This manual is intended to meet the Manufacturer’s Instructions as required by ANSI Z359 and
CSA 259.10 and should be used as part of an employee training program as required by OSHA
WARNING: This product is part of a personal fall arrest,
restraint, work positioning, climbing, controlled descent,
or rescue system. The user must follow the manufacturer’s
instructions for each component of the system. These
instructions must be provided to the user of this equipment.
The user must read and understand these instructions before
using this equipment. Manufacturer’s instructions must be
followed for proper use and maintenance of this equipment.
Alterations or misuse of this product or failure to follow
instructions may result in serious injury or death.
IMPORTANT: If you have questions on the use, care, or
suitability of this equipment for your application, contact
Capital Safety.
ExoFit NEX™
Full Body Harness
Model Numbers: (See back pages.)
IMPORTANT: Record the product identifi cation information
from the ID label in the inspection and maintenance log in
Section 9 of this manual.
The ExoFit NEX™ Full Body Harness is available in Vest (Figure 1)
and Cross-Over (Figure 2) styles confi gured with a variety of
features including the following:
Figure 1 - ExoFit NEX™ Vest Style Full Body Harness
A. Shoulder Strap w/Hybrid P adding B. Duo-Lok™ Quick Connect Buckle C. Chest Str ap D. Hybrid Chest Pad with i-Safe™ RFID Tag &
Labels E. Rev olver™ Torso Adjustor F. Tech-Lite™ Side D-Ring G. Leg Strap H. T ech-Lite™ Dorsal D-Ring I. Trauma Str ap
Figure 2 - ExoFit NEX™ Cross-Over Style Full Body Harness
A. Shoulder Strap w/Hybrid P adding B. Revolver™ Adjustor C. Hybrid Chest Pad with i-Safe™ RFID Tag & Labels D. T ech-Lite™ Front
D-Ring E. Duo-Lok™ Quick Connect Buckle F. T rauma Str ap G. Tech-Lite™ Dorsal D-Ring
1.1 PURPOSE: The DBI-SALA ExoFit NEX™™ Full Body Harness (Figure 1 and Figure 2) should be used as a component
in personal fall arrest, restraint, work positioning, climbing, controlled descent, or rescue systems (see
Table 1).
ExoFit NEX™ Harnesses included in this manual are full body harnesses and meet ANSI Z359.1, OSHA, and
CSA Z259.10 requirements. See Figure 3 for application illustrations.
WARNING: Working at height has inherent risks. Some risks are noted here but are not limited to:
falling, suspension/prolonged suspension, striking objects, and unconsciousness. In the event of a fall
arrest and/or subsequent rescue (emergency) situation, some personal medical conditions may affect your
safety. Medical conditions identifi ed as risky for this type of activity include, but are not limited to: heart
disease, high blood pressure, vertigo, epilepsy, drug or alcohol dependence, psychiatric illness, impaired
limb function and balance issues. We recommend that your employer/physician determine if you are fi t to
handle normal and emergency use of this equipment.
Table 1 - ExoFit NEX™ Full Body Harness Applications
ApplicationCSA ClassDescription
Personal Fall ArrestClass A
Controlled DescentClass D
The full body harness is used as a component of a personal fall arrest system.
Personal fall arrest systems typically include a full body harness and a connecting
subsystem (energy absorbing lanyard). Maximum arresting force must not exceed
1,800 lbs (8 kN). For fall arrest applications connect the fall arrest subsystem
(example: lanyard, SRL, energy absorber, etc.) to the D-ring or attachment element
on your back, between your shoulder blades.
For controlled descent applications, harnesses equipped with a single sternal level
D-ring, one or two frontal mounted D-rings, or a pair of connectors originating
below the waist (such as a seat sling) may be used for connection to a descender or
evacuation system (reference in Z259.10 in Canada).
RescueClass EThe full body harness is used as a component of a rescue system. Rescue systems
Ladder ClimbingClass L
Work PositioningClass P
RestraintNoneThe full body harness is used as a component of a restraint system to prevent the
are confi gured depending on the type of rescue. For limited access (confi ned space)
applications, harnesses equipped with D-rings on the shoulders may be used for
entry and egress into confi ned spaces where worker profi le is an issue.
The full body harness is used as a component of a climbing system to prevent
the user from falling when climbing a ladder or other climbing structure. Climbing
systems typically include a full body harness, vertical cable or rail attached to the
structure, and climbing sleeve. For ladder climbing applications, harnesses equipped
with a frontal D-ring in the sternal location may be used for fall arrest on fi xed
ladder climbing systems. These are defi ned in CSA Z259.2.1 in Canada and ANSI
A14.3 in the United States.
The full body harness is used as a component of a work positioning system to
support the user at a work position. Work positioning systems typically include a full
body harness, positioning lanyard, and a back-up personal fall arrest system. For
work positioning applications, connect the work positioning subsystem (example:
lanyard, Y-lanyard, etc.) to the lower (hip level) side or belt mounted work
positioning attachment anchorage elements (D-rings). Never use these connection
points for fall arrest.
user from reaching a fall hazard. Restraint systems typically include a full body
harness and a lanyard or restraint line.
1.2 STANDARDS: Refer to local, state, and federal (OSHA) requirements governing occupational safety for
additional information regarding Personal Fall Arrest Systems. Refer to the following national standards on fall
ANSIZ359.0Defi nitions and Nomenclature Used for Fall Protection and Fall Arrest
ANSIZ359.1Safety Requirements for Personal Fall Arrest Systems, Subsystems, and Components
ANSIZ359.2Minimum Requirements for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program
ANSIZ359.3Safety Requirements for Positioning and Travel Restraint Systems
ANSIZ359.4Safety Requirements for Assisted-Rescue and Self-Rescue Systems, Subsystems, and Components
ANSIA10.32Fall Protection Systems for Construction and Demolitions
CSAZ259.10Full Body Harnesses
ASTM F887-2005 Standard Speciifi cations for Personal Climbing Equipment
Figure 3 - Applications
1 Fall Arrest
2 Restraint
3 Work Positioning
4 Ladder Climbing
A Anchorage
B Anchorage
C Connecting
Subsystem (SRL
D Full Body Harness
E Restraint Lanyard
F Backup Fall Arrest
G Ladder
H Cable Sleeve
1.3 TRAINING: This equipment is intended to be used by persons trained in its correct application and use. It is the
responsibility of the user to assure they are familiar with these instructions and are trained in the correct care and use
of this equipment. Users must also be aware of the operating characteristics, application limits, and the consequences of
improper use.
Consider the following limitations/requirements prior to installing or using this equipment:
2.1 CAPACITY: ExoFit NEX™ Full Body Harnesses are designed for use by persons with a combined weight
(clothing, tools, etc.) of no more than 420 lbs. (191 kg) Make sure all of the components in your system are
rated to a capacity appropriate to your application.
2.2 FREE FALL: Personal fall arrest systems used with this equipment must be rigged to limit the free fall to 6
feet (1.8 M) per ANSI Z359.1 (see Section 7.1). Restraint systems must be rigged so that no vertical free
fall is possible. Work positioning systems must be rigged so that free fall is limited to 2 feet (.6 m) or less.
Personnel riding systems must be rigged so that no vertical free fall is possible. Climbing systems must
be rigged so that free fall is limited to 18 in. (.46 cm) or less. Rescue systems must be rigged so that no
vertical free fall is possible. See subsystem manufacturer’s instructions for more information.
2.3 FREE FALL: Figure 4 illustrates fall clearance requirements. There must be suffi cient clearance below the
user to allow the system to arrest a fall before the user strikes the ground or other obstruction. Clearance
required is dependent on the following factors:
Elevation of Anchorage• Connecting Subsystem Lenght•
Deceleration Distance• Free Fall Distance•
Worker Height• Movement of Harness Attachement Element•
Figure 4 - Fall Clearance
A Connecting Subsystem
(Energy Absorbing Lanyard shown)
B Working Level
C Lower Level or Obstruction
D Free Fall = 6 ft. (1.8 m) Max.
(per ANSI Z359.1)
EDeceleration Distance
FTotal Fall Distance =
Free Fall (D) + Deceleration (E)
2.4 SWING FALLS: Swing falls occur when the anchorage point is not directly
above the point where a fall occurs. The force of striking an object in
Figure 5 - Swing Falls
a swing fall may cause serious injury or death. Minimize swing falls by
working as close to the anchorage point as possible. Do not permit a swing
fall if injury could occur. Swing falls will signifi cantly increase the clearance
required when a self-
retracting lifeline or other variable length connecting
subsystem is used.
A full body harness is not intended for use in
extended suspension applications. If the user is going to be suspended
for an extended length of time it is recommended that some form of seat
support be used. DBI-SALA recommends a seat board, suspension work
seat, seat sling, or a boatswain chair. Contact Capital Safety for more
information on these items.
2.6 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Use of this equipment in areas with environmental hazards may require
additional precautions to prevent injury to the user or damage to the equipment. Hazards may include,
but are not limited to; heat, chemicals, corrosive environments, high voltage power lines, gases, moving
machinery, and sharp edges.
2.7 COMPATIBILITY OF COMPONENTS: Unless otherwise noted, DBI-SALA equipment is designed for use with
DBI-SALA approved components and subsystems only. Substitutions or replacements made with non approved
components or subsystems may jeopardize compatibility of equipment and may affect safety and reliability of the
complete system.
2.8 COMPATIBILITY OF CONNECTORS: Connectors are considered to be compatible with connecting
elements when they have been designed to work together in such a way that their sizes and shapes do not
cause their gate mechanisms to inadvertently open regardless of how they become oriented. Connectors
(hooks, carabiners, and D-rings) must be capable of supporting at least 5,000 lbs. (22 kN). Connectors
must be compatible with the anchorage or other system components. Do not use equipment that is not
compatible. Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally disengage (see Figure 6). Connectors must
be compatible in size, shape, and strength. Self-locking snap hooks and carabiners are required by ANSI
Z359.1 and OSHA.
2.9 MAKING CONNECTIONS: Use only self-locking snap hooks and carabiners with this equipment. Only use
connectors that are suitable to each application. Ensure all connections are compatible in size, shape and
strength. Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Ensure all connectors are fully closed and locked.
DBI-SALA connectors (snap hooks and carabiners) are designed to be used only as specifi ed in each
product’s user’s instructions. See Figure 7 for illustration of the inappropriate connections stated below. DBISALA snap hooks and carabiners should not be connected:
To a D-ring to which another connector is attached.A.
In a manner that would result in a load on the gate.B.
IC. n a false engagement, where features that protrude from the snap hook or carabiner catch on the
anchor and without visual confi rmation seems to be fully engaged to the anchor point.
TD. o each other.
DE. irectly to webbing or rope lanyard or tie-back (unless the manufacturer’s instructions for both the
lanyard and connector specifi cally allow such a connection).
TF. o any object which is shaped or dimensioned such that the snap hook or carabiner will not close and
lock, or that roll-out could occur.
NOTE: Other than 3,600 lb. (16 kN) gated hooks, large throat opening snap hooks should not be
connected to standard size D-rings or similar objects which will result in a load on the gate if the hook or
D-ring twists or rotates. Large throat snap hooks are designed for use on fi xed structural elements such as
rebar or cross members that are not shaped in a way that can capture the gate of the hook.
Other Restrictions:
Do not make connections where the hook locking mechanism can come into contact with a structural •
member or other equipment and potentially release the hook.
Do not connect a snap hook into a loop or thimble of a wire rope or attach in any way to a slack wire •
The snap hook must be free to align with the applied load as intended (regardless of the size or shape of •
the mating connector).
A carabiner may be used to connect to a single or pair of soft loops on a body support such as a body •
belt or full body harness, provided the carabiner can fully close and lock. This type of connection is not
allowed for snap hooks.
A carabiner may be connected to a loop or ring connector that is already occupied by a choker style •
connector. This type of connection is not allowed for snap hooks.
Figure 6 - Unintentional Disengagement (Rollout)
If the connecting element to which a snap hook (shown) or carabiner
attaches is undersized or irregular in shape, a situation could occur
where the connecting element applies a force to the gate of the snap
hook or carabiner. This force may cause the gate (of either a selflocking or a non-locking snap hook) to open, allowing the snap hook
or carabiner to disengage from the connecting point.
Small ring or other
shaped element
Force is applied 1.
to the Snap
The Gate 2.
presses against
the Connecting
The Gate opens 3.
allowing the
Snap Hook to
slip off.
lifeline, cable sleeve) must be suitable for your application (see Table 1). See subsystem manufacturer’s
instructions for more information. Some harness models have web loop connection points. Do not use snap
hooks to connect to web loops. Use a self-locking carabiner to connect to a web loop. Ensure the carabiner
cannot cross-gate load (load against the gate rather than along the backbone of the carabiner). Some
lanyards are designed to choke onto a web loop to provide a compatible connection. See Figure 8. Lanyards
may be sewn directly to the web loop forming a permanent connection. Do not make multiple connections
onto one web loop, unless choking two lanyards onto a properly sized web loop.
Figure 8 - Web Loop Connection
Insert Lanyard Web Loop (A) through Web Loop or 1.
D-ring on harness (B).
Insert opposite end of Lanyard through the Lanyard 2.
Web Loop.
Pull the Lanyard through the connecting Web Loop to 3.
2.11 ANCHORAGE & ANCHORAGE STRENGTH: Anchorage and anchorage strength requirements are dependent
on the full body harness application (see Figure 3). In accordance with ANSI Z359.1, anchorages selected for Fall
Arrest Systems must meet the anchorage strength requirements defi ned in Table 2.
Table 2 - Anchorage Strength Requirements
Fall Arrest
Work Positioning
ClimbingThe structure to which a climbing system is attached must sustain the loads required by that
1 Multiple Systems: When more than one of the defi ned system is attached to an anchorage, the strength defi ned for Non-Certifi ed or
Certifi ed anchorages shall be multiplied by the number of systems attached to the anchorage.
2 Certifi ed Anchorage: An anchorage for fall arrest, positioning, restraint, or rescue systems that a qualifi ed person certifi es to be ca-
pable of supporting the potential fall forces that could be encountered during a fall or that meet the criteria for a certifi ed anchorage
prescribed in this standard.
Non-Certifi ed Anchorages:5,000 lbs (22.2 kN)
Certifi ed Anchorages
:2 times the Maximum Arresting Force for Certifi ed
Non-Certifi ed Anchorages1,000 (4,5 kN)
Certifi ed Anchorages
:2 times the foreseeable force for certifi ed anchorages.
Non-Certifi ed Anchorages3,000 lbs (13.3 kN)
Certifi ed Anchorages
:2 times the foreseeable force for certifi ed anchorages.
Non-Certifi ed Anchorages3,000 lbs (13.3 kN)
Certifi ed Anchorages
:5 times the foreseeable force for certifi ed anchorages.
particular system. See the instructions for the climbing system for requirements.
WARNING: Do not alter or intentionally misuse this equipment. Consult Capital Safety when using this
equipment in combination with components or subsystems other than those described in this manual. Some
subsystem and component combinations may interfere with the operation of this equipment. Use caution when
using this equipment around moving machinery, electrical and chemical hazards, and sharp edges.
3.1 BEFORE EACH USE: Before each use of this equipment inspect the ExoFit NEX™ Full Body Harness
according to Section 5 of this manual.
3.2 PLANNING: Plan your system before use. Consider all factors that will affect your safety during use of this
equipment. Consider the following aspects when planning your system:
ANCHORAGE: • Select an anchorage that meets the anchorage requirements specifi ed in Section 2.
SHARP EDGES: • Avoid working where system components may be in contact with, come in contact with,
or abrade against, unprotected sharp edges.
AFTER A FALL: • Any equipment which has been subjected to the forces of arresting a fall, or exhibits
damage consistent with the effect of fall arrest forces as described in Section 5, must be removed from
service immediately and destroyed by the user, the rescuer
RESCUE:• The employer must have a rescue plan when using this equipment. The employer must have
the ability to perform a rescue quickly and safely.
3.3 DONNING AND FITTING THE HARNESS: The ExoFit NEX™ Full Body Harness is available in Vest
(Figure 9) and Cross-Over (Figure 10) styles. Donning procedures will vary with the harness style.
WARNING: Do not alter or intentionally misuse this equipment. Consult Capital Safety when using this
equipment in combination with components or subsystems other than those described in this manual. Some
subsystem and component combinations may interfere with the operation of this equipment. Use caution when
using this equipment around moving machinery, electrical and chemical hazards, and sharp edges.