© 2001 Datron World Communications Inc. (Datron)
All rights reserved.
Datron World Communication Inc.
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In consideration of the terms and conditions of this
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One Year Limited Warranty and Remedies
Datron warrants that its equipment is free from defects in
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months from the date of installation of the equipment,
but in no event later than 15 months from the date of
shipment. If the eq uipment d oes not pr ovide sati sfactor y
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will, at its option, replace or repair the equipment free of
Should it be impractical to return the equipment for
repair, Datron will provide replacements for defective
parts contained in the equipment for a period of 12
months from the date of installation of the equipment,
but in no event later than 15 months from the date of
This warranty is limited to the original purchaser and is
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Limitations of Warranty: This warranty does not
Physical damage to the equipment or its parts that does
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including damage by impact, liquids, temperature, or
Damage to the equipment or it s parts caused by lightning, static discharge, voltage transients, or application
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Defects or failures caused by unauthorized attempts to
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Defects or failures caused by Buyer abuse or misuse.
Return of Equipment - Domestic: To obtain perfor-
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containing the following information must be included
with the equipment.
a. Model, serial number, and date of installation.
b. Name of dealer or supplier of the equipment.
c. Detailed explanation of problem.
d. Return shipping instructions.
e. Telephone or fax number where Buyer ma y be con-
Datron will return the equipment prepaid by United Par-
cel Service, Parcel Post, or truck. If alternate shipping is
specified by Buyer, freight charges will be made collect.
Return of Equipment - Internat ional: Contact Datron or
your local Representative for specific instructions. Do
not return equipment without authorization. It is usually
not possible to clear equipment through U.S. Customs
without the correct documentation. If equipment is
returned with out authorizati on, Buyer is responsible for
all taxes, customs duties, clearance charges, and other
associated costs.
Parts Replacement: The following instructions for the
supply of replacement parts must be followed:
a. Return the parts prepaid to “Parts Replacement”
Datron World Communications Inc., 3030 Enterprise
Court, Vista, California 92083; and
b. Include a letter with the following information:
1. Part number
2. Serial number and model of equipment
3. Date of installation
Parts returned without this information will not be
replaced. In the event of a dispute over the age of the
replacement part, components date-coded over 24
months previously will be considered out of warranty.
Remedies: Buyer’s sole remedies and the entire liability
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liable to Buyer or any othe r person for any damages,
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Safety Considerations
This product a nd man ual must b e tho roug hly unde rst ood
before attempting installation and operation. To do so
without proper kno w le dge can resul t in eq uipment failure and bodily injury.
Caution: Before applying ac power, be sure that the
equipment has be properly configured for the available
line voltage. Attempted operation at the wrong voltage
can result in damage and voids the warranty. See the
manuals section on installation. DO NOT operate equipment with cove r removed.
Earth Ground: All Datron prod ucts are supp lied w ith a
standard, 3-wire , gro unded a c plu g. DO NO T atte mpt to
disable the ground terminal by using 2-wire adapters of
any type. Any disconnection of the equipment ground
causes a potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury. DO NOT operate any equipment until a
suitable ground has been established. Consult the manual section on grounding.
Servicing: Trained personnel should only carry out servicing. To avoid electric shock, DO NOT open the case
unless qualified to do so.
Various measurements and adjustments described in this
manual are performed in ac power applied and the protective covers removed. Capacitors (particularly the
large power supply electrolytics) can remain charged for
a considerable time after the unit has been shut off. Use
particular care when working around them, as a short circuit can release sufficient energy to cause damage to the
equipment and possible injury.
To protect against fire hazard, always replace line fuses
with ones of the same current rating and type (normal
delay, slow-blow, etc.). DO NOT use higher value
replacements in an attempt to prevent fuse failure. If
fuses are failing repeatedly this indicates a probable
defect in the equipment that needs attention.
Use only genuine Datron factory pa rts for full performance and safety of this product.
Made in the USA
Contents 1
Section 1: Introduction
General...................................... 1-1
TW7000 HF SSB Transceiver .................... 1-1
TW7000 Technical Specifications .................1-2
TW7000 Variations............................. 1-4
Conventions ..................................1-6
ReferencedManuals............................ 1-6
Section 2: Installation
Introduction................................... 2-1
Input Power................................... 2-1
Antenna Connection ............................ 2-2
Microphone Audio Connection ................... 2-2
AccessoryConnections.......................... 2-3
Accessory Connector 1 Pinouts ...................2-3
Accessory Connector 2 Pinouts ...................2-4
Accessory Connector 3 Pinouts ...................2-5
PowerCablingAccessories ..................... 2-10
RFCablingAccessories........................ 2-11
ControlCablingAccessories .................... 2-12
RemoteControl............................... 2-13
TW7000 Back Panel........................... 2-15
Section 3: Operation
Powering the TW7000 ..........................3-1
TW7000 Front Panel............................ 3-1
Knobs, Buttons, and Indicators.................... 3-2
AlphaMenu ..................................3-7
AlphaMenu ..................................3-7
ALESubmenu................................ 3-11
ALESubmenu................................ 3-12
2 Contents
CustomizingChannelandFrequency.............. 3-16
Scanning.................................... 3-18
PlacingaTransAdapt,Transcall,orSelcall......... 3-21
ActivatingtheNoiseBlanker.................... 3-24
ActivatingVoiceEnhancement ..................3-24
ActivatingEncryption.......................... 3-24
Section 4: Servicing
General...................................... 4-1
RoutineMaintenance ........................... 4-1
BoardAccessandReplacement................... 4-1
BoardLocations............................... 4-2
FieldLevelServicing........................... 4-2
Introduction 1-1
The Datron World Communications Inc. (DWC) TW7000 HF SSB
Transceiver is an advanced transceiver that provides a complete range
of both voice and data operation over the entire 1.6 to 30 MHz HF
spectrum. The TW7000 is microprocessor-controlled and features a
state-of-the-art DDS-based synthesizer for extremely fast switching
applications. A custom LCD is used to provide channel and frequency
data, feedback on other front panel control functions, BITE information, and order-wire text messages. The TW7000 has continuous tuning and up to 1000 memory channels that can be arranged in multiple
scan groups. It has simplex and half-duplex capability, and a full
alphanumeric keypad for frequency or text entry.
This manual describes the TW7000, its installation, operation, and features. For complete technical coverage of the transceiver, refer to the
TW7000 HF Transceiver Technical Manual (TW7000-MS).
Figure 1-1
TW7000 HF SSB Transceiver
1-2 Description of Equipment
Description of Equipment
The TW7000 includes the basic receiver/transmitter unit and accessories. The accessories are a dc power cable (C991829), an operator
manual (TW7000-MSOP), and two spare dc 25A fuses (550011).
The TW7000 is powered from any dc source that provides 13.8V at a
maximum of 25A. Good performance is achieved when the input voltage is in the range of 11 to 15.5V.
The 50 ohm, UHF, female, RF output connector is meant to be used
with broadband antennas, power amplifiers, and narrowband antenna
The TW7000 can be programmed and operated from its front panel, or
from an external computer utilizing a wide variety of interface standards including RS232, 422, and 485.
TW7000 audio accessories include a heavy-duty hand microphone, a
dynamic desk microphone, a Morse key, and headphones.
Table 1-1
TW7000 Technical Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Frequency Range 1.6 to 30 MHz for TX; .1-30 MHz for RX
Channel Spacing 10 Hz, standard
Channels 256 standard, expandable to 1000
Frequency Entry Keypad controlled
Display Backlight alphanumeric LCD
Tuning Up and down push buttons, programmable
Scanning Multiple scan groups; operator selectable scan
50 ohm
± 1 ppm -30° to 60°C; optional ± 0.1 ppm
OperatingModes USB,LSB,AME,PCS,(standard);simplexor
Duty Cycle Continuous
Input Power +13.8 Vdc, nominal; 11 to 15.5 Vdc, opera-
Introduction 1-3
Input Power
Reverse polarity, transient and under/over
Size(HxWxD) 4in.x13in.x17in.
(10.2 cm x 33 cm x 43 cm)
Weight 21 lbs. (9.5 kg)
Power Output 125W PEP, 100W average; three levels, pro-
grammable from front panel
Intermodulation -32 dB, typical
Harmonics -60 dB, typical, 2-30 MHz
-50 dB, typical
-55 dB, typical
VSWR Protection Protected against antenna mismatch including
open and short circuit
Frequency 100 kHz to 30 MHz
Clarifier Digital ±600 Hz in 10 Hz steps
Can withstand +43 dBm input without damage
Sensitivity 10 dB SINAD min., for 0.5 µV input
(2-30 MHz)
IF Rejection -80 dB
Selectivity SSB: 300 to 2700 Hz at 3 dB
Attenuator +20 dB switchable
Audio 5W into 4 ohm
High-level Audio 0 dBm into 600 ohm
AGC Not more than 3 dB change in audio output for
input signals from -103 to +13 dBm
Squelch Syllabic
-30° to +60°C
Table 1-1
TW7000 Technical Specifications
Characteristic Specification
1-4 TW7000 Variations
Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
TW7000 Variations
This manual includes the information necessary to operate any variations of the TW7000. Options described in this manual may not be
available on your transceiver. For more information about TW7000
variation, contact DWC.
TW7000C: The TW7000C is designed for computer control. The
standard front panel is replaced with a blank front panel.
TW7000E: The TW7000E is designed for extended control. The
standard front panel is replaced with a line driver panel. For remote
operation up to 15m (50 ft.), use with TW7201E control head.
TW7000PP: The TW7000PP has connections that allow the TW5830
Pre/Postselector and TW5830INST Installation Kit to be added for cosited operation.
Note: The TW5830 requires the radio have both the TW7000PP and
the TW5830INST. The TW7000 cannot be upgraded to a TW7000PP
in the field.
TW7000RF: The TW7000RF is designed for long distance (beyond
2 km) remote-only control. The standard front panel is replaced with a
blank front panel. An internal modem card (7000RF) is installed. For
full function FSK remote control, use with a TW7201F.
TW7000RI: The TW7000RI is designed for remote-only control up
to 2 km. The standard front panel is replaced with a blank front panel.
An internal modem card (7000RI) is installed. For full function, real
time, ISDN remote control, use with a TW7201I.
TW7000RX: The TW7000RX is a receiver only. It includes the full
receiver functions of the TW7000, excluding the transmit features.
-40° to +70°C
Shock and
Per MIL-STD-810E
Table 1-1
TW7000 Technical Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Introduction 1-5
TW7000TX: The TW7000TX is a transmitter only. It includes the
full transmitter functions of the TW7000, excluding the receiver features.
TW7000 Internal Options
Several internal options are available for the TW7000. These include
the following:
7000ACH: Increases operational channels to 1000.
7000ALE: Automatic link establishment (ALE) includes link quality
analysis, auto linking, sounding, and order-wire message transmission
and reception.
7000CLK: Internal clock keeps and displays the time and enables the
alarm features.
7000ENCR: High-level voice encryption uses enhanced domain
transform (EDT) ciphering techniques providing long-term security.
7000HS: High-stability reference oscillator allows a 0.1 part per million frequency stability.
7000NB: Impulse-type noise blanker used in high-voice environments.
7000RCDR: Combines receive and transmit audio and routes them to
Accessory 2.
7000RF: Internal modem allows remote contact from the TW7201F
FSK controller.
7000RI: Internal modem allows remote contact from the TW7201I
ISDN controller.
7000RS: Modem interface board configures a second serial port
(RS422/485) to provide data protocol for external control of the radio
through a computer. This is in addition to the standard RS232 interface.
7000TC: Digital selective calling system includes automatic path
evaluation. It combines all functions of Selcall, Transcall, and TransAdapt.
7000VEM: DSP-based voice enhancement provides superior voice
recognition and signal-quality improvement in noisy environments.
7000WB1: Wideband data filter providing 300 to 3300 Hz with tailored group delay characteristics for data operation.
1-6 Conventions
This manual uses the following typographical conventions:
Bold type is used to denote all items that display on the front panel and
for any button that is pressed. For example:
1. Press C, 041,andE.
Display: CH FREQ
041 13.330,000 MHz
2. Press ALPHA and 17.
3. Press STATUS.
Referenced Manuals
• TW7000 HF Transceiver Technical Manual (TW7000-MS)
• 7000ALE Radio Control Program Operator Manual
• 7000-Series High-Level Encryption Operator Manual
• TW7201I ISDN Remote Control Head Technical Manual
• TW7201F FSK Remote Control Head Technical Manual
Installation 2-1
This section contains information necessary to install the TW7000 in
its operating environment. Power,antenna, and accessory connections
are discussed. System diagrams are provided to show the proper connections to a variety of accessories.
Type of Installation
The TW7000 can be installed in a variety of different ways. Proper
installation is particularly important in marine and vehicular installations; mounting and power source connections can make a difference
to transceiver performance.
Fixed Station
Unless otherwise specified when ordered, the TW7000 is shipped
ready for operation. The TW7000 uses an on-demand fan for cooling
the internal heat sink during periods of prolonged transmit operation.
Note: Supply adequate ventilation around the back of the TW7000 to
allow for proper air flow.
Vehicular or Marine
Mobile mounts should be used to mount the transceiver. On occasion
it may be necessary to fabricate special supplementary brackets to
complement a particular vehicle or shipboard location. DWC offers
rack, mobile, and shock mount kits for the TW7000, suitable for most
Input Power
Input power for the TW7000 is 13.8 Vdc, nominally, with a maximum
current requirement of 25A. The recommended operational voltage
range of the transceiver is 11 to 15.5 Vdc. The dc input connector
(12 Vdc input) on the back panel is a 2 pin, 25A circular receptacle
that has a square mounting flange with 2 male pins. The mating plug
is attached to the input dc power cable (C991829). This cable, supplied with the TW7000, has a convenient connection to a variety of
+12 Vdc sources. For specific connections, refer to the Power Cabling
Accessories figure on page 2-10.
2-2 Antenna Connection
The pin assignments for the input power connector are as follows:
The dc power connection between the TW7000 and its power source
should always be made as short as possible. If a DWC power cable is
not available, the following cables should be used: 14 AWG for runs
to 3 feet, 12 AWG for runs to 9 feet, or 10 AWG for longer runs.
The fuse holder (pin 346877) on the back panel contains a 25A, 3-AG
fuse, and a spare fuse of the same value.
Antenna Connection
The TW7000 is designed to work into a 50 ohm, RF impedance. The
output RF connector (antenna) is a PL259 UHF-type connector.
Broadband antennas and dipoles can be connected directly to this output, while high-power amplifiers and antenna tuners use DWC specially designed 50 ohm cables. For specific connections, refer to the
RF Cabling Accessories figure on page 2-11.
Microphone Audio Connection
Low-level audio accessories for use with the TW7000 include the following:
Two 6-pin microphone connectors are provided on the front panel of
the TW7000. The two connectors are wired in parallel and are suitable
for use by these audio accessories. The input impedance is a nominal
150 ohm. Most dynamic, ceramic, and magnetic microphones operate
with the TW7000. All DWC-supplied audio accessories have the cor-
Pin Number Description
1 Return (ground)
Part Number Description
PM Heavy-duty hand microphone
DM Dynamic disk microphone
KEY Morse key
EP Headphones
EPL Lightweight headphones
Installation 2-3
rect mating connector. To use other low-level audio accessories, the
correct mating connector can be obtained from DWC. The pin assignments for the two connectors are as follows:
Accessory Connections
DWC has a variety of external accessories for use with the TW7000.
For some of these accessories and their control cabling, refer to the
Control Cabling Accessories figure on page 2-12. For more informa-
tion on any individual accessory, refer to the manual for that piece of
Connector Pinouts
There are three accessory connectors on the back panel, each with different pin assignments. If multiple accessories are required that share
one or more of the accessory connectors, an external accessory combiner box (TW7000IOX) can be attached to any of these connectors.
All of the connectors on the back panel are a D-submini socket with 25
pins. For the location of these connectors, refer to the TW7000 Back
Panel figure on page 2-15.
Pin Number Description
1 Ground
2 RX audio (unmuted)
4 TX audio
5 CW key line
6 +12 Vdc
Table 2-1
Accessory Connector 1 Pinouts
Pin Number Description
1 Ground
2 COM1RXD (RX data)
3 COM1CTS (clear-to-send)
4 COM1TXD (TX data)
5 COM1RTS (ready-to-send)
6 BALRXA1 (balanced RX audio)
7 BALRXA2 (balanced RX audio)
8 BALTXA1 (balanced TX audio)
9 BALTXA2 (balanced TX audio)
2-4 Accessory Connections
11 Select
12 Busy
13 +12V ACC
14 EXTCWKEY (external CW key)
15 Strobe
16 Data 0
17 Data 1
18 Data 2
19 Data 3
20 Data 4
21 Data 5
22 Data 6
23 Data 7
24 ACK (acknowledge)
Table 2-2
Accessory Connector 2 Pinouts
Pin Number Description
1 Ground
2 Ground
4 ATUINIT (tune initiate)
5 ATUKEY (tuner key line)
6 BALRXA1 (balanced RX audio)
7 BALRXA2 (balanced RX audio)
8 BALTXA1 (balanced TX audio)
9 BALTXA2 (balanced TX audio)
11 COM2RXD - COM2 (RX data)
12 COM2TXD - COM2 (TX data)
Table 2-1
Accessory Connector 1 Pinouts
Pin Number Description
Installation 2-5
13 +12V ACC
14 Ground
15 EXTCWKEY (external CW key)
16 ACHKTUNE (tuner check tune)
17 ADATA (tuner data)
18 ACLOCK (tuner clock)
19 ASTROBE (tuner strobe)
20 TC/SCALM (alarm)
21 RETX\ (retransmit)
22 EXTSPKR (speaker audio)
23 SQA (squelch audio)
24 +12V ACC
25 +12V ACC
Table 2-3
Accessory Connector 3 Pinouts
Pin Number Description
1 Ground
2 Ground
4 AMPALC (external amplifier ALC line)
5 AMPPTT\ (external amplifier PTT line)
6 FLTA (low-pass filter select lines)
7 FLTB (low-pass filter select lines)
8 FLTC (low-pass filter select lines)
9 FLTD (low-pass filter select lines)
10 FLTE (low-pass filter select lines)
11 FLTF (low-pass filter select lines)
12 FLTG (low-pass filter select lines)
13 +5V
14 Ground
15 Ground
Table 2-2
Accessory Connector 2 Pinouts
Pin Number Description