DAVIS Course Plotter User Manual

The Davis Course Plotter carries map distance
scales for nautical miles on 1:80000 and 1:40000 ratio
maps. Also features map scales for statute miles and
kilometers on 1:80000 ratio charts. Includes extra
large protractor for measuring courses and bearings
by utilizing meridians of longitude for alignment.
Parallel lines are accurately spaced at 1/4" (6.4 mm)
intervals, making inch scales available at each end of
unbreakable plastic for use on uneven surfaces.
Measures 151/8" x 41/16" (38 x 10 cm).
1) Place either long edge or any of the parallel lines of the plotter along the course line.
2) Slide the plotter along the course line until the cen­ter point is at a meridian of longitude or a parallel of latitude.
3) If the center point is at a meridian, read the bearing at the meridian using the large outer scale. Use the outer numbers of this scale if you are trav­eling in an easterly direction and the inner num­bers if you are traveling in a westerly direction.
4) If the center point is at a parallel, read the bear- ing at the parallel using the small inner or auxiliary scale. Use the outer numbers of this scale if you are traveling in a southerly direction, and the inner numbers if you are traveling in a northerly direc­tion.
5) To find magnetic course, add or subtract the local variation given for your area in the center of the compass rose on your chart.
1) Place the center of the plotter on a meridian or a parallel. Rotate the plotter until the desired bearing is read at the meridian or parallel. Use the large outer scale if you are reading at a meridian and the small inner or auxiliary scale if you are reading at a parallel. (Note: When drawing magnetic course, be sure to adjust your bearing for variation as in step #5 above).
2) Keeping the center point and the desired bearing on the meridian or parallel, slide the plotter along the meridian or parallel until the outer edge of the plotter touches the point.
3) Draw the course line along the straight edge of the plotter.
1) Extend a line by sliding plotter against a triangle or the two tips of a divider.
2) Advance a line of position by using parallel lines on plotter.
3) Measure distance using chart scale on either long edge of plotter. Be sure to use the scale (1:80000 or 1:40000) indicated on your chart.
Note: This product was discontinued as a separate offering in 2005, but may still be purchased as part
of the Davis Charting Kit #083.
3465 Diablo Ave., Hayward, CA 94545 U.S.A.
Phone (510) 732-9229 • Fax (510) 732-9188
info@davisnet.com www.davisnet.com
064_Inst.pdf October 2005
Highest quality printing: features sharp printing process, high gloss finish on front and back, and over­lamination for durability.