DEAGAN DC9190A, DC9160A, DC9150A, DC9190B, DC9160B Owner’s Manual

DC9190A / DC9160A / DC9150A
DC9190B / DC9160B / DC9150B
取扱説明書 / Owner’s Manual
このたびはDEAGANチャイムをお買い上げいただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 取扱説明書をご一読いただき、末長くご愛用いただきますようお願い申し上げます。
Make sure to read the “PRECAUTIONS” on page 4 and the “Before you use” on page 5.
この「安全へのこころがけ」は製品を安全に正 しくお使いいただき、お客様や他の人々への 危害や財産への損害を未然に防止するため に、いろいろな絵表示を使って説明していま す。絵表示の意味をよく理解してから、本文 をお読みください。
禁止の行為を告げるものです。 例:   →分解禁止
楽器のまわりで遊ばないでください。身体をぶつけてけがをする恐れがあります。楽器の転倒の原因にもなります。 お子様が楽器のまわりで遊ばないよう注意してください。
チャイムを移動する場合は、必ずダンパーをかけ、キャスターのロックをすべて解除し てください。
キャスターを利用しての移動は、滑らかな平坦面でのみ行なってください。 傾いた所や凹凸のある道、じゃり道は避けてください。チャイムが倒れたり暴走して 大けがをします。 2人で右図のようにサイドコラムをささえ、間口の方向へゆっくりと押してください。 走らないでください。楽器が止まらなくなり、壁にぶつかるなどして大けがをします。
● 重量は、DC9190がおよそ76kg、DC9160/9150が57kgです。持ち上げて移 動しなければならない時は、できるだけ多人数で、ケガ等のないよう十分に注意して ください。その際は、必ずベース部分を持ちサイドコラムを支えながら、ハンガー部 (サウンドコラムの吊るしてある側)が上になるようにして持ち上げます。ベースがハ ンガー部より上になるような持ち上げ方は、絶対に避けていください。サウンドコラ ムが落ちます。
楽器を組立てた状態で、階段を登り降りをして運ばないでください。部品が落下した り、バランスを崩して倒れたりして危険です。必ず分解した状態で運んでください。
組み立てや分解の際、金属部品の角や端面で指などをケガし ないように注意してください。
頻繁に移動するような場合は、各部のボルト類がゆるむこと があります。移動後には、ゆるみをチェックし、ゆるんでい る場合は締めてください。
ハンマーは演奏以外には使用しないでください。けがや事故 の原因となります。お子様が人の身体をたたくなど、危険な 行為をしないように注意してください。
Using the Chimes Safely
The chimes are a large and heavy instrument that gets used in various places by persons of all ages,
so please obey the following instructions regarding their regular care and placement.
Especially in the case of children, a responsible adult should provide proper instruction on
how to use and treat the chimes before use.
Preventing Injuries —Make sure that all precautions described below are obeyed—
Icons are used in this section to pro­mote the safe use of this product, and to prevent you and others from harm and property damage. Please fully understand the meaning of the icons before reading the manual.
This icon urges you to pay caution (includes dangers and warnings).
This icon indicates actions that are prohibited.
This icon indicates special instructions that should be strictly followed.
For example: Do not disassemble.
Before you use the chime, carefully read the instructions listed below and the owner’s manual.
Disregard of the warnings with this mark or misuse may
result in death or personal injury.
Cautions when setting the instrument.
Never place the instrument on an sloping, unstable, etc., platform. The instrument may fall or overturn and result in injury.
Cautions for treatment of the instrument.
Never lean on or climb onto the instrument. The instrument may fall and result in injury.
Do not play or roughhouse around the instrument. Bumping into the instrument may result in injury. It may also cause instrument may also fall over. Keep children away from the instrument.
If an earthquake occurs, strong shocks caused by the earthquake may overturn the instrument or cause it to move about. Stay away from the instrument during earthquakes.
Cautions when moving the instrument.
When transporting the chimes, make sure that the damper is engaged and all caster locks are released.
The chimes can overturn if moved with the caster locks engaged.
• The chimes should only be moved across smooth, flat surfaces when using the casters.
Never move the chimes on a sloped, unstable, or gravel surface. Doing so can cause the chimes to overturn or run out of control resulting in serious injury. Always move the chimes slowly, with two persons supporting the side columns as shown in the illustration on the right. Never run. Doing so can result in the chimes running out of control and hitting an obstacle or wall causing serious injury.
The weight of the DC9190 is approximately 76kg and the DC9160/9150 approximately
57kg. If the chimes must be lifted when being moved, lift them carefully, using as many persons as possible to avoid injury. At this time, lift the chimes by holding the base section and supporting the side column making sure that the hanger section (from which the sound columns hang) remains in an upright position. Never lift the base section higher than the hanger section. Doing so can result in the sound columns coming off the hanger.
• Moving the instrument up or down stairs should never be done with the instrument as-
sembled. Doing so is a danger as parts can fall off, or you can loose balance causing the instrument to fall over. Only move the instrument after it has been disassembled.
When using the casters
When lifting
When assembling or disassembling the instrument, be careful around the sides or ends of metal parts so as to prevent injury to fingers, etc.
If the instrument is often moved, bolts, parts, etc., may be­come loose. After moving the instrument, check and make sure all bolts, parts, etc., are firmly fastened. Firmly tighten all loose items.
Injury or handicaps to persons caused by the disregard of warnings with this mark
or, misuse of the instrument, may result in the loss of personal property.
Do not use the hammer for anything other than playing the instrument. It may be the cause of injury or accidents. Do not let children strike other, etc., with the hammer. Do not allow such dangerous behavior to take place.
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