amanTag compact
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September 2007 FS/BF
deister electronic GmbH
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2 deister electronic GmbH 30890 Barsinghausen Germany V04/09/07

amanTag compact
1. General Information...................................................4
2. Technical Data.............................................................5
3. Operation....................................................................5
4. Wiring & Configuration ..............................................6
4.1 Optical display ..................................................................................................6
4.2 Pin assignment....................................................................................................7
4.3 DIP-switches.......................................................................................................9
5. Installation................................................................12
5.1 General Information..........................................................................................12
5.2 Mounting.........................................................................................................12
6. Regulatory notices.....................................................14
V04/09/07 deister electronic GmbH 30890 Barsinghausen Germany 3

amanTag compact
1. General Information
● An amanTag compact-Reader generates an undirected field in an area up to 3 meters.
In a vertical line to the reader the reading range is up to 8 meters.
● An amanTag compact-Reader is able to recognize several transponders being in the
reader-field at the same time.
● The reading range can be varied gradually.
● For exchange of data a Wiegand or RS 485 Interface can be used.
4 deister electronic GmbH 30890 Barsinghausen Germany V04/09/07

amanTag compact
2. Technical Data
Meets EN(I-ETS) 300220
Dimensions (mm): 296 x 296 x 28
Transmission frequency: 8,1 kHz
Receiving frequency: 433 MHz ISM-band
Modulation: PSK
Baud-rate in reading: 1500 Baud
Sensibility: -100dBm
Reading distance: up to 8 m, depending on the type of transponder
Field strength in 8m distance: 99 dBμV/m average , 102 dBμV/m peak
Interface: Wiegand, RS485
Voltage supply: 24V (18V...30V)
3. Operation
Two different frequency ranges are used to communicate with the transponder. The
activating of a transponder and data exchange to the transponder takes place within a low
frequent 8,1 kHz-field. Data exchange from the transponder to the reader takes place at
433 MHz.
As soon as a transponder is brought into the working range of the low frequent field, it will
be activated and recognized by the reader.
The transponder stays in direct contact with the reader as long as it is located in the
working range of the low frequent field.
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