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The device is equipped with three LEDs and one beeper to indicate the reader status. The
following table refers to the standard settings (device set in trigger mode).
LEDsStatus UDL5
blue and red: on
green: off
blue: on
red and green: off
blue and green: on
red: off
beeper: on
blue, green and red: onreader carries out a reset, RF-field is switched off,
reader is ready to operate, RF-field is switched off
reader is ready to operate, RF-field is switched on,
reader is ready to read or write to transponder
reader is ready to operate, communication between
reader and tag (reading/writing)
reader is not ready to operate
3.Configuration and setting
Please note: This manual is considered to be prelimiary.
In the standard configuration the device is set in “Trigger Mode“. This means the device waits
for a “Trigger On“ command to switch the RF-field on and a „Trigger Off“ command to switch
the RF-field off. These software commands can be sent to the device using RDemo software (to
be found on the CD which is part of the UDL5 package).
The UDL5 in its current version is EPC class1 gen2 complicant only.
3.1 Transmission protocol
The communication of the UDL5 is based on the “deBus” protocol. For integration into userdefined applications please contact your local sales and service center (see end of document).
First the USB driver has to be installed. The following steps show how to install the driver
under Windows XP (Windows Vista is supported as well):
•Connect the UDL5 via USB cable to a spare USB Port at your Host/PC
(USB cable as part of delivery of UDL5).
•Windows XP indicates the new hardware with the message
“Found New Hardware: HARVEMAC“.
•The “Found New Hardware Wizard“ will now be started automatically.
Select “No, not this time“ and click “Next“.
If this procedure failed, the search for new hardware can be started manually by click on:
“Start“ -> “Settings“ -> “Control Panel“ -> “System“ -> “Hardware“ -> “Device
Manager“. Select the USB device, marked by a yellow question mark.