decaWave TREK1000 User Manual

© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary
to Decawave Limited. No reproduction is permitted without prior express written permission of the author
TREK1000 User Manual
Version 1.08
This document is subject to change without notice
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
Decawave Limited. No reproduction is permitted without prior express written permission of the author
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Decawave reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. As far as possible changes to functionality and specifications will be issued in product specific errata sheets or in new versions of this document. Customers are advised to check with Decawave for the most recent updates on this product.
Copyright © 2016 Decawave Ltd
Decawave products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a failure of the Decawave product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death. Decawave customers using or selling Decawave products in such a manner do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Decawave and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of Decawave products in such safety-critical applications.
Caution! ESD sensitive device. Precaution should be used when handling the device in order to prevent permanent damage.
This TREK1000 evaluation kit based on Decawave’s DW1000 IC is intended solely for use by competent engineering personnel for the purposes of evaluating the use of Decawave’s DW1000 IC in wireless location and communications systems.
The TREK1000, as supplied from Decawave, has not been certified for use in any particular geographic region by any regulatory body governing radio emissions in such regions.
The TREK1000 is supplied under the following conditions: -
The distribution and sale of the TREK1000 is intended solely for use in future development
of devices which may be subject to regulations or other authority governing radio emission.
This TREK1000 may not be resold by users for any purpose.  The TREK1000 as supplied by Decawave may not be incorporated directly into user
devices or products unless such products undergo the appropriate certification.
Operation of the TREK1000 in the development of future devices is at the discretion of the
user and the user bears all responsibility for any compliance with regulations laid down by the authority governing radio emissions in the user’s jurisdiction.
All products developed by the user incorporating the DW1000 must be approved by the relevant authority governing radio emissions in a jurisdiction prior to the marketing or sale of such products in that jurisdiction. User bears all responsibility for obtaining such approval.
If the user has obtained the TREK1000 for any purpose other than those listed above the user should return the TREK1000 to the supplier immediately.
FCC NOTICE: This kit is designed to allow (i) product developers to evaluate electronic components, circuitry, or software associated with the kit to determine whether to incorporate such items in a finished product and (ii) software developers to write software applications for use with the end product. This kit is not a finished product and when assembled may not be resold or otherwise marketed unless all required FCC equipment authorizations are first obtained. Operation is subject to the conditions that this device not cause harmful interference to licensed radio stations and that this device accept harmful interference. Unless the assembled kit is designed to operate under Part 15, Part 18 or Part 95 of the FCC Rules, the operator of the kit must operate under the authority of an FCC license holder or must secure an experimental authorization under Part 5 of the FCC Rules.
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
Decawave Limited. No reproduction is permitted without prior express written permission of the author
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1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 RTLS .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 DECAWAVE DW1000 IC ............................................................................................................... 7
1.3 USE CASES & APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 8
1.4 MORE INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 8
2 TREK1000 KIT CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... 9
2.1 SUPPLIED IN THE TREK1000 BOX.................................................................................................... 9
2.2 AVAILABLE FROM THE DECAWAVE WEBSITE ...................................................................................... 9
2.3 TREK1000 SOURCE CODE ........................................................................................................... 10
2.4 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE KIT ................................................................................................... 11
2.5 THE EVB1000 UNIT ................................................................................................................... 11
3 TREK1000 HARDWARE PREPARATION AND SETUP................................................................ 13
3.1 CONNECT THE ANTENNA TO THE EVB1000 PCB ............................................................................. 13
3.2 MOUNTING OPTION FOR THE EVB1000 ANCHORS .......................................................................... 13
3.3 POWERING THE EVB1000 ........................................................................................................... 15
3.4 CONFIGURING THE EVB1000S ...................................................................................................... 17
3.5 EVB1000 DISPLAY ..................................................................................................................... 18
4 ARRANGEMENTS FOR DIFFERENT USE CASES ....................................................................... 20
4.1 TRACKING USE CASE .................................................................................................................... 20
4.1.1 Arrangement ................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 GEO-FENCING USE CASE .............................................................................................................. 21
4.2.1 Arrangement ................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 NAVIGATION USE CASE ................................................................................................................ 23
5 TREK1000 SOFTWARE PREPARATION AND SETUP ................................................................. 25
5.1 INSTALL THE ST ARM USB DRIVER ................................................................................................ 25
5.2 DOWNLOAD THE TREK1000 ZIP-FILE ............................................................................................ 25
5.3 PREPARE THE TREK1000 SOFTWARE ............................................................................................. 25
6 THE USER INTERFACE ........................................................................................................... 26
6.1 LAUNCH THE USER INTERFACE ....................................................................................................... 26
6.2 USER INTERFACE: STARTUP ........................................................................................................... 27
6.3 ANCHOR TABLE PANE .................................................................................................................. 27
6.4 TAG TABLE PANE ........................................................................................................................ 28
6.5 SETTINGS PANE .......................................................................................................................... 29
6.5.1 Configuration Tab ............................................................................................................ 29
6.5.2 Floor Plan Tab .................................................................................................................. 33
6.5.3 Grid Tab ........................................................................................................................... 36
6.6 DISPLAY PANE ............................................................................................................................ 36
6.7 MINIMAP PANE .......................................................................................................................... 37
6.8 MENU BAR ................................................................................................................................ 37
6.8.1 View Menu ...................................................................................................................... 38
6.8.2 Help Menu ....................................................................................................................... 38
7 USAGE ................................................................................................................................ 39
7.1 NAVIGATION OR TRACKING USE CASES ........................................................................................... 39
7.2 GEO-FENCING USE CASE .............................................................................................................. 40
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
Decawave Limited. No reproduction is permitted without prior express written permission of the author
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8 ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 42
8.1 LOG FILES .................................................................................................................................. 42
8.1.1 Range Report Format ...................................................................................................... 42
8.2 Z-HEIGHT .................................................................................................................................. 43
8.2.1 Adding a 4th Anchor (example only) ................................................................................ 44
9 OTHER EVB1000 BOARD DETAILS ......................................................................................... 46
9.1 OFF-BOARD CONNECTOR HEADERS ................................................................................................. 46
9.1.1 J1 – SMA antenna connector ........................................................................................... 46
9.1.2 J4 – JTAG connector ......................................................................................................... 46
9.1.3 J5 – Micro USB connector ................................................................................................ 46
9.1.4 J6 – External SPI connector .............................................................................................. 47
9.1.5 J7 – External DC supply .................................................................................................... 48
9.2 ON-BOARD SWITCH FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................... 49
9.2.1 S1 ..................................................................................................................................... 49
9.2.2 S2 ..................................................................................................................................... 49
9.2.3 S3 ..................................................................................................................................... 49
9.2.4 SW1 ................................................................................................................................. 50
9.3 ON-BOARD 2-PIN JUMPER FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................ 50
9.4 ON-BOARD 3-PIN HEADERS WITH JUMPER FUNCTIONS ....................................................................... 50
9.4.1 J2 and J3 functions .......................................................................................................... 50
9.4.2 J8 and J9 functions .......................................................................................................... 51
10 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 52
10.1 LISTING .................................................................................................................................. 52
11 DOCUMENT HISTORY ....................................................................................................... 52
12 MAJOR CHANGES ............................................................................................................. 52
13 FURTHER INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 54
TABLE 1: KIT CONTENTS IN THE BOX ............................................................................................................ 9
TABLE 2: KIT CONTENTS ON THE WEBSITE .................................................................................................. 10
TABLE 3: TREK1000 SOURCE CODE PACKAGE ............................................................................................... 10
TABLE 4: KIT CONTENTS ALSO REQUIRED OR USEFUL, NOT PROVIDED ............................................................ 11
TABLE 5: POWER OPTION SETTINGS ............................................................................................................. 15
TABLE 6: THE 4 MODES OF TREK1000 ........................................................................................................ 17
TABLE 7: DIP SWITCH (S1) SETTINGS ON AN EVB1000 .................................................................................. 18
TABLE 8: J1 PIN OUT .................................................................................................................................. 46
TABLE 9: J4 PIN-OUT .................................................................................................................................. 46
TABLE 10: MICRO USB CONNECTOR PIN-OUT ................................................................................................ 46
TABLE 11: J6 PIN-OUT ............................................................................................................................... 47
TABLE 12: J7 PIN-OUT ................................................................................................................................ 48
TABLE 13: S2 SWITCH CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................... 49
TABLE 14: S3 SWITCH CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................... 49
TABLE 15: SW1 ARM RESET BUTTON .......................................................................................................... 50
TABLE 16: J10 FUNCTION ........................................................................................................................... 50
TABLE 17: J2 AND J3 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 50
TABLE 18: J8 AND J9 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 51
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
Decawave Limited. No reproduction is permitted without prior express written permission of the author
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TABLE 19: TABLE OF REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 52
TABLE 20: DOCUMENT HISTORY .................................................................................................................. 52
FIGURE 1: TREK 1000 ................................................................................................................................. 7
FIGURE 2: BACK AND FRONT VIEWS OF AN EVB1000 ..................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 3: CONNECT THE ANTENNA TO THE EVB1000 .................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 4: EVB1000 MOUNTING OPTIONS USING THE STANDS........................................................................ 13
FIGURE 5: MOUNT EVB1000S ON TRIPODS .................................................................................................. 14
FIGURE 6: DO NOT PLACE ANTENNAS TOO CLOSE TO THE WALL ....................................................................... 14
FIGURE 7: KEEP METAL OBJECTS BELOW THE ANTENNA ................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 8: EVB1000 POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS ............................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 9: USB AND DC 3.6V TO 5.5V POWER SOURCE JUMPER CONNECTIONS .................................................. 16
FIGURE 10: EVB1000 TREK CONFIGURATION DIP SWITCHES LOCATION ........................................................... 17
FIGURE 11: EVB1000 TREK CONFIGURATION DIP SWITCHES (S1) FUNCTIONS .................................................. 17
FIGURE 12: EVB1000 DISPLAY STARTUP SCREEN ........................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 13: EVB1000 DISPLAY CONFIGURATION SCREEN ................................................................................ 18
FIGURE 14: EVB1000 DISPLAY RANGING SCREEN .......................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 15: TRACKING USE CASE: EXAMPLE ANCHOR SETTINGS ........................................................................ 20
FIGURE 16: TRACKING USE CASE: EXAMPLE TAG SETTINGS .............................................................................. 20
FIGURE 17: TRACKING USE CASE: ARRANGEMENT .......................................................................................... 21
FIGURE 18: GEO-FENCING USE CASE: EXAMPLE ANCHOR SETTINGS .................................................................. 21
FIGURE 19: GEO-FENCING USE CASE: EXAMPLE TAG SETTINGS......................................................................... 22
FIGURE 20: GEO-FENCING USE CASE: ARRANGEMENT .................................................................................... 22
FIGURE 21: NAVIGATION USE CASE: EXAMPLE ANCHOR SETTINGS .................................................................... 23
FIGURE 22: NAVIGATION USE CASE: EXAMPLE TAG SETTINGS........................................................................... 23
FIGURE 23: NAVIGATION USE CASE: ARRANGEMENT ...................................................................................... 24
FIGURE 24: USER INTERFACE: STARTUP MESSAGE .......................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 25: USER INTERFACE: STARTUP ERROR MESSAGE ............................................................................. 26
FIGURE 26: USER INTERFACE: STARTUP VIEW ................................................................................................ 27
FIGURE 27: USER INTERFACE: ANCHOR TABLE PANE ....................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 28: USER INTERFACE: ANCHOR TABLE PANE ....................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 29: USER INTERFACE: TAG TABLE PANE TRACKING/NAVIGATION MODE ............................................... 28
FIGURE 30: USER INTERFACE: TAG TABLE PANE GEO-FENCING MODE ............................................................ 29
FIGURE 31: USER INTERFACE: SETTINGS PANE CONFIGURATION TAB............................................................... 31
FIGURE 32: USER INTERFACE: AUTO-POSITIONING ......................................................................................... 31
FIGURE 33: USER INTERFACE: FILTERING OPTIONS .......................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 34: USER INTERFACE: ENABLE LOCATION LOGGING .............................................................................. 32
FIGURE 35: USER INTERFACE: HIDE ANCHOR AND TAG TABLE PANES ................................................................. 33
FIGURE 36: USER INTERFACE: SHOW DISPLAY PANE ONLY ............................................................................... 33
FIGURE 37: USER INTERFACE: SETTINGS PANE FLOOR PLAN TAB .................................................................... 34
FIGURE 39: USER INTERFACE: POSITION FLOORPLAN ....................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 40: USER INTERFACE: MEASURE X-SCALE ON DISPLAY .......................................................................... 36
FIGURE 41: USER INTERFACE: SETTINGS PANE GRID TAB ............................................................................... 36
FIGURE 42: USER INTERFACE: MINIMAP PANE ............................................................................................... 37
FIGURE 43: USER INTERFACE: MENUS .......................................................................................................... 37
FIGURE 44: USER INTERFACE: ABOUT US ...................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 45: READING THE LOG FILES ............................................................................................................. 43
FIGURE 46: TRILATERATION 2 SOLUTIONS EXIST .......................................................................................... 44
TREK1000 User Manual
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ANCHOR .............................................................................................................. 44
FIGURE 48: LOGICAL VIEW OF THE EVB1000................................................................................................. 47
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
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The TREK1000 is an evaluation kit that allows the user to evaluate the DecaWave DW1000 IC in an RTLS environment in different use cases.
TREK stands for Two-Way Ranging (TWR) RTLS IC Evaluation Kit. The Evaluation Kit enables the user to evaluate the performance of the IC in 3 different use
Tracking Geo-Fencing Navigation
Figure 1: TREK 1000
1.1 RTLS
Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) are used across many industrial segments e.g. factory automation, warehouse logistics, building automation, healthcare, sports.
Existing solutions (e.g. Wi-Fi, BLE, ZigBee) suffer from inaccurate location estimations, high power consumption (short battery life) and costly installations & maintenance.
Decawave provides solutions to these issues by using UWB (Ultra-Wideband) technology in a single IC. UWB-based RTLS use highly reliable time-based measurements to outperform existing solutions in terms of accuracy, reliability and cost.
Decawave supplies key RTLS enabling blocks:
UWB IC for time-of-arrival (TOA) estimation 2D&3D location solver algorithm using Two-Way Ranging (TWR) Source code examples for driving the ARM microprocessor and User Interface (UI)
used in TREK
1.2 Decawave DW1000 IC
The DW1000 is a fully integrated low power, single chip CMOS radio transceiver IC compliant with the IEEE 802.15.4-2011 ultra-wideband (UWB) standard.
It facilitates proximity detection (1-D) to an accuracy of +/- 10 cm using two-way ranging time-of-flight (TOF) measurements.
It facilitates real time location (2-D or 3-D) of assets to an accuracy of +/- 30 cm in x and y (and z) using either two-way ranging (TOF) measurements or one-way time difference of arrival (TDOA) schemes
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
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It spans 6 RF bands from 3.5 GHz to 6.5 GHz
It supports data rates of 110 kbps, 850 kbps and 6.8 Mbps
Its high data rates allow it to keep on-air time short thereby saving power and
extending battery lifetimes
Its ability to deal with severe multipath environments makes it ideal for highly reflective RF environments
The Decawave DW1000 is optimized for applications in Real Time Location Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks across a variety of markets including agriculture, building control and automation, factory automation, healthcare, safety & security, warehousing & logistics and a range of others.
More information can be found in the DW1000 Data Sheet and User Manual.
1.3 Use Cases & Applications
The TREK1000 can be evaluated in 3 different use cases which are applicable to real-life industrial and consumer applications.
1. Tracking Use Case: Determine location of the Tag relative to fixed Anchors.
Examples include asset-tracking (healthcare, farming, logistics), factory automation.
2. Geo-Fencing Use Case: Determine when Tags enter or leave a specific
perimeter/zone near an Anchor. Examples include location-based payments, personal safety (forklifts, drilling machines), child-monitoring, “secure-my-valuables and security bubble applications.
3. Navigation Use Case: Track the 2D or 3D location of the Tag relative to fixed
Anchors. Examples include robotics and human navigation.
1.4 More Information
More information about the TREK1000 and the DW1000 IC can be found in the following documentation and instructional videos:
TREK1000 Product Brief TREK1000 Quick Start Guide TREK1000 Source Code Guide: DecaRangeRTLS PC TREK1000 Source Code Guide: DecaRangeRTLS ARM Moving from TREK1000 to a Product TREK1000 Setup and Installation Video DW1000 Data Sheet DW1000 User Manual
TREK1000 User Manual
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To use the TREK1000 the user needs the components of the kit box, software and documentation from the Decawave website and a few other components that are not provided for power-up and mounting.
These components are detailed below.
2.1 Supplied in the TREK1000 Box
The following items are delivered in the box when a TREK1000 kit is purchased.
Table 1: Kit Contents – In the Box
UWB Antenna
EVB1000 Stands
DC Power Leads
1.8 m USB Cable
60 cm USB Cable
Quick Start Guide
2.2 Available from the Decawave Website
Supporting documentation, instructional videos, reference source code and the application UI should be downloaded from the Decawave website. Go to this URL to download:
The downloaded zip-file contains the following items: -
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
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Table 2: Kit Contents – On the Website
TREK1000 Quick Start Guide
Quick Setup Instructions
TREK1000 User Manual
Detailed description of setup, installation and usage including User Interface description
Moving from TREK1000 to a Product
Guidance on how to proceed from evaluation to product design
TREK1000 Expansion Options
Options for mixing TREK1000 and TREK1000 hardware to expand the system
PC Application
DecaRangeRTLS PC
PC Application executable
2.3 TREK1000 Source Code
TREK purchasers can get access to the ARM microcontroller source code, the PC application source code and source code documentation.
If you are interested in accessing this source code and documentation then you should login to the Decawave website ( and proceed to the TREK1000 registration page at If you attempt to access this registration page before you are logged in you will be redirected to the login page. Once on the registration page, you will be asked to enter the serial number of your TREK1000 which can be found on the outside of the box. Once the serial number has been verified you will be automatically redirected to the TREK source code download page. Clicking on the download will launch a disclaimer notice, which you will be asked to accept by ticking a box after which the download of the source code package will commence.
The downloaded zip-file contains the following items: -
Table 3: TREK1000 Source Code Package
TREK1000 Source Code Guide: DecaRangeRTLS PC
PC Application source code description
TREK1000 Source Code Guide: DecaRangeRTLS ARM
ARM firmware source code description
ARM firmware binary
DecaRangeRTLS PC
PC Application source code
ARM firmware source code
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
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2.4 Items Not Included in the Kit
There are other items which may be used to install and use the TREK1000. Some are required and some are useful.
These are listed in the table below.
Table 4: Kit Contents – Also Required or Useful, Not Provided
OS should be Windows 7 or 8
Required STM32 Virtual COM Port Driver
3-4 Useful
SMA Torque Wrench
1 Recommended
Options for Powering EVB1000 Units
USB Battery
PC Connections
Mobile Battery
USB->Power Adaptor
2.5 The EVB1000 Unit
The image below shows the key features of an EVB1000 unit.
TREK1000 User Manual
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Figure 2: Back and Front Views of an EVB1000
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This section details the steps necessary to prepare the TREK1000 hardware for use.
3.1 Connect the Antenna to the EVB1000 PCB
The 4 EVB1000 PCBs come with 4 UWB (Ultra-Wideband) antennas. Each antenna must be screwed on to the EVB1000 using the SMA connector.
It is recommended that an SMA torque wrench is used to tighten the antenna to the EVB1000.
Note that poor connections can result in under performance in the system.
Figure 3: Connect the Antenna to the EVB1000
3.2 Mounting Option for the EVB1000 Anchors
Depending on the use case that is being evaluated, 1 or more of the EVB1000 units will be mounted.
Figure 4: EVB1000 Mounting Options Using the Stands
TREK1000 User Manual
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The figure above shows the EVB1000 sitting in the stands that are provided in the box. The stands could be attached to a tripod, an office partition or any other flat surface for the
stand to sit on. It is recommended that the stand be firmly clamped into place or fixed using tape or Velcro
tape to ensure the units do not move during testing.
Figure 5: Mount EVB1000s on Tripods
When mounting the EVB1000 units do not place the antennas too close to walls or any other objects as this can interfere with the radiation pattern of the antennas. It is recommended that the antenna be greater than 15 cm away from the nearest object.
Figure 6: Do Not Place Antennas too Close to the Wall
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
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When mounting the EVB1000 units on metal tripods or poles ensure that the top of the poles are below the ground plane of the antennas. The ground plane of the antenna is considered to be the top of the SMA connector under the antenna.
Figure 7: Keep Metal Objects below the Antenna
3.3 Powering the EVB1000
The EVB1000 can be powered either via an external DC power supply (or battery) through jumper J7 on the back of the EVB1000 using the supplied power cable leads or via a standard 5 V 500 mA USB power supply through jumper J5. To change between the two, jumper J8 is used as shown in the figure below.
Figure 8: EVB1000 power supply options
Table 5: Power Option Settings
Power Source
(Insert on pins)
2 & 3
The USB port to which you connect the EVB1000 should
TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
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Power Source
(Insert on pins)
be capable of supplying at least 250 mA
3.6 V to 5.5 V
1 & 2
In this mode the externally applied supply is indirectly connected to the on-board circuitry through an LDO regulator
Changes to jumper settings should only be made with the board powered down – under no circumstances should jumper settings be changed while power is applied to the board via any of the possible off-board connectors, or damage to the board may result.
For the two power source options the positions of the jumpers are shown in Figure 9. Jumpers J2 and J3 can be used to select whether sections of DW1000 are powered with 1.8 V or 3.3 V, for more details on this operation see Reference [1].
Figure 9: USB and DC 3.6V to 5.5V power source jumper connections
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© Decawave 2016 This document is confidential and contains information which is proprietary to
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3.4 Configuring the EVB1000s
In the TREK1000 system there are 4 modes that can be evaluated:
Table 6: The 4 Modes of TREK1000
Data Rate
‘Long’ range
/ Chan. 2
110 kbps
2: 3.993 GHz
3.57 Hz
16 MHz
‘Long’ range
/ Chan. 5
110 kbps
5: 6.489 GHz
3.57 Hz
16 MHz
‘Short’ frame
/ Chan. 2
6.8 Mbps
2: 3.993 GHz
10 Hz
16 MHz
‘Short’ frame
/ Chan. 5
6.8 Mbps
5: 6.489 GHz
10 Hz
16 MHz
Also, each EVB1000 unit can be configured as either an Anchor or a Tag. The configuration for each unit is set using the TREK configuration DIP switches (S1) on the
Figure 10: EVB1000 TREK Configuration DIP Switches Location
Figure 11: EVB1000 TREK Configuration DIP Switches (S1) Functions
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