Something not sound right?N o so un d at a ll ? Microphone not working?
Try to move to the micro ph on e cl os er to the location of the bluetooth device connecte d. Wh en t he h ea ds et l oc at ed c lo se to connect bluetooth de vi ce r an ge ( ba rr ie r-free or interference fart he st 8 m et er s) i ns id e, On t he h ea ds et e le ct ri ci ty /wireless connection status indicator should show sta bl e gr ee n li gh t.
Adjust the volume and micro ph on e se tt in gs t o an a ud ib le l evel in both your application and operating systen /B lu et oo th d ev ic e.
Try using the headphones with another computer.
Headphones not working with acomputer?
If the headphones don't work and you're u si ng a c om pu te r, you may need to specify the headphones as the default audio output/input device for your operating system .
Decide whether computers for bluetooth devi ce o r ex te rn al U SB bluetooth equipment;
Such as: computer exter na l US B bl ue to ot h ad ap ter.
1.Go to Start/Control Panel/Sounds and Audio devices/Audio tab.
2.In the Sound Playback/Defau lt D ev ic e wi nd ow, c hoose the Bluetooth AV Audio
3.Select the Voice tab.
4.In the Voice tab,choose the Wireless Headphones.
5.Click ok .
6.Res ta rt your media application.
Windows®Vista and Windows®7
1.Go to Start/Control Panel/Sounds/Playbac k De vi ce s ta b.
2.Choose Playback Devices.
3.Choose the Wireless Headphones.
4.Click Set Default,and then click OK.
5.Select the Re co rding Tab.
6.Choose the Wireless Headphones.
7.Click Set Default,and then click OK.
8.Res ta rt yout media application.
Wireless Headphones.
Bluetooth AV Audio
Bluetooth AV Audio
Bluetooth AV Audio
Mac® OS
1.Open Sy st em P references.
2.Click on the Sound icon.
3.Click on the Output tab.
4.Choose the luckee p ho ne W ir el es s Headphones.
5.Select the Lnput tab.
6.Choose the luckee p ho ne W ir el es s Headphones.
7.Close window.
8.Res ta rt your media application.
Headphones not charging?
Use the provided USB chargi ng c ab le ,c on ne ct t he cable to the charging port on the headphones,Connect the other end ot the cable to a USB por t on your computer(or to an optional USB charger).
If you are using a US B hu b, c on ne ct t he c ha rging cable directly to a USB por t on your computer.
If on the headset electricity/wirel es s co nn ec ti on i ns tr uc ti on s et is not purple lights (stable or flashing blue light), That is no headphones from the co mp ut er U SB p or t receiving power. Ple as e tr y to use a computer on the other USB port , an d th en o pe n th e co mp uter or wake up, the headset to charge .
exit and restart the media application.
tr y on another compute r is t o us e th e ea rphone.
Music controls not working?
Music controls for applicat io ns o th er t ha n iTunes,QQ Music and Windows Media Player® are not suppor te d.
Bluetooth not connecting?
Try moving the headphones closer to your Bluetoo th d ev ic e. Th e Batter y/ wi re le ss s tatus light on the headphones turns solid blue when the headphones are in range (up to 8 m) wi th t he B lu etooth device.
Try powering off the headpho ne ,a nd t he n po we r it back on
by pressing the Multi-function butt on .
Make sure t he h ea dp ho ne s are selected as the active output audio
device on your Bluetooth device.
Re- es ta bl is h pairing between the headphones and your Bluetooth
device.For more informatioN ,r ef er to Firs t Bl ue tooth pairing and Additional Bluetooth pa ir in gs i n th is g ui de .
Try using the headphones with a different Blueto ot h de vi ce .
Rea d an d fo ll ow t he se i ns tr uc ti on s, he ed a ll w ar ni ng s. an d ke ep this document for future re ference.
Do not use your pro du ct n ea r wa te r,including dripping or splashing sources(e.g.,indoor fountai ns ), or n ea r ob je ct s fi ll ed w it h li qu id s, such as flower va se s or f is h ta nk s.
Do not use your pro du ct n ea r wa te r( e. g. ,r ad ia tors,heat registers, stoves,open flames,such as li gh te d ca nd le s, or o th er h ea t-p roducing devices,such as audio amplifiers or Tvs.)
Ref er a ll s er vicing and repair to q ua li fi ed s er vice personnel.
Please use the appropriate mu si c vo lu me s o as n ot to damage your hearing and sound system.your hearing and s ou nd s ys te m.
Your p roduct is suitable for use in semi-tropical and moderate climates only.
This device complies with Par t 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two c on di ti on s: (1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference re ce iv ed , in cl ud in g interference that may cause undesired o pe ra ti on .
Note: This equipment has been tes te d an d fo un d to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to p rovide reasonable prote ct io n against harmful interference in a res id en ti al i ns ta ll at io n. T hi s equipment generates, uses and can radiate r ad io f re quency energy and, if not installed and used in accorda nc e wi th t he i ns tr uc ti on s, may cause harmful interference to radio com mu ni ca ti on s.
However, the re is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a part icular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or te le vi si on r ec ep ti on , which can be determined by turning the equipment of f an d on , th e us er i s en co ur ag ed to tr y to correct the inter ference by o ne o r mo re of the following measures: Reo ri en t or relocate the receiving anten na . Increase the sepa ra ti on b et we en t he e qu ip ment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circu it d if fe rent from that to which the re ce iv er i s co nn ec ted. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
War ni ng : Ch an ge s or m odifications to this unit not expressly appro ve d by the part responsible for compliance could void the user's author it y to operate the equipment.
BH 2 100H
Please read carefully before use
Open the pack ag e, p le ase checked t he m od el a nd the mark on th e packing box ,c he ck ed the type of ph ys ic al f rom the packi ng l is t of accessori es ,s uc h as wrong prod uc t mo de l,or inconf or mi ty i te ms diffe re nt w it h the acces so ri es l is t,please co nt ac t th e businessm an where you pur ch as e as s oon as possib le .
3 4
1.Adjustable headband
2.Multi-function button
(power o n/off,pairing, play/
pause,answer/reje ct calls)
3.Volum e up/
4.Volum e down/
next song
5.Sculpted ear pads
6.Noise-canceling microp hone
7.Battery/wirele ss status light
8.Charging port
9.USB charging cabl e
First Bluetooth pairing
1.Power on the Bluetooth device (e.g.MP3,mobile phone, smar tp ho ne o r ta bl et )t o be paired with the headphon es .Turm on Bluetooth for that device.(Refer to your Bluetooth device documentation to complete t he se t as ks .
2.Long press for nine seconds the h ea dp ho ne M ul ti -f un ct io n bu tt on . The headphone status light blinks rapidly.The headphon es e nt er pairing mode.
3.In the Bluetooth device menu,select lucke e ph on e from the Bluetooth device re qu es ts a s ec ur it y co de ,P IN ,e nter 0000.
4.When the headphone status light turns solid Blue,a Bluetooth connection is made.
LED 灯快速 闪烁
Listen to music or make an in te rn et ca ll . listen to music.
1.Select an audio track or video clip.
2.Tap the Multi-function button to pla y the au di o tra ck or vi de o cli p. Tap the Multi-function button to pau se th e tra ck or cl ip .
3.Long press the vol um e "+/ -" bu tt on co nt rol the Volume up/down, shor t press control the next song/previous .W he n the ma xi mu n volume is reached ,t he he ad ph on es em it a ton e.
Answer an incoming call.
Connect the headphones to a smartphone.Tappress for less than one second)the Multi-function button to answ er an in co mi ng ca ll .
Rej ec t an inc om in g cal l.
Press for two seconds the Mu lt i- fu nc ti on bu tt on .
End a call.
Tap(Press for less than one second)the Multi-functi on bu tt on to end the call.
Sta rt and shutdown.
1. Long press multi-function key 5 se co nds, complete the start up or shutdown.
2. When the phone is switched on you r hea ds et au to ma ti ca ll y connect the last shutdown using equi pm en t.
1.Lucke e ph on e 1p cs
2.User s M an ua l 1p cs
3.USB Cable 1pcs
Wea r mo de Speaker dia me te r 30 mm Drag resistance 32 Ω Power supply mode lithium batte r y Connector micro USB Rec ei vi ng d is ta nc e 8 m Conversation time abo ut e ig ht h ou rs Charging time 2 ~ 3 hours Wor ki ng c ur re nt m ax im um 3 5 ma Charging vo lt ag e USB 5 v Applicable scope mo bi le p ho ne s,
┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄Over ear
┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄
To charge the headphones,plug hte in cl ud ed US B cha rg in g cable into your headphones and computer (o r an opt io na l USB ch arger). When the headphone batte ry is ver y low,a full charge ab ou t take up to three ho ur s.But you do n't ha ve to stop using\the headphones because they charge while you ta lk or li st en to music.
Bluetooth and USB wirel es s Na no receiver indications
Solid b lu e
Flash in g blue
No ligh t
Batter y st at us
Li ght
Red a nd beep in g
Flash in g purpl e
Ste ady pur ple
Bluet ooth: Ac onnec ti on is mad e; your he adpho ne s are r eady to u se .
Bluet ooth: Ar apid bli nk in dicat es pairi ng is achieve d; a slower bl ink indi ca tes the hea dp hones ar e conne ct able, bu t not con ne cted.
Your h eadph on es are po wered off.
Batte ry lev el
10 %
10 0%
Charg ing com pl ete
<30 minu tes of ta lk time l ef t
Headp ho nes cha rging
Charg ing com pl ete
Bluetooth function of t he c omputer