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1. The Controller should be installed inside the pas senger compartment to mini mise its
ambient temperature and exposures to water as the unit is not waterproof. Also
minimise exposure to direct sunli ght. Locate a hole in the firewall (approx. 20 mm in
diameter) and pass the wiring harness (including the sensor & pump “T-connector”)
through. If a hole of adequate size cannot be located, then wires may be cut then rejoined as a last resort. Connect T-Plug in wiring loom to the pump.
2. Connect black Sensor Plug to the thermal sensor located in the thermostat
housing/inline adaptor (Refer to Digital Controller Wiring diagram, Page 3).
3. Connect the white plug in the wiring harness to the controller then mount the
controller with Velcro supplied. Ensure it is mounted where access to the
temperature adjustment button is easy. NOTE: Ensure a good earth connection
using the self-tapping scr ew provided. The ear th lead must be connected to a metal
part of the car body.
4. Connect the Red wire fro m the wiring harne ss to the batt ery positive us ing the ring
terminal provided. Connect the Green wire from the wiring harness to an ignition
source (accessor y +12V/24V or switched 12V/24V), the wires may be spliced then
soldered if necessary. Ensure no wire is exposed, by insulating the join with
electrical tape.
5. Connect the Green and Black striped wire to the fan rela y if you w ish to c ontro l the
Thermatic® Fan 3º C above the set temperature. NOTE: The Co ntroller will ea rth the
fan relay, not power it.
6. Mount ‘Remote Test Light’ in a locatio n where it will be visible. The ‘T est Light’ may
be fitted by inserting it through a 4.6mm diameter drilled hole in a plastic area of the
interior/dashboard or simply with adhesive tape. T he ‘Remote Test Light’ has a two
pin connections. Heat shrink or insulation tape can be applied to these pin
connections once th e te st lig h t is mo unted. This will ens ur e the co nne c tio n po i n ts ar e
insulated and secure.
In carrying out the wiring procedure, please bear in mind that it is adva ntageous
to minimise voltage drop by keeping the wiring as short as possible.
Remove the engine the rmos tat from the thermo stat ho using and i nstall the se nso r
using Method 1 or 2 as shown below.
If you often operate in very cold climates, drill 2 x 5mm holes in the thermostat
plate before reinstalling.
Ensure there is no damage to the thermostat-housing gasket, and re-fit the
thermostat housing without the thermostat.