Delfield F15SC72D General Manual

F15 Serview
See-Through Self-Contained Refrigerated Display Cases
F15S C48D 30” deep upper displ ay sec tion
F15S C72D 30” deep upper displ ay sec tion
Standard Features
Display exterior sides are made of 18-gauge
• stainless steel Galvanized steel reinforced ABS plastic interior
• sides with molded shelf supports (4) adjustable epoxy coated wire shelves
• On/off switch for the display section light(s)
• Top mount coil with multiple fans circulating
• the air throughout the cabinet Display section runs off a thermostatic control
• Sliding a nd removab le self-c losing 0.50”
• thick argon filled, low-E, warm edge insert, thermopane glass doors with left and right vertical gasket
Standard heavy duty units have unfinished
• base ends Base top is constructed of 16-gauge stainless
• steel High density environmentally friendly, Kyoto
• Protocol Compliant, Non ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential), Non GWP (Global Warming Potential) polyurethane foam throughout unit Refrigerated base fronts are made of 0.095”
F15S C48D
Top is const ruct ed of 1 6-ga uge sta inles s s teel, wi th i nteg ral fron t re ar nos ing. In terio r s ub- top is made o f A BS plas tic and 2. 00” d ie foam is lam inate d b etwee n th e i nteri or a nd exte rior top.
Ref rige rated b ase in teri or bac k and bo ttom is c onst ruct ed of a 22 -gau ge 2BF st ainl ess stee l. Exte rior si des, bo ttom and b ack are mad e o f 2 2 g auge gal vani zed stee l. Both l eft and ri ght int erio r s ides a re forme d of ABS pla stic. The base is i njec ted with 2.00 ” of h igh dens ity e nvir onme ntall y fri endl y, K yoto Pro tocol Co mpli ant, No n O DP (Ozo ne Depl etion Po tent ial) , Non GW P (Glob al Warmi ng Pote ntial ) poly ureth ane foa m b etwe en the ext erio r an d in teri or. R efrig erat ed b ase front s a re ma de o f 0. 095” thic k ABS therm ofor med p lasti c and back ed up b y ridg ed po lyur ethan e wat er blo wn i njec tion mo lded fra mes. The fr ames are an exc elle nt t herm o-br eak and super ior s truc tura l mate rial f or fa steni ng do ors an d draw ers. Unit i s fur nish ed wi th o ne e poxy coat ed s helf for each doo r. Ex teri or ma chin e com part ment sid e is con stru cted wit h 18 -gau ge g alva nize d st eel.
Ext erio r d oor fron ts are made of 22 -gau ge stai nless st eel; an d ha s a n int erior ma de of A BS plas tic with for med in chan nels to hou se the snap -in dar t styl e v inyl m agnet ic gas ket. Ea ch door f ront is i njec ted wit h 1.87” of hig h den sity pol yuret hane foam bet ween the exter ior and i nter ior. H andl es are rece ssed bla ck plast ic and held in with a p osit ive lock sys tem.
Dis play sect ion exter ior side s are made of 18-g auge stai nles s ste el. E xter ior dis play sect ion top to be 22- gaug e gal vani zed metal . In teri or si des are mad e of galv aniz ed stee l reinf orced 0 .095 ” th ick ABS p last ic with m olde d she lf supp ort s. The int erio r botto m is con struc ted wi th sta inle ss stee l for lon g l asti ng durab ilit y. Disp lay sec tion is fu lly insu late d w ith hig h d ensi ty pol yuret hane f oam bet ween th e inter ior an d e xter ior. Fou r adjus tabl e epo xy coat ed wire sh elves a re provi ded for t he disp lay sec tion . A n o n/of f swi tch f or th e di splay sec tion ligh t(s) is l ocat ed at the righ t en d of the f ront fac ing, abov e th e di spla y se ctio n do ors.
thick ABS plastic backed by rigid polyurethane water blown injection molded frames (NO WOOD)
Dis play case ref rige ratio n sy stem cons ists of a ful l-le ngth top moun ted coi l w ith mul tiple f ans circ ulat ing the ai r t hroug hout th e c abin et util izin g a th ermo stati c con trol. An ABS plas tic d rip pa n is p lace d belo w the coil wit h a cl ear d rain h ose f or ru nnin g the c onde nsat ion to the l ower base mec hani cal sect ion.
Fron t of the displ ay sec tion i s equi pped with t wo sli ding a nd remo vabl e sel f-cl osin g 0.50 ” t hick a rgon f ille d, low -e gl ass do ors wi th a wa rm ed ge spa cer. The v erti cal ou tside s of ea ch door tuck i nto an ex trud ed cha nnel run ning ver tica lly up e ach side . Fro nt n osin g to be sta inles s s teel.
Uni t is su ppor ted wi th two 14-g auge l eg rai ls tha t run t he ent ire le ngth of t he uni t. Leg rail s are w elde d to th e bott om si de of t he un it and are tie d t oget her wit h t wo 12- gauge b races r unnin g front t o b ack. Ca ster /leg boxe s are weld ed insi de the le g r ail and 6. 12” adjus tabl e t aper ed legs ar e mou nted as stan dard with (4 ) 5/ 16” bo lts.
Sel f-co ntai ned mod els hav e a pre- wired c onden sing u nit hou sed in a mac hine co mpar tmen t, stan dard o n r ight , with an e asy rem ovab le louv er pan el for q uick a ccess . Mach ine co mpar tmen t also i s supp lied w ith an 8’ cor d an d pl ug a nd e lect rica l ju ncti on b ox.
Bas e in terio r ca bine t is coo led with mull ion styl e co ated blow er c oil( s) mou nte d be twee n ea ch d oor /dra wer sec tio n fo r ve ry e ven air and tem perat ure co ntrol . Blow er coi ls enc loses refri gera tion l ines, evapo rato r coi l, exp ansi on va lve, t herm osta t and f ans. I nter ior r efri gera ted b ase cab inet and disp lay s ecti on t o ma intai n 36 ºF to 40º F te mpera ture s at 100º F amb ient room te mpera ture.
Bac k ha s (1 ) 0. 62” t hick arg on f ille d, l ow-e gla ss p anel.
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
Epoxy coated shelf for each door
• Exterior door fronts are stainless steel with
• ABS plastic liner Snap-in dart style vinyl magnetic gasket
• Door handles are recessed black plastic and
• held in with a positive lock system 14-gauge leg rails that run the entire length
• of the unit
6.12” adjustable full stainless steel legs and
• bullet feet Base interior cabinet is cooled with mullion
• style coated blower coil(s) Env ironm ental ly fri endly HFC -404A
• refrigerant One year parts and 90 day labor standard
• warranty
Options & Accessories
Stainless steel back
• Stainless steel end
• Laminate facing
• Laminate back
• Laminate end
• 220 volt/50 cycle - inclusion of this option will
• alter specifications
F15 Serview: See-Through Self-Contained Refrigerated Display Cases
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8 m
17.00" [43cm]
25.00" [64cm]
30.00" [76cm]
19.00" [48cm] Door
27.00" [69cm] Door
32.00" [81cm] Door
Front Of Unit
J=Junction Box D=1/2" I.D. Drain
17.00" 43cm
3.00" 8cm
Mechanical Access
(Plan View) All Models
36.00" 91cm
36.00" 91cm
6.12" 16cm
30.00” 76cm
18.00” 46cm
18.00” 46cm
33.40” 85cm
33.40” 85cm
Plan View F15SC48D Plan View F15SC72D
Hinge Left
Elevation View F15SC48D Elevation View F15SC72D
Right End View
F15SC48D, F15SC72D
See-Th rough Sel f-Contained Ref rigerate d Display Ca ses
F15 Serview
Unobstructed airow must be maintained to insure unit performance and maintain warranty.
Shelf Area
F15SC48D 28.2ft
F15SC72D 44.0ft
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
29.4ft315.4ft33/4 5758 3369 115/60/1 16.0 5-20P
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Sys. Cap
3/4 4978 2221 115/60/1 14.0 5-20P
Cabinet Load
Printed in the U.S.A. DSF15SCD 03/10
V/Hz/Ph Amps