UC4432N Undercounter
Reduced Height Front-Breathing Self-Contained
Undercounter Refrigerated Bases
UC44 32N Sing le section refrigerator undercounter with a door
UCD4 432N Sing le section refrigerator undercounter with drawers
Standard Features
100% front breathing, which allows the unit to
be pushed ag ainst a wall or built into a cabinet
or an existing l ine up
Durable, rugged stainless steel sides, top and
Features Delfi eld’s exclusive ABS interior (on
sides). ABS is extremely durable - it won’t dent,
chip or corrod e and is backed by a limited
lifetime warranty
Heavy duty self- closing hinges
“D” prefix models feature Delfield’s exclusive
new drawer system. Drawers are backed by a
10-year war ranty on the track assembly
Environmentally friend ly R404A refrigerant
High density foamed in place environmentally
friendly, Kyoto Protocol Compliant, Non ODP
UC44 32N
Ex teri or to p is on e-p iec e, 2 2-g auge st ain less st eel wi th
int egra l sq uare nos ing on t he f ront.
Ex terio r ba ck an d bo ttom are t wo-p iece 24-g auge galv aniz ed
ste el.
Ex terio r e nds are stai nles s st eel.
In teri or s ide s of d oor mod els ar e th erm ofor med A BS
pla stic wit h in tegr al s helve s su ppor ts. In terio r ba ck i s o ne-
pi ece 22- gau ge s tain les s st eel. In teri or b ott om a nd t op
are the rmof ormed ABS pla stic . B ase is fu lly i nsul ated wit h
hig h-de nsit y foame d in plac e e nvir onme ntall y frie ndly, Ky oto
Pro tocol C ompli ant, No n ODP (O zone De plet ion Po tent ial) ,
Non GWP (Gl obal Warm ing Poten tial ) po lyur etha ne.
Ref rige rati on syst em uses H FC-4 04A ref rige rant. Co mpre ssor
is 1/ 3 H. P., wi th c onde nser co il a nd c onde nsat e ev apora tor
mou nted on rea r of t he ca bine t. Eva pora tor co il ar e loca ted
on th e in terio r re ar w all of the cab inet . Re frig eran t fl ow is
con trol led by a cap illa ry tu be. Ca bine t main tain s an i nteri or
cab inet tem pera ture of 36°F to 40°F (2° C to 4°C ).
(Ozone De pletion Potential), Non GWP (Global
Warming Potential) polyurethane keeps energy
costs low
Black recessed quick grip handle
Standard on 3” casters for easy cleaning and
60-cycle single phase electrical system
7’ cord and plu g supplied
Ele ctro mech anic al c ontro l is moun ted o n the righ t sid e of
the eva porat or h ousin g in side the cabi net. It a llows the unit to
mai ntai n co nsis tent temp erat ures in heav y du ty condi tion s.
Ele ctr ical conn ecti ons are 115 volt , 60 Her tz, sin gle pha se.
Uni t ha s a 7’ ( 2.1m) lon g e lect rica l co rd a nd N EMA 5-15P pl ug.
Cas ters : Equi pment i s moun ted on 3” (7. 6cm) di amet er pla te
cas ters wit h fro nt t wo lo ckin g. E quipm ent clea rance abo ve th e
flo or i s 0 .66” ( 1.7c m).
Do ors h ave a 24- gau ge sta inl ess s tee l ex ter ior, w ith
th ermo form ed ABS pl asti c in ter ior lin er. Cab ine t of doo r
mod els has one adj ustab le epoxy -coa ted wire she lf.
Dr awer s ha ve a 24 -gau ge st ainl ess ste el ex teri or wi th
the rmof orme d AB S p last ic i nter ior li ner. Dr awer fr ames are
12- gaug e s tainl ess stee l. Draw er s lide s ar e 11 -gau ge stain less
ste el w ith Delr in be arin gs. Drawe r un its have two drawe rs. Top
dra wer hol ds two 12 ” x 20 ” (3 0.5c m x 5 0.8c m), 4"- 6" (10 .2cm -
15. 2cm) deep pans . Bo ttom draw er ho lds t wo 12 " x 2 0", 4"
dee p pa ns. Pan s ar e su ppli ed b y ot hers .
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
One epoxy coated wire shelf standard,
installed per door section
Electromechanical co ntrol
One year parts an d 90 day labor
standard warranty
Options &
18” wide single tier overshelf
Stainless steel finish on back
Plastic laminate on front
Additional wire shelves
Door lock
Exteri or thermomete r (doo r mode ls
Interior lights
Glass doo r(s)
220V/50 H ertz electrical system*
Inclu sion of th is o ption will alt er
electrical specifi cations of the unit
UC4432N Undercounter: Reduced Height Front-Breathing Self-Contained Undercounter Refrigerated Bases
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m

31.50" [80.01]
33.59" [85.31]
34.25" [86.99]
32.13" [81.61]
4.00" OR 6.00" DEEP PANS ON TOP
UC 443 2N Eleva tion Vie w
34.25" [86.99]
33.59" [85.31]
32.13" [81.61]
28.75" [73.03]
30.67" [77.90]
21.94" [55.73]
26.86" [68.22]
20.75" [52.70]
6.11" [15.52]
7.53" [19.10]
12.98" [33.00]
17.35" [44.08]
23.79" [60.43]
31.50" [80.00]
19.60" [49.77]
Reduced Height Fro nt-Breathing S elf -Co ntained
Unde rcoun ter Refrigerated Bases
UC 443 2N Right Si de Vi ew
UC4432N Undercounter
UC 443 2N ISO V iew
UC D44 32N Elev ation Vi ew UC D44 32N Righ t S ide V iew
Refrig eration system is des igne d so th at air wil l flow unde r the unit, through the co mpre ssor
area a nd out the fro nt of t he unit . Any restric tion to this a ir flow path w ill voi d the w arranti es.
Air flow thr ough the louv er on t he back of the uni t is not necessa ry for operat ion, howe ve r, any
air wh ich pas ses thr ough th e louve r is be neficia l.
UC4432N 1 3.20ft
# of
UCD4432N NA NA 2.28ft
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
H.P. V/Hz/Ph Amps
1/3 115/60/1 3.9 5-15P 280lbs/127kg 2.29
1/3 115/60/1 3.9 5-15P 315lbs/143kg NA
Printed in the U.S.A.
UC D44 32N ISO Vie w
Ship Weight