DAVIS CarChip Online Help User Manual

Online Help
Printable Version
For CarChip, CarChip E/X,
& CarChip E/X with Alarm
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
Product Numbers: 8210, 8211, 8220, 8221, 8225
Part Number: 7395.064 CarChip Online Help Printable Version (July 16, 2004)
Copyright © 2004 Davis Instruments Corp. All rights reserved.
3465 Diablo Avenue, Hayward, CA 94545-2778
510-732-9229 • Fax: 510-732-9188
E-mail: info@davisnet.com • www.davisnet.com
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents
Welcome to CarChip.......................................................................................................................1
Welcome to CarChip!...................................................................................................................1
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................2
How CarChip Works..................................................................................................................2
CarChip Installation ..................................................................................................................2
Installing CarChip in your Car ....................................................................................................3
Installing CarChip Software .......................................................................................................4
Connecting CarChip to a Computer .............................................................................................4
Example File ............................................................................................................................5
Walkthrough Setup...................................................................................................................6
Downloading CarChip Data ........................................................................................................7
Unidentified Vehicle/Driver ID ....................................................................................................8
Assign Drivers..........................................................................................................................9
View Menu Commands..............................................................................................................9
Exporting Data.......................................................................................................................10
File Menu Commands..............................................................................................................10
Tool Bar ................................................................................................................................ 10
Navigation Buttons .................................................................................................................11
Shortcuts & Navigation Aids.....................................................................................................12
Right Click Copy As................................................................................................................. 12
Copy Plot As ..........................................................................................................................13
Right Click Menu Options.........................................................................................................13
Right Click Save As.................................................................................................................13
Save Plot As .......................................................................................................................... 14
Using CarChip Help.................................................................................................................14
Menu Commands.................................................................................................................... 15
File Menu Commands..............................................................................................................16
Setup Menu Commands .......................................................................................................... 16
CarChip Menu Commands........................................................................................................ 28
View Menu Commands............................................................................................................ 35
Help Menu Commands ............................................................................................................56
More Information Menu...........................................................................................................57
CarChip User's Guide ..............................................................................................................57
CarChip Specifications............................................................................................................. 57
Incompatible Vehicle List.........................................................................................................59
One Year Limited Warranty......................................................................................................59
Safety Notice ......................................................................................................................... 59
Contacting Davis Instruments ..................................................................................................60
Index ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Welcome to CarChip
Welcome to CarChip!
Click on one of the following topics to find out more information on using the CarChip system:
Getting Started Topics
Use the following topics to start using your CarChip d evice and software:
How CarChip Works CarChip Installation Example File Walkthrough Setup Downloading CarChip Data Viewing Data Exporting Data Printing Tool Bar Using CarChip Help
Menu Commands
Use the following topics to learn more about th e menus available in the CarChip software:
File Menu Commands Setup Menu Commands CarChip Menu Comm ands View Menu Commands Help Menu Commands
More Information
CarChip User's Guide CarChip Specifications Incompatible Vehicle List One Year Limited Warranty Contacting Davis Instruments
July 16, 2004
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
Getting Started
Use the following topics to start using your CarChip d evice and software:
How CarChip Works CarChip Installation Example File Walkthrough Setup Downloading CarChip Data Viewing Data Exporting Data Using the File Menu Printing Tool Bar Using CarChip Help
How CarChip Works
The CarChip plugs into the OBDII port in many 1996 or newer cars or trucks to record trip and performance data. This data is then downloaded into your PC computer, providing a detailed look at how the vehicle was driven, including trip start and end times, vehicle speeds, rates of acceleration and braking, and also any OBDII trouble codes detected during the trip. The CarChip software displays vehicle data in summary, plot or table format, and can also be exported to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
The more powerful CarChip E/X logs additional engine and vehicle data parameters, including an accident log which records 20 seconds of vehicle speed history prior to every sudden stop.
Use CarChip (products 8210, 8211) for:
Troubleshooting your car - Records trouble codes and displays freeze frames of sensor readings.
Logging your car's performance - Records acceleration, deceleration, and speed.
Recording trip information - Records dates, starts and stops, and distance.
Clearing your car's check engine light - Checks your car's sensors and turns off the check
engine light.
Use CarChip E/X (products 8220, 8221) for:
Engine performance data logging - Log up to 4 of 23 available data parameters.
Creating an Accident Log for every hard and extreme stop.
Use CarChip E/X with Alarm (product 8225) for:
Announcing to driver when speed, braking, and acceleration thresholds have been
exceeded- Gives off an audible alarm when thresholds have been broken.
CarChip Installation
The following help topics show you how to connect CarChip to your car, to your computer, and how to install the CarChip software. This information is also included in the CarChip packaging.
Connecting the CarChip to a Car Connecting the CarChip to a Computer Installing CarChip Software
Welcome to CarChip
Installing CarChip in your Car
Follow these steps to install the CarChip data logger in your car.
1. Find the OBDII port on your car.
The OBDII port is located within 3 feet of the steer ing wheel, usually near the general area indicated by the dotted line in the following illustration. The port should be easily accessible to a person in the driver's seat.
Note: Use the Davis Instruments' CarChip web site to locate the OBDII connection on your car.
2. Check the following areas for the OBDII port:
Under the Dash Behind a small access panel in the dash In front of the passenger seat In or around the center con sole Behind the ash tray
3. Plug the CarChip data logger into the OBDII connector.
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
4. Check to make sure the data logger indicator light is blinking. This verifies CarChip was properly inserted into the OBDII port and is communicating with your vehicle.
Note: The indicator light blinks continuously when the CarChip is initially connected to a vehicle, before the vehicle has started. Unless the indicator has been enabled via the software, blinking stops once the vehicle has started and the CarChip has established communications with the OBDII computer.
Installing CarChip Software
Follow the steps provided below to install the CarChip software. Detailed instructions on how to use the CarChip software are provided in the software help file "CarChip.chm" included with the installation CD. CarChip software is compatible with computers running Windows™ 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 or XP.
1. Place the CarChip software CD in your CD ROM drive.
2. The install program should start automatically. If the insta ll program does not start, select Run from the Start menu, type D:\SETUP (or the correct letter for your CD ROM drive), and click OK to begin the installation.
3. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.
Connecting CarChip to a Computer
The CarChip data logger connects to your computer using a USB connection (for product 8211, 8221,
8225) or serial port connection (for products 8210, 8220).
Note: A special serial port to USB adapter can be purchased from the Davis company web site if you have purchased a CarChip product with a serial port connection (8210, 8220) and your computer requires a USB connection.
Note: The CarChip data logger does not have to maintain a constant connection with your computer. The CarChip can be connected and disconnected at any time the CarChip software is not downloading information from the CarChip data logger.
To connect the CarChip data logger to your computer using a USB connector:
1. Locate a free USB port on the front or back of your computer and insert the USB connector of the download cable into the USB port.
2. Plug the microminiature connector into the port on the CarChip data logger.
Welcome to CarChip
To connect the CarChip data logger to your computer using a serial port:
1. Locate a free serial port on the back of your computer and insert the 9-pin connector of the download cable into the port.
2. Plug the power adapter cable into the power jack on the 9-pin connector.
3. Plug the power supply into an AC outlet.
4. Plug the 8-pin microminiature connector into the port on the CarChip data logger.
Example File
Sample data is automatically loaded and displayed in the CarChip software when the software it installed and opened for the first time. Use the sample data to view the functionality that exists in the CarChip software.
To display the example data:
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
1. The Example File dialog box displays when the CarChip software is first opened. This dialog box displays an alert that a file with sample data will be opened and displayed. Click OK to open the sample data file.
The sample data file, Example.car, is located in your CarChip software directory and can also be manually opened.
To manually open the example file:
1. Select Open in the File Menu. The Browse dialog box displays.
2. Select the Example.car file in the CarChip program directory. The CarChip program directory is located in the directory where you installed the CarChip Software. In this example, the directory is C:\Program Files\CarChip.
3. Click Open to load the example file into the software. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box without opening the file.
Walkthrough Setup
The CarChip software includes a CarChip walkthrough that steps you through the process of configuring your CarChip data logger and CarChip software configurations. After installing the CarChip software on your computer and opening the program, the Walkthrough dialog box automat ically displays. By clicking OK, the walkthrough process begins. You can set up and configure your CarChip data logger and software by separately selecting all of the necessary setup options from the Setup menu. A Walkthrough command is included in the Setup menu so that you can access the walkthrough at any time.
Note: The CarChip data logger does not have to be connected to your computer to use the Walkthrough Setup command. When the CarChip data logger is connected, more Setup menu commands display during the walkthrough process.
By selecting the walkthrough process, the software displays a series of dialog boxes listed below. At each step in the walkthrough process, confirmation boxes are provided to perform or skip the next step in the walkthrough. To continue, click OK. To skip a step and move to the next step, click Skip. To cancel the entire walkthrough process, click Cancel.
Walkthrough Sequence
The dialog boxes included in the Walkthrough for your CarChip vary depending on the CarChip data logger model you have and if your CarChip is connected to your computer.
CarChip/Choose Other Parameters - Set vehicle data parameters that the CarChip records. You can select up to four different parameters in addition to vehicle speed to record.
Note: This dialog box displays only for CarChip models E/X or higher.
Parameter Thresholds - Set thresholds for parameters monitored in the Summary Log view.
Note: This dialog box displays only for CarChip models E/X or higher.
Communication Port Settings - Select the COM port that your data logger is connected to.
Welcome to CarChip
Note: The Serial Port Setting s dialog box does not display in the Walkthrough if a CarChip data logger has been automatically detected.
Plots - Select the options for displaying plots and graphs. Select Units - Select the unit s of measure that the data and information are displayed in. Driver ID - Add, delete, or e dit the list of drivers using the CarChip data logger. Vehicle ID – Add, delete, or edit the list of vehicles using the CarChip data logger. CarChip ID - Edit the CarChip data logger names. Anomalous Vehicles - Specify the vehicle using the CarChip data logger. Some vehicles have special
OBDII communication properties. By selecting a vehicle name from the list, you are configuring the CarChip data logger to adjust to that vehicle's unique communication features.
Miscellaneous - Select an option for clearing your CarChip's memory.
Downloading CarChip Data
Once you have connected your CarChip data logger to your computer, you are ready to download data from any of the CarChip models.
To download data:
1. Click the Download CarChip icon or select Download CarChip Data from the CarChip menu. In some instances, the Warning Clock Setup dialog box displays. When data is downloaded, the
software automatically compares the internal clock on the CarChip against the clock on your computer. Click OK to continue or check Synchronize Clocks to set the CarChip data logger's internal clock to your computer's clock.
The Downloading Logs status dialog box displays. Click Cancel to abort the download before it is finished. The Downloading Logs dialog box closes when the download is complete.
2. The Question dialog box displays. The Question dialog box asks if you want to delete the current CarChip memory.
3. Click No to keep the current data in the CarChip device, or click Yes to clear the CarChip memory.
Note: This dialog box contains a Don't Ask Again check box. By checking this option and clicking Yes, the CarChip's memory is automatically cleared after every download. By clicking No, the CarChip's memory is never cleared after download. To change your CarChip memory clearing options, see Memory Clearing Options.
The Unidentified Vehicle/Driver dialog box displays. See Unidentified Vehicle/Driver ID for more information on this dialog box.
Once you have finished associating vehicles and driv ers to the downloaded trip data, the Activity Log Summary view automatically displays the downloaded data once the download is completed.
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
Unidentified Vehicle/Driver ID
The Unidentified Vehicle/Driver ID dialog box displays once data has been downloaded from the CarChip data logger, prompting you to select the vehicles and drivers associated every trip that was recorded. The CarChip device is capable of being connected to multiple vehicles. Every time the CarChip is connected to a vehicle, a connection event is recorded. The Unidentified Vehicle/Driver ID dialog box displays for every connection event that has been made on the CarChip device, with the date and time the connection occurred. From this dialog box, select the drivers and vehicles associated with every event.
To select a vehicle and driver associated with each connection event:
1. Select the vehicle name from the Vehicle box. If no vehicle exists, or if the vehicle that is associated with the event is not listed, see Creating a
New Vehicle.
To create a new vehicle to associate with each connection event:
1. Click New next to the Vehicle box. The New Vehicle Dialog Box displays.
2. Enter a unique vehicle name or the vehicle's VIN number in the VIN box.
3. Enter a unique vehicle name in the Name box and click OK. You do not have to enter a name in the name box. Click OK if you want the information
displayed in the VIN box to display in the Name box.
The new vehicle information displays in the Vehicle box.
2. Select a driver name from the Driver box. If no driver exists, or if the driver that is associated with the event is not listed, see Creating a New
To create a new driver to associate with each connection event :
1. Click New next to the Driver box. The New Driver Dialog Box displays.
2. Enter a unique driver name or ID in the ID box.
3. Enter a name in the Name box and click OK. You do not have to enter a name in the name box. Click OK if you want the information
displayed in the ID box to display in the Name box.
The new driver information displays in the Driver box.
3. Click OK to associate the selected vehicle and driver with the connection event.
Welcome to CarChip
If the driver and vehicle are associated with all the connection events stored on the CarChip, select Apply To All.
Once all connection events have been associated wit h a vehicle and driver, the dialog box closes and the summary report for the Activity Log displays.
Assign Drivers
The Assign Drivers dialog box displays if a CarChip file from a previous version of the CarChip software (CarChip 1.3 or earlier) has been added. This dialog prompts you to assign drivers associated with every trip that was recorded. The Assign Drivers dialog box displays for every trip present in th e CarChip file. From this dialog box, select the drivers associated with every trip.
To Assign Drivers:
1. Open a .car file from an earlier version of the CarChip Software. The Assign Drivers Now? dialog box displays.
2. Click Yes to assign drivers to trip information. The Assign Drivers dialog box displays.
3. Select a driver name from the Driver drop down box, or click New to assign a new driver to the trip or trips.
4. Click OK to associate the driver to the displayed trip. Click Skip to skip assigning a driver to the displayed trip. Click Apply to All to associat e the selected driver to all the trips.
View Menu Commands
The View menu commands allow you to view Trip Log, Activity Log, Accident Log, Vehicle Trouble Log and Summary Log information.
Note: The Accident and Summary Log menu commands are only available for CarChip data logger model E/X or higher.
Use the following topics to learn more about each lo g view:
CarChip Home Page Trip Log Activity Log Accident Log Trouble Log Summary Log
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
Exporting Data
You can export logged data from the Trip, Activity, Accident, and Tro uble Log views using the menu that displays when you right-click on a log report. There are several options and formats available for exporting data. The available options are:
Information displayed in any of the Log Views can be exported by either saving to a file or copying
to the clipboard. Copying to a clipboard allows you to paste the information directly into other applications.
Trip, Activity, Accident, and Trouble summary, report, and table views can be exported as ei ther a
text file or a data file.
Plot views can be exported as a metafile (vector graphic format), bit-mapped graphics file, or as
Data files are tab delimited text files that can be imported into a spreadsheet.
File Menu Commands
With the options in the File menu you can save your uploaded CarChip data, open previously saved data, and print your data.
New - Closes existing CarChip data and the corresponding file so that new CarChip data can be
downloaded and displayed.
Open - Opens an existing CarChip data file.
Save - Saves the CarChip data currently displayed in the software. The data is saved in specially
formatted CarChip file called a .car file.
Save As - Lets you specify a new file name when you save CarChip data.
Properties - Displays information about the data file currently loaded in the CarChip software. This
command is only available when you are viewing data loaded from a file or that has been downloaded from the CarChip data logger and saved.
Print Setup - Allows you to select a printer and configure printer options.
Print Preview - Shows how the current log or data display would look like in a printed document.
Print - Prints the currently displayed window.
Exit - Closes the CarChip software.
Tool Bar
The Tool Bar provides a quick way to access CarChip software commands.
Toolbar Icons
Home - Displays the CarChip Home Page, containing vehicle and driver summary information.
Download - Downloads data from the CarChip data logger.
Trip Log Report View - Selects the last Trip Log Report View.
Trip Log Plot View - Se lects the last Trip Log Plot View.
Trip Logs - Displays the Trip Log Summary page.
Activity Logs - Displays the Activity Log Summary page.
Accident Logs - Displays the Accident Log Summary page.
Welcome to CarChip
Trouble Logs - Displays the Trouble Log Summary page.
Print - Prints the current open displayed page.
Print Preview - Previews the current open page.
Help - Opens the CarChip Help file.
Navigation Buttons
Trip Log Navigation Buttons
Use the left and right arrow navigation buttons to select records in the Trip Log View:
Use the up and down arrow navigation buttons to select plots in the Trip Log Plot View:
Back - Click the left arrow button to display the previous trip record.
Forward - Click the right arrow button to display t he next trip record.
Up - Click the up arrow button scroll up to the next plot.
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
Accident Log Navigation Buttons
Use the left and right arrow navigation buttons to select records in the Accident Log View:
Down - Click the down arrow button to scroll down to the next plot.
Back - Click the left arrow button to display the previous accident record.
Forward - Click the right arrow button to display the next accid ent record.
Shortcuts & Navigation Aids
The following keyboard shortcuts and navigational aids can help you move quickly through the logged data views. These shortcuts work when viewing any log record. Use these shortcut keys to:
Down cursor key - Move to next report. Up cursor key - Move to the previous report.
These apply to the buttons labeled "Report, Plot, and Table" when viewing individual reports in the trip and accident log. Use these shortcut keys to:
Left cursor key - Select button to the left of current selection. Right cursor key - Select button to the right of the current selection.
These apply to any log view that will not completely fit on one screen. Use these shortcut keys to:
Page up key - scrolls up the screen . Page down key - scrolls down the screen.
The following buttons are navigation aids that are only available in Trip Log View and Accident Log View Plots. Use these buttons to:
Back - Display the previous trip or accident record. Forward - This command displays the next trip or accident record
The following buttons are navigation aids that are only available in Trip Log View Plots. Use these buttons to:
Up - Scrolls up to the next plot. Down - Scrolls down to the next plot.
Right Click Copy As
The Copy As command available in the Right-Click menu for the Summary, Record, and Table Views offers two file formats for copying the displayed information: text and data.
Welcome to CarChip
Copy As > Text - Pastes the displayed information as text in another application.
Copy As > Data - Paste the displayed information as tab delimited text in a spreadsheet program.
Copy Plot As
The Copy As command in the Plot View right-click menu offers three options for copying the displayed information: metafile, bitmap, and data. The Copied information can then be pasted directly into another application.
Use the Copy As > Metafile option if you want to paste the plot into another application as a vector
graphics file.
Use the Copy As > Bitmap option if you want to paste the plot into another application as bitmapped
paint file.
Use the Copy As > Data option if you want to paste the plot data as tab delimited text into a
spreadsheet program.
Right Click Menu Options
The following Right-Click menu options are available when viewing log summaries, individual records, and table views:
Copy As Save As Help F1
Right Click Save As
The Save As command available in the Right-Click menu for the Summary, Record, and Table Views offers two file formats for saving the displayed information: text and data.
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
Save As > Text - Pastes the displayed information as text in another application.
Save As > Data - Paste the displayed information as tab delimited text in a spreadsheet program.
Save Plot As
The Save As command available in the Right-Click menu for the Plot View offers three file format options for saving the displayed information: Metafile, Bitmap and Data.
Save As > Metafile - Saves the plot as a vector graphics ".emf" file.
Save As > Bitmap - Saves the plot as b itmapped paint ".bmp" file.
Save As > Data - Saves the plot data as a tab delimited text ".txt" file for use in a spreadsheet
Using CarChip Help
Here is some information on getting started and using CarChip Help:
Context-Sensitive Help
Tool Bar Help Button - Opens the help topic for the active CarChip window.
Dialog Box Help Button - Opens the help topic for that dialog box.
F1 Key - Opens the help topic for the active dialog box or the active CarChip window.
CarChip Hyperlink Conventions
Blue Underline
topic in the window.
Bold blue Underline
topic, web page, or documents in the program directory. Open this link in a new window that uses your default web browser.
Green Underline
current help topic window.
Using Windows HTML Help
If you have Internet Explorer installed on your computer, CarChip Help opens in the Microsoft HTML Help viewer. If you don't have Internet Explorer, it opens your default browser.
: indicates link to CarChip help topic. When selected, the new topic replaces the previous
: indicates link outside of CarC hip Help to information such as an external help
: indicates drop-down text or illustrations that display below the drop-down link in the
To learn more information about using the Microsoft HTML Help Viewer, click the following links.
Resizing the HTML Help viewer
To: Do this
Welcome to CarChip
To minimize the window Click Minimize to shrink the viewer so it is displayed in the button bar on
To maximize the window Click Maximize to maximize the window so it occupies the entire desktop
To restore the viewer to its default size
To manually resize the viewer
Opening and closing the left-hand panes
the bottom of the Windows Desktop . Right-click this button and select Restore to display the viewer.
Click Restore to restore the viewer to it's default size.
Place the pointer over the edge of the viewer so it turns into a line with arrows on each end . Press the left mouse button and drag up, down, left or right. The viewer is resized after you release the mouse button.
To: Do this
Close the left-hand tabs from view Click Hide Open the left-hand tabs Click Show
Using the navigation buttons
To: Do this
Display the previous topic going backwards in your topic selection sequence.
Click Back
Display the next topic going forward in your topic selection sequence.
Using the Options menu
The Options button opens a menu with selections for hiding the left-hand tabs, going back and forward, stopping a topic or Web page from loading, refreshing the information displayed in the window, printing, and turning search highlighting on or off. You can also access Internet options from this menu.
Menu Commands
Click on a topic below to view help for a particular menu:
File Menu Setup Menu CarChip Menu View Menu Help Menu
CarChip Online Help Printable Version
File Menu Commands
With the options in the File menu you can save your uploaded CarChip data, open previously saved data, and print your data.
New - Closes existing CarChip data and the corresponding file so that new CarChip data can be
downloaded and displayed.
Open - Opens an existing CarChip data file.
Save - Saves the CarChip data currently displayed in the software. The data is saved in specially
formatted CarChip file called a .car file.
Save As - Lets you specify a new file name when you save CarChip data.
Properties - Displays information about the data file currently loaded in the CarChip software. This
command is only available when you are viewing data loaded from a file or that has been downloaded from the CarChip data logger and saved.
Print Setup - Allows you to select a printer and configure printer options.
Print Preview - Shows how the current log or data display would look like in a printed document.
Print - Prints the currently displayed window.
Exit - Closes the CarChip software.
Setup Menu Commands
The Setup menu commands configure various aspects of the CarChip software, including how the data is displayed and the connection between CarChip data logger and the CarChip software. The Setup menu commands are:
Walkthrough Setup - Displays all the setup dialog boxes needed to configure your CarChip software and CarChip data logger connection.
Communication Port - Lets you manually select the serial or USB port connection the CarChip data logger uses to send information to your computer.
Plots - Contains options for displaying plots and graphs. Units - Lets you select the unit systems used to display data measurements. You can also create your
own customized unit system. Parameter Thresholds - Lets you create thresho lds for certain parameters of your vehicle's performance
that the CarChip data logger monitors.
Note: This command is only available for CarChip E/X models or higher.
Fuel Entry - Lets you enter fuel usage for each vehicle associated with the CarChip software. Driver ID - Displays all of th e drivers connected with the CarChip data logger. Vehicle ID - Displays all of the vehicles associated with the CarChip data logger. CarChip ID - Displays information about the CarChips that have been connected with the CarChip
Miscellaneous - Lets you configure the options for clearing the CarChip data logger's memory. Import Log File - Lets you select an existing file you want to import into the CarChip software.
Walkthrough Setup
The CarChip software includes a CarChip walkthrough that steps you through the process of configuring your CarChip data logger and CarChip software configurations. After installing the CarChip software on your computer and opening the program, the Walkthrough dialog box automat ically displays. By clicking OK, the walkthrough process begins. You can set up and configure your CarChip data logger and software by separately selecting all of the necessary setup options from the Setup menu. A Walkthrough command is included in the Setup menu so that you can access the walkthrough at any time.
Welcome to CarChip
Note: The CarChip data logger does not have to be connected to your computer to use the Walkthrough Setup command. When the CarChip data logger is connected, more Setup menu commands display during the walkthrough process.
By selecting the walkthrough process, the software displays a series of dialog boxes listed below. At each step in the walkthrough process, confirmation boxes are provided to perform or skip the next step in the walkthrough. To continue, click OK. To skip a step and move to the next step, click Skip. To cancel the entire walkthrough process, click Cancel.
Walkthrough Sequence
The dialog boxes included in the Walkthrough for your CarChip vary depending on the CarChip data logger model you have and if your CarChip is connected to your computer.
CarChip/Choose Other Parameters - Set vehicle data parameters that the CarChip records. You can select up to four different parameters in addition to vehicle speed to record.
Note: This dialog box displays only for CarChip models E/X or higher.
Parameter Thresholds - Set thresholds for parameters monitored in the Summary Log view.
Note: This dialog box displays only for CarChip models E/X or higher.
Communication Port Settings - Select the COM port that your data logger is connected to.
Note: The Serial Port Setting s dialog box does not display in the Walkthrough if a CarChip data logger has been automatically detected.
Plots - Select the options for displaying plots and graphs. Select Units - Select the unit s of measure that the data and information are displayed in. Driver ID - Add, delete, or e dit the list of drivers using the CarChip data logger. Vehicle ID – Add, delete, or edit the list of vehicles using the CarChip data logger. CarChip ID - Edit the CarChip data logger names. Anomalous Vehicles - Specify the vehicle using the CarChip data logger. Some vehicles have special
OBDII communication properties. By selecting a vehicle name from the list, you are configuring the CarChip data logger to adjust to that vehicle's unique communication features.
Miscellaneous - Select an option for clearing your CarChip's memory.
Anomalous Vehicles
The Anomalous Vehicles dialog box lets you configure your CarChip data logger to meet any unique specifications present on the ODBII po rt of your vehicle. This dialog box displays as part of the Walkthrough Setup. This dialog box also displays if a vehicle from the Anomalous Vehicle list has been detected by the CarChip data logger once the CarChip is connected to the software.
To select your vehicle:
1. Click OK on the Special OBDII Communication Properties dialog box from the Walkthrough Setup. The Anomalous Vehicle dialog box displays.
2. Click the radio button next to the Anomalous Vehicle list if your vehicle is present in the list and select the vehicle name, or click Miscellaneous/Other if your vehicle is not present on the list.
3. Click OK to save the anomalous vehicle information, or click Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving the information.
Communications Port
The Communications Port dialog box lets you manually sele ct the port connection that is used to communicate with your CarChip data logger. This command can be accessed from the Walkthrough Setup or the Setup menu.
Note: If your CarChip data logger has been connected to a serial port or USB port and has been detected by the CarChip Software, this dialog box does not display in the walkthrough process.
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