The duplexer serves to frequency separate uplink signals from downlink signals. The
duplexer has sharp out of band attenuation for better isolation between the receiving
and transmitting paths and for better rejection of interfering signal in the air. In the
Diversity path only the Rx part of the duplexer is used.
2.2 UPLINK PRE-AMPLIFIER(both Rx pathes)
The uplink pre-amplifier is a low noise, 45dB gain unit. The amplifier contains AGC
control circuitry. When a high power signal is received the automatic level control
detects it and reduces the gain so that the output power of the amplifier is constant.
The AGC function limits the signal at the Fiberoptic transmitter input when high power
signals are received while keeping high gain when low power signals are received.
The LED on the amplifier illuminates when the power output of the amplifier exceeds
the AGC power set limit (when the AGC is either ON or OFF).
The Switch on the RF amplifier enables the AGC function. If the AGC is disabled then
the amplifier gives maximum gain for any input.
The AGC level is factory set to 0 dBm and AGC is set to ON, to prevent high power
damage at the Rfiber+ input.
This is the downlink power amplifier. It can drive 40 dBm composite power to the
mobile antenna. A thermostat attached to this amplifier turns on TEMP alarm when the
temperature exceeds 80° C.
2.4 Fiberoptic to RF transceiver
The RFiber+TM product is a transceiver that includes a transmitter and receiver unit.
The transmitter converts the RF signals into light wave signals, which are then sent
over fiberoptic cables. The receiver converts light wave signals back to RF
The model in use is a wide band product in the 0.08-2 GHz frequency range and it
includes a WDM module to enable use of one fiber for Tx and Rx signals.