Title: RF Test Report for 3G MOBILE PHONE
Main Model: AC4E
Serial Model: ANDY AC4E, AC4EW
To: FCC Part 15.247: 2013, ANSI C63.4: 2009
Report No.: 13070549-FCC-R3
Issue Date: December 06, 2013
Page: 22 of 74
5.4 §15.247(b) (3) - Conducted Maximum Output Power
1. Conducted Measurement
EUT was set for low, mid, high channel with modulated mode and highest RF output power.
The spectrum analyzer was connected to the antenna terminal.
2. Conducted Emissions Measurement Uncertainty
All test measurements carried out are traceable to national standards. The uncertainty of the measurement at
a confidence level of approximately 95% (in the case where distributions are normal), with a coverage factor
of 2, in the range 30MHz – 40GHz is ±1.5dB.
3. Environmental Conditions Temperature 24
Relative Humidity 45%
Atmospheric Pressure 1017mbar
4. Test date : November 26, 2013
Tested By : Back Huang
Standard Requirement:
Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power
The following procedures can be used to determine the maximum peak conducted output power of a DTS EUT.
Maximum Conducted Output Power
§15.247(b)(3) permits the maximum (average) conducted output power to be measured as an alternative to the maximum
peak conducted output power for demonstrating compliance to the limit. When these procedures are utilized, the power is
referenced to the emission bandwidth (EBW) rather than the DTS bandwidth (see Section 2.0 for definitions).
When using a spectrum/signal analyzer to perform these measurements, it must be capable of utilizing a number of
measurement points in each sweep that is greater than or equal to twice the span/RBW in order to ensure bin-to-bin spacing
of ≤ RBW/2 so that narrowband signals are not lost between frequency bins.
The ideal method for measuring the maximum (average) conducted output power is with the EUT is configured to transmit
continuously (duty cycle ≥ 98%) at its maximum power control level. However, when this condition cannot be realized,
video triggering or signal gating can be used to ensure that the measurements are performed only during periods when the
EUT is transmitting at its maximum power control level. An option is also provided that can be used when none of the
above requirements can be met with the available measurement instrumentation.
Maximum peak conducted output power:
Integrated band power method
This procedure may be used when the maximum available RBW of the measurement instrument is less than the DTS
1. Set the RBW = 1 MHz.
2. Set the VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
3. Set the span ≥ 1.5 x DTS bandwidth.
4. Detector = peak.
5. Sweep time = auto couple.
6. Trace mode = max hold.
7. Allow trace to fully stabilize.
8. Use the instrument’s band/channel power measurement function with the band limits set equal to the DTS bandwidth
edges (for some instruments, this may require a manual override to select peak detector). If the instrument does not
have a band power function. sum the spectrum levels (in linear power units) at intervals equal to the RBW extending
across the DTS bandwidth.
Maximum conducted (average) output power:
Method AVGSA-1 (trace averaging with the EUT transmitting at full power throughout each sweep)
This procedure should be used with an RMS power averaging detector; however, a sample detector can be used when an
RMS detector is not available. This is the baseline method for measuring the maximum (average) conducted output power.
1. Set span to at least 1.5 times the OBW.
2. Set RBW = 1-5% of the OBW, not to exceed 1 MHz.