Davis 6343 Installation Manual

The Wireless Leaf & Soi l M oisture/Temperature Stat ion (referred to in this docu­ment at the Leaf/Soil Station) can be used with any W i reless Vantage Pro weather station to measure leaf wetness, soil moisture or temperatu re.
The following Vantage Pro conso l e station configur ations can be used with t he Leaf/Soil station:
Station Type in Con­sole Configuration
LEAF/S O IL Statio n 2 3 3 LEAF Station 2 - 2 SOIL Station - 3 3
• Only one Leaf/Soil Station can be installed as a Leaf/Soil Station per Van­tage Pro We ather Station.
• Two stations can be installed if one is conf igur ed as a Leaf Station and the other station is configured as a Soil Station in the Vantage Pro console.
• Configured as a Leaf Station, the Station supports two leaf wetness sen­sors and two temperature prob es.
• Configured as a Soil Station, it supports up to three soil moisture sensors and temperature probes.
• A Wireless Soil Moisture /Temperature Station (#6361) can be used in co n­junction with a Leaf/Soil Station if the Leaf/Soil Station is configured as a LEAF station in the Vantage Pro console.
Note: In any station using so il mo is ture sensors, the corr es po nding temp er a tu r e probe, if
installed, will be used for temperature compensation of the soil moisture sensor.
Note: The Leaf/Soil St ation re quires Vantage Pro console firmware R ev B or later. (Press
and hol d the [DONE] key then press the [+] (up arrow) key to display the console firmware level.) Contact Davis Technical Support for upgrade information.
Number of Leaf
Wetness Sen-
Number of Soil
Moisture Sen-
Number of
Temp Probes
Product # 6343

Tools for Setup

In addition to the components shown, you will need some or all of the follow­ing materials:
• Adjustable wrench or 7/16" wrench
• Medium Phillips Screwdriver
• Ballpoint pen or paper clip (small pointed object of some kind)
• Drill and 3/16" (5 mm) drill bit (if mounting on a vertical surface)
• Stepped Sensor Installation Tool for Soil Moisture and Temperature Sen­sors (recommened, see page 17)


The Leaf/Soil Station includes the following components and hardware:
1/4" Flat Washers
1/4" Lock Washers
1/4" Hex Nuts
8" Cable Ties
Leaf/Soil Station Components

Optional Sensors

The following optional sensors ar e available fo r the Leaf/Soil Station:
Leaf Wetness Sensor
with 40' (12.2 m) of cable
Optional Leaf Wetness Sensor (#6420)
1/4" Flat
1/4" Hex Nuts
#8 Wood Screws
#8 Flat Washers
#8 Lock Washers
1/4" x 1-1/2"
Lag Screws
3-Volt Lithium
4" Cable Ties
#8 x 3/4" Machine
#8 Hex Nuts
Page 2 Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/ Temperature Sta-
Soil Moisture Sensor
with 15' (4.6 m) of cable
Optional Soil Moisture Sensor (#6440) and Optional Temperature Sensor (#6470)
Temperature Probe
with 15' (4.6 m) of cable

Installation Steps

For ease of ins ta llati on and use of your Leaf /Soil Station, please foll ow steps in the order presented.
• Preparing the station, page 4
• Setting the DavisTalk transmitter ID, page 5
• Choosing a location to mount the station, page 8
• Mounting the station, page 9
• Rules for us i n g th e se n sor s , p a g e 10
• Installing leaf wetness sensors, page 11
• Installing soil moisture and temperature sensors, page 13
• Using soil moisture readings, page 18
If you encounter diff iculties or have quest ions about you r station, the fo llowing additional information may be helpful:
• Troubleshooting the sensors, page 19
• Extending Sensor Cables, page 19
• Contacting Davis Technical Support, page 19
• Specifications, page 20
Inst allation Steps Page 3

Preparing the Leaf/Soil Station

The following illustrations show the location of the DavisTalk transmitter DIP switches, the battery mounting location, the modular connectors used by the leaf wetness sensors, and the terminal blocks used to connect the soil moisture sensors and temperature probes.

Instal ling th e B att er y

3-Volt Lithium Battery
1. Insert the 3-volt lithium battery into the battery holder, matching the “+” sign on the battery with the “+” sign next to the battery mounting brackets.
2. Note the location of the DIP switches. You will work with them during the next installation step.
Installing the Battery

Temporarily Connecting a Sensor for Testing

Temporarily connect at least one of the following sensors.
Note: You must have at least one sensor installed in the Leaf/Soil station in order to test
wireless communications.
DIP Switches
Terminal Blocks Leaf Wetness Connectors
Leaf Wetness Sensor Connection
• Connect the leaf wetness sensor cable to the LEAF 1 or LEAF 2 receptacle.
Soil Mois tur e Sen sor C onne ctio n
• Temporarily connect a soil moisture probe to the SOIL 1 terminal block connector.
• Use a pen or small screwdriver to open the connector “jaws” as shown in the illustration.
Connecting a Leaf Wetnes
• While the jaws are open, insert the tempera­ture pro b e leads, then let the connector jaws close in on the lead.
Page 4 Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/ Temperature Sta-
Note: The soil moisture sensor must be moist to be used for this test. A completely dry
sensor will no t regist er on the co nsole.
Soil Temperature Sensor Connection
• Temporarily connect a temperature probe to the TEMP 1 terminal bl ock connector.
• Use a pen or small screwdriver to open the connector “jaws” as shown in the illustra­tion.
• While the jaws are open, insert the tempera­ture pro b e leads, then let the connector jaws close in on the lead.
Connecting a Soil Moisture o
Temperature Sensor

Setting the Davis Talk Transmitter ID

Each wireless transmitting station must be set to one of eight DavisT alk trans­mitter IDs. DIP sw i tches #1, 2 and 3 on the Sens or Interface Module (SIM) allow you to control the ID — the “channel” the station will transmit on. (DIP switch #4 is used for transmission testing, not for transmit t er ID.)
Note: A Davi sTal k t ran sm itt er and r eceiv er c omm unic at e wi t h e ac h oth er o nl y wh en bo th
are set to the same ID.
The factory default transmitter ID is ‘1’. Looking at the table below , you can see that means the DIP switches are in the OFF position when each transmitting station leaves the factory. This is true for all of Davis’ wirel ess equipment .
1. Verify the Davi sTalk channel used by your ISS, as well as all o ther Davi sTalk channels al ready in use by your Vantage Pro Weather Statio n.
2. Configure the Leaf/Soil Station to a DavisTalk channel not already in use.
3. Use a ballpoint pen or paper clip t o toggle DIP switches #1, 2, and 3. The set­tings for transmitter IDs 1 – 8 are shown in the table below:
#1 (default) OFF OFF OFF
Setti ng the DavisTalk Tran smitter ID Page 5
Battery Holder
DIP Switches
DavisTalk Transmitter DIP Switches in Top-right Corner of SIM

Setting Console/Receiver(s) to Same ID

1. Put your console into Setu p Mode — press and hold th e DONE k ey and press the DOWN (-) arrow key.
• The console will show you the words: “RECEIVING FROM...” and “STATION NO.” followed by the transmitter IDs that your console detects. One of these should be the ID number you just set on the Leaf/ Soil Station transmitter.
• If you don’t see it, make sure the console is within 10' of the transmitter , and verify that you set the DIP switches correctly. W ait a few seconds and if you still don’t see it , go to “Troubleshooting Communication Prob ­lems” on the next page.
2. Press the DONE key to move on to “Screen 2: Selec tin g Transmitters.” Setup Mode – Screen 2 is where you will set the console to recognize signals on that ID as coming from a Leaf/Soil Station.
3. Press the LEFT (<) or RIGHT (>) arrow key, or the STATION key, to scroll through transmitter IDs.
• When you see the ID you chose for the Leaf/Soil Station, use the UP (+) or DOWN (-) arrow keys to activate reception of that ID code. Make sure the screen shows “ON”.
4. Press the GRAPH key to configure the station type in the console. The Leaf/ Soil Station can be co nfig ured as a LEAF/SOIL station, as a LEAF station, or as a SOI L s tation.
• Configure it as a LEAF Station if you are only using it for leaf wetness and te m p.
• Configure it as a SOIL station if you are only using it for soil moisture and te m p.
• Configure it as a LEAF/SOIL station if you are using it for both leaf wet­ness and soil moisture.
5. To exit Setup Mode, press and hold the DONE key.
Note: See the Vantage Pro User’s Manual & Setup Guide: “Setup Mode – Screen 2:
Selecting Transmitters” for more information.
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