Davis 7736 Installation Manual

Catalog Supplement
he Al a rm Outp ut Module is used to send signals to auto­m a ti c a lly start or stop ex ternal devi ces su ch as irri ga ti on
s ys tem s , h e a ters , or fans. Have a heater autom a ti c a lly tu rn on wh en the tem pera tu re drops and stay on until it warms up. Tu rn an irri ga ti on sys tem on and of f s everal times a day du ri n g hot su m m er mon t h s . Or tu rn spri n k l ers on and have them tu rn of f i f it gets too wi n dy. For use with Gro We a t h er,E n er gy E nvi ro Mon i tor, or Health Envi ro Mon i tor.
Alarm Output Module
With all of our advanced stations you can:
• Select up to four alarm conditions for output.
• Select high and low alarms for the same weather parameter.
• Select alarms from two different weather parameters.
With GroWeatherLink & EnergyWeatherLink you can also:
• Turn remote devices on or off from your keyboard.
• Write your own software program to turn devices on or off.
• Switch the power to a radio data link on and off to conserve
energy when operating on solar power or a battery.
The Al a rm Outp ut Module can direct ly con trol devi ces su ch as irri ga ti on con tro ll ers and therm o s t a t s . To swi tch power to h e a ters , m o tors , or other high - power equ i pm en t , you wi ll need to add el ectrical rel ays (not ava i l a ble from Davis In s tru m en t s ) . In clu des power ad a pter and 2' (0.6 m) of s t a n d a rd cable to con­n ect the Al a rm Outp ut Module to the sen s or interf ace modu l e . Wh en the circuits being con tro ll ed by the Al a rm Outp ut Modu l e a re cl o s er to the console than to the sen s or interf ace modu l e , con n ect the cable to an In terf ace Ca ble Ad a pter Module inste ad of the sen s or interf ace modu l e . For more det a i l s , ask for App l i c a ti on No te 3, Using the Al a rm Ou tput Modu l e.
7736 Alarm Output Module $195
Use to turn irrigation systems on and off.
Alarm or Function Gro Energy Health
Apparent Temperature
Barometer Barometric Trend Dew Point Dew Point Optional Optional ET Daily Evapotranspiration Optional
Humidity Rain Daily Rainfall Optional Optional Optional
Temperature High & Low Outside Temp (2 contacts) Optional Optional Optional
Time Time
Wind User Controlled WeatherLink User Command (2 contacts) Optional Optional
System Control Radio Power Switch Optional Optional
Optional functions require appropriate sensor,WeatherLink,or radio modem.
High Inside Temperature-Humidity High Outside Temperature-Humidity Optional Optional Optional High Temperature-Humidity-Sun-Wind Optional
High & Low Inside Humidity (2 contacts) High & Low Outside Humidity (2 contacts) Optional Optional Optional
High & Low Inside Temperature (2 contacts)
High & Low 2nd Outside Temp (2 contacts) Optional
Daily UV Dose Optional High UV Index or Dose Rate Optional
LowWind Chill Optional Optional Optional High Wind Speed Optional Optional Optional
Alarm Output Module at Sensor Interface Module
P R 6 4 0 6 / 9 9
Sensor Interface Module
Standard 6-Conductor Cable (2' included)
Fan Heater Sprinkler
Alarm Output Module
Power Adapter
Standard 8-Conductor Cable (8' included)
Relay or Control Circuits
Power Adapter
Alarm Output Module at Interface Cable Adapter Module
Interface Cable Adapter Module
Standard 8-Conductor Cable (8' included)
200' Shielded
8-Conductor Cable
Sensor Interface Module
Standard 6-Conductor Cable (2' included)100' Standard or
Fan Heater Sprinkler
Power Adapter
Alarm Output Module
Relay or Control Circuits
Power Adapter