DEI Headquarters 7RRRXAD4 Users manual

Nova 400 – Secu r ity OPERATION MANU AL
Table of Contents
Remote Control .......................................................................................................... 2
Usi ng the Remote Control.......................................................................................... 2
To transmit channels 1, 2 or 3 .................................................................................... 2
To transmit channels 4, 5 or 6 .................................................................................... 2
To arm the system . . ....... ............................................................................................. 2
To disarm the syst em .................................................................................................. 3
To activate the panic feature ......................................................................................... 3
To activate an optio n when the alarm is disarmed ....................................................... 3
To activate an option regardless of s t at e. .. ................ ...... . ...... ... .. ...... . ...... ... .. ................ . 3
To activate an option connect ed t o the timer........... .... ................ ................ ...... . ...... ... .. 3
Remote Controls with Hopping Coding ........................................................................... 4
Electronic Scan Prevention (ESP) ................................................................................ 4
Selectable Passive Arming ........................................................................................ 4
Quick Override of Passive Arming ................................................................................ 4
Passive Self-Locking .................................................................................................... 4
Valet M ode with Remot e Controlled Activation.............................................................. 4
To remotely turn ON the protected valet mode .............................................................. 4
To remotely turn OFF the protected valet mo de ........................................................... 5
To manually tur n ON the protect ed valet mode ............................................................. 5
To manually tur n OFF the prot ect ed valet mode ............................................................. 5
Keyless e ntry in valet mode............................................................................................ 5
Automatic Door Control ................................................................................................. 5
Dual-Level Tampering Warning .................................................................................... 5
Alarm State Memory ...................................................................................................... 5
Automatic System Check............................................................................................... 5
Specific Malfunction Identificatio n............................................................................ 6
Automatic Malfunction Override .................................................................................... 6
Non-Volatile Malfunction Recall ..................................................................................... 6
LED Status Indicator ...................................................................................................... 6
Attempted Theft Alert ..................................................................................................... 7
How to Interpret the Chirps and Parking Light Flas hes ................................................. 7
Selectable Chirp Control ............................................................................................... 7
Chirp Canceling ............................................................................................................. 7
Remote Headlight Activation OR Window/Sunroof Closure ........................................ 7
User-Programmable Features ....................................................................................... 8
Example of Programming .............................................................................................. 8
Programming Table for User-Programmab le Feat ures ................................................. 9
Using Your Nova 400 Security System
Remote Control
Each of th e pair of remote con trol s is a miniatu re rad io transmit ter with a t ypical r ange of up t o 100 feet. Obstructions radio interference, cellular transmissions or a weak remote control battery may red uc e the range, or in ter rup t transm ission (if the sy stem d oes not immed iatel y r espond , releas e and pr ess th e bu tton again; this works better th an holding the butt on down). The second remote can be us ed by a sec ond driver of the veh ic le. or k ept as a spare.
Using the Remote Control
Your 3-butt on/ 6-chann el remote cont rol is the key to your security system. It incorp orates Nova 400 Security Stealth Coding technology which offers the most advanced protection available against "cod e-g rabb ing ' devices . It’s an ing en iou s user- friend l y device th at can con tr ol six dif fer ent fun ction s, yet it h as onl y three bu tt on s. You will use th e remot e con tr ol to arm and dis arm t he s ystem, lock and unl ock the d oors, activate its pan ic featu re, and con trol opt ions such as headligh t act ivat ion, r emote trunk release and Nova 400 Security systems on your other vehicles.
Button 1
Button 3
To transmit chann els 1, 2 o r 3:
Just press button 1, 2, or 3. For instance, to transmit channel 3, press button 3. When you transmit, th e LE D will flas h.
To transmit chann els 4, 5 o r 6:
Channel 4: Press button 1 and 2 toget her. Channel 5: Press button 2 and 3 toget her. Channel 6: Press button 1 and 3 toget her. When you transmit, the LED will flash.
Press button 1 onc e. You will hear two c hirps and the par k ing li ghts wil l flash twice. The LED will flas h rep eatedly and th e c ar doors will au tomatic ally lock . Any at tempt to break int o the car will immediately dis abl e the engine, soun d the siren and flash the par k ing l ights.
Button 2
Press button 1 again. One chirp and one flash of t he l ights will c onfir m disarm ing. In add ition, the car door s wil l au tomat icall y unloc k an d th e interior light s will tu rn on and st ay on for 30 sec onds or u ntil you start the engine.
Press button 3. The system will arm or d isarm with all th e in dicat ions noted ab ove except the chirp acknowledgments.
Press butt on 1 for 3 sec ond s. The l igh ts will fl ash r epeat edl y and the s iren will bl are f or 5 minu t es, or unt il you pres s button 1 again to tu rn it off. If th e remote d oor lock/un lock is en abled , th e doors will also unlock so that you can immediately enter the vehicle. If you panic the system when you're beh ind th e wh eel (with t he ign ition on) , th e doors will automat icall y lock to stop poten tial assailan ts from enter ing your vehicle.
Button 2 can only control an op tion wh en the system is disarmed. If you have one of the following options install ed, pr es s ing button 2 while the alar m is disarm ed will either:
Remotely open the trun k OR ... Remot ely open the fu el-t ank door.
Press button 1 and 2 together to activate an option such as a remote engine starter. You can al so activ ate an optional acces s or y c onn ec ted to th e timer (see below).
Press button 1 and 3 together (which now channel 6) to either:
Turn on the headlights for any duration you wish between 1 second and 2 minutes (factory
setting is 30 seconds; to change the duration, see User-Programmable Features section on pages 9) OR ...
Full y cl ose all the power win dows and sunroof on certain Jagu ar, BMW, Mercedes Bent and
Volkswagen vehicl es .
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