2060 (Fixed Attitude Electrical Connections)
Type 2060 Fixed Attitude ‘Zoom Cam’ is equipped with the ‘zoom cam’ high resolution
camera. See instructions below.
1. Control
Remote zoom control requires a Dedicated Micros, BBV or DM telemetry controller. as well as the removal of
link ‘A’ (see point 6) if not already disconnected. Depress the zoom buttons or use the joystick pan axis to
operate. If no control is available the camera can function as a ‘fixed lens’ (see point 6).
2. Presets
The ‘zoom cam’ can store up to 8, user definable, zoom presets within memory. Please refer to the relevant
controller instructions for preset programming.
3. Default position
After a period of inactivity (default 1min.) the ‘zoom cam’ will revert to preset 1 (wide angle if no preset stored).
On Dedicated Micros & BBV controllers only, use the ‘Patrol 2 delay program’ to adjust the time interval.
Intervals are 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 & 10 minutes for keys 1-8.
4. Patrol
The ‘zoom cam’ patrol feature can be used to sequence between the preset positions. Follow the relevant
controller instructions to setup ‘Patrol 1.’ Patrol mode is cancelled with any manual zoom action.
5. Video level adjustment
Video level is factory set, but can be adjusted by turning VR1, located just above the link’A’ on the receiver
board (see opposite). This adjustment may be required to lighten / darken the picture depending on the
distance of co-ax required.
6. Fixed lens
When no remote control is available the ‘zoom cam’ can function as a ‘fixed lens’ (i.e. the camera can be
manually zoomed (locally) to a preset position).
a. Ensure link ‘A’ (supplied) is fitted, as shown, between pins 9 & 10 on power up.
b. Frame the preset picture required by zooming, using the buttons provided on the side of the camera.
c. Temporarily remove the link ‘A’ for a few seconds and then refit. The link must be left in permanently.
Note: to revert back to ‘zoom cam’ operation the link must be removed and power re-applied.
2060 Operation Manual Addendum 3
zoom buttons
Link ‘A’ (shown fitted) between pins
9 & 10
Left side of camera
VR1 Video
Right side of camera