Delfield KH, KH-NU General Manual

by Delfield
Mobile Heated Serving Counters
KH-2 2 food wells with heated unde rstorage
KH-3 3 food wells with heated unde rstorage
KH-4 4 food wells with heated unde rstorage
KH-5 5 food wells with heated unde rstorage
KH-6 6 food wells with heated unde rstorage
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
KH-2 -NU 2 food wells without un derstora ge
KH-3 -NU 3 food wells without un derstora ge
KH-4 -NU 4 food wells without un derstora ge
KH-5 -NU 5 food wells without un derstora ge
KH-6 -NU 6 food wells without un derstora ge
KH & KH-NU: Mobile Heated Serving Counters
Model KH-3
sho wn w ith opti onal tra y sl ide and
gla ss f ront cou nter pro tecto r
Ex teri or Bo dy is se aml ess, on e-p iece mo lde d fi ber glas s,
hav ing per fect ly s moot h e xter ior surf ace wit h al l c orner s f ully
rou nded . Th e f iberg lass re info rced pol yest er (F.R.P.) is mol ded
wit h pe rman ent colo r. St ress poi nts are inter nall y re info rced.
Ex teri or to p i s con stru cte d o f 14- gau ge st ainl ess st eel,
wel ded, grou nd a nd p olis hed int o on e in tegra l un it. Top is
fab rica ted wit h sq uare ext erio r co rner s. Top has two to six
ele ctri call y hea ted, re cess ed, di e-s tampe d sta inle ss ste el hot
foo d war mers . Ea ch wa rmer a ccom moda tes o ne 12 .75” x
20. 75” x 6” ( 32.4c m x 52. 7cm x 15 .2cm ) pa n.
He ated foo d wa rme rs ar e co nstr uct ed o f d ie- sta mped
sta inle ss steel . He ated foo d w armer s a re i nsul ated on bott om.
Eac h hea ted f ood w arme r i s ind ivid uall y equ ippe d wit h a
hea ted e leme nt rat ed at 1 000 w atts for 12 0 vol t or 20 8/23 0
vol t, 6 0 h ertz , si ngle ph ase serv ice and wir ed t o an ad justa ble
con trol swi tch and indi cato r li ght in t he contr ol p anel . He ated
foo d wa rmer s a re i nter wire d to a mini mum 10’ (3m) lon g c ord
wit h a grou nded p lug fo r 120 vo lt or 2 08/23 0 volt , 60 her tz,
sin gle phas e el ectr ical ser vic e.
Standard Features
One piece, molded fiberglass pylon (base), fully rounded corners,
permanent colo r
All corner s and center sides rei nforced with bracing, laminated
into the fib erglass
Full NSF and UL Certification
Fire Code rating on fiberglass, la minate, canopy mater ials
14-gauge top s
All units are sta ndard on 5” diameter polyurethane swivel casters
for easy cle aning
Caster mounting plates laminated into base
Easy to use stainless stee l interlock sy stem is option al on base
and tray sli des
Enclosed base s for sanitation
A maximum 1 0’ long cord and plug are supplied stan dard
KH units have heated under storage compartment, provided with
removable pan slides. KH-NU un its have enclosed bases with no
under storage
Electrical c onnections are 60 hertz, single phase
Top has two to six electricall y heated die stamped stainless steel hot
food warmers. Each warmer accomm odates one 12” x 20” x 6” pan
Counter heights available from 28 ” to 36” in 2” increments
Choose from 2 5 stan dard fi berglass colors, custom co lors ar e
also available
Add eye catching decal pack ages or bright canopies to create a
distinctive l ook
Easy access panel for quick re placement of heati ng element
Contact Delfield for a She lleyglas color chart or visit www.delfield.
One year par ts and 90 day labor standard warranty
Cas ter s: Un it i s mou nted o n 5” ( 12.7 cm) d iame ter swi vel
cas ters wit h n on-ma rkin g p olyol efin tir es a nd pla te b rake s.
Ove rall hei ght of c aste r as semb ly i s 6. 00” ( 15.2 cm).
The fol lowi ng a ppli es to K H Se ries on ly:
Al l KH m ode ls h ave a on e do or h eat ed c ompa rtm ent .
Com part ment is con stru cted of 22- gaug e s tain less ste el, is
ins ulat ed wi th a m inim um of 2 ” (5 .1cm) i nsul atio n a nd i s
pro vide d wit h rem ovabl e 16- gaug e pa n sli des. KH- 2 com es
wit h a s ingl e c apac ity hea ted co mpar tme nt; c ompar tme nt
hol ds f our 1 2.75 ” x 20 .75” x 2.5 ” (32. 4cm x 52 .7c, x 6. 4cm) pans .
KH- 3, KH -4, KH -5 an d KH- 6 unit s com e with doub le cap acit y
(si ngle do or) h eated co mpar tmen t w ith a ce nter p arti tion ;
com part ment hold s eig ht 1 2.75” x 20.7 5” x 2. 5” (32 .4cm x 52. 7c,
x 6.4 cm) pa ns. With t he cent er par titi on remo ved the d oubl e
cap acit y co mpar tmen t ca n hol d fo ur 1 8” x 2 6” (45 .7cm x 66 cm)
she et pan s. The in tern ally m ounte d heat ing el emen t is rat ed
at 89 0 watts , has a lou vered p rote ctive c over an d is wire d to
a t emper atur e con trol ther most at an d ind icat or li ght i n th e
sta inle ss stee l c ontro l p anel . D oors are bu ilt wit h d oubl e-wa ll
con stru ctio n, w ith gask ets and stai nles s st eel fron t pa nel.
Options & Accessories
12” (30.5cm) wide stainless steel fol d-down tray slide
10” (25.4cm) wide three-bar fold-d own tray slide
10” (25.4cm) wide composite fold-down cutting boards
10” (25.4cm) wide stainless steel fol d-down work shel f
Line-up int erlock device
Glass-front cou nter protector
Two tier display with glass shel ves and sneezeguards
Dual servi ce two tier disp lay with sneezeguard s
Three tier di splay with glass shelves and sneez eguards
12” (30.5cm) wide 18-gauge stainles s steel overshelf
Single or d ouble service f lip-up sneezeguard
*Incandescent light fixtures
*Radiant or bullet style h eat lamps
Open understor age with shelf (KH-NU Series on ly)
*120V/6 0Hz/1ø, 10 amp conve nience ou tlet with
Drains from fo od wells, plumbed to common valve
Single dry insert with doors (KH-NU Ser ies only)
Double dry insert with doors (KH-NU Ser ies only)
Stainless stee l trim strips
14” x 30” ( 35.6cm x 76.2cm) stai nless steel end drop
Molded fiberg lass trim strips
6” (15.2c m) hig h adju stable stainless steel legs in lieu
of casters
Three-phase electrical*
*Inclusion of these options will alter the e lectrical
specifications of unit.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8 m
Plan View
KH-2, KH-2-NU
Plan View
KH-3, KH-3-NU
Plan View
KH-4, KH-4-NU
Plan View
KH-5, KH-5-NU
Plan View
KH-6, KH-6-NU
Elevation View
Elevation View
All KH-NU Models
Elevation View
KH-3, KH-4, KH-5, KH-6
End View
All Models
4.1 cm
13.00" 33cm
Hot Food Well Controls
Heated Storage Control
Hot Food Well Controls
Cord And Plug (120/208/230V 60C-1PH)
Cord And Plug (120/208/230V 60C-1PH)
Cord And Plug (120/208/230V 60C-1PH)
Heated Storage Control
Hot Food Well Controls
1.12" (2.9cm)
1.12" (2.9cm)
1.12" (2.9cm)
Door 28.38" L x
16.38" H
(72.1cm x 41.6cm)
Door 15.38" L
x 16.38" H (39.1 cm x
41.6 cm)
by Delfield
Mobile Heated Serving Count ers
*Optional drains must be specified if required.
KH Specifications KH-NU Specifications
Model 12” X 20”
KH-2 4 15.0 14-20P 380lbs/172kg KH-2-NU 11.0 14-20P 225lbs/102kg
KH-3 8 4 20.0 14-30P 460lbs/209kg KH-3-NU 16.0 14-20P 275lbs/125kg
KH-4 8 4 26.0 14-50P 550lbs/250kg KH-4-NU 22.0 14-30P 330lbs/150kg
KH-5 8 4 31.0 14-50P 660lbs/299kg KH-5-NU 28.0 14-50P 420lbs/191kg
KH-6 8 4 37.0 14-50P 720lbs/327kg KH-6-NU 32.0 14-50P 510lbs/231kg
All KH & KH-NU units use a 120/208-230 Voltage, 60 Hertz, single phase electrical system.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Pan Cap.
18” X 26”
Amps Nema
Pan Cap.
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Ship Weight Model Amps Nema
Printed in the U.S.A. DSKH 11/09
Ship Weight