3.6 Bottom Flip
The dome will automatically pan through 180 degrees as fast as possible when tilted fully down so
that it is possible to follow a person or car, moving directly underneath the dome, with only a single
joystick direction to consider.
3.7 Camera Mode
The camera in both Dennard 2060 and Dennard 2040 can be switched between colour and
monochrome mode. In the Dennard 2060 it can be selected as colour/mono in which case it will
automatically switch to mono when the light level is insufficient for good quality colour pictures.
3.8 Digital Zoom Extension
The camera system allows an extension of the optical zoom by selecting more of the central part of
the picture and expanding this to fill the frame. This feature is selectable.
3.9 Dome Selection Cursor
The menu structure itself, and the choices and selections offered, are searched and invoked by a
single cursor or flashing character and the direction in which this moves depends on the particular
control panel in use. The direction of movement can be reversed separately for horizontal and
vertical movement if required.
3.10 Text Positioning and Selection
All text can be positioned where it is wanted, replaced with default text (eg: Position 31, or Sector
18), or removed as required.
3.11 Joystick Range
Even if the control panel has a wide range proportional joystick output, the dome has such a wide
speed range that both a fast and a slow speed range are needed to realise the full performance
(provided of course that the control panel in question has a facility to invoke these separately).
The slow speed range is simply the same as the fast speed range following the same in-built
correlation law, but divided by a constant. This constant can be set between 2 and 128.
3.12 Host polling
When the dome is configured for communication using RS485 protocols it can be set to check its
communication link at regular intervals. If a continuous data stream is expected from the controller,
enabling Host Polling will get the dome to report a communications error if nothing is received for 5
seconds. Normally, this setting is disabled.
Dennard 2040 / 2060 Menu System Manual Page. 8