Delfield F13BC44 User Manual

31.5” (80cm) Deep Self-Contained Low Temp, Ice Cream Cabinets with Syrup Rail
F13B C44 44” (112cm ) Self- Containe d Ice Cream Cabinet with Syrup Rail
F13B C56 56” (142cm ) Self- Containe d Ice Cream Cabinet with Syrup Rail
F13B C72 72” (183cm ) Self- Containe d Ice Cream Cabinet with Syrup Rail
Standard Features
Units are standard with unfinished ends
16-gauge stainle ss steel top
• construction
36” standard work height
Refrigerated raise d syrup rail with
• stainless steel liner to accommodate syrup pumps, chocolate pumps and fruit jars with lids
High-density environmentally friendly,
• Kyoto Protocol Compliant, Non ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential), Non GWP (Global Warming Potential) polyurethane foam throughout unit
Rail opening maintains 33º to 41º
• meeting NSF7 requirements
EPR valve controls the rail temperature
Ice cream tank is constructed of 2BF
F13B C56
Top is const ruct ed of o ne-p iece 16- gaug e s tain less ste el, with
fur nish ed wi th sy rup pum ps, c hocol ate p ump a nd fr uit jar s.
Top to be i nsul ated an d have r aised r im ope ning (s) pro vide d
wit h co ver. Cover (s) are insu late d, f oldin g an d re mova ble.
Int erio r i s co nstru cted of 22- gaug e st ainl ess ste el. Li ner is
ins ulat ed wi th 2. 5” (6. 4cm) foam ed-in -pla ce en viro nment ally
fri endl y, Kyo to Pr otoco l Com plia nt, N on OD P (Oz one D eple tion
Pot entia l), Non GWP (Glo bal Wa rmin g Po tenti al) poly ureth ane.
Uni t h as a cold wal l r efri gera tion sys tem and is su ppli ed with
a l ow p ressu re c ontro l fo r th e ta nk an d an eva porat or p ress ure
to 5 ° F (-1 8°C to -15° C) in t he ta nk and 33°F t o 40°F (1°C to
4°C ) i n th e ra il.
• stainless steel with large clean out coved bottom
0º tank storage temperatures
Folding removable cover with black
• rubber external handle for easy grip
8’ cord and plug
wi th c ord an d pl ug. Ho usin g fo r c onde nsi ng u nit has a
lou vere d fr ont panel .
Ele ctr ical con nect ions are 115 vol t, 60 H ertz , si ngle pha se.
Uni t is mou nted on o n 6. 13” (1 5.6c m) h igh a djus tabl e st ainle ss
ste el l egs.
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
Unit has two 14-gauge leg rails that
• run the entire length of the unit
6.12” adjustable full stainless steel
• legs and bullet feet
Environmentally friendly HFC-404A
• refrigerant
One year parts and 90 day labor
• standard warranty
Options & Accessories
Stainless steel back
Stainless steel end
Laminate facing
Laminate back
Laminate end
Sink and dipperwell (consult fac-
• tory)
Sink (consult factory)
220V/50 cycle electrical
F13BC: 31.5” (80cm) Deep Self-Contained Low Temp, Ice Cream Cabinets with Syrup Rail
Ex terio r fro nt ha s 22- gaug e sta inle ss st eel f ront p anel (s).
Ex terio r en ds ar e con stru cted of 1 8-ga uge gal vani zed s teel .
Uni t has c onde nsin g unit on rig ht en d of ca bine t and w ired
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Expansion valves for base and rail
Condensing unit wired to J-box 25" A.F.F. J-box to have ON/OFF switch and 8' cord and plug attached, rear of comp. Open to exit cord
31.50" (80.0)
44" (111.8)
30" (76.2)
42" (106.7)
56" (142.2)
54" (137.2)
72" (182.9)
44" (111.8)
56" (142.2)
72" (182.9)
Small Lid
All Units
Plan View
Plan View
Plan View
Elevation View
Elevation View
Elevation View
46.37" (117.8)
Side View
All Units
21.31" (54.1)
23.75" (60.3)
31.5" (80)
46.37" (117.8)
31.5 ” (80c m) Deep Self-Contained Low Temp, Ice Cream Cabinets with Syr up R ail
Spec ifications
Model Gallon
F13B C44 24 4 1/3 115/60/1 8.0 5-15P 506/ 192 98 3/828 435/ 197
F13B C56 36 6 1/3 115/60/1 8.0 5-15P 638/ 250 1073 /979 480/218
F13B C72 48 8 1/2 115/60/1 10.0 5-15P 796/ 307 1309/11 74 54 0/245
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Capacit y
Numb er of
H.P. V/Hz/Ph Amps Nema
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Printed in the U.S.A. DS13BC 09/09
BTU Lo ad
BTU Sys Cap
Ship Weight
lbs/ kg