Z5442 Mounting instructions 1.1 en

General information
Z5442 Mounting instructions
Version: 1.1 en, 02/2014, D2621.EN .01
Copyright © 2014 by d&b audiotechnik GmbH; all rights
Keep these mountings instructions with the product or
in a safe place so that they are available for future
When reselling this product, hand over these mounting instructions
to the new customer.
d&b audiotechnik GmbH
Eugen-Adolff-Strasse 134, D-71522 Backnang, Germany
T +49-7191-9669-0, F +49-7191-95 00 00
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1. Z5442 Wall mount column.......................................... 4
1.1. Scope of supply........................................................... 4
1.2. Safety precautions....................................................... 4
1.3. Intended use................................................................ 5
2. Assembly............................................................................ 6
3. Built-in dimensions.......................................................... 9
4. Declarations.................................................................... 10
4.1. Manufacturer's declaration...................................... 10
4.2. Disposal..................................................................... 10
d&b Z5442 Mounting instructions 1.1 en 3

1. Z5442 Wall mount column
1.1. Scope of supply
Please verify the shipment for completeness and proper condition
of the items.
Qty. d&b Code Description
1 Z5442 Wall mount column [1] consisting
– Wall plate [1a]
– Hinged bracket [1b]
– Cabinet connecting plate [1c]
Note: Due to the size and easy
handling of the wall plate [1a], it
also serves as the fixing template.
4 Allen hex screw M6 x 12 [2]
4 T-slot nut 8 mm / M6 [3]
1 D2621.EN .01 Z5442 Mounting instructions
1.2. Safety precautions
General safety
Installation and setup should only be carried out by qualified and
authorized personnel observing the valid national Rules for the
Prevention of Accidents (RPA).
It is the responsibility of the person installing the assembly to ensure
that the suspension/fixing points are suitable for the intended use.
Always carry out a visual and functional inspection of the items
before use. In case there is any doubt as to the proper functioning
and safety of the items, these must be withdrawn from use
Load safety information
Only use mounting parts (fixing anchors and screws) that are
suitable for the intended application.
Observe the occurring extraction forces acting on the fixing
anchors and screws. The rated extraction force is 350 N.
The maximum permitted working load of the Z5442 Wall mount
column is 16 kg (35 lb), which corresponds to the weight of a
complete 24C/24C-E assembly.
d&b Z5442 Mounting instructions 1.1 en4