Zen Datalogger
Data Logging Control Station
The Zen Data logger is perfect for applications that require acquisition and
visualization of data from multiple sources.
Easy DAQ and onboard
data logging
Get all your data acquisition (DAQ)
requirements ful lled with the Zen
This exible 16 channel control and
monitoring station logs data onto a
1GB micro SD card, so you can physically take your data with you or route it
to other hardware.
Data visualization and graphing helps you
understand your data
If logging data is vital to your application, then you'll know that interpreting that data is just as vital. The
Zen Datalogger gives you a simple way (via WorkBench so ware) to plot graphs and visualize your data,
for a better understanding of your results. You can also export your data to CSV format, for further analysis using Excel.
Enjoy the exibility of 16 universal inputs
Like its predecessor (ZEN-16), the Zen Datalogger accepts TC, RTD, mA, mV, V, Frequency and Counter
inputs, and shares many of its capabilities. This means you can reduce the number of separate instruments
you need for your application, keeping things simple for maintenance and troubleshooting.
Key features:
16 Universal isolated inputs
TC, RTD, mA, mV, V, Potentiometer, Frequency,
Counter and more
Real-time clock and data logging to
1GB Micro SD card
(7,858,683 samples for all channels!)
With Modbus RTU
For easy integration with SCADAs and PLCs
4 Digital inputs
2 Analog outputs and 2 Relay contact outputs
For control and alarm applications
HMI connection
Expansion interface
Add 16 relay outputs and 16 digital control
inputs with 'ZEN-RIO' (sold separately)
Easy USB programming and data log retrieval
No calibration! Simple setup in just minutes with WorkBench.
With a range of smart features to simplify setup of your input and outputs, setpoints and totalizers, as
well as presets for easy scaling (with no calibration required!), WorkBench o ers a exible and intuitive
setup experience for your Zen Datalogger.
Feature Packed
Simulation Mode enables simulated con guration
of any Zen product without a physical connection
- ideal for product demos and o site support.
WorkBench also has the ability to Import/Export
Con guration Settings, and generate a PDF Con guration Certi cate - perfect for dispatch with a
pre-con gured product.
Bridge Key Compatible
The Zen Datalogger utilizes our universal
Bridge Key for PC connection.
Data is logged on a 1GB micro SD card for high capacity logging and simple
data log retrieval. Data visualization and graphing is accessed through De ne
Instruments free WorkBench so ware.
De ne WorkBench "Data Viewer" enables you to view your
logged data and visualize it in a line or bar graph, or as tabulated data. Display settings enable you to specify the range
of viewable data, and con gure your graph axes and labels.
You can also export logged data to CSV format for further
processing using Excel.
The Micro SD card can be removed from the Zen unit and
read using a standard SD card reader, enabling fast, simple
and portable data log retrieval.
Ordering Codes for Zen Datalogger
Power Supply:
-HV 85–265V AC / 95–370V DC
-MV 24–48V AC / 17–72V DC
Port 1:
-RS RS485 / RS422 (auto-selecting)
16x Universal Isolated Inputs, 2 analog outputs, 4 digital inputs, 2 relays, 2 comm ports (Port 1=
Selectable, Port 2= RS485 / RS232). Expansion interface terminal. HMI terminal. Real-time clock and
data logging to 1GB Micro SD Card.
Ethernet Modbus
Accessories (Sold Separately)
BRIDGE-KEY USB Bridge Key, required for PC programming using our free WorkBench so ware.
FM1602 LCD Remote Display, Front Mount
Relay I/O expansion, 16x Relay outputs, 16 x Digital inputs