exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
1. Introduction to Charger Interface
1.1. Uses
The Charger Interface software allows configuration of any FSx series charger
by PC connectivity via the charger’s front panel USB port.
Common uses for Charger Interface include:
Configuring a charger or battery module for first use.
Retrieving charge and alarm logs from a charger or battery module.
Reconfiguring a charger for a different battery type.
Adjusting charge profile parameters.
Upgrading charger or battery module firmware (bootloading).
1.2. System Requirements
Charger Interface has the following minimum system requirements:
Microsoft Windows XP(SP3)/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
Microsoft .NET Framework
USB 1.0/1.1/2.0
Administrator privileges on the PC for installation.
1.3. Installation
Ensure the minimum system
requirements are met before
installing Charger Interface.
The software installer may be
supplied on a CD, USB flash drive
or other distribution method.
1.4. Connecting to the Charger
Power on the charger and connect
the charger to the PC with a USB
Ensure the Charger Interface
software is installed before
connecting the charger via USB.
Locate and run the software
installer file. Follow the installer
prompts to complete the install.
The installer will create a desktop
shortcut to run Charger Interface.
A successful USB connection
can be confirmed by the
charger serial number and
firmware version displaying in
the window title bar.
For example:
“(Charger: MPC35 0123456789 V51)”.
If a connection is not made
within 30 seconds, ensure the
correct COM port is selected
from the Serial Port menu
(Figure 1). If connectivity is
still not established, remove
and reinsert the USB cable.
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
1.6. Operator Access Level Control
An incorrectly configured charger can cause irreversible damage to batteries.
For this reason Charger Interface employs a three-level access control
system to limit access to advanced features and parameters. The default
level is Read Only.
To access levels beyond Read Only, a password is required (supplied by the
distributor). This can be entered in the AboutCharger Interface box from
the About menu.
Read Only Access
Read charger status, chargerbattery configuration, start and
delay times, and alarm and charger
logs from the charger. Viewing the
configuration of an attached
battery module is also possible.
Configuration Access
User can modify battery
configuration settings on the
charger and any connected battery
module using pre-defined template
settings only.
Advanced Access ( )
Allows advanced control over the
charger and battery module
functions. Access to view and edit
charge profiles, advanced control
over charger controller and charger
module settings is possible
including charger firmware
bootloading and relay
1.7. Charger Interface Read/Write Functionality
Charger Interface can read a charger or module configuration and display on
screen and, depending on access levels, write any changes back to the
Live Feed
It should be noted that only the
Monitoring tabs for charger and
battery modules provide a “live”
feed of updating information.
In all operations involving
modifying a charger or module
configuration, the “Read” or
“Refresh” buttons should be used
first to ensure the visible
parameters and settings accurately
reflect the current configuration in
the device.
Similarly, any modifications or
adjustments should always be
followed by clicking the appropriate
“Write” button ensuring the
parameters are written back to the
1.8. Battery Modules
A battery module generally describes a device installed on a battery to
provide varying levels of functionality depending on the module model. Some
features of the Charger Interface software discussed in this manual may only
apply to certain battery module types.
Unless otherwise stated, reference to a battery module is assumed to be the
APC/BMID module.
APC (Automatic Profile
Configuration) Module and BMID
(Battery Monitoring and
Identification) provide identification
to the charger of battery type and
required charge profile as well as
basic battery status including
temperature, electrolyte level, and
voltage imbalance monitoring.
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
BMM/BMID ‘Current Sensing’
BMM (Battery Monitoring Module)
provides the functionality of the
APC/BMID module, as well as
charge/discharge current
monitoring and data logging
1.9. Software License for Battery Module Data Access
In order to retrieve the full range of BMM and Current Sensing BMID data,
Charger Interface requires activation by the purchase of a software license.
Purchase will result in supply of a license file. See below for instructions to
activate the Charger Interface for BMM.
Charger Interface allows as standard access to the BMM Data Log. The
addition of the Software License provides access to the following logs by
enabling tabs dedicated to each:
BMM Alarm Log
BMM Charge Log
BMM Daily Log
See Section 2 for details and use of each of these tabs.
Activating the Battery Module License
1. Click Software Licensing under the About menu.
2. Click Import License File and select the supplied license file.
A valid license file will display the licensing details,
including Name, Company in the Current License area.
1.10. Diagnostics
Troubleshooting issues may be aided by saving a diagnostic file for review by
an expert. The file contains the full configuration as read by Charger
Interface and allows the charger configuration to be loaded and viewed on a
separate PC.
Create Diagnostics File
1. Click the About option in
the menu bar.
2. Click Prepare Diagnostic File.
A prompt requests
confirmation to include
battery module data (if
connected). Battery module
data can take up to 1 hour to
fully download. If the issue
does not involve a battery
module, click No.
The diagnostic file is prepared
and saved in the default
Documents folder of the
currently logged in user. The
file name incorporates the
charger serial and current
date in an XML file.
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
2. Charger Interface Tabs
2.1. Tab Overview
Charger Interface displays the various charger data in a series of tabs within
the main window. Tabs may be closed from view or reopened using the
Charger and Battery Module menus in the main window title bar.
Depending on the user access level, some tabs may not be available.
Indicates a tab accessible only at the Advanced Access level.
Indicates a tab available with additional Software License purchase.
Some tabs such as the Monitoring Tab are undocked by default. These tabs
may be docked to the main window by double-clicking the tab title bar.
Charger Tabs
Charger Status
View recent charge cycles for
insight into the health and usage of
the battery. If the charger is used
to charge multiple batteries, the
battery ID can be selected. Also
available on this tab is the ten
most recent alarms recorded.
View the current configuration of
the charger, including battery type,
equalise, scheduled start, and start
delay options. Changing these
options requires Configuration
Charge Log
Displays the charge cycle log for
saving to PC. Useful for
determining usage trends, battery
Alarm Log
Displays all recorded charger and
battery alarms for analysis and
saving to PC.
A live display of the current charge
cycle parameters including battery,
charger module and alarm status.
Charge Profiles
View and edit charge profiles for
each battery and charge type.
Update the charger and battery
module firmware.
Alarm Configuration
Configure or re-define alarms
according to urgent/non-urgent
status. On-board relays to activate
according to specified alarm states.
Controller Settings
Advanced control of the charger
low-level control functions,
including setting service mode,
temperature compensation, fast
charge, auto water and battery
module enable.
Battery Module Tabs
Battery Module Monitoring
Monitor battery status via a battery
Battery Module Configuration
Configure battery module for
battery type and ratings as well as
set charge profile types and
sequences for a battery module.
Battery Module Settings
Additional module settings and
functionality control.
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
2.4. Configuration Tab
The Configuration tab allows the charger configuration to be viewed, modified
and saved back to the charger.
View or edit charger configuration depending on access level.
Print charger rating label using configuration parameters.
Configure Auto Equalise, Daily Charging Schedule, Start Time Delay, Cool Down
Timer. Set charger internal clock.
Section Overview:
Configuration Template
Select battery, charger model and
AC supply type to generate the
charger configuration
automatically. A CSV file with the
appropriate parameters must first
be loaded using the Import CSV
Charger Configuration
View the current configuration of
the charger, print a rating label.
Changing these options requires
Configuration access.
Print Label
Print a rating label once the
charger is configured. Options for
what parameters to print and print
designation are available.
Auto Equalise Settings
Set the charger to perform equalise
charges according to defined rules:
profile, cycle or time based.
Requires Configuration access.
Auto Watering Settings
Set duration and number of charge
cycles per watering event. Auto
Water activation is via Relay 2 by
Daily Charging Schedule
Daily lockout periods can be set by
dragging three bars horizontally.
Green and red sections indicate go
and no-go periods respectively.
Start Time Delay
Set a delay in hours:minutes to
delay charging after the charger
switch is set to Start. Charger
displays a count-down timer to
Real-Time Clock
Read or set the charger’s internal
clock. An internal cell battery
maintains the RTC in the event of a
power outage.
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
Configuration Template2.4.2.
Configuration templates simplify
charger configuration and allow for
accurate configurations with
minimal user input. The templates
are pre-set configurations that may
be selected for certain battery
types. A template may be used asis (Configuration Access) or loaded
Import CSV 2.4.3.
Charger Interface software
packages ship with a Configuration
Template CSV file included. The
CSV file contains the ratings and
related charge configuration data
for known battery types.
and details fine tuned (Advanced
Access required to adjust
Template data is contained in a
CSV formatted file that needs to be
imported into Charger Interface
when using a template for the first
To import a CSV, click Import CSV
and locate the CSV file. Typically a
dealer-supplied CSV file is located
in the Charger Interface installation
folder within the Program Files
Charger Configuration 2.4.4.
The Charger Configuration section
displays the set parameters for a
charger configured for a single
battery type. See Section 3:
Charger Configuration for a
description of the various
charger/battery module
configuration options, and step-bystep example configurations.
The Charger Configuration section
displays the fundamental charge
parameters of the charger as
determined by the battery it is
configured for. Modifying these
parameters requires Advanced
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
Click Read Configuration to
retrieve current values from
the charger.
Always click Write
Configuration to save these
settings to the charger. Failure
to do so will leave the charger
with the previous settings.
Nominal Voltage
As defined by the battery, typically
Start Current
Defines the maximum current
delivered in the first stage of the
charge, as recommended by the
battery manufacturer.
Battery Rating
Capacity of the battery, measured
by discharge rate x discharge time.
Typical motive batteries are
measured at a 5 hour (“C5”) rate,
e.g. a 500Ah battery can be
discharged for 5 hours at 100A.
Typical Battery Temperature
An indicative value of the battery
temperature that assists in
managing parameters during a
Typical Cable Temperature
An indicative value of the battery
cable temperature that assists in
managing parameters during a
Charge Profile
Profile as selected according to the
battery type and requirements.
Profiles are defined in the Charge
Profiles tab.
Charger Cable Length
Length of cable from charger to
battery. An indicative value used to
manage parameters while
Cable Cross-Sectional Area
Gauge of cable from charger to
battery. An indicative value used to
manage parameters while
Verify Configuration
When enabled during Write
Configuration the charger checks
that the installed modules can
meet the requirements of the
chosen configuration.
Should the required configuration
exceed the capacity of the installed
modules, install further modules or
a larger capacity charger is
Print Label2.4.5.
Label printing options include
printer selection, label size and
orientation selections. A layout
preview allows selection or removal
of fields from the resulting printout.
A grey field indicates a field that
will not be printed.
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
Auto Equalise 2.4.7.
An automatic equalise charge can
be programmed to begin
automatically according to defined
parameters: Profile, Cycle or Time
Set By Profile
Any equalise settings are controlled
within the set charge profile,
configurable in the Charge Profile
tab. See Section 2.11.
Cycle Based
Cycle based equalise parameters
apply to a charger configured with
a dedicated profile, as the number
of charge cycles that charger
Auto Watering Configuration 2.4.8.
Auto watering functions are
triggered primarily by a charge
cycle frequency count configured
on the Configuration tab.
If a battery module is installed with
an electrolyte sensor, the module
can be configured to monitor
A charger set as APC Enabled uses
the battery module charge cycle
count to determine a battery’s
need for an equalise charge.
Time based
The equalise charge can be set to
occur at a specific time, weekday
and at a week-based interval.
electrolyte levels, triggering an
auto watering cycle if required.
See your auto watering kit
installation manual for full
hardware and software
Auto Water Activation
1. Connect to the charger and
select the Configuration
2. Check the Auto Watering Enable option and enter the
required values for Duration
and Frequency and click
Writeto program the
settings into the charger.
Daily Charging Schedule 2.4.9.
The charging schedule provides a
graphical representation of a 24
hour period, with markers at 1 and
4 hour intervals.
Duration (seconds)
determines the length of time
the auto watering circuit is
open and providing water to
the battery.
Frequency (cycles)
determines the number of
charge cycles per watering
Dragging the three white vertical
bars allows setting of lockout
periods (red) preventing charging.
This is useful where power
providers offer discounted power
pricing during off-peak demand
If a battery is connected and
the start/stop switch activated
during a lockout period, a
Start Time Delay counter on
the charger display will count
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
down to the charge start.
If a charge is interrupted by a
lockout period, the Daily
Schedule Stop alarm is
Start Time Delay 2.4.10.
flagged and the charge will
resume at the end of the
lockout period.
A start time delay may be set in
hours:minutes to start the charge
after the specified delay.
Cool Down Period 2.4.11.
A period following a charge may be
set to allow the battery to cool
before the charger indicates charge
A start delay is typically used to
allow heavily used batteries to cool
before charging begins.
The charger Start/Stop switch must
be activated to begin the delay
A user may over-ride the Start Time
Delay by holding the Enter button
on the front panel for approximately
10 seconds. The delayed charge will
begin immediately.
If enabled, the cool down period
begins at the end of the charge,
with the charger display counting
down the specified cool down time
in Hours:Minutes. The front panel
green LED alternates on/off during
this period.
When the cool down period is
complete, the green LED remains
steady on, and the charger display
counter indicates the total time the
battery has cooled.
Real Time Clock 2.4.12.
The charger’s internal clock allows
charge and alarm logs to accurately
timestamp records as well as the
Daily Charging Schedule and other
features to perform as required.
It is important that the Real Time
Clock is accurately set for the local
time zone.
The date format is dd/MM/yyyy
The time format is hh:mm:ss
Ensure the connected PC has the
correct local time and click Set To Computer Time.
Click Readto confirm the charger’s
clock is now set accurately.
The real time clock will display in
12hr format regardless of the PC’s
12/24hr setting.
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
2.6. Charge Log Tab
The Charge Log tab displays a
number of details for each charge
cycle for analysis and
troubleshooting. Records can be
viewed in the tab by clicking Read,
and downloaded to a PC in CSV or
XML formats using the Save
button. Erase will clear all records
currently stored on the charger.
Each charge cycle is recorded with
profile type, durations of the
various charge phases, start and
finishing voltages, as well as
charge returned.
Charge logs are retained in the
charger memory by an internal
battery and are not subject to
erasure due to power loss.
When the 2400 charge cycle record
maximum is reached, the charger
retains only the most recent
records. Logs should be retrieved
from the charger regularly to
maintain charge cycle records.
2.7. Alarm Log Tab
The Alarm Log tab displays the last
200 alarms recorded during the
operation of the charger. Records
can be viewed in the tab by clicking
Read and downloaded to a PC in
CSV or XML formats using the
Save button. Erase will clear all
records currently stored on the
Refer to Section 6: Alarms for
charger alarm definitions.
exempt. Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.
2.9. Monitoring Tab
The monitoring tab provides realtime updates on the parameters of
the charge, charger alarm states
and per-module status indicators
Charge Status
View current charge parameters as
delivered to the battery and
elapsed times. Charge parameters
reflect all variables entered into the
Configuration tab including cable
and battery variables.
Real-time view of alarm states –
green indicates clear state, red
indicates alarm state is currently
Charger Modules
Click on a module label to view
individual module reports
displaying current, input and
output air temperatures per
charger module. Green indicates
charging state, red indicates alarm
or failure, grey indicates module
deactivated or not in use.
for the charge in progress. Detailed
logging directly to the file on the
connected PC is available.
Charge Detail Log
The Start Logging button initiates
collection of detailed charging data
directly to a connected PC. Sample
rate, log filename and location and
log start time can be customised.