Carefully plan your entire deck, from deck boards to rails and
stairs, before cutting your first board or drilling your first hole.
Account for the unique design and dimensions of Deckorators
postcovers and your chosen rail system in the planning stage.
Inventory all necessary postcovers and associated rail connectors
and fasteners at the job site, before getting started. For installations over 4x4 nominal wood posts, you will need (2) 2x4-pieces
of treated or cedar lumber per in-line rail postcover and (4) 2x4
pieces of treated or cedar lumber per corner rail postcover. The
length of the 2x4 depends on the height of the postcover. 42”
postcovers require 41" high 2x4s and the 53" requires 52"
high pieces.
Items you may need to complete the installation :
• Exterior masonry adhesive
(epoxy or silicone caulk)
• Wood shims
• Drill
• 1/8" Masonry drill bit
• Saw (if trimming is required)
• Diamond masonry blade
(if trimming is required)
• Carpenter’s pencil
• 100 grit coarse aluminum
oxide sandpaper
• 2x4s as required
(see introduction section)
• 2-1/2" wood deck screws
as required
• #8 x 3-1/2" exterior grade
screws* (2 per rail bracket)
• Safety glasses
42” and 53” Postcover Installation Instructions
Stacked Stone Cobblestone Fieldstone
Step 1 • Secure 4x4 or 6x6 nominal treated or cedar wood posts
A The deck design will dictate how you
install and secure the deck posts. Be
sure the post extends 41 inches above
the deck surface to ensure a proper fit with
the 42" postcover and 52" above the deck
for a proper fit with the 53" postcover.
B Posts should be installed on the inside
of the deck frame, to allow the postcover
to rest entirely on the decking.
Note: Use a saw with a diamond masonry blade if trimming of the postcover is required.
Always trim the bottom of the postcover, which is the side without the lip.
Step 2 • Install postcover
C A 6x6 S4S (smooth four sides) wood
post can vary from 5-1/4" to 5-5/8"
in thickness and may be subject to
slight irregularities. Use wood shims
at the top and bottom of the post to
ensure a snug fit. Shim the bottom
and slide the postcover over the post
to the deck base.
D Shim the top of the post for a tight,
level fit. It is important to shim evenly
on all four sides so the post remains
centered within the postcover.
E If the installation is over a 4x4 nomi-
nal wood post, then wood 2x4s will
need to be added to the sides of the
4x4 post. The number of 2x4s differs
based on the location of the wood
posts. You will need (2) 2x4-pieces
of lumber per in-line rail postcover
and (4) 2x4 pieces of lumber per
corner rail postcover. The length
of the 2x4 depends on the height
of the postcover. 42" postcovers
require 41" high 2x4’s and the 53"
requires 52" high pieces. For inline rail posts, attach the 2x4s to
the sides of the wood post where
the connector and railing will be
installed using 2-1/2" wood deck
screws. For corner posts, install
2x4s to all four sides of the post
using 2-1/2" wood deck screws.
In-line Rail Corner Rail
Step 3 • Build rail section
Postcover Installation
F Deckorators Postcovers can be used
with wood, composite material or vinyl
rail sections. Rail connectors
(sold separately) allow for trouble-
free 2x4 rail installation of 90-degree,
22.5-degree and 45-degree rail angles,
and 35-degree stair angles.
Step 4 • Rail connector placement
G Before you install the rail connectors,
you must first mark the center of
the postcover. To do this, make
a vertical mark on the postcover
using a carpenter’s pencil.
Step 5 • Install rail connectors
I Hold the connectors up to the post-
cover in their proper location, mark
the connector holes and pre-drill
using a 1/8" masonry drill bit.
J Fasten the connectors to the
postcover and wood post using
#8 x 3-1/2" exterior grade screws*
(sold separately). The screws
MUST be attached to the wood
post for proper structural support.
If installing any railing besides a
2x4, use the connectors provided
with the railing.
Build your first rail section to use
as a template, before adding the
rail connectors to the postcovers.
H Lift the rail section into place and
line it up with the vertical mark on
the postcover. Make sure it is level
and plumb, and mark where the rail
connectors should go.
The postcover is for decorative
use only. Although the postcover
finish was designed with rail
con nectors in mind, some sanding
may be required for a perfectly
plumb installation. Simply sand the
uneven spot within the location
of the connector bracket using
100 grit coarse aluminum oxide
Step 6 • Finish the job
K To complete the first rail section
installation, drill holes and install
connectors on the other side.
L Cut rails to fit and place them as
you go. Secure rails to connectors
with the screws provided. Finish
deck railing.
M If using postcover post caps, use
a strong exterior masonry adhesive
to secure post cap to the postcover.
* Screw must be c ompliant with ANSI/ASME
Standard B18.6.1-1981 with a yield strength
of 90,00 0 psi.
The dia grams and ins truction s in this
broch ure are for illus tration pu rposes onl y
and are n ot meant to re place a licens ed
profe ssional. An y constru ction or use of t he
produ ct must be in ac cordance w ith all local
zoning a nd/or buildi ng codes. Th e consumer
assum es all risks and lia bility asso ciated
with t he constru ction or use o f this produc t.
The co nsumer or con tractor s hould ta ke all
Note: If any chips or blemishes
have occurred to the finish
of the postcover due to
mishandling, they can
nece ssary ste ps to ensure th e safety of
ever yone involv ed in the proje ct, including,
but not l imited to, wea ring the appr opriate
safe ty equipmen t. Excep t as containe d in
the wr itten limi ted warran ty, the Warr antor
does no t provide any o ther warra nty, either
expr ess or implied, a nd shall not be lia ble
for any d amages, incl uding conse quential
be touched up using
Deckorators postcover
touch up kits, sold
sepa rately.
For mo re inform ation,
visit www.deckorators.com
© 2010 Univ ersal Fore st Produc ts, Inc.
All righ ts reser ved.
Decko rators is a re gistered t rademark
of Univ ersal Fore st Produc ts, Inc.,
in the Un ited State s. 6257 6/12