by Delfield
Drop-in tray and rack dispensers
LT-1014 15.7 5" X 22.12 " single dispenser
LT-1216 21.7 5" X 19.12 " single dispenser
LT-1221 26.7 5" X 19.12 " single dispenser
LT-1418 23.7 5" X 21.12 " single dispenser
LT-1422 27.7 5" X 21.12 " single dispenser
LT-1622 27.7 5" X 23.12 " single dispenser
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
LT-1826 31.7 5" X 25.12 " single dispenser
LT-2020 26.7 5" X 27.12 " single dispenser
LT2-1014 27.7 5" X 21.12 " double dispenser
LT2-1216 23.1 2" X 31.75 " double dispenser
LT2-1221 31.7 5" X 28.12 " double dispenser
LT: Drop-in tray and rack dispensers
Dis pens er f rame upr ight s s hall be 14 -gau ge s tain less st eel.
Bo ttom s upp ort s s hal l be 16 -ga ge s tai nles s st eel. To p
su ppor tin g fl ang e sh all b e 1 6-ga uge sta inl ess st eel wi th
bev eled o uter ed ges. Flan ge, up right s and sup por ts shal l be
int egra lly welde d to geth er.
Dis pens er p latfo rm c arri er s hall be 18- gaug e st ainl ess ste el
and sha ll b e rem ovab le fo r cl eani ng. Each disp ense r sh all h ave
two sel f-le veli ng m echa nisms .
Sel f-le veli ng mec hani sms sh all be f ield a djus tabl e by add ing
or rem oving sta inles s st eel e xten sion spr ings loca ted i nsid e
the ele vato r ho usin g
Standard Features
Top flange and bottom support to be 16-
gauge sta inless steel
Dispenser body shall have four 14-gauge
uprights, reinforced with 14- gauge stainless
steel angles
Top flange, uprights and bottom support to
be integral ly welded
Dispenser plat form carrier shall be 18-gau ge
stainless steel and removable for cleaning
Self-leveling mechanisms shall be adjustable
by a dding and re moving st ainless steel
extension springs located inside the elevator
One year parts and 90 day labor standard
Options &
Special tray dispenser sizes
Special height
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m

by Delfield
Plan View
LT Models
Elevation View
LT Models
Right End View
LT Models
Plan View
LT2 Models
Elevation View
LT2 Models
Right End View
LT2 Models
Model Length Depth Counter Top Cutout Dimensions Maximum Tray Size Ship Weight
LT-1014 15.75" (40cm) 22.12" (56cm) 11.75" x 21.00" (31cm x 53cm) 10" x 15" (25cm x 38cm) 43lbs/19kg
LT-1216 21.75" (55cm) 19.12" (49cm) 17.75" x 18.00" (45cm x 46cm) 12" x 16" (30cm x 41cm) 43lbs/19kg
LT-1221 26.75" (68cm) 19.12" (49cm) 22.75" x 18.00" (58cm x 46cm) 12" x 21" (30cm x 53cm) 45lbs/20kg
LT-1418 23.75" (60cm) 21.12" (54cm) 19.75" x 20.00" (50cm x 51cm) 14" x 18" (36cm x 46cm) 43lbs/19kg
LT-1422 27.75" (70cm) 21.12" (54cm) 23.75" x 20.00" (60cm x 51cm) 14" x 22" (36cm x 56cm) 45lbs/20kg
LT-1622 27.75" (70cm) 23.12" (59cm) 23.75" x 20.00" (60cm x 51cm) 16" x 22" (41cm x 56cm) 45lbs/20kg
LT-1826 31.75" (81cm) 25.12" (64cm) 27.75" x 24.00" (70cm x 61cm) 18" x 26" (46cm x 66cm) 48lbs/22kg
LT-2020 26.75" (68cm) 27.12" (69cm) 22.75" x 26.00" (58cm x 66cm) 20" x 21" (51cm x 53cm) 45lbs/20kg
Drop -in tray and rack dispe nsers
LT2-1014 27.75" (70cm) 21.12" (54cm) 23.75" x 20.00" (60cm x 51cm) 10" x 14" (25cm x 36cm) 48lbs/22kg
LT2-1216 23.12" (59cm) 31.75" (81cm) 27.75" x 22.00" (70cm x 56cm) 12" x 16" (30cm x 41cm) 48lbs/22kg
LT2-1221 31.75" (81cm) 28.12" (71cm) 27.75" x 27.00" (70cm x 69cm) 12" x 21" (30cm x 53cm) 48lbs/22kg
LT2 models dispense two separate stacks of trays.
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Printed in the U.S.A.