Definitive Technology ProCinema 100, ProMonitor 80, ProMonitor 100, ProMonitor 200, ProCenter 100 Brochure & Specs

Great sound—and sometimes great value—are easy to find in big speaker systems, but it is rarely possible to achieve great sound that you can crank on your DTS or Dolby Digital system at a lower
price. Also, from a purely practical standpoint, one of the biggest problems with great systems like those based around ... Definitive Technology’s BP2002 is that these beasts take up a lot of real estate in your home theater room and can often dominate a house. Now, if you have the space, and can afford it, you would be remiss to buy a lesser
system. On the other hand, if you don’t have the space, like most apartment dwellers or those looking
for a second good system for the bedroom, great sound can be hard to find. But a whole slew of excellent minisystems have been coming out that meet the standards set by the behemoths mentioned above.
On paper alone, Definitive’s new ProCinema—the company’s first real foray into the budget sub/sat system thing—looks like a great deal. get four matched ProMonitor 100 speakers, a two-way minimonitor
that features the same 5.25-inch cast-basket, polypropylene-cone woofer/midrange driver and 1-inch pure aluminum dome tweeter that you find in Definitive’s awesome BP2002 tower speakers. Also included in this package is the ProCenter 100, which matches the ProMonitor sonically in that it uses two 4.5-inch mid/woofs that are very similar to the
5.25-inchers in the ProMonitor 100,
Everyone loves a good deal. Whether I’m buying a new watch, some cool new duds to look good around the office, or a new home theater component, I always want a good value. Very often, though, we buy value-priced things we think will rock, but end up sucking big-time when we get them dialed in at home. Once we realize something sucks, what do we do? Toss it in the garbage, or make it that special Hanukkah gift for that loser cousin who the entire family hates.
But what about the stuff that makes you extremely proud to own it especially when you got a good deal? Buying these kinds of products gives you some of your best moments ever, even better than college graduation or your 21st birthday, when you could finally legally guzzle down a truckload of cheap alcohol, not the Aqua Velva you were swigging as a juvenile under a bridge somewhere.
“clearly sets a new standard for sub/sat systems”
Denitive Technology ProCinema 100 Speaker System
Denitely the way to go if you want great sound at the right price.
By Jeff Cherun, CFG Labs
If you want truly incredible sound at an unbelievable price,
run and get this system.
“the build quality of these little speakers is pretty amazing”
A. The ProMonitor
100s were up to
every challenge we
threw at them.
B. Our center speaker
test was no match
for the ProCenter
100’s capabilities.
C. Jeff was astounded
by the ProSub 100’s
bass quality.
the ProMonitors seem as though they were monster towers if you closed your eyes
these speakers are as close to perfection as I imagine anything in this price range could be
NOW even more powerful with
NEW 250-watt ProSub 100TL.
oriented on either side of the same aluminum tweeter as the ProMonitors.
Now, what would a sub/sat system be like without a sub? Well, youll never know because Denitive has included the ProSub 100, a 10-inch long-throw, front-firing woofer in a slot loaded enclosure, powered by a substantial 125-watt built-in amplifier.
The subwoofer also has many great features, including line-level inputs and speaker-level inputs and outputs (with a 6­decibel/octave high-pass lter on the speaker-level outputs), as well as the usual subwoofer level and low pass-lter frequency controls. The low-pass lter starts with a 12 dB/octave slope, then moves into a 24 dB/octave slope, a design Denitive uses to help the sub blend better with the satellites.
The build quality of these little speakers is pretty amazing, very much in keeping with the rest of Denitive’s lineup. All of the grilles snap on securely, not like some of the imsy manufacturing examples that often come through our doors. The nice thing about these speakers construction is that if they are well cared for, they will be in your will to your kids. Each speaker features
chunky gold-plated binding posts, allowing you to wire them up in any number of ways. In addition, each ProMonitor 100 has a cool little stand on which you can mount the speaker. You can also move the stand to the back, so it forms a swiveling wall mount. Or you can wall mount the speakers by way of special mounting holes that are on the back­side of each speaker.
Setting up the ProCinema system is a snap, because all you need to do is hook up your amp via speaker cables to the subwoofer speaker inputs, and connect the right and left speakers from the subwoofer speaker outputs. The center and surround speakers get hooked up conventionally, directly to the amp. The bass energy below 125 Hertz goes to the sub, and signals above that go to the main right and left speakers, essentially providing a full-range set of speakers.
For this evaluation, we used our TARA Klara speaker cables terminated with banana plugs running from our B&K AV5000 amp. For electronics, we tried the ProCinema system with both our Chiro C­800 and C-5.1 duo, as well as the Philips Multimedia Home Theater. For sources, we used Pioneer’s CLD-99 laserdisc player, along with JVC’s XV-1000BK DVD player. To evaluate the ProCenter 100, we placed it atop the Mitsubishi 50-inch RPTV reviewed in this issue. The rear speakers sat on stands behind our listening position, ring at the sweet spot.
The rst recording I listened to was the Seal DTS remix of Prayer for the Dying, available on the DTS demonstration and setup disc. This song features wonderfully
lively bass, along with great panning and musical effects that make DTS CDs so exciting. The other nice thing about this recording is that Seal’s voice comes only from the center speaker, testing its ability to blend with the rest of the performance. With the ProCinema system, the voice was clean and the speakers didnt strain a bit. The bass coming from the ProSub 100 was clean and distinct, and made the ProMonitors seem as though they were monster towers if you closed your eyes. The sound that this system put out was much bigger than the sum of its parts, which is the holy grail for any system, big or small.
The next recording I thought would challenge the Denitive sub/sat system was Jewel’s bright rerecording of Foolish Games, available on the otherwise crappy Batman and Robin soundtrack CD.
the entire presentation put forth by these speakers was absolutely rst class
the two little ProMonitors made for a huge sound, eliciting all of the textures and layers that can make this song such a lush listening experience
the tonal balance was excellent
the surround effects were highly realistic and piqued the senses every time they were present
these speakers shined. The soundstage was much bigger and deeper than one could imagine from such small, inexpensive speakers
Definitive Technology ProCinema 100 Speaker System
CFG Labs measures: Definitive Technology ProCinema system
This chart shows the frequency response of the com­plete Definitive Technology ProCinema system (in red), and the ProSub alone (in yellow). We measured the ProSub at the lowest and highest settings of its low-pass filter, and also with the knob set in the middle. With the control dead center, we got a dip in overall system response of about 1.5 dB centered at 95 Hz; you’d probably get a perfect blend with the control set to just past halfway.
The subwoofer produces its strongest response from 30 to 40 Hz; at the middle filter setting, the response was down 3 dB at 70 Hz, and started to fall off very quickly above 98 Hz. At 20 Hz, the response is down 9 dB from the peak at 30 Hz.
The ProMonitor satellite’s response starts to roll off around 165 Hz, and is down 4 dB at 105 Hz; below that, it falls off very rapidly. Above 150 Hz, the response is flat to plus/minus 3 dB throughout the audio range, except for a narrow peak of about 6 dB centered at 13,235 Hz. Except for the spike in the high treble (which could make the ProMonitor sound slightly bright on certain material), the response of the system as a whole is exceptionally even for speakers at this price.
The impedance of the ProMonitor falls to a low of
3.85 ohms in a fairly narrow band centered at 263 Hz, except between 172 and 498 Hz, and below 45 Hz (where the ProSub’s high-pass filter will render it inoperative, anyway) it remains above 5 ohms for its operating range.
For more measurement info, log onto our Web site at
sub only
el (dB
frequency (Hz)
Definitive Technology ProCinema system
Definitive Technology ProCinema System
level (dB)
frequency (Hz)
95 90 85 80
75 70 65 60
sub only
Truly awesome imaging and
Great bass from ProSub 100
One of the best values weve
seen in a sub/sat system
Outperforms many, many
more-expensive speakers
this system was able to sustain loud listening levels and produce wonderful sound
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