Digital Equipment Corporation
Maynard, Massachusetts
First Printing, December 1990
Revised, June 1991
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This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 1.2.
Chapter 1System Overview
1.1Front View and Physical Description ...................1–2
This manual describes how to use VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430)
timesharing and VAXserver 4000 Model 200 (BA430) server systems. The
hardware and software for each of these systems differ slightly, according to
the function of the system. The VAX 4000 is a multiuser system that uses
the VMS operating system. The VAXserver 4000 system is a single-user
system that uses VMS or VAXELN operating systems. Both systems can
function as an end- or full-function node on an Ethernet network.
The manual is structured as follows:
•Chapter 1 provides an overview of the systems.
•Chapter 2 describes how to use each system.
•Chapter 3 describes how to use options installed in the systems.
•Appendix A lists related documentation.
•Appendix B describes how to set and examine DSSI device parameters
from console mode.
•Appendix C describes procedures for creating backup files.
•Appendix D describes how to use VMSTAILOR to remove unwanted
VMS files from the system disk.
•The glossary explains key terms.
NOTE: VAXserver systems offer maximumperformance for applications that
do not require timesharing. Some devices in this manual are for multiuser
systems and may not be suitable for server systems. Contact your Digital
service representative if you have any questions about whether use of a
specific device is appropriate for your server system.
The following conventions are used in this manual:
A symbol denoting a terminal key used in text and examples in this book.
For example,
A symbol indicating that you hold down the Ctrl key while you press the
C key.
indicates that you press the Break key on your terminal
indicates that you press the Return key on your terminal
BOLDThis bold type indicates user input. For example:
This line shows that the user must enter BOOT MUA0 at the console
NOTEProvides general information about the current topic.
CAUTIONProvides information to prevent damage to equipment or software.
WARNINGProvides information to prevent personal injury.
Chapter 1
System Overview
VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) systems house all components in a BA430
enclosure.This enclosure is a free-standing pedestal that houses the
•Card cage
•System controls
•Central processing unit (CPU) module
•Memory modules
•Communications controller modules
•Tape drive controller module
•CPU cover panel
•RF-series Integrated Storage Elements
•TF85, TK70, or TLZ04 tape drive
•Power supply
Up to four RF-series Integrated Storage Elements (ISEs) or three RF-series
ISEs and a tape drive can be mounted inside the BA430 enclosure.
This chapter describes the VAX 4000 Model 200 system components and
their functions.
Chapters 2 and 3 describe how to use the system and options.
System Overview1–1
1.1 Front View and Physical Description
The front of the system has a divided door that restricts access to the system
controls. Figure 1–1 shows the system with the front door closed.
Figure 1–1:VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) System
A three-position rotary lock allows you to lock both the upper and lower
doors, or to lock just the lower door. Opening the upper door allows you to
access the controls for the RF-series Integrated Storage Elements (ISEs),
tape drive, and the System Control Panel (SCP). Opening the entire door
allows you to access all system controls and cable connections.
1–2 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
Figure 1–2 shows the three key positions and the controls accessible in each
Figure 1–2:Key Positions
Door Handle
Rotary Key Lock
Top Key Position:
Access to SCP, ISEs, and
Tape Drive Controls and
Indicators (Upper Door)
Middle Key Position:
No Access to Controls
Bottom Key Position:
Access to Power Switch;
All Controls and Indicators
(Both Doors)
Opening and Closing the Divided Door
The divided door allows you to access the mass storage devices and system
control panel (SCP), while restricting access to the Power switch and the
CPU cover panel. Open and close the door as follows:
1. Insert the key in the lock on the front door. Turn the key to the top
position to open just the upper portion of the door, or to the bottom
position to open the entire door.
With the key in the bottom position, the upper and lower portions of
the door will open together.
2. Swing the door open.
3. To close the door, simply reverse the procedure. When pushing the
doors closed, push gently at the top right of the upper door and the
bottom right of the lower door.
System Overview1–3
Figure 1–3 shows the system with the upper portion of the door opened.
Figure 1–3:Upper Door Opened
Top Key Position
1–4 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
Figure 1–4 shows the system with the entire door opened.
Figure 1–4:Entire Door Opened
Bottom Key Position
The next section describes the BA430 enclosure, which is exposed when you
open the entire door.
System Overview1–5
1.1.1 BA430 Enclosure
Opening the front door enables you to access the components housed in the
BA430 enclosure. Figure 1–5 shows a typical configuration.
The BA440 enclosure can contain the following:
•Mass storage—TF85, TK70, or TLZ04 tape drive and up to three RF-
series Integrated Storage Elements (ISEs), or four RF-series ISEs and
no tape drive
All VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) systems contain the following:
The mass storage shelf extends across the top of the enclosure. The shelf
contains a system control panel (SCP), tape drive, and up to three RF-series
ISEs (tapeless systems can have up to four RF-series ISEs). Each ISE has
its own panel with controls and indicators. Instructions for using ISEs and
the TF85, TK70 or TLZ04 tape drive are in Chapter 3. The SCP is to the
right of the storage devices. Figure 1–6 shows the mass storage shelf.
Figure 1–6:Mass Storage Shelf
ISE 2ISE 1ISE 0Tape Drive
Over Temperature
Warning Indicator
DC OK Indicator
Halt Button
Restart Button
System Control Panel (SCP)
The SCP has two indicators: the Over Temperature Warning indicator
and the DC OK indicator. The red Over Temperature Warning indicator
flashes to indicate that the system’s internal temperature is approaching
a level that may cause system components to overheat.In addition
to the flashing Over Temperature Warning indicator, an audible alarm
also provides warning of a possible over temperature condition.If the
components continue to heat, the system will automatically shut down to
prevent components from being damaged. Chapter 2 provides instruction
for turning on the system after a preventive shutdown due to overheat
The green DC OK indicator shows that the power supply voltages are within
the correct operating range. If the DC OK indicator is not lit when the
system power is on, refer to the VAX 4000 Model 200 Troubleshooting andDiagnostics manual included in the Customer Hardware Information Kit.
Below the indicators are the Halt and Restart buttons. The Halt button
is a two-position button. When you press the button, the system halts. A
red indicator on the Halt button lights when the button is set to the in
1–8 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
position. Before you can enter console commands, press the Halt button
again to return it to the out position. When the Halt button is returned
to the out position, the console mode prompt (>>>) is displayed on the
console terminal screen. Now you can enter console commands. If you
inadvertently press the Halt button, enter c
to continue. Chapter 2
describes halting the system in more detail.
CAUTION: Pressing the Halt button halts the system regardless of the
setting of the Break Enable/Disable switch on the CPU cover panel.
Below the Halt button is the Restart button. The Restart button has a
green indicator. When you press the Restart button, the system returns to
a power-up condition and self-tests are run. If you have specified a device
as the boot device and if the Break Enable/Disable switch is set to disable,
the system will reboot system software. Further instructions on restarting
your system are in Chapter 2.
NOTE: The Halt and Restart buttons can be disabled to prevent accidental
activation. Contact your Digital service representative if you want to disable
the controls on the SCP.
System Overview1–9 Card Cage
The modules in your system are mounted in a 12-slot card cage under the
mass storage shelf, as shown in Figure 1–7.
Figure 1–7:Card Cage
Slots 12 - 1
The first slot is reserved for the central processing unit (CPU). Up to
four MS650 memory modules may follow the CPU. The CPU and the first
memory module (slots 1 and 2) are covered by a dual-width CPU cover panel
with system controls and connectors. The remaining slots are available for
Q-bus option modules.
1–10 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
The number and type of modules installed in your system depend on your
configuration. Each Q-bus slot, even an empty one, is protected by a module
cover. The purpose of the shield is as follows:
•To protect external devices from electrical interference generated by the
•To protect the system from electrical interference generated by external
•To maintain air flow integrity
CAUTION: Do not operate the system without Digital-supplied module
covers.The covers are required to protect the equipment and to meet
international regulatory standards. Do not substitute other module covers,
as they may not meet the required specifications.
Operating the system without the module covers has the following
•The system may overheat due to improper air circulation.
•The system will not comply with FCC and VDE requirements for
electrostatic shielding and may produce electrical interference that
affects other equipment.
•The system is susceptible to electrical interference or damage from
external sources.
The design of the module covers varies, depending on the type of module
installed in the slot. Modules requiring external cable connections, such as
communications controllers, have recessed covers that are riveted directly
to the module. The recessed module covers allow space for connecting
cables. Modules requiring no external cable connections are covered by
flush covers. Empty slots are also covered by flush covers, which may be
single or double width. All covers, except those covering empty slots, have
a label identifying the module installed in the slot.
Cables connecting your system to peripheral devices (such as terminals,
modems, and printers) are attached to communications controllers. Each
cable can contain multiple lines. The cables run under the BA430 enclosure
and out the back or side of the enclosure, where the cables are split into
individual lines. Chapter 3 describes these connections in more detail.
System Overview1–11 CPU Cover Panel
The CPU module and the first memory module are behind a double-width
cover panel that has internal cable connections to the memory module(s).
Figure 1–8 shows the CPU cover panel.
Figure 1–8:CPU Cover Panel
CPU Cover Panel
LED Display
Mode Switch
Modular Jack
Connector Switch
ThinWire Ethernet
1–12 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
The CPU cover panel has the following components:
Power-Up Mode switch—This three-position rotary switch
determines how the system responds at power-up:
Language Inquiry Mode (in the top position, indicated
by a profile of a face) causes the system to display a
language selection menu at power-up if your console
terminal supports multiple languages. Also, if a default
boot device has not been selected, this mode causes the
system to issue a list of bootable devices and prompts you
to select a device from the list. Once a device is selected,
the system autoboots from that device each time you turn
it on.
Run Mode (in the middle position, indicated by an arrow)
is the normal operating setting.
Loop Back Test Mode (in the bottom position, indicated by
a T in a circle) causes the system to run loopback tests on
the console serial line at power-up. This setting requires
special loopback connectors and is for Digital Customer
Services use only.
Modified modular jack (MMJ)—This console terminal connector
provides the connection for the console terminal.
The light-emitting diode (LED) display shows the testing
sequence during power-up.
Break Enable/Disable switch—When the switch is down (dot
outside the circle), breaks are disabled.When the switch is
up (dot inside the circle), breaks are enabled. When breaks
are enabled, pressing
on the console terminal halts the
processor and transfers control to the console program. Using the
console command SET CONTROLP, you can specify the control
, rather than
to initiate a break signal.
System Overview1–13
The Break Enable/Disable switch also controls what happens
at power-up. When breaks are disabled (down, dot outside the
circle), the system attempts to automatically boot software at
power-up. When breaks are enabled (up, dot inside the circle),
the system enters console mode (indicated by the (>>>) prompt)
at power-up.
Using the console commands, SET HALT REBOOT and SET
HALT RESTART_REBOOT, you can set your system to override
the Break Enable/Disable switch and automatically boot software
after an error halt condition or power-up, even if breaks are
Ethernet connectors—The CPU cover panel has two Ethernet
connectors: a BNC-type connector for ThinWire Ethernet and
a 15-pin connector for a standard Ethernet transceiver cable.
The Ethernet connector switch allows you to set the type of
connection. To use the standard transceiver cable connection,
set the switch to the up position. To use the ThinWire cable
connection, set the switch to the down position. A green indicator
light (LED) for each connector indicates which connection is
active. DSSI and KZQSA Connectors
To the left of the card cage is a panel that provides two connectors: a DSSI
connector and a KZQSA In connector. The DSSI connector allows you to
expand your system with additional RF-series ISEs by connecting a system
expansion enclosure to the bus. You can also share ISEs with a second
system by forming a dual-host configuration.
The KZQSA In connector is for those systems using a built-in TLZ04 tape
drive. A 2.5-ft cable (BC06P–2F) links the TLZ04 tape drive and its KZQSA
controller through the KZQSA In connector. Figure 1–9 shows the location
of the DSSI and KZQSA In connectors.
1–14 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
Figure 1–9:DSSI and KZQSA Connectors
MLO-005505 Power Supply Controls and Indicators
To the right of the card cage is the power supply. Thepower supply provides
power to the mass storage devices, the modules installed in the card cage,
and the fans.
To prevent damage due to overheating, the power supply monitors the
internal temperature and the speed of the fans. If the power supply detects
overheating or a fan failure, the power supply will shut down the system.
System Overview1–15
Figure 1–10 shows the controls and indicators on the power supply.
Figure 1–10:Power Supply Controls and Indicators
Power Supply
Power Switch
AC Present Indicator
DC OK Indicator
Fan Failure
Over Temperature
Condition Indicator
Power Bus
Power Cable
The controls and indicators function as follows:
Power switch—The Power switch is used to turn system power
on and off. The off position is indicated by a 0; the on position is
indicated by a 1.
The Power switch also functions as the system circuit breaker.
In the event of a power surge, the breaker will trip, causing the
Power switch to return to the off position (0). Turning the system
on resets the circuit breaker. If the circuit breaker trips, wait one
minute before turning the system back on.
1–16 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
AC Present Indicator—The orange AC Present indicator lights
when the Power switch is set to on and voltage is present at the
input of the power supply. If the AC Present indicator does not
light when the Power switch is set to on, refer to your VAX 4000Model 200 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics manual.
DC OK—When the green DC OK indicator is lit, the power supply
voltages are within the correct operating range. If the DC OK
indicator does not light when the Power switch is set to on, refer
to your VAX 4000 Model 200 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Fan Failure indicator—The amber Fan Failure indicator lights if
either of the two cooling fans stops working. The power supply
will automatically shut down the system as a precautionary
measure when a fan failure is detected. Call your Digital service
representative if a fan failure occurs.
OverTemperatureConditionindicator—The amberOver
Temperature Condition indicator lights if the enclosure has shut
down due to an over temperature condition. Section 2.9 provides
instructions on recovering from an over temperature condition.
Power bus connectors—Three power bus connectors allow you
to configure a power bus for systems expanded with the R400X
or B400X expander. The power bus allows you to turn power
on and off for one or more expanders through the power supply
designated as the main power supply: this way, one power switch
can control power for an entire expanded system. Figure 1–11
illustrates a possible power bus configuration for an expanded
NOTE: Dual-host systems should not be configured with a power
bus. Inadvertently shutting off a host system and bringing down
the cluster defeats the added reliability of a dual-host system.
The main out (MO) connector sends the power control
bus signal to the expander. One end of a power bus
cable is connected here, the other end is connected to the
secondary in (SI) connector of an expander power supply.
The secondary in (SI) connector receives the power bus
control signal from the main power supply. In a power
System Overview1–17
bus with more than one expander, the power control bus
signal is passed along, using the secondary in and out
connectors as shown in Figure 1–11.
The secondary out (SO) connector sends the signal down
the power bus for configurations of more than one
Figure 1–11:Sample BA430 Power Bus Configuration
SystemExpander 1Expander 2
MLO-004041 Fans
Two fans located under the card cage draw air in through the top of the
enclosure, down through the card cage, and out the bottom. The speed of
the fans varies, depending on the surrounding room temperature. Toreduce
the load on the fans, keep the system away from heat sources. Figure 1–12
shows the air flow through the system enclosure.
NOTE: The power supply monitors the fans. If either fan stops working,
the Fan Failure indicator on the power supply lights, and the system
automatically shuts down as a precautionary measure. Call your Digital
service representative if a fan fails.
1–18 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
NOTE: The fan speed control can be set so that the fans will run at their
maximum speed. This setting is recommended if you want potentially higher
system module reliability, and do not object to the increased fan noise.
Contact your Digital service representative to override the fan speed control.
Figure 1–12:System Air Circulation
1.2 Functional Description of Base System
Each VAX 4000 system includes base system components common to all
systems. Your system may have optional components as well. Your system
was configured at the factory, based on your order.
The following sections describe base system components and options.
1.2.1 Base System Components
Base system components include the following:
•Central processing unit (CPU)
•Console serial line unit (SLU)
•Main memory
System Overview1–19
•Network controller
•Embedded DSSI host adapter Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The central processing unit (CPU) controls the execution of all instructions
and processes. The CPU circuits contain the logic, arithmetic, and control
functions used by the system. Console Serial Line Unit (SLU)
Each system has a serial line unit connecting the console terminal to the
system. The SLU connector (a modified modular jack) is located on the CPU
cover panel. The console serial line provides a means of communicating
with the CPU. Main Memory
Main memory provides the electrical storage area for data and instructions
used by the CPU. When you start your system, the operating system is
loaded into main memory. Application programs must also be loaded into
When the system cannot load everything into memory at once, it reads
in units of data called pages (512 bytes of data) from disk. A large main
memory increases the efficiency of processing, since fewer pages must be
copied to and from the disk. Each configuration comes with a standard
memory option. There is room for up to four memory modules. By adding
more main memory, you can increase efficiency.
The contents of memory are volatile.This means they are lost when
you turn off power to the system.Use mass storage devices, such as
integrated storage elements and tape cartridges, to store softwareand data
permanently. Network Controller
Network communications controllers allow you to connect to an Ethernet
network. With a network connection and appropriate DECnet software, you
can use network services, such as mail; access data stored on other systems;
perform operations, such as editing and printing on remote systems; and
share resources, such as laser printers. Your system comes with an onboard
Ethernet controller that is part of the CPU module. The system can connect
to an Ethernet network through either standard Ethernet cable or ThinWire
Ethernet cable. Connectors for both types of cables are on the CPU cover
1–20 VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation
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