DEC MicroVAX 3100 40, MicroVAX 3100 80 Troubleshooting Instructions

MicroVAX3100 Model40andModel80
Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Information
Order Number: EK-A0518-TM.001
October 1991
This manual describes the troubleshooting procedures and diagnostic commands that you can use to solve basic problems with the MicroVAX 3100 Model 40 and Model 80 systems.
Revision Information: This is a new manual.
Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts
October 1991
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Preface ..................................................... v
1 Troubleshooting and Diagnosing Problems
1.1 Troubleshooting . . . ................................... 1–1
1.1.1 Using the Troubleshooting Table . . . ................... 1–2
1.2 Diagnostic Tests and Commands ......................... 1–9
1.2.1 Power-Up Tests ................................... 1–10
1.2.2 Self-Tests ........................................ 1–12
1.2.3 Configuration Display . . . ........................... 1–14
1.2.4 System Exerciser .................................. 1–15
1.2.5 Summary Screens ................................. 1–18
1.2.6 Error Display . . ................................... 1–20
1.3 Contacting Digital Services . . ........................... 1–20
1–1 Status LED Display ................................ 1–21
1–1 Basic Troubleshooting . . . ........................... 1–3
1–2 Device Numbers, Mnemonics, and Names ............... 1–13
This manual describes the troubleshooting procedures and diagnostic commands that you can use to solve basic problems with the MicroVAX™ 3100 Model 40 and Model 80 systems.
This manual is intended for people who have some experience of computers.
Structure of This Manual
This manual has one chapter and an index.
Additional Information
See the MicroVAX 3100 Model 40 and Model 80 Operator Information manual for the list of associated and related documents.
The following conventions are used in this manual:
Convention Description
italic type Italic type emphasizes important information and indicates the
boldface type Boldface type in examples indicates user input. Boldface type in text
Note A note contains information that is of special importance to the user.
Text displayed on the screen is shown in monospace type.
complete titles of manuals.
indicates the first instance of terms defined either in the text, in the glossary, or both.
Troubleshooting and Diagnosing Problems
This chapter describes the troubleshooting procedures and diagnostic commands that you can use to solve basic problems with the MicroVAX 3100 Model 40 and Model 80 systems. It contains information on the following:
Diagnostic tests and commands
Contacting Digital™ Services It also lists the information that you must give to your Digital Services
representative and where to find this information.
1.1 Troubleshooting
If a problem occurs, you must first make sure that all the cables, loopback connectors, and terminators are correctly connected and that the connectors are not damaged, for example, the pins may be broken or short-circuited. Follow these steps:
1. Shut down the operating system following the procedures described in the operating system documentation.
2. Turn off the console terminal and all the peripheral devices such as printers and modems.
3. Turn off all the expansion boxes.
4. Turn off the system unit.
5. Check that the following cables, if installed, are correctly connected at both ends and that the connectors are not damaged:
Console terminal cable (linking the console terminal to the system unit)
Console terminal power cord
System unit power cord
Expansion box SCSI cables
Troubleshooting and Diagnosing Problems 1–1
Expansion box power cords
ThinWire™ Ethernet cable or standard Ethernet cable
6. Check that the following terminators, if installed, are correctly connected and are not damaged:
SCSI terminator
ThinWire Ethernet terminator (T-connector and two terminators)
Standard Ethernet loopback connector If you have correctly followed steps 1 to 5, the on/off switches on all
the components are set to the off (O) position, and you have solved any problems caused by incorrectly connected cables or terminators.
7. Set the on/off switches on the following equipment to the on (|) position in the following order:
a. Expansion boxes b. Peripherals c. Console terminal d. System unit
The system responds with the power-up test display. If it does not, see Section 1.1.1.
1.1.1 Using the Troubleshooting Table
Table 1–1 suggests the corrective actions for certain system problems. If you have a problem with the system, follow these steps:
1. Write down the symptoms of the problem.
2. Check the Symptom column in Table 1–1 for a match.
3. Check the conditions for that symptom in the Possible Cause column. If the column lists more than one possible cause, check the possible causes and their suggested solutions in the order listed.
4. Follow the advice in the Suggested Solution column.
5. See Section 1.3 if the problem persists.
1–2 Troubleshooting and Diagnosing Problems
Table 1–1 Basic Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Suggested Solution System Problems
The system unit fan is off or the power light is off.
The power-up display does not show after 20 seconds.
The power cord is not connected. The power cord may be faulty. The power socket may not be working.
The overload protection circuitry of the power supply may have shut down because of an abnormal condition on the power line.
The power supply unit (PSU) is faulty.
The terminal cable is not correctly connected.
The power cord is not connected. The power cord may be faulty. The power socket may not be working.
The terminal fuse may have blown.
The terminal settings may be incorrect.
The port to which the terminal connects may be faulty.
Make sure that all the power cords are connected correctly at both ends. Try a power cord that works or test the power socket with an appliance that works.
Turn the system off and then turn it back on.
Contact your Digital Services representative.
Make sure that all the cables are connected at both ends.
Make sure that all the power cords are connected correctly at both ends. Try a power cord that works or test the power socket with an appliance that works.
Replace the blown terminal fuse. See the terminal documentation.
See the MicroVAX 3100 Model 40
and Model 80 Operator Information
manual for the list of correct terminal settings. See the terminal documentation for information on setting up the terminal.
Try connecting the terminal to another system. If this solution works, the port to which the terminal was connected is faulty. If the terminal still does not operate, it is faulty. In either case, contact your Digital Services representative.
(continued on next page)
Troubleshooting and Diagnosing Problems 1–3
Table 1–1 (Cont.) Basic Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Cause Suggested Solution System Problems
The power-up display contains question marks.
The power-up test display contains unexpected characters.
The system fails to boot the operating system.
The terminal cable may be faulty.
The break/enable switch is in the wrong position.
A soft error or hard error. A single question mark (?) followed
The terminal settings are incorrect or the DZ circuitry is faulty.
The system defaults are incorrectly set.
Connect the terminal cable and the terminal to another system. If the connected terminal works, the DZ circuitry or MMJ connector is faulty. Otherwise, the cable is faulty. Contact your Digital Services representative.
Turn off the system unit. Set the break/enable switch to the down position, then turn on the system unit.
by numbers in the power-up display indicates a soft error. Do not take any action unless the system fails to boot. If the system does not boot, see Section 1.3.
Double question marks (??) followed by numbers in the power­up display indicate a hard error. See Section 1.3.
Make sure the terminal settings are correct, then run the power­up test again. If the terminal is set correctly, contact your Digital Services representative.
Set the system defaults as described in the VMS Factory Installed Software User Guide, then try booting the system again. If the system still fails to boot, contact your Digital Services representative.
(continued on next page)
1–4 Troubleshooting and Diagnosing Problems
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