [LockTerminal={no, yes}]
RepoConfigFile = {Default or <filename>} where <filename> is the file that is expected to contain content in the format seen on regular sources.list and should be placed in the root directory where the corresponding wnos.ini/wlx.ini reside. Example: RepoConfigFile=Default : restore back to factory default RepoConfigFile=my_file.list : use my_file.list
directory name /wlx will be appended to the root path entry before use. NOTE: If no root path is provided, /wyse is the default.
ScreenSaver — Specifies to put the thin client in a screensaver state when the time limit for inactivity in minutes (delay before starting) is reached. NOTE: Put the parameters on the same line. For example: ScreenSaver= 5 LockTerminal=yes
LockTerminal — Yes/no option to specify the thin client LOCK state function when the screen saver is activated. no — Disabled. yes — Puts the thin client in a LOCK state when the screen saver is activated. The user will be prompted with an unlock dialog box to enter the sign-on password to unlock the thin client.
StoreFront={yes, no} Yes/no option to have the connection attempt to
connect to the Storefront server. If set to no, the connection will attempt to connect to the PNAgent server. There is no default value. If the parameter is not specified, it will be considered as a Server connection.
StoreName=<Name of the Store> Name of the Store to connect through the PNAgent
server or Storefront server.
SystemLogo={None, Default, <Filename>}
SystemURL=<URL> Specifies the URL displayed on the System
TerminalName=name of thin client Name of the thin client comprising a 15-character
TimeFormat={“12-hour format”, “24-hour format”}
Specifies the logo displayed on the System Information dialog box. None — Sets the logo to the Wyse default image file. Default — Sets the logo to the Wyse default image file. Filename — Sets the logo to the image file contained in the bitmap directory of the file server. It is recommended to use a PNG file no larger than 100 (Width) x 64 (height) pixels.
Information dialog box.
Specifies the time format to use (how the clock on the desktop panel is displayed). By default, the local format is used.
Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 13
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description
TimeServer=host[;host] Specifies the SNTP time servers to use for time
retrieval. You can designate one or two Network Time Protocol servers (separated by a semicolon). The client synchronizes the time of day to the servers at boot time, and keeps the time in sync with the servers during operation.
TimeZone={zone value} [ManualOverride={no, yes}]
TimeZone — Specifies the time zone if the zone is unspecified on the thin client or is used with ManualOverride. ManualOverride — Yes/no option to override the thin client System Preference Menu setting with this TimeZone setting. TimeZone settings in the wlx.ini file will be saved into NVRAM if EnableLocal=yes is set in the wlx.ini file. NOTE: For the complete list of TimeZone values, see "TimeZone Parameter: Values."
14 Chapter 3

Peripheral Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)

Table 3 contains parameters used for configuring peripheral settings (such as keyboard, monitor, mouse, printer, and so on).
Table 3 Peripheral Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only
Parameter Description
ForwardPrinters={yes, no} Yes/no option to enable the forwarding and use of all
available printers to/with the RDP session. Any direct RDP connection is supported (not supported through VMware View broker). For example: ForwardPrinters=yes
JetDirectPrinter={options} The JetDirectPrinter command line defines a printer
served by an HP JetDirect print server. For parameter options used in the command line, see "JetDirectPrinter" in "Printer Parameters: Options."
MicMute={no, yes} Yes/no option to mute the microphone volume.
MicVolume={0-100} Specifies the microphone volume level. Default is 50.
NetworkPrinter={options} The NetworkPrinter command line defines a printer
that uses traditional Unix Line Printer Daemon protocols. For parameter options used in the command line, see "NetworkPrinter" in "Printer Parameters: Options."
Printer={options} The Printer command line defines a locally attached
printer connected through the noted interface. For parameter options used in the command line, see "Printer" in "Printer Parameters: Options."
PrinterURI={options} The PrinterURI command line defines a printer using a
URI supported by the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS). This command is useful when you want the thin client to access a printer for which you already have a working CUPS client because you can simply copy the URI from the /cups/printers.conf file on the existing client. For parameter options used in the command line, see "PrinterURI" in "Printer Parameters: Options."
SMBPrinter={options} The SMBPrinter command line defines a network
printer shared through the Windows Sever Message Block protocols. For parameter options used in the command line, see "SMBPrinter" in "Printer Parameters: Options."
Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 15

Connection Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)

Table 4 contains parameters used for configuring connection settings.
Table 4 Connection Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only
Parameter Description
AddtoEtcHosts="ip1 FQDN1 aliases1;ip2 FQDN2 aliases2;..."
AutoLogin={no, yes} [CountDown=seconds]
Adds entries to the /hosts file where aliases are an optional space-separated list of host names.
Yes/no option to automatically log the user in as DefaultUser if no login occurs before the CountDown interval. This is for use at kiosks and other environments where the user logs in without human intervention. Autologin can be canceled by pressing the ESC button. The first time a device reads Autologin, it may stay at the login screen for a few seconds before taking effect. Once doing so, it will automatically log in and all future reboots will autologin with the defined delay. Changing from AutoLogin=yes to AutoLogin=no may require 2 reboots to take effect in some cases. No password is required for automatic login even if the user normally needs a password. The wlx.ini will be fetched and processed every time the network comes up; so if the network goes down and is restored during a session, it may affect existing settings (although the login-related settings will not be apparent until the current user logs out). Also note that neither mechanism actually authenticates the user—they just verify that the user exists. But both methods, and normal manual login, will fetch and process a $USER.ini file, if one exists, independent of what, if any, authentication mechanism was used.
AutoSignoff={no, yes} Yes/no option to automatically log the user off when
all connections are closed.
DisableDomain={no, yes} Yes/no option to disable the display of the Domain
field on the login dialog box. The default value depends on the value of the DomainList option. When the DomainList is empty, DisableDomain defaults to yes (the display of a Domain field does not display); otherwise, it defaults to no (the display of a Domain field does display).
DisableVNC={no, yes} Yes/no option to disable the VNC server.
DomainList=list of Windows domain names
EnableBanner={no, yes} [BannerMsg=text description]
EnableLocal={yes, no} Yes/no option to enable locally configured
A list of domain names that will appear in the login dialog box as options to help users in selecting the domain to log in to PNAgent/PNLite servers. Once specified, it is saved in non-volatile memory. NOTE: Be sure to enclose in quotation marks if spaces are included. For example: DomainList=”North_America; SQA; test-domain”
Provides a banner description. The text must be enclosed in double quotation marks if it contains spaces or punctuation characters.
connection entries to show in the connection list (that is, activate local entries).
16 Chapter 3
Table 4 Connection Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description
EthernetSpeed={Auto, 100M-F, 100M-H, 10M-F, 10M-H}
FileServer=[<protocol://>]host host is used to access files using the specified
IcaForceHttps={no, yes} For ICA only.
IcaShowAllApps={no, yes} For ICA only.
PermitSSHRootLogin={no, yes} Yes/no option to enable logging in through SSH as the
Specifies the NIC speed. Auto - auto-negotiates speed with peer (default). 100M-F is 100 Mbps Full Duplex. 100M-H is 100 Mbps Half Duplex. 10M-F is 10 Mbps Full Duplex. 10M-H is 10 Mbps Half Duplex. NOTE: Gigabit ethernet (1000Mbps) is available on hardware that supports it via the Auto value.
protocol. If no protocol is specified, FTP is assumed (for example, is understood as ftp://
Yes/no option to force the connection (PnAgent login) to use HTTPS servers. Default is no.
Yes/no option to display all the published apps on the desktop. Default is no. NOTE: By default the applications seen on the desktop in a PNAgent login are the applications that have a Desktop shortcut set at the server side. To see all the published apps on the desktop, IcaShowAllApps must be enabled.
Linux superuser (root).
PNLiteServer=host[:port] A list of hosts with optional port numbers.
If not specified, port depends on the browsing protocol. Default=Empty.
RapportSecurePort=port Designates the HTTP(S) secure port used for the WDM
agent. Default port number is 443. For example: RapportServer= RapportSecurePort=443
RapportServer=host[:port] The WDM Server and optional port to which to
connect. This can be either a DNS name or an IP Address, optionally followed by a “:” and a port number. The default port number is 80.
Seamless={no, yes} Yes/no option to set the default resolution for
ICA-published applications to seamless.
TCXUSBVirtualize={no, yes} Yes/no option to enable TCX USB virtualization ports.
UsePasswd Yes/no option to require a password to be entered for
the remote VNC connection.
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