Full Range Bipolar Surround/Satellite
Speaker System
OOwwnneerr''ss MMaannuuaal
Congratulations on your purchase of the Definitive
Technology BPX Bipolar Surround/Satellite Speaker
System. This revolutionary loudspeaker utilizes stateof-the-art components (cast-basket homopolymer
coned bass/midrange drivers, moving coil
ferrofluid-cooled dome high-frequency radiators,
uniphase crossover networks, etc.), a non-resonant
monocoque cabinet and low-diffraction construction in
order to achieve the most lifelike sound possible in
your listening room for many years to come.
BPX is a compact, high-quality bipolar (equal sound
radiates both front and rear) speaker system intended
primarily for use as a rear surround, side surround
and/or center rear speaker in Dolby Pro Logic*, Dolby
Digital*, Dolby EX*, DTS* and all 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1
surround sound systems. In addition, it can also be
used as a front “effects” speaker in multi-channel DSP
systems or as a front main left and right speaker.
Please Inspect For Shipping Damage
Each loudspeaker leaves our plant in perfect condition. Any
visible or concealed damage most likely occurred in handling
after it left our plant and should be reported at once to your
Definitive dealer or the shipping company which delivered
your loudspeaker.
* Registered
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg YYoouurr LLoouuddssppeeaakkeerrs
It is critical for proper performance that all speakers (left, right, center and rear) be
connected in proper phase. Note that one terminal on each speaker (+) is colored red
and the other (-) is colored black. Please make certain that you connect the red (+)
terminal on each speaker to the red (+) terminal of its channel on your amplifier or
receiver and the black (-) terminal to the black (-) terminal. It is essential that all
speakers be connected in the same way to the amplifier (in phase). If you experience
a great lack of bass, it is likely that one speaker is out of phase with the others.
Usually if distortion is heard when the speakers are being driven at
loud levels, it is caused by driving (turning up) the amplifier too loud and
not by driving the speakers with more power than they can handle.
Remember, most amplifiers put out their full-rated power well before the
volume control is turned all the way up! If your speakers distort when you
play them loud, turn down the amplifier or get a bigger amplifier.
PPoossiittiioonniinngg tthhee BBPPXXss iinn YYoouurr RRoooom
FFoorr RReeaarr SSuurrrroouunndd,, SSiiddee SSuurrrroouunndd oorr CCeenntteerr RReeaarr SSppeeaakkeerrs
The BPXs are designed to be extremely flexible in terms of their placement
when used as rear surround, side surround or center rear surround speakers. Their
bipolar radiation characteristics make them perfect for Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby
Digital, Dolby EX, DTS and all 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 decoding systems. They may be
used on the side walls, rear walls or in the rear corners of the listening room. When
placed along the side walls the speakers should normally be located adjacent to or
behind the listening position. The speakers may also be placed near the rear corners
of the room or located on the rear wall. If you have your couch or listening position
near or against the rear wall, we suggest rear wall placement of the BPXs with them
positioned on either side of the couch and in from the side wall. High placement is
preferred; however, midwall or floor placement is acceptable. Normally speakers
would be hung on the wall with the input connection plate up against the wall;
however, the BPXs may also be placed on shelves or stands. Of course, experimentation is encouraged to get the best performance in your particular room. As a starting point, we suggest mounting the speakers on the side walls behind the listening
position about 3-6 feet off the floor and halfway between the listening position and
the rear wall.
FFoorr FFrroonntt MMaaiinn ((LLeefftt aanndd RRiigghhtt)) SSppeeaakkeerrs
Because of their superb performance characteristics, the BPXs can also be used
as a front main system. In this configuration they should normally be placed about
6-8 feet apart approximately at ear level with the inside facing baffle, which has
drivers mounted on it, facing towards the listening position.