Davis DPX16 User Manual

Owner’s Manual
Operating Instructions
Instructions for basic operation and installation
Printing Revision 5
Version 2.0
Operational Features Description.......................................................................................................................................................3
Live Camera Displays..................................................................................................................................................................3
Activity Detection and Alarming...................................................................................................................................................3
Multiplexer Recording/Playback...................................................................................................................................................3
DigiLock and Playback..............................................................................................................................................................4
VCR Bypass................................................................................................................................................................................4
Call Monitor.................................................................................................................................................................................4
Advanced Alarm System with Alarm Scheduling .........................................................................................................................4
Alarm Log and Printing................................................................................................................................................................4
Variable Zoom.............................................................................................................................................................................4
Getting Started...................................................................................................................................................................................5
Installation Steps.........................................................................................................................................................................5
Rear Panel Connections....................................................................................................................................................................6
Top Cover Removal...........................................................................................................................................................................6
Video Line Termination Switches.......................................................................................................................................................6
VCR Bypass Function Operation.................................................................................................................................................8
Call Monitor Operation.................................................................................................................................................................8
Remote Control Operation...........................................................................................................................................................8
Activity Detection Operation.........................................................................................................................................................8
Set Up Menus....................................................................................................................................................................................9
Main Menu............................................................................................................................................................................9
Time/Date Setting...........................................................................................................................................................9
Time & Date Display Options........................................................................................................................................10
VCR Set Up..................................................................................................................................................................10
Advanced Function Menus...............................................................................................................................................................11
Hand Held IR Remote Control..........................................................................................................................................................21
Programming Your ATV DPX16 Remote Control.......................................................................................................................21
What to do if Your VCR is not on the Supported List........................................................................................................................22
Programming a Custom Delay Table (Advanced Option).................................................................................................................22
What is the “Delay Table”?........................................................................................................................................................22
Determining Delay Values................................................................................................................................................................22
Edit Delay Table........................................................................................................................................................................23
How do I verify the correct “Values”?.........................................................................................................................................23
Alarm Interconnection on the DPX16............................................................................................................................................... 24
RS-232 Remote Control Interface....................................................................................................................................................26
Supported VCRs..............................................................................................................................................................................27
Specifications................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Warranty Information.......................................................................................................................................................................29
YEAR 2000 CONFORMANCE...................................................................................................................................................29
LIMITATION OF WARRANTY...................................................................................................................................................29
FCC Statement................................................................................................................................................................................29
VCR Selection..........................................................................................................................................................10
Camera Set Up...................................................................................................................................................................11
Camera Label Changing...............................................................................................................................................11
CUSTOMPLEXING (Camera Recording Priority)........................................................................................................11
Camera Monitor Disable...............................................................................................................................................12
Activity Detection Set Up...............................................................................................................................................12
Display Sequence Set Up....................................................................................................................................................13
Dwell Adjustment..........................................................................................................................................................13
Display Sequencing Format..........................................................................................................................................13
Sequencing Format Screens.........................................................................................................................................13
Alarm Set Up.......................................................................................................................................................................15
Alarm Enable Type ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Video Loss Alarms........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Alarm Scheduling..........................................................................................................................................................15
Set Alarm Enable Schedule ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Enable Scheduled Alarms........................................................................................................................................16
Alarm Control Options...................................................................................................................................................17
Alarm Dwell Adjustment...........................................................................................................................................17
Alarm Activation Type..............................................................................................................................................18
Alarm Log.....................................................................................................................................................................18
Other Options......................................................................................................................................................................19
Security Set Up.............................................................................................................................................................19
Advanced VCR Options.......................................................................................................................................................20
Camera Switch Input..................................................................................................................................................... 20
DPX16: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 2
Thank you for purchasing Advanced Technology Video’s DPX16 sixteen camera Color Duplex Multiplexer. This instruction manual describes the powerful features of this product for basic and advanced operation. It also covers the installation steps that will allow quick and easy integration into your security system.
The following section provides an overview of the operational features of the DPX16. If you are familiar with the DPX16, you should proceed to the “Getting Started” section on the following page for step by step installation instructions.

Live Camera Displays

The DPX16 will initially be in the live camera display mode whenever power is applied to the unit. Live cameras can be displayed in 4x4, 3x3, quad, PIP, dual PIP, split screen, squish screen, or full frame formats. In addition, any display may be frozen using a front panel button, the IR remote control, or external signal input. In any of these display modes, the unit can be programmed to sequence one or more cameras with a programmable dwell time. All live camera displays, with the exception of 4x4 and 3x3 formats, are in real time (30 frames/60 fields per second NTSC, or 25 frames/50 fields per second PAL).

Activity Detection and Alarming

The DPX16’s advanced video processing capability provides an activity detection function for each camera input. Activity Detection, for each camera, can be programmed in 240 regions (cells) and may be selectively enabled to provide an “alarm” condition for the multiplexer. See “Activity Detection Operation” on page 8 for further information regarding the configuration and use of this feature.

Multiplexer Recording/Playback

The DPX16 records each camera individually onto a single video frame of the VCR tape at a rate compatible with the VCR recording speed (record hours mode). Proper VCR playback operation requires that the DPX16 be set up to multiplex at the rate which is compatible with your VCR recording speed (see page 10). During multiplexing, a single frame from each camera is alternately output to the VCR with the factory default set so that each live camera is given an equal number of frames on the tape. Dead or unconnected camera inputs will not be recorded. In order to optimize recording for your security situation, the frequency with which individual camera inputs are sampled for multiplexing may be optionally configured using either Activity Detection or the Customplexing camera priority function. When Activity Detection is enabled, the multiplexing rate of a camera is automatically increased when activity is detected in the camera’s image. Cameras with activity will be sampled more often than cameras with little or no activity. When Activity Detection is disabled, the Customplexing feature is automatically enabled and up to four levels of multiplexing priority can be set for each camera using the “Recording Priority” menu (more frames are given to high priority and less frames to low priority). Alarm events will automatically raise the recording priority of the alarming camera to the highest level during the alarm condition. While multiplex recording is active, the live display mode can be set to any mode (4x4, 3x3, quad, PIP, Dual PIP or full screen, etc.) without affecting the multiplex recording function.
In VCR playback mode, cameras can be displayed in 4x4, 3x3, quad, PIP, dual PIP, split screen, squish screen, or full frame formats. In addition, any display may be frozen. VCR playback incorporates digital decoding of the camera number from the tape so that screen images on the monitor may be updated at the rate that images appear on the tape. The default refresh rate of the playback monitor is the playback rate divided by the number of cameras being multiplexed. This will change when alarmed cameras or dead cameras are present or camera priorities have been changed.
DPX16: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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In VCR playback mode, digital information is used to compensate for the poor vertical synchronization signals frequently encountered with time lapse VCRs.
The DPX16 DigiLock decoding reconstructs the timing such that successfully decoded frames are displayed with minimal “jumping”, “tearing” or other side-effects of poor synchronization.

VCR Bypass

Many VCRs have on-screen programming menus that require a monitor for programming the VCR. The DPX16 includes a “VCR Bypass” feature which facilitates VCR programming by allowing the DPX16 VCR input (VCR’s video output) to be routed directly to the display monitor. The “VCR Bypass” mode can also be used to directly view the VCR’s output for adjusting tracking or verifying proper VCR connections to the DPX16.

Call Monitor

An additional, separate monitor function is provided to allow simultaneous viewing of full screen camera displays and full screen alarm or sequenced cameras. The Call Monitor output is always a full screen call up of any input camera. The camera to be viewed can be selected manually or may be selected automatically as the alarming camera. In addition, this output can be set to sequence through all cameras. The default mode is sequencing. See “Call Monitor Operation” on page 8 for instructions on the operation of the Call Monitor.

Advanced Alarm System with Alarm Scheduling

The DPX16 contains the most advanced and flexible Alarm System available in a video multiplexer. The DPX16 Advanced Alarm System supports several programmable alarm types including external input, Activity Alarms, and Video Loss Alarms. In addition, the DPX16 alarm system can be enabled and disabled through a 7-day Alarm Schedule and/or a user programmable external Master Enable signal.
and Playback
The DPX16 has sixteen, alarm “channels” associated with the sixteen camera inputs. Each alarm “channel” includes a programmable external input, video Activity Alarm, and Video Loss Alarm. External alarm inputs are individually selectable for contact closure or opening as well as logic levels (+5V, 0V). Each alarm “channel” may also be individually selected for enable/disable through the DPX16 Alarm Schedule. The Alarm Schedule is a 7-day timer schedule with a single ON and OFF time associated with each day of the week. The DPX16 also has an external input signal that can be selected between picture Freeze and Alarm Master Enable. The Alarm Master Enable signal can be used in conjunction with your burglar alarm control panel so that the alarm control panel can enable or disable the DPX16 alarm system. See page 15 for further information on Alarm Scheduling and DPX16 alarm features.

Alarm Log and Printing

The DPX16 has an internal Alarm Log that provides storage for up to 100 alarm events. In addition, its text can be transmitted to the serial port for printing or storage on a host computer. The Alarm Log is a “circular” storage buffer so that the most recent alarm events are always stored. In addition to the Alarm Log, alarm event text can also be sent directly to the serial port, when an event occurs, for immediate printing or external processing. Alarm events, which may be printed and stored in the Alarm Log, include any enabled External Alarms, Activity Alarms, or Video Loss Alarms. See “Alarm Set Up” on page 15 for instructions on the use of the DPX16 alarm log and printing features.

Variable Zoom

The DPX16 has an easy to use variable magnification and adjustable position Zoom capability. The front panel buttons marked with arrow symbols are used to adjust the position of the Zoom window and the Zoom button and VCR button are used to “zoom in” and “zoom out” respectively. Zoom is available in live camera and VCR playback modes.
DPX16: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera Camera
Optional for alarm
or VCR a c tiv a te d
Alarm Inputs
Alarm Master
Cam Switch
Alarm Out
S-Video or Composite
Camera Camera
The above diagram shows the typical 16-camera installation for the DPX16. Up to sixteen cameras can be connected to the multiplexer using the back panel connectors. Note that the VCR and monitor connections must be as shown above for proper operation.

Installation Steps

The following steps should be followed to ensure proper connection and set up of your DPX16. A diagram showing the overall connection configuration of the DPX16 is shown above. The installation steps are:
Connect your cameras, monitor, and VCR to the DPX16 as shown above. Refer to the “Back Panel Connections” and “Video Termination Switches” sections on the next page for proper connections and switch settings for your particular installation. Power up the DPX16 and
enter the DPX16 set up menus
by pressing and holding the
button for approximately 3 seconds. Refer to the “Set Up Menus” section of the manual starting on page 9.
Set the current time, date, and day of the week in the DPX16 using the “Set Time/Date” menu.
DPX16: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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Determine the record speed (record hours format) you will use with your VCR and set up the DPX16 to work with your VCR using the “VCR Set up” and “VCR Selection” menus (see page 10).
4. Exit the DPX16 menus by pressing the DISPLAY button to exit each menu and finally the menu system.
If your VCR has internal “on-screen” menus for its set up, use the “VCR Bypass” feature of the DPX16 (see the “VCR Bypass Operation” description on page 8) to view the VCR’s “on-screen” menus on the display monitor.
At this point, the basic configuration of your DPX16 is complete. You may now proceed to set more advanced functions as required for your installation (alarms, camera labels, multiplexing options, etc.). Refer to the “Advanced Function Menus” starting on page 11 for detailed information for the feature(s) you require.
The sixteen camera input BNC connectors each have a looping output and the factory default configuration of each 75 Ohm termination is ON. Eight DIP switches inside the unit (see section below) determine whether the termination is ON or OFF for each camera input.
The DPX16 has both Composite (BNC) and S-Video (DIN) outputs for the main color monitor. For optimum resolution, it is recommended that you use the S-Video cable to connect to the S-Video input on your color monitor. If this input is available on your monitor, it may also be called the “S-VHS” or “Y/C” input.
Connect a cable from the “VCR IN” BNC (or S-Video connector) to the video output of the VCR and a cable from the “VCR OUT” BNC (or S-Video connector) to the video input of the VCR. You must use
the Composite video connection (BNC) or the S-Video (DIN) connection. In order for your DPX16 to
work properly with the VCR,
. Once you have connected the VCR, you must choose either the “Composite” or “S-Video” mode in the “VCR Set-up Menu” (see page 10). The factory default is “Composite”. It is also recommended that you use the S-Video connections on your VCR.
The two alarm connectors are a standard DB-15 type that will mate with the alarm wire adapter board or a standard computer-type cable. See page 24 for further alarm connection information.
 
ALARMS 10 - 16
16151413121110987654321 MAIN
ALARMS 1 - 9
12 ~ VAC
2.0 AMP
The top cover of the DPX16 should only be removed if it is necessary to adjust input termination settings, or RS-232 port settings. To remove the top cover, remove the 4 screws on each side. Gently slide the top cover back until the cover disengages from the plastic front panel bezel and then lift the cover off the chassis.
The video line termination switches for each camera input are accessed by removing the top cover. The switches are located in pairs near the back panel on the main circuit board. Each switch pair is marked on the circuit board and the 75 Ohm termination is enabled when the switch is in the “ON” position. The factory default setting for each input is 75 Ohm termination “ON”. Also note that there is an additional termination switch for the VCR input.
DPX16: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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Your DPX16 has seven mode control buttons and sixteen numbered “camera” buttons which allow easy access to all modes of operation. The seven mode buttons on the left are used to control monitor display operations and VCR playback. An LED below each button will light when the unit is in the mode corresponding to that button. Note that live camera display modes
do not
affect multiplex recording.
Following is a summary of each button’s function and the DPX16 operating modes.
This button cycles the monitor display through the 4X4, 3x3, and quad displays in live or VCR playback modes. In addition, it will return the unit to the 4x4 display mode from any other display mode. Successive button pushes change the display operation from 4X4, to 3x3, to quad, then back to 4x4, and so forth. A push and hold of this button for approximately 3 seconds will bring up the DPX16 set up main menu. To view additional cameras in the 3x3 or quad display modes, push the SEQUENCE button and the DPX16 will sequence the display through the available cameras. You can stop on any set of cameras by pushing the SEQUENCE button again to stop SEQUENCING.
In all display modes (except Zoom), a press on this button will freeze the camera image(s) on the monitor display (the multiplex output to the VCR recording is still live during all display modes). Another push of this button will deactivate the “freeze” mode. A push and hold of this button for approximately 3 seconds will put the DPX16 front panel into Call Monitor control mode (see “Call Monitor Operation” on page 8). This button is also used to pan “left” in Zoom mode.
A button press will activate the camera sequencing for the present mode (except Zoom) and another push of this button will deactivate the “sequencing” mode. The default camera hold time is 3 seconds. A button press during “VCR Playback” mode will cause a multicamera display to switch to the next set of cameras. This button is also used to pan “right” in Zoom mode.
When starting in the 4x4, 3x3, quad, or full screen camera display in live display or VCR playback modes, pressing the PIP (Picture-in-Picture) button will cause the unit to switch to the "Single PIP" display. Additional presses will cycle the unit through "Dual PIP", “Split Screen”, “Squish Screen”, "Full Frame" and back to "Single PIP" displays. How cameras will appear in these displays is programmable (See “Display Sequence Set Up” on page 13). This button is also used to pan “up” in Zoom mode.
This button rotates the orientation of the cameras clockwise on the screen into the desired positions in “PIP”, “Dual PIP”, “Split Screen”, and “Squish Screen” display modes. This button is also used to pan “down” in Zoom mode.
The ZOOM function will expand the selected portion of a full frame camera image. A button press will cause a box to appear on the screen that indicates the image area that will be expanded. Successive button presses will increase the magnification factor from 2X to 3X, 4X, and 5X.
Pressing this button will switch monitor display from the live camera display mode to the VCR playback mode. The LED indicator will light to show that VCR playback is now possible. The display will initially be in 4x4 mode and the monitor screen will show the message “VCR Playback”. To see non-multiplexer images (VCR setup menus for example) or to troubleshoot VCR tracking or other problems, the “VCR Bypass” function is used. See the following page for a description of the “VCR Bypass” function. When the DPX16 is in Zoom mode, this button will cause the image to “zoom out” to the next lower magnification factor and eventually back to full screen.
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VCR Bypass Function Operation

An approximately 3 second long press of the VCR button activates the “VCR Bypass” function and the VCR LED will flash while the unit is in “VCR Bypass” mode. While in this mode, the DPX16 will pass the VCR output directly to the main display monitor. A single push of the VCR button will return the unit to normal VCR playback mode and/or back to live display mode. The VCR output is also available on the Call Monitor.
CAMERA Buttons (1 Through 16)
The individual camera buttons 1 through 16 are used to select which camera is to be used for display purposes during live display or VCR playback modes. In addition, Camera buttons 1 through 16 are used in the DPX16 set up menus.

Call Monitor Operation

The Call Monitor output is always active and is independent of the main display monitor. The camera that is being viewed on the Call Monitor may be selected by pressing the FREEZE button (except while in Zoom mode) and holding it for approximately 3 seconds. When the DPX16 is in “Call Monitor mode”, the FREEZE LED will flash on and off. At this time, any camera that is “alive” may be selected by pressing the CAMERA button. In addition, the Call Monitor output may be set to sequence through “alive” cameras by pressing the SEQUENCE button. The SEQUENCE LED will light and the Call Monitor output will sequence through all “alive” cameras. The Call Monitor output defaults to “sequencing” mode and will automatically display any “alarming” camera. It is also possible to view the VCR IN and VCR OUT signals using the Call Monitor. When in “Call Monitor” mode, a single press of the VCR button will display VCR IN on the Call Monitor. A second press of the VCR button will display VCR OUT. Successive presses of the VCR button will toggle the Call Monitor display between VCR IN and VCR OUT.

Remote Control Operation

The IR remote control provided with your DPX16 has a limited set of buttons and operation with the remote control is slightly different than the DPX16 front panel. The remote control has a single CAMERA button for selecting cameras and successive button presses will rotate through the available cameras. Sequencing is initiated by pressing and holding the remote control’s FREEZE button for approximately 3 seconds. Pressing and holding the remote control’s “PIP” button for approximately 3 seconds accesses the Call Monitor mode. Pressing and holding the “QUADRANT” button for approximately 3 seconds accesses the ZOOM function.
remote control must be programmed any time the batteries are removed.
ATV DPX16 Remote Control” on page 21.
Note that menus are not available through the remote control and the
See “Programming Your

Activity Detection Operation

The Activity Detection feature of the DPX16 can be used to control camera multiplexing and optionally generate alarm conditions. Activity Detection, when enabled, will be active on every “live” camera input and can be individually customized for each camera. Activity Detection control and set up is found in the “Camera Set Up” menu on page 11.
There are two programmable settings possible for each camera under the “Activity Detection” menu on page 12; “Activity Threshold”, and “Activity Zones”. The “Activity Threshold” is a relative sensitivity level for activity within the entire camera image. Higher numbers represent a higher threshold value and therefore a lower sensitivity to activity. In order to allow areas of an image to be enabled or disabled for activity detection, each camera’s image is divided into 240 regions (15 columns by 16 rows). The “Enable/Disable Activity Zones” option in the “Activity Detection” menu is used for programming of these regions for each camera. To facilitate the identification of areas of an image with activity, an “auto detection” mode for “Activity Zones” and “Activity Threshold” programming is provided. The on-screen instructions allow efficient configuration of each camera’s Activity Detection settings.
Note that camera multiplexing priority is determined by Customplexing
camera priority settings are Detection is disabled, Customplexing camera priority settings, and not Activity Detection, are used to determine multiplexing priority.
, but not both simultaneously
used to determine camera multiplexing priority. Similarly, when Activity
. When Activity Detection is enabled, Customplexing
Activity Detection
DPX16: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
Page 8
The DPX16 set up is accomplished through its on-screen menus. To enter the menu system, push and hold the Selection of any menu item is done with the camera select keys on the front panel. Selecting will exit the present menu level. Note that since DPX16 operating modes are affected by menu settings,
the DPX16 will not operate as desired until the menu system is exited
normal operating mode.

Main Menu

Enters “Set Time/Date” menu to program the internal
1. clock and select time and date display options.
Enters “VCR Set Up” menu to select VCR type and recording format (Hours).
Enters “Camera Set Up” menu to program camera
3. labels and set recording priorities.
Enters display “Sequence Set Up” menu to set the
4. sequence cameras will be displayed in.
Enters “Alarm Set Up” menu to enable/disable alarms and program alarm action.
Enters the “Other Options” menu where you can
6. select remote control code, program a security code for locking out the menus and the front panel buttons, change text color and background, or reset unit to factory defaults.
button for approximately 3 seconds. The display will then show the top level menu.
, returning the DPX16 to its
16 V2.0
1: Set Time/Date . . . 2: VCR Set Up . . . 3: Camera Set Up . . . 4: Sequence Set Up . . . 5: Alarm Set Up . . . 6: Other Options . . . 7: Language: English
Camera: Select DISPLAY: Exit Menu System
Selects the language used for DPX16 menus and messages.
Time/Date Setting
Time and date for the on-screen calendar and clock is set from this menu. Selecting:
1. Edits the hour of the day. In 24 hour mode, 0 through 23 is accepted as entered.
Edits the minutes field. Only values 0 through 59 are accepted.
Edits the seconds field. Only values 0 through 59 are
3. accepted.
Edits the day of the month. Only valid values for the month selected will be accepted.
Advances the month with each press.
5. Edits the year.
6. Advances the Day of Week field with each press.
7. Toggles the format between 24 hour and 12 hour, AM
8. or PM.
Enters the time and date “Display Options” menu to position the display on the screen.
The times shown in this menu come directly from the internal clock. Actual time is constantly changing while new values are entered. All the values shown on the screen are updated any time one of them is entered. To accurately set the clock to the desired time, edit the “SECONDS” field last. The current time and date are preserved if a new entry is not accepted or completed.
Set T 06:30:00 23 MAR 98 MO 1: Edit Hours
2: Edit Minutes 3: Edit Seconds 6: Edit Year
7: Edit Day of Week 8: Time Format AM/PM/24hr 9: Other Display Options . . .
Camera buttons 1-7 to select field Camera button 8 to select format Camera button 9 for other options DISPLAY: Accept and Return
4: Edit Day
5: Edit Month
DPX16: Instructions for Basic Operation and Installation
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