Dawson Tools DDM350 User Manual

Pen-Type Digital Multimeter
User’s Manual
Out of the Box................ .............................1
Accessories........................... ........ ...2.........
Safety Information...................... ................2
Overview ................. .................. ...4.............
Buttons and Components ............ ...4............ .
Display Descrip tion........... ...6.......................
USING THE METER............. ........... ........7....
Preparation .......... ...7........................ ..........
DC/AC Voltage Meas urement........ ...7...........
DC/AC Current Measurement......... ...8..........
Resistance Measurement.......... ...9...............
Diode Test .......... ...9........................ ............
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. .... ...... .... ....... 1. ......
Safety Symbols ................................ ......3....
Certification......................... ....... ......4.........
Capacitance Mea surement. .10......................
Continuity.......... .10........................ .............
Frequency/Duty Cycle.......... .11....................
Data Hold . ...... ... ..12. ...................................
SPECIFICATIONS................ ........ ...... 13... ...
General Specification ......... .13.....................
Technical Specifi cation..............................14
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR......... .......18...
Repair.......... ..18........................ ..................
Test Leads Replacem ent ........ ..18.................
Replacing the bat teries ........ .18....................
CONTACT DAWSON................... ..... .. ....19...
Backlight .......... .12........................ ..............
Work light.......... .12........................ ..............
NCV (Non-Contac t Voltage). ..12..... ...............
Auto Off. ......... ...12. .....................................
01 02
This i nstrume nt from Daw son Tools Inc. wi ll be free from d efects in w orkmans hip and mat erial for t hree year s from the da te of origi nal purch ase.Thi s warrant y does n ot cover de fects res ulting fr om damage c aused by the u ser such as d rops, neg lect, mis use, unau thorize d alterat ion, usag e outside o f specifi ed cond itions, c ontamin ation, or i mproper r epair/ main tenance .To receive s ervice on t he instru ment if it beco mes neces sary duri ng the warr anty peri od, cont act your ne arest Daw son autho rized ser vice cent er at (80 0) 898-69 91 or visit w ww.Dawso nTools.co m to obta in a return a uthoriz ation (wi thin the US o nly). A retur n authori zation is n ecessar y before re turning any in strumen t to Dawson ; no servic e will be pro vided with out a retur n authori zation. The user is r esponsi ble for pr operly pa cking the u nit and cha rges such a s ship ping, fre ight and in surance c harges. The exten t of Daws on's liab ility is li mited sol ely to the re pair/ repl acement o f the instr ument.T he above wa rranty in its en tirety is i nclusiv e and no othe r warrant ies, writ ten or ora l, are expr essed or im plied.
Out of the Box
Chec k the meter a nd access ories tho roughly b efore usin g the meter. C ontact yo ur local di stribut or if the mete r or any comp onents ar e damaged o r malfunc tion.
Test Lea d
1.5V AA A Battery Case
1 2 3 4
1 pcs 1 pcs 2 pcs 1 pcs
Safe ty Inform ation
To reduce t he risk of fi re, elect rical sho ck, produ ct dama ge or perso nal injur y, pl ease foll ow the safe ty inst ruction s describ ed in the use r ’s manua l. read the ma nual befo re using th e meter.
To ensure s afe opera tion and li fe of the met er, do not pl ace the met er in any env ironmen t with high pres sure, hig h tempera ture, dus t, explos ive gas or vap or.
1.Avoi d shaking , droppin g or any kind o f impacts w hen usin g or transp orting th e meter.
2.To avo id electr ic shock or p ersonal i njury, repai rs or serv icing not c overed in t his manua l should be perf ormed onl y by qualif ied perso nnel.
3.Avoi d direct ex posure to s unlight t o ensure ex tended life o f the meter.
4.Do n ot place me ter in a stro ng magnet ic field; t his may caus e false rea dings.
5.Us e only the ba tteries i ndicate d in the Technica l Spec.
User ’s Manual
1 pcs
Alli gator Cli p & cable
Impo rtant saf ety infor mation, p lease refe r to the user ’s manual
Eart h ground
Indi cates com pliance w ith requi rements for do uble insu lation
03 04
6.Avoi d exposin g batteri es to humid ity. Replace batteries as soo n as the low ba ttery ind icator ap pears.
7.Pl ease keep t he origin al packin g for futur e shippin g purp oses (ex. C alibrat ion)
8.Af ter openi ng the box, c heck for an y damage du ring deli very.
Safe ty Symbol s
Impo rtant Saf ety Infor mation
• Repa ir or maint enance sh ould be imp lemente d by trai ned perso nnel only.
CAT I :Thi s meter has m et IEC101 0-1 stand ard with an
over voltage c ategory ( CAT III) and pollution degree of 2. The me ter comp i es to EMC req uiremen ts.
Fuse m ust be repl aced with r atings spec ified in th e manual.
Conf orms to IEC 1010-1 st andards f or over voltage i n categor y III insta llation s with a p ollutio n degree of I I.
Comp lies with E uropean U nion (EU) stan dards
Comp lies with U .S. and Can adian saf ety stan dards.
• Neve r use the met er to measu re voltag es that mig ht exce ed 600V DC/ AC above ea rth groun d in catego ry III in stallat ions.
• Alway s be carefu l when work ing with vo ltage abo ve 60V DC o r 30VAC RMS. Kee p fingers b ehind the p robe barr iers whil e measuri ng.
• Insp ect test le ads and pro bes for cra cks, brea ks or craz es on the ins ulation b efore usi ng the mete r.
Over view
The DD M350 is a por table pen -type dig ital mult imeter feat uring DC/ AC voltag e and curre nt measur ements, resi stance, c apacita nce, cont inuity, diod e testing , freq uency and d uty cycle , auto/ma nual rang e, workli ght, and an L CD w/back light for e asy readi ng. The slim an d ligh tweight d esign is mo bile and id eal for bot h prof essiona ls and hobb yists.
Figu res and Com ponents
Butt ons and Com ponents
1.Test P robe (+)
2.Pr obe Cap
3.NC V Indicat or
4.Pr otectiv e Ring
5.LC D Display
6.Ro tary Swit ch
7.FU NC (Funct ion) Butt on
8.RA N (Range) B utton
9. (Work l ight) But ton
10.N CV (Non-C ontact Vol tage) But ton
11.H/ (Ho ld/Back light) Bu tton
12.H z/% (Freq uency/D uty Cycle ) Button
13.C OM Jack (-)
+ 8 hidden pages