Daviscomms DC3500 User Manual

iSR3500 Series GSM / GPRS Module
Pre-Release Rev 0.3
2008. 03. 28
Sirius Mobility
#02-05 Creative Resource Bldg,
Singapore 609921
email: sales@i-sirius.com.sg
Mobile SolutionsMobile Solutions
1 Introduction
1.1 General Description
iSR3500 series is a product line of single-module platform optimized for ultra low cost GSM/GPRS modem and generic mobile applications. It integrates all the functions necessary for a dual-band GSM/GPRS w ireless communication, including baseband, mixed signal, p ower amplifier, power management, RF transceiver, front-end switch and memory in a single monolithic module with board-to-board connector
The highly integrated module is ideal for application requiring GSM, and is capable of working on 2-layer motherboard with no further RF calibration required.
26.8 x 28.0 x 2.826.8 x 28.0 x 2.8
1.2 Key Features
GSM or GPRS Dual Band 900/1800 MHz or 850/1900 MHz,
Protocol Stack GSM Rel.97. STK Rel.99
GPRS Rel4.0 Class 10
Speech Codec EFR / FR / HR / AMR
Security Hardware support for IMEI, SIM-Lock, Flash Software Protection and
Secure Boot
Messaging SMS concatenated
EMS, Smart messaging (GPRS)
Browsing CSD, Jataayu WAP 1.2 (GPRS)
Text Input T9 and/or Z8 library word recognition
Output Power Class 4 (2W) at 850/900 MHz
Class 1 (1W) at 1800/1900 MHz
Supply Voltage 3.4V ~ 4.2V, Nominal : 3.7V
Power consumption Power off < 200uA
Idle mode < 4mA
GSM Sensitivity -110 dBm (typ) at 850/900 MHz
-109 dBm (typ) at 1800/1900 MHz
LCD feature up to 96x64 FSTN (iSR35<b>16)
up to 128x128 FSTN (iSR35<b>32) up to 160x128 65K CSTN (iSR35<b>3204)
Clock 26MHz reference clock
26MHz for MCU sub-system 78MHz for DSP
Interface 8 bit parallel interface
SSC / SPI interface I2C Bus UART
Communication Extendable AT Commands (GPRS)
ADC 1 open ADC
1 ADC (TBAT) is reserved for battery temperature monitoring
Headset hook detection
Audio Analog audio for ring tone (balanced and unbalanced)
Analog audio for receiver (balanced and unbalanced) Balanced analog microphone interface Unbalanced external microphone interface for headset
LED backlight White LED buck-booster embedded, requires only external FET and diode
for switching
Debug JTAG support
Charging Pulse charging support for both Ni-MH and Li-ion battery
Vibrator Support Vibrator control output
Keypad Support 6 x 4 key inputs
iSR3500 Series 2 / 11 Pre-rev 0.3
Mobile SolutionsMobile Solutions
1.3 Ordering Information
<b> = GSM band option, E or U
<nnnn> = memory option, 16, 32, 3204, 3208 or 6416
please note that other RAM configuration will be incorporated in the future
<c> = b2b connector size option, C1, C2 or C3
<p> = packaging option, R or T
1.4 Product part number
iSR35E16 GSM 900/1800MHz band, 16Mbit Flash
iSR35E32 GSM 900/1800MHz band, 32Mbit Flash
iSR35E3204 GSM 900/1800MHz band, 32Mbit Flash + 4Mbit static RAM
iSR35E3208 GPRS 900/1800MHz band, 32Mbit Flash + 8Mbit static RAM
iSR35E6416 GPRS 900/1800MHz band, 64Mbit Flash + 16Mbit static RAM
iSR35U16 GSM 850/1900MHz band, 16Mbit Flash
iSR35U32 GSM 850/1900MHz band, 32Mbit Flash
iSR35U3204 GSM 850/1900MHz band, 32Mbit Flash + 4Mbit static RAM
iSR35U3208 GPRS 850/1900MHz band, 32Mbit Flash + 8Mbit static RAM
iSR35U6416 GPRS 850/1900MHz band, 64Mbit Flash + 16Mbit static RAM
Connector Option
C1 = 34 pins
C2 = 60 pins
C3 = 80 pins
2 Electrical Specification
2.1 Absolute Maximum Rating
The maximum rating may not be exceeded under any circumstances as permanent damage to the module will result
Parameter Pin
Minimum Maximum
Battery Supply Vbat1, Vbat2, Vbat3 -0.15 - +5.5 V
Output Load VSWR ANT 10:1
Storage Temperature -55 +150 ˚C
ESD 1000 V
Digital I/O sink current 20 mA
Digital I/O Level 3.6 V
2.2 Electrical Characteristics
At operating Temperature: -20˚C ~ 60˚C
Parameter Pin Min. Typ. Max Unit
Battery Power supply Vbat1,Vbat2,Vbat3 3.4 3.8 4.2 V
Charger Detection Voltage CDT 0 2.5 V
Limit Values
iSR3500 Series 3 / 11 Pre-rev 0.3
Battery charging protection voltage Vbat1,Vbat2,Vbat3 4.47 / 5.5 V
Supported Battery Voltage for charging
VSIM -3% 1.8/2.85 +3%
VIO Voltage VIO,VDDP_IO -3% 2.85 +3% V
VIO Output current I
VDDP_MEM Domain VDDP_MEM -3% 2.85 +3% V
VRTC Voltage VRTC,VDDP_RTC 1.86 2 2.14 V
VRTC Output Current 4 mA
VSIM Voltage VSIM -3% 1.8/2.85 +3% V
VSIM Output Current I
Digital I/O range GPIO, -0.3 2.85 3 V
Digital I/O Low level V
Digital I/O High level V
Receiver Max differential Output EPP1,EPN1 3.3 3.7 4.1 Vpp
Headset Max single-ended output EPPA 1.65 1.85 2.05 Vpp
Receiver Output Load resistance EPP1,EPN1 16
Headset Output Load resistance EPPA 32
Ringer Output Load resistance LOUD1,LOUD2 8
ADC Input Voltage
(External input voltage case)
30 mA
30 mA
-0.2 0.3 V
2.55 2.85V 3 V
Mobile SolutionsMobile Solutions
2.3 GSM 850 Electrical characteristics
Nominal Conditions (unless otherwise specified): Vbatt=3.8V Ta=25˚C
Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Frequency 824 849 MHz
Maximum Output Power Nominal conditions 32.5 33 dBm
2nd Harmonic
All other harmonics up to 13 GHz
Sensitivity -108 dBm
Off current 150 uA
Idle current Average at DRX=5 2.5 mA
Traffic mode current 250 mA
2.4 GSM 900 Electrical characteristics
Nominal Conditions (unless otherwise specified): Vbatt=3.8V Ta=25˚C
Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Frequency 880 915 MHz
Maximum Output Power Nominal conditions 32.5 33 dBm
2nd Harmonic
3rd Harmonic
All other harmonics up to 13 GHz
Sensitivity -106 dBm
Off current 150 uA
Idle current Average at DRX=5 2.5 mA
Traffic mode current 250 mA
Pout33dBm -40 dBm
-40 dBm
iSR3500 Series 4 / 11 Pre-rev 0.3
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