Making a Measurement
1. Connect the sensor head to your Porometer via the serial port. Press the
Power button on the keypad.
2. While on the Main screen, press Enter to begin the reading.
3. Place the sensor on the top or bottom of the leaf, as indicated by the pictures.
Make sure not to have desiccant chamber facing upward!
Measuring Measuring
top of leaf bottom of leaf
If using a bead in conjunction with desiccant, only take readings with the metal
portion towards the ground.
4. A progress bar will appear, indicating that a reading is taking place.
5. Once the reading is complete, save the reading by selecting a save method and
pressing Enter. Selecting “Annotate” allows you to name the measurement you
are saving. Use the arrow keys to select a letter or number. Press Enter to move
to the next character, or Escape to move to the previous one. Holding down
the up or down arrow key will scroll through the alphabet quickly and will
allow you to more easily choose a character. When you have finished, press
Enter until you return to the Main screen.
SC-1 Leaf Porometer
Quick Start Guide
Read this before using your Leaf Porometer

Use Auto or Manual mode to take readings, based on your leaf’s
stomatal conductance:
• Auto mode is for conductances between 5 to 1000 mmol/m2 s and should
be used in almost every case.
• Manual mode is for conductances lower than 100 mmol/m2 s and should
be only used in special cases.
Go to the Configuration menu to change the mode.
1. If the following screen appears when a sensor is placed on the leaf, leave the
sensor closed and shake the sensor in a vertical motion to use the bead to mix
the air until the bar drops below the equilibrium marker. Do not blow into the
sensor; this can cause inaccurate readings when the measurement begins.
2. If you begin a reading in Auto mode, and nothing happens, this means that
your initial stomatal conductance is lower than 5 mmol/m2 s. This is the
minimum limit for taking readings in Auto mode.
• Avoid leaves that are wet or heavy with dew; never take readings
in rain.
• It is recommended that desiccant is always used for taking
• Never blow into the sensor.
• When taking measurements with the bead in place, be sure the
desiccant cap is facing downward.
• Clean the sensor periodically with a dry swab to keep it free of
dirt and pollen that can build up during use and affect readings.
• Avoid chemical fumes, which can be extremely harmful to the
sensor (i.e. alcohol, gasoline, foam). Consult the manual for more
Decagon Devices, Inc.
2365 NE Hopkins CT
Pullman, WA 99163 USA
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