Dedicated Micros Dennard 2040, Dennard 2060 Menu System Manual

This product is marked with the CE symbol and indicates
Directive 89/336/EEC.
A “Declaration of Conformity” is held at Dedicated Micros Ltd.,
11 Oak Street, Swinton, Manchester, M27 4FL.
3.1 Preset Positions 7
3.2 Preset Position Titles 7
3.3 Tours 7
3.4 Real Time Clock 7
3.5 Alarm Response 7
3.6 Bottom Flip 8
3.7 Camera Mode 8
3.8 Digital Zoom Extension 8
3.9 Dome Selection Cursor 8
3.10 Text Positioning and Selection 8
3.11 Joystick Range 8
3.12 Host polling 8
3.13 Error Reporting 9
3.14 Activity light 9
3.15 User Timeout 9
3.16 Set Video Amplification 9
3.17 Privacy mode 9
4.1 Dome Menu Structure with Dennard controllers 10
4.2 Main Menu 11
4.2.1 Go to Preset or Start Tour 11
4.2.2 PIN number entry 12
4.3 Supervisor Menu 15
4.3.1 Store/Edit Preset 15
4.3.2 Store/Edit Tour 16
4.3.3 Alarm Setup 17
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4.3.4 Supervisor Options 19
4.3.5 Enter New PIN 22
4.3.6 Privacy Zone Setup 22
4.4 Technician Menu 23
4.4.1 Camera set up 23
4.4.2 Enable/Disable options 24
4.4.3 Joystick control 24
4.4.4 Miscellaneous Services 25
4.4.5 Enter New PIN 26
6.1 Dedicated Micros Digital Sprite 2 31
6.1.1 Up the coax control 31
6.1.2 RS485 control 32
6.2 Baxall / Vista controllers 32
6.3 Dennard dtx1000/dc 33
6.4 Building Block Video TX1000/DC 34
6.5 Dennard dtx400/dc 35
6.6 Building Block Video TX400DC 36
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The Dennard 2060 Dome Camera is a precision unit, offering a wide variable speed range, together with a large pre-set memory for positions, tours and alarm responses. It has a switchable colour/monochrome camera (colour-only on indoor units) with an 18:1 or 26:1 zoom lens plus x 4 digital enhancement.
The unit has a comprehensive set of features as standard, which can be tailored for individual preferences. These can be accessed through an internally generated set of menus overlaid on the video signal if the controller does not have a suitable layout. Each Dome Camera is delivered with a separate weatherproof power supply.
Outline Specification:
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Speed range 0.05 to 300° / second max (both Pan and Tilt)
Repeatability 5 minutes of arc
RS 485 half duplex or simplex, 9600 Baud OR ‘Up the coax’ using built in DEN PANEL or BAX PANEL protocol converter for Dennard, BBV & DM or Baxall controls
Storage capacity
200 positions, with identifying title of up to 20 characters 100 tours of up to 16 preset positions 100 deep alarm response memory
Power Supply
24Va.c, Camera & control electronics:-10VA Heater & blower unit:-10VA
Dome Camera: 150mm diameter hemisphere x 230mm overall Power Supply: 165L x 135W x 95H.
Protection BS EN 60529 to level IP66 (no water ingress)
Dome Camera: 1.7 kg + mounting bracket Power Supply: 1.3 kg
Mounting Configurations
Ceiling mount, pendant mount, wall bracket, corner mount, snowdrop & tile mounts available
18X zoom camera module
26X zoom camera module
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Optical range
4.1mm to 73.8mm zoom; F1.4 to F3.0 Auto-focus with manual override
Privacy zones 24 programmable zones (8 on screen at any time)
Video sensitivity 0.7 lux colour
Video resolution
768 horizontal x 494 vertical pixels More than 470 TVL
Video output 1.0v p-p composite, negative synch
Optical range
3.5mm to 91.0mm zoom; F1.6 to F3.8 Auto-focus with manual override
Privacy zones 24 programmable zones (8 on screen at any time)
Video sensitivity 1.0 lux colour
Video resolution
768 horizontal x 494 vertical pixels More than 470 TVL
Video output 1.0v p-p composite, negative synch
The Dennard 2040 Dome Camera is a precision indoor unit, offering a wide variable speed range, together with a large pre-set memory for positions, tours and alarm responses. It has a colour camera with a 18:1 zoom lens.
The unit has a comprehensive set of features as standard, which can be tailored for individual preferences. These can be accessed through an internally generated set of menus overlaid on the video signal if the controller does not have a suitable layout.
Outline Specification:
Dennard 2040 / 2060 Menu System Manual Page. 5
Speed range 0.05 to 300° / second max (both Pan and Tilt)
Repeatability 5 minutes of arc
RS 485 half duplex or simplex, 9600 Baud OR 'Up the coax' using built in DEN PANEL or BAX PANEL protocol converter for Dennard, BBV & DM or Baxall controls
Storage capacity
100 positions with identifying title of up to 20 characters 50 tours of up to 16 preset positions 50 alarm responses
Power Supply 24Va.c, camera & control electronics; 10VA
150mm diameter hemisphere with 220mm ceiling ring 110mm height behind ceiling panel
Weight 1.5 kg
Mounting Configurations Tile mount.
18X zoom camera
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Optical range
4.1mm to 73.8mm optical zoom; F1.4 to F3.0 Auto focus with manual override
Privacy zones 24 programmable zones with 8 on screen at any time
Video sensitivity 3 Lux colour
Video resolution
768 horizontal x 494 vertical pixels More than 470 TVL
Video output 1.0v p-p composite, negative sync
The Dennard 2040 / 2060 Camera's have a number of features which can be selected by the System Supervisor when the dome is installed. Any of these can be altered subsequently, or cancelled altogether, to give the best operational responses for any particular application. They are invoked or cancelled through on-screen menu structures, described in section 4, and the settings are then retained in non-volatile memory so that they are not affected by a loss of power.
The features, and what they offer, are described below:
3.1 Preset Positions
Up to 200 (Dennard 2060) or 100 (Dennard 2040) positions can be stored and recalled at any time. Each position stores the Pan, Tilt, Zoom, and Focus positions as well as the position title.
3.2 Preset Position Titles
Each preset position title can have up to 20 alphanumeric characters to identify the associated position uniquely. The default title position lies at the top left hand corner of the video picture, left justified, but this can be altered if required.
The preset position titles only appear at the position they identify: any movement from that position will remove them.
3.3 Tours
Up to 100 (Dennard 2060) or 50 (Dennard 2040) tours can be stored and recalled at any time. Each tour can contain up to 16 positions together with a ‘Dwell’ time at each position plus the ‘Travel Time’ that the dome unit must take to reach the next position. When the last position in the tour is reached, the tour ‘loops’ back to the first position.
3.4 Real Time Clock (Not applicable to the Dennard 2040)
The Dennard 2060 dome camera is fitted with a real time clock to provide time and date marks for the operator and the recording system if required. A range of selectable formats can provide time and date displays and the unit is able to use the information to provide enhanced alarm functions where the reaction to an alarm can be modified depending on the time of day or the day of the week.
3.5 Alarm Response
Up to 100 (Dennard 2060) or 50 (Dennard 2040) Alarm responses can be stored. Each alarm response creates a specified reaction to an alarm number. This is a very powerful feature, allowing a number of domes, or any other device conforming to the Dennard protocol, to invoke a pre-set alarm action from one single loop broadcast command.
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3.6 Bottom Flip
The dome will automatically pan through 180 degrees as fast as possible when tilted fully down so that it is possible to follow a person or car, moving directly underneath the dome, with only a single joystick direction to consider.
3.7 Camera Mode
The camera in both Dennard 2060 and Dennard 2040 can be switched between colour and monochrome mode. In the Dennard 2060 it can be selected as colour/mono in which case it will automatically switch to mono when the light level is insufficient for good quality colour pictures.
3.8 Digital Zoom Extension
The camera system allows an extension of the optical zoom by selecting more of the central part of the picture and expanding this to fill the frame. This feature is selectable.
3.9 Dome Selection Cursor
The menu structure itself, and the choices and selections offered, are searched and invoked by a single cursor or flashing character and the direction in which this moves depends on the particular control panel in use. The direction of movement can be reversed separately for horizontal and vertical movement if required.
3.10 Text Positioning and Selection
All text can be positioned where it is wanted, replaced with default text (eg: Position 31, or Sector
18), or removed as required.
3.11 Joystick Range
Even if the control panel has a wide range proportional joystick output, the dome has such a wide speed range that both a fast and a slow speed range are needed to realise the full performance (provided of course that the control panel in question has a facility to invoke these separately).
The slow speed range is simply the same as the fast speed range following the same in-built correlation law, but divided by a constant. This constant can be set between 2 and 128.
3.12 Host polling
When the dome is configured for communication using RS485 protocols it can be set to check its communication link at regular intervals. If a continuous data stream is expected from the controller, enabling Host Polling will get the dome to report a communications error if nothing is received for 5 seconds. Normally, this setting is disabled.
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3.13 Error Reporting
The dome constantly monitors its own health and is able to indicate that a problem has occurred by a flashing square in the top right hand corner of the transmitted picture. The cause can subsequently be requested when convenient. Alternatively, the unit can display the error text instead of the flashing square.
3.14 Activity light
A green LED provides some diagnostic help when first switching the dome on and also indicates when command signals are received. As it may be visible externally it can be switched on or off.
3.15 User Timeout
There is a possibility that the dome may be left pointing at an unhelpful scene and, for whatever reason, ‘forgotten’. To cater for this eventuality, two settings have the specific function of acting to prevent this happening. These are Preset 001 and Tour 001.
A time delay can be set between 1 and 999 seconds and a default response to the timeout being reached also defined. If the time is exceeded after any joystick/key entry Pan and Tilt input at the Control Panel then the default action will occur.
If a delay time of 0 is set, no default action will occur and the unit will wait indefinitely for the next user input.
If a dome menu screen is left waiting for an input for more than 3 minutes then the system times out and the dome resumes its previous activity.
3.16 Set Video Amplification
This facility allows the video gain to be adjusted from the normal setting, with four levels available. Video lift can be tuned on or off and is normally set to the Off position.
3.17 Privacy mode
It is sometimes desirable to prevent operators from viewing certain areas. To meet this requirement the Privacy mode allows black patches to be set up to cover these areas.
The size of the patch overlaid is the size of the monitor view at whatever zoom setting is used. When zooming out, the patch reduces in size so that it only covers the original area.
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NB: This will vary between control panels. Please refer to the Controller manual.
The Dome Camera's are open protocol devices. Consequently, there are several different manufacturers’ controllers available to drive it. All of the many features offered by the dome are programmed from one of three menu structures. Each controller will have individual control configurations which make it essential that the user reads the controller manual to ascertain which button activation gives access to the menu features. Section 6 gives these functions for several popular controllers.
The following instructions will guide you through the menu structure when using the Dome & PSU (with address set to No. 253… DEN PANEL) controlled by either a Dennard dtx400dc or dtx1000dc
4.1 Dome Menu Structure with Dennard controllers
The Menus appear on the screen when activated by the following commands:
Note that the ‘shift’ key must be held down while the selection is made.
On activation, the menu will appear on the monitor screen against the normal video scene background with a cursor on the left hand edge. A choice is made by positioning the cursor over the desired feature and operating an “ACCEPT” button(s) which, for the Dennard controllers, is as follows:-
For Dennard dtx1000dc, hold the preset button and press CAMERA SELECT 1
For Dennard dtx 400dc, press preset 1 button
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Dennard dtx1000dc access
Dennard dtx400dc access
User Menu shift wash shift 1
Supervisor Menu (password required) shift wipe shift 2
Technicians Menu (password required) shift autopan shift 3
4.2 Main Menu
When called, the Main Menu screen will display the following options, against a camera display background, with a cursor at the left hand edge:
Using the joystick, or direction arrow keys, move up or down the list to select the feature required then press the appropriate key(s) to accept/select it. If ‘Exit’ is chosen the menu is cleared and no other action is taken by the dome.
4.2.1 Go to Preset or Start Tour
These selections allow the operator to recall the full range of stored Preset positions and Tours, even if the control panel has neither the numerical range nor general ability to do so.
Note that this screen only allows existing preset positions and tours to be accessed. To set up new presets or tours, see section 4.3.1 or 4.3.2
The display will prompt for the required numerical entry with the following subsidiary menu:
The cursor can be moved across the numerical line, using the joystick or control buttons, until the desired number is reached. The characters will flash their position in turn and, as soon as one is selected with the ACCEPT button(s), will be displayed in the _ _ _ part of the display.
Leading zeros need not be entered (eg 001 may be entered simply as ‘1’) but the entry must be within range, eg 001 - 250 for Presets and 001 - 100 for Tours (Dennard 2060) and 001 - 100 for Presets and 001 - 50 for Tours (Dennard 2040). Entries outside the range will cause an ‘Illegal Entry’ message to flash, and the entry must be cleared and re-entered.
When the digits have been selected, Accept Entry will invoke that choice and the screen will automatically clear to the desired camera position.
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Go to Preset Start Tour
Technician Menu Supervisor Menu Exit
Preset Number___ (orTourNumber)
Accept Entry Clear Entry Return
To change the choice, ‘Clear Entry’ will start the process again.
Note that Preset number 1 and Tour number 1 should be allocated to the most common or important views. These values are the ones to which the dome automatically returns following a power cut if no operator is in attendance. See the section on power fail, sec
4.2.2 PIN number entry
When the Technician or Supervisor menu is called the following screen appears. The password or PIN Number is keyed in using the same method as used with previous entries.
The cursor is run across the numerical line, using the joystick or control buttons, until the desired number is reached. The characters will flash their position in turn and as soon as one is selected with the ACCEPT button(s) it will be displayed in the _ _ _ _ part of the display.
When all four digits have been selected, Accept Entry will invoke that choice and the screen will automatically change to the selected menu i.e. the Technician or Supervisor menu.
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Enter PIN____
Accept Entry Clear Entry Cancel
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To gain access to the Supervisor Menu, enter PIN as ‘1111’
To gain access to the Technician Menu, enter PIN ‘9999’
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4.3 Supervisor Menu
The SUPERVISOR MENU allows the supervisor not only to duplicate the operator menu functions, but also to programme Preset positions (with their identifying title) and Tours. Additionally, cursor setting and text positioning and selection are accessed here.
The functions are split into a series of underlying menus in ‘layers’. When returning from most underlying menus, the overlying menu is re-presented. The functions which are less likely to be needed lie deeper in the structure.
The Supervisor Menu displays:
4.3.1 Store/Edit Preset
The first option enables the supervisor to define a view (including pan, tilt and zoom settings) and store it for future recall. Note that storing a Preset requires that the desired camera view is already visible when this screen is entered. Selecting this option calls up the following underlying screens.
Selecting the preset number is achieved as with the previous numerical entry screens. When the number is accepted, a new display will allow the supervisor to give this position a name (such as ‘Main Gate’ or ‘Front Door’) or use the default names stored in the dome software. The screen will prompt with:
Edit Preset Text -
Yes No
Preset Number___
Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Delete Preset
Store/Edit Preset Store/Edit Tour Alarm Setup Supervisor Options Change PIN Privacy Zone Setup Return Exit
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Select ‘No’ to use the default names or ‘Yes’ to enter a new name through the following screen.
The title choice is made as usual with the cursor and accepted when ready (which will store the chosen Title with the stored Preset position). Backspace allows a correction to be made while ‘Return without change’ will store the Preset position with the default title. The title appears in the _ _ space as it is compiled.
Note that the ‘_’ symbols indicate where the title will appear - they do not appear on-screen
4.3.2 Store/Edit Tour
A Tour is a predefined journey taken by the camera, between a number of Preset positions. Before accessing this facility, ensure that all the required Preset positions have been stored, as shown in section 4.3.1. Choosing to program a Tour first requires the Tour Number to be entered in an identical procedure to selecting a Position (except that the range must lie between 001 and 100). Once the number has been accepted, a subsidiary menu is displayed:
If a tour has already been established on this number its initial data is displayed as ‘Old’. This data can be edited by adding new values or a new tour can be established.
Here the entry format follows the now-familiar procedure but the _ _ _ characters have specific functions: The first three characters, PPP, represent a Preset position number. ‘DD’ is the dwell time that the camera must spend stationary at that position and ‘SS’ represents the time that the camera must take to reach the next position in the tour. The times are entered as seconds, between 01 and 99. If no value is entered, the Tour will use the default values of 2 seconds dwell time and 3 seconds travel time.
When all characters are completed and then accepted, the display clears the entry ready to receive the next position information and the ‘Item’ counter is incremented. When all entries are complete, select the ‘Store Tour’ instruction.
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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz0123456789:/*=+.-
Backspace Return Without Change Accept Entry ____________
Item ___intour___
PPPDDTT Old_______ New_______
0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Store Tour
4.3.3 Alarm Setup
Alarms are inputs into the dome which require the dome to undertake a specific action. They may come from a number of external sources, such as door entry systems or PIR motion sensors. The Dennard 2060 dome has a clock function that enables the supervisor to select different actions depending on the time of day or the day of the week. This clock function is not available in the Dennard 2040, go to section The Alarm Setup screen provides access to three options: Alarm Action Setup
On selecting this function the supervisor must select an alarm number in the usual way with the following screen:
Accepting the Alarm number brings up the following screen:
This allows a specified preset position P or tour T to be stored, along with its identification number ‘nnn’ which will be implemented when the alarm is activated. To select an option, use the code ‘01’ for Tour or ‘10’ for Preset (the 1 under the P or T selects its use; 11 is invalid). Accepting the entry will increment the alarm number allowing all inputs to have an action allocated to them or their existing action, shown as ‘Old’, modified. The alarm action will be sustained for a duration set by the user timeout (see section
Dennard 2040 / 2060 Menu System Manual Page. 17
Alarm Action Setup Mask Alarm Select Holidays
Return Exit
Alarm Number___
Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Delete Alarm
Alm___Select P or T
PTnnn Old____ New____
0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change
(This screen is not applicable to Dennard 2040) Mask Alarms (Not Applicable to Dennard 2040)
Alarm responses can be modified, depending on when they are activated. Selecting this facility will bring up the following screen:
The letters displayed indicate:
MTWTFSS Monday to Sunday H Holiday hhmm Time of ‘Mask On’ hhmm Time of ‘Mask Off’
Entering a ‘1’ under a day of the week means that the alarms will be masked – i.e. they will not cause a response from the dome – on that day. Similarly, a ‘1’ under the Holiday means that the alarm is masked on specified holidays (note that the setting for a holiday will override the setting for a day of the week). The mask will operate throughout the days selected unless a mask on and off time are entered. This is achieved through numerical entry of the time using the 24hr clock. The mask temporarily disables all connected alarms.
For example, if motion sensors have been connected into the dome but are only required to operate outside of normal working hours they can be masked by entering the code ‘1111100008301800’. This masks the alarms on Mon – Fri between 08.30 a.m and 6 p.m. Outside these times, and at the weekends and on holidays, the dome will respond to the alarms as desired.
To add complete flexibility, up to ten levels of configuration are available, indicated by the ‘Item number’ on the screen. As each entry is accepted the number increments until the full action is saved. Secondary levels allow different masking times to be selected on different days. In the example above, it may be that the building closes early on Friday. To achieve the different times, the first code (item) would be modified to ‘1111000008301800’ and a second item code entered as ‘0000100008301400’. Now, the first mask only applies from Monday to Thursday while the second level masks the alarms on Fridays, between 8.30 a.m. and 2 p.m. More complex masks can be built up using the same logic for more variations. Select Holidays (Not Applicable to Dennard 2040)
Up to 15 days can be programmed in as holidays, to cover periods such as Christmas or Bank Holidays, when the alarm action may require modification. When the option is selected the following screen is displayed:
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Item___ofAlarm Mask
PTWTFSSHhhmmhhmm Old______________ New____
0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Save and Return
Dates can now be entered (e.g. 2512 for Christmas Day) to define the holidays for the year. Accepting each entry will bring up a prompt for the next one. Select ‘Save and Return’ when complete.
Note that some dates, such as Bank Holidays, may need to be reassigned at the start of a new year.
4.3.4 Supervisor Options
A number of functions are grouped under the Supervisor Options category. Most of these alter the way in which text and information is presented to the operator but there are some camera settings which can be altered to suit the installation requirements. Selecting the options menu brings up the following screen:
The first three options relate to camera facilities and are all set in the same way. To change the setting, move the cursor up/down until it is alongside the feature. Moving the joystick to the left or right (or pressing the left/right direction arrows) will scroll through alternative settings. Moving up or down will fix the value on the screen. If the digital zoom is enabled the feature is automatically invoked by the camera when the zoom control is held in after the optical zoom has reached its mechanical end stop. The Dennard 2040 screen allows the supervisor to select a language in the same way. The digital zoom setting is stored with any preset positions, but if the digital zoom option is later disabled, the preset positions involved will only return the position with the optical zoom at full extension.
The bottom flip facility may be used to track objects moving directly under the dome. With this disabled, the camera view can be moved down until it looks directly under the dome but remains in that orientation. With bottom flip enabled, the camera will be automatically rotated through 180° to allow the operator to track the object as it moves on, away from the dome. The freeze frame option, when selected, will hold the last view on the display while the dome moves at full speed to a preset position. On arrival, the normal image view is displayed. This avoids a blur as the dome moves at high speed to preset positions.
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Item___ofHoliday Days
ddmm Old______________ New____
0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Save and Return
Digital zoom: disabled Bottom flip: Freeze frame: Set User Timeout: Set Date/Time/Language Preset Text Options Back Exit
enabled disabled
(No Date/Time in Dennard 2040) Set User Timeout
The user timeout facility can be used to select what the dome should do if it is left idle by the operator. Selecting this option will bring up the following screen:
The screen allows for the selection of a default timeout from 1 - 999 seconds entered as ‘SSS’. This is the time between the last joystick (or P/T keys) input from the operator, and an automatic move to the start of the default Tour or to the default Position, provided these have been programmed. The value for ‘PT’ defines which action to take. Entering code 01 will select the Tour and 10 will select the Preset position (11 is an illegal entry).
Accepting the entry will return the supervisor to the Options menu and the time selected will be displayed on the screen. If a timeout of zero is selected, the display will show ‘none’ and the dome will wait indefinitely for the next operator action. Set Date/Time/Language (Not Applicable to Dennard 2040)
The Dennard 2060 dome has a Real Time Clock which must be set up on installation. Your unit may also contain other language options and an ability to select and change the format for the time display. Selecting this option brings up the following screen:
The first three options are all set in the same way. To change the setting, move the cursor up/down until it is alongside the feature. Moving the joystick to the left or right (or pressing the left/right direction arrows) will scroll through alternative settings. Moving up or down will fix the value on the screen.
The time and date format determine the way in which the normal operator viewing screen displays the time and date. Several options are available by scrolling through the list and it is also possible to switch the time and date display off if preferred.
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Old____ New____
0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change
Language: English Date Format: Time Format: Set Time and Date
Save and Return Save and Exit
When setting the time or date the following screen is presented:
Using the numerical entry, the current date and time can be entered or the existing values left unchanged. Preset Text Options
The names allocated to preset camera views can be created individually or a default name can be allocated. This default name is pre-programmed as “Position” but this can be changed if required by using this facility. The location of the name on the screen can also be adjusted. The following screen is presented:
The preset position name can be displayed on the left or right of the screen or switched off by selecting the appropriate feature and moving left/right to toggle the value. If the default name needs to be altered then selecting the Edit facility will bring up the virtual keyboard used to enter the name:
The choice is made as usual with the cursor and accepted when ready (which will store the chosen Title as the default name). Backspace allows a correction to be made while ‘Return without change’ will leave the default name unchanged.
Note that the ‘_’ symbols indicate where the title will appear - they do not appear on-screen
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Old_______ New_______
0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change
Preset txt justify: L Default preset txt:
Edit default text
Return Exit
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz0123456789:/*=+.-
Backspace Return Without Change Accept Entry ____________
4.3.5 Enter New PIN
The PIN number for the supervisor is pre-programmed but can be changed by the supervisor through the following screen:
Key in your new PIN (password) and accept the entry.
Make a note of the new PIN number and keep it in a safe place
4.3.6 Privacy Zone Setup
The final option on the Supervisor Menu allows specific areas within view of the camera to be blanked out, preventing the operator from monitoring or storing the images from those areas. Before selecting the feature, ensure that the camera is positioned so that the required area to be blocked is shown full screen on the monitor. The feature then allows the following options:
Selecting ‘Define single zone’ will make the screen go black as the patch is inserted. As the dome has returned to normal mode, out of the screen settings, move the camera view away from the area and the black section will remain in its specific location.
When defining multiple zones the screen will go black and the text ‘Privacy zones’ will be displayed. Move the camera to the desired area and press ‘Enter’ for each zone. When finished, use the key sequence to enter the menu structure (e.g. #1 for the dtx400) to escape from the feature.
To clear a privacy zone, the camera must be positioned over the zone before selecting the ‘Clear’ facility or the “Clear all privacy zones” feature selected. The dome will immediately return to normal operation after the zone(s) has been deleted.
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Enter new PIN____
Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change
Define single zone Clear single zone Define multiple zones Clear all privacy zones
Return Exit
4.4 Technician Menu
The Technician menu provides access to a number of features to determine overall dome operating configurations. This menu will be little used after the dome is first installed and commissioned.
When called, it displays:
4.4.1 Camera set up
A number of changes can be made to the operation of the camera module inside the dome. The following screen is used:
The options are all set in the same way. To change the setting, move the cursor up/down until it is alongside the feature. Moving the joystick to the left or right (or pressing the left/right direction arrows) will scroll through alternative settings. Moving up or down will fix the value on the screen.
When col/mono is selected the camera will operate in colour mode until the light level falls below a predetermined value when it will automatically switch to mono mode. The reverse will occur when the light returns to a suitable level for colour operation. The camera may also be fixed in colour or mono mode if preferred.
When a preset position is stored the focus position of the lens is also stored. If the preset focus is set to ‘auto’ (the preferred setting) the camera will re-focus itself to cope with any changing circumstances. Setting this to manual will force the original focus setting onto the camera while it remains at the preset position.
The Near focus setting may be used in indoor applications as it allows the camera to focus at objects less than a metre away. This should be disabled for normal outdoor operation as, otherwise, it will auto focus onto raindrops that fall on the hemisphere.
If the frame integration is set to ‘auto’ the camera is able to adjust its frame rate to suit low light applications. If ‘normal’ is selected, the frame rate will remain constant but the image quality may suffer in low light.
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Camera set up Enable/Disable options Joystick control Miscellaneous Services Change PIN
Return Exit
Camera colour: col/mono Preset focus: Near focus: Frame integ: auto
Save and Return Save and Exit
auto disabled
4.4.2 Enable/Disable options
A number of settings are available to allow the Technician to reposition text and determine suitable action when errors occur. Selecting this brings up the following screen:
The options are all set in the same way. To change the setting, move the cursor up/down until it is alongside the feature. Moving the joystick to the left or right (or pressing the left/right direction arrows) will scroll through alternative settings. Moving up or down will fix the value on the screen.
The ‘Text edit’ option determines whether screen text will be edited locally, that is selected from the dome’s own screen options; or whether it is compiled at the system Control Panel and transferred to the dome within the Dennard serial protocol.
The ‘Head info’ option enables text to be displayed, in the top corner of the screen, indicating the current configuration of the dome and information on some of its current actions. The display may be positioned at the left or right of the screen.
‘Error display’ enables the flashing square to appear to indicate any communication errors.
‘Power fail’ determines what the dome should do if power is lost. When the power is restored, the dome can either return to preset position number 1 or restart tour number 1. Selecting ‘none’ will result in the dome remaining in its last position.
4.4.3 Joystick control
The dome may be controlled by a wide range of telemetry controllers and recorders with many different joystick devices. To allow optimal use from the joystick a range of settings can be configured:
Joystick divide determines the relationship between the fast and slow joystick speeds where the control panel is able to offer this feature. The selection determines the mathematical ratio between fast and slow speeds for Pan and Tilt. Divide values between 2 and 128 are available.
Dennard 2040 / 2060 Menu System Manual Page. 24
Text edit: local Head info disp: Head info just: Error display: enabled Power fail: none
Save and Return Save and Exit
disabled left
Divide by: 16 Linear speed: Pan direction: Tilt direction: Horiz cursor: Vert cursor:
Save and Return Save and Exit
The linear speed setting alters the speed at which the dome rotates and tilts. The range can be set from 1 (slowest) to 8 (fastest). It may be desired to reverse the direction of the joystick in relation to camera movement or cursor positioning. These are all selectable from the screen.
4.4.4 Miscellaneous Services
This facility groups together a range of data and settings that may be useful to the technician in fault finding. The following options become available:
Selecting ‘Software version’ will briefly display the programmed software revision level at the top of the screen. Similarly, ‘Homing values’ will briefly display encoder values from the pan and tilt motors.
‘Home servos’ will perform a motor reset where the dome will go into a routine where it pans and tilts through its ranges to re-establish its base position.
‘Reset head’ provides a reboot to the dome. It will perform its power-on self test and then home its servos. Host comms/video amp
Selecting this brings up the following screen:
The small green LED in the dome can be switched on or off. This can be useful to check if power is reaching the dome but it may be visible in low light conditions.
Host polling determines whether the dome responds to messages in half duplex serial communications, or acts in simplex mode without answering. This will depend on the controller being used and the configuration of the dome communications.
The video signal may require boost and lift to compensate for different types or lengths of coax. Video gain is factory set at 1 with Video lift off and different settings are made in the usual way.
Dennard 2040 / 2060 Menu System Manual Page. 25
Host comms/video amp Software version Homing values Home servos NVM Services Reset Head
Return Exit
Activity LED: Off Host polling: Video gain: Video lift: Off
Save and Return Save and Exit
2 NVM Services
The dome retains data about its current position, stored presets and tours, along with other data which it requires for normal operation, in a Non-Volatile Memory device or NVM. Any loss or corruption of this data will prevent the unit from operating normally. The following checks on the device are available:
Reload factory defaults’ should not be used unless directed to do so by a trained technician. It will reload all the default settings and delete all stored data such as preset positions, time and date etc.
4.4.5 Enter New PIN
The PIN number for the technician menu is pre-programmed but can be changed by the technician through the following screen:
Key in your new PIN (password) and accept the entry.
Make a note of the new PIN number and keep it in a safe place
Dennard 2040 / 2060 Menu System Manual Page. 26
Reload Factory Defaults
Clear NVM Errors Run NVM check
Return Exit
Enter new PIN ____
Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change
Dennard 2040 / 2060 Menu System Manual Page. 27
Main Menu
To Technician Menu
To Supervisor Menu
Go to Preset
Start Tour
Technician Menu
Preset Numbe
Accept Entry
Clear Entry
Tour Numbe
Accept Entry
Clear Entry
Accept Entry
Clear Entry
Return Without Change
Accept Entry
Clear Entry
Return Without Change
Supervisor Menu
To Supervisor Menu
Store/Edit Preset Store/Edit Tour Alarm Setup Supervisor Options } Change PIN
} Privacy Zone Setup } Return Exit
Preset Numbe
0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Delete Preset
Tour Numbe
0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Delete Tour
Alarm Action Setup Mask Alarms Select Holidays
Return Exit
Enter Preset Text -
Yes No
Alarm Numbe
Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Delete Alarm
PPPDDTT Old_____ New_____ 0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Store Tour
Item___ofAlarm Masks
MTWTFSSHhhmmhhmm Old_____ New 0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Save and Return
Holiday Days
ddmm Old_____ New 0123456789 Accept Entry Clear Entry Return Without Change Save and Return
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW> YZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz0123456789:/*=+.-
Backspace Return Without Change Accept Entry
Select P
or T
Ptnn Old___ New___
0123456789 Store Alarm Clear Entry Return Without Change
(2060 only)
(2060 only)
(2060 only)
(2040 only)
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(Dennard 2060 only)
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+ 177 hidden pages