Davis Instruments Metric Rain Calibration Insert, 6310, 6310EU, 6310UK, 6310C Setup Instructions

Product #6310, 6310EU, 6310UK, 6310C, 6310CEU, 6310CUK
Metric Rain C oll ector Set ting s
Use this procedure to set up your rain collector and Vantage Pr o con­sole for viewing rain collection data in millimeters.
1. During setup configure you r V antage Pr o console for the .01 inch rain collector. Alt hough the con s ol e Setup Sc r een 12 allows you to selec t e it her .0 1 inc h , .2 mm, or .1 mm ra in col l ector, all Van­tage Pro rain collectors ar e cu rrently calibrated for .01 inch.
Console Setup Screen #12:
Use the “.01 IN” Rain
Collector setting.
Note:Do not select .2m m in th e con s ole Setup Screen 12 .
To Dis play R ain D ata in Met ric Un its on t he Co ns ole
Use this key sequence to change the Rain data units displayed on your console:
1. Press the Rain key
2. Press the 2nd ke y.
3. Press the Units key.
Press this key to select Rain
Press this key to use “secondary”
key value
Press this key to chan ge the
Rain display units
4. The units used to display Rain data will toggle between inches and millimeters each time you repeat this key sequence.
Note:The Vantage Pro rain collector measures rain in .01 inch increments.
When you select metric units for display, .01 inch increments are con­verted into millimeters.
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3465 Diablo Ave., Hayward, CA 94545-2778
07395.165 (Rev A, 11/09/01)© Davis Instruments Corp. 2001. All rights reserved.
To Dis play R ain D ata in M et ric Un its in Weath erLin k S oftware
1. In the Weatherlink Software, select the “.01 in” rain collector in the Stati on Config dialog box found in the Setup menu.
Use the “.01 in” Rain Collector setting.
Note:Do not sele ct .2 mm or .1 in in the S tation Configuration di alog box. The
.2 mm and .1 in settings are not currently supported by the rain collector shipped with Vantage Pro .
2. Select “mm” for rain in the Select Units dialog box.
Select the “mm” set -
ting for Rain in the
Choose Units dialog
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