Dataradio Paragon4 User Manual

(UHF, 700, and 800 MHz)
Data Base Station
User Manual V. 1.00
Preliminary, for FCC & IC Submission
The entire contents of this manual are copyright 2007 by Dataradio® Inc.
Part no.: 120 20195-100
1. PRODUCT OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................................1
1.1 INTENDED AUDIENCE....................................................................................................................................1
1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Features...................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Configuration...........................................................................................................................................2
1.3 FACTORY TECHNICAL SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................3
1.4 PRODUCT WARRANTY ..................................................................................................................................4
1.5 REPLACEMENT PARTS...................................................................................................................................4
1.5.1 Factory Repair.........................................................................................................................................4
1.6 PACKAGING ..................................................................................................................................................4
2. INSTALLATION................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................5
2.2 LOCATION.....................................................................................................................................................5
2.3 REAR VIEWS .................................................................................................................................................6
2.4 ELECTRICAL..................................................................................................................................................7
2.4.1 Standard Power Supply Configuration....................................................................................................7 DC Power Supply Connection & Torque Settings.......................................................................................... 7 Power Indications............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.4.2 Backplane Fuses......................................................................................................................................8
2.5 ANTENNA......................................................................................................................................................9
2.5.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................9
2.5.2 Cabling and Connection..........................................................................................................................9
2.6 COMPLETING THE PHYSICAL INSTALLATION .................................................................................................9
2.7 CHECKING OUT NORMAL OPERATION...........................................................................................................9
3. OPERATING DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................10
3.1 RADIO ASSEMBLY.......................................................................................................................................10
3.1.1 Receiver module.....................................................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Exciter module.......................................................................................................................................11
3.1.3 BSC module ...........................................................................................................................................11
3.1.4 Speaker panel.........................................................................................................................................12
3.1.5 Power Supply Modules (T809)...............................................................................................................13 Power Supply Rear Connections................................................................................................................... 14
4. OPERATION & CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................15
4.1 BROWSER-BASED INTERFACE .....................................................................................................................15
4.1.1 Interface Setup and Status.....................................................................................................................15
4.2 LAN SETUP ................................................................................................................................................16
4.3 DEFAULT IP SETTINGS................................................................................................................................16
4.3.1 Ethernet Interface 1 (DATA)..................................................................................................................16
4.3.2 Ethernet Interface 2 (SETUP)................................................................................................................16
4.3.3 RF Interface...........................................................................................................................................16
4.4 IP NETWORK SETTINGS ..............................................................................................................................17
4.4.1 IP Network Settings (with Host) ............................................................................................................17
4.4.2 IP Network Settings (with Router).........................................................................................................17
4.5 LOGIN SCREEN............................................................................................................................................18
4.5.1 Initial Installation Login........................................................................................................................18
4.6 WEB INTERFACE .........................................................................................................................................19
4.6.1 Apply, Cancel, Save Config, and Reset Unit Buttons & Help Icon........................................................19
5. TROUBLE-SHOOTING AND TESTING......................................................................................................20
5.1 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ...............................................................................................................................20
5.2 RECOMMENDED CHECKS ............................................................................................................................20
5.3 ADDITIONAL TEST DETAILS .........................................................................................................................24
5.3.1 Carrier Deviations.................................................................................................................................24
5.3.2 PF Switch...............................................................................................................................................24 Stopping the Airlink and Alternate Test Tone Selection Method..................................................................24
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
5.4 WINDOWS/UNIX TOOLS ..............................................................................................................................26
5.4.1 Network Connectivity.............................................................................................................................26
5.4.2 Configuration Information.....................................................................................................................26
5.4.3 Statistics Information.............................................................................................................................27
5.5 BSC FIRMWARE UPGRADING .....................................................................................................................27
5.5.1 Procedure ..............................................................................................................................................27 File Integrity Failure ..................................................................................................................................... 28
6. SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................................................29
FIGURE 1 - FRONT VIEW "RADIO ASSEMBLY" ................................................................................................................5
FIGURE 2 - PARAGON4 UNIT REAR VIEW ........................................................................................................................6
FIGURE 3 - BACKPLANE .................................................................................................................................................6
FIGURE 4 - MAXI-FUSE ..................................................................................................................................................8
FIGURE 5 - RECEIVER MODULE.....................................................................................................................................10
FIGURE 6 - EXCITER MODULE.......................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 7 - BSC MODULE .............................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 8 - SPEAKER MODULE ......................................................................................................................................12
FIGURE 9 - DUAL T809 POWER SUPPLY MODULE (BLACK FRONT PLATE)....................................................................13
FIGURE 10 - T809 REAR PANEL (SHOWN UPRIGHT) ......................................................................................................14
FIGURE 11 - WEB INTERFACE.......................................................................................................................................15
FIGURE 12 - IP NETWORK SETTINGS IN ROUTER MODE (WITH HOST) .........................................................................17
FIGURE 13 - IP NETWORK SETTINGS IN ROUTER MODE (WITH ROUTER).....................................................................17
FIGURE 14 - ENTER NETWORK PASSWORD SCREEN – ETH1 DATA PORT SHOWN ........................................................18
FIGURE 15 - WEB USER INTERFACE – WELCOME SCREEN ...........................................................................................18
FIGURE 16 - PF SWITCH ROCKER DETAIL (ONE SIDE PRESSED)....................................................................................24
FIGURE 16 - SAMPLE FTP PROGRAM............................................................................................................................28
TABLE 1 - ON-AIR DATA SPEEDS AND MODULATION ......................................................................................................2
TABLE 2 - TEST POINTS..................................................................................................................................................6
TABLE 3 - CHECKLIST A (AFTER INSTALLATION) ........................................................................................................21
TABLE 4 - CHECKLIST B (GENERAL)............................................................................................................................22
TABLE 5 - CARRIER DEVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................24
TABLE 6 – TEST TONES GENERATION ..........................................................................................................................25
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
Version 1.00: November 2007 – For FCC and IC Submission
Initial preliminary of Paragon4 base station User Manual for
UHF, 700 / 800 MHz radio modem models.
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
About Dataradio
For over 25 years, Dataradio has been a recognized and innovative supplier of advanced wireless data products and systems for mission-critical applications. Public safety organizations, utilities, local gov­ernment, water management, and other critical infrastructure operations depend on Dataradio to ensure that vital wireless data reaches the people who need it, when they need it most. From mobile data systems and radio modems, to analog radios and telemetry devices, Dataradio products are found at the heart of private wireless networks around the world.
Dataradio provides product brochures, case studies, software downloads, and product information on our website at
User Manual Statement
Every effort is taken to provide accurate, timely product information in this user manual.
Product updates may result in differences between the information provided herein and the product shipped. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
About CalAmp Corp.
CalAmp is a leading provider of wireless equipment, engineering services and software that enable any­time/anywhere access to critical information, data and entertainment content. With comprehensive capa­bilities ranging from product design and development through volume production, CalAmp delivers cost­effective high quality solutions to a broad array of customers and end markets. CalAmp is the leading supplier of Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) outdoor customer premise equipment to the U.S. satellite television market. The Company also provides wireless connectivity solutions for the telemetry and asset tracking markets, public safety communications, the healthcare industry, and digital multimedia delivery applications.
For additional information, please visit
DATARADIO and VIS are registered trademarks,
GeminiG3, Paragon4, PARALLEL DECODE, and TRUSTED WIRELESS DATA are trademarks of Dataradio Inc
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
Access Point Communication hub for users to connect to a wired LAN. APs are important for
providing heightened wireless security.
ADB Agile Dual-Band - GeminiG3 radiomodem model that allows 700/800MHz
automatic band switching capability during roaming.
AES Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) - uses 128-bit encryption to secure data. Airlink Physical radio frequency connections used for communications between units. ARP Address Resolution Protocol – Maps Internet address to physical address.
AAVL Autonomous Automatic Vehicle Location. Optional feature that involves using
GPS (Global Positioning System) signals from the mobile unit by the Host PC.
Backbone The part of a network that connects most of the systems and networks together,
and handles the most data.
Bandwidth The transmission capacity of a given device or network.
Base Designates products used as base stations in VIS systems. They currently include
the Paragon family of products up to the Paragon4 radiomodems.
Browser An application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the in-
formation on the World Wide Web.
BSC Base Station Controller - An async controller-modem designed for the radio base
station in mobile systems. A component of Paragon4 radiomodem base stations.
COM Port RS-232 serial communications ports of the Paragon4 wireless radiomodem. Cycle Mark Signal transmitted on an E-DBA network that keeps the network synchronized. Default Gateway A device that forwards Internet traffic from your local area network. DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - A networking protocol that allows ad-
ministrators to assign temporary IP addresses to network computers by "leasing" an IP address to a user for a limited amount of time, instead of assigning perma­nent IP addresses.
DNS Domain Name Server - The on-line distributed database system used to map hu-
man-readable machine names into IP addresses.
Domain A specific name for a network of computers. Dynamic IP Addr A temporary IP address assigned by a DHCP server.
E-DBA Enhanced Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation – Dataradio proprietary protocol that
schedules all inbound and outbound Airlink traffic to minimize contention.
Ethernet Ethernet is a frame-based computer networking technology for local area net-
works (LANs). It defines wiring and signaling for the physical layer, and frame formats and protocols for the media access control (MAC)/data link layer of the OSI model. Ethernet is mostly standardized as IEEEs 802.3.
Feature Key Method used to implement customer’s option(s) selected at the time of radiomo-
dem purchase (factory-installation) or as add-on (field-installation).
Firewall A set of related programs located at a network gateway server that protects the
resources of a network from users from other networks.
Firmware The programming code that runs a networking device. Fragmentation Breaking a packet into smaller units when transmitting over a network medium
that cannot support the original size of the packet.
FTP File Transfer Protocol - A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network.
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
Gateway A device that interconnects two or more networks with different, incompatible
communications protocols and translates among them.
GeminiG3 Third generation of Gemini
VIS products. High specs dual DSP mobile radio-
modem with Dataradio Parallel Decode™ technology
HDX Half Duplex. Data transmission that can occur in two directions over a single
line, using separate Tx and Rx frequencies, but only one direction at a time.
HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol - The communications protocol used to connect to
servers on the World Wide Web.
IPCONFIG A Windows 2000 and XP utility that displays the IP address for a particular net-
working device.
MAC ADDRESS Media Access Control - The unique address that a manufacturer assigns to each
networking device.
MIB Management Information Base (MIB)-a logical, hierarchically organized data-
base of network management information. Used in SNMP.
NAT Network Address Translation - NAT technology translates IP addresses of a local
area network to a different IP address for the Internet.
Network A series of computers or devices connected for the purpose of data sharing, stor-
age, and/or transmission between users.
Network speed This is the bit rate on the RF link between units. Node A network junction or connection point, typically a computer or work station. OID An object identifier or OID is an identifier used to name an object and is the nu-
merical equivalent of a path. In SNMP, an OID consists of numbers separated by decimal points. Structurally, an OID consists of a node in a hierarchically as­signed namespace.
OIP Optimized IP – Compresses TCP and UDP headers, and filters unnecessary ac-
knowledgments. This makes the most use of the available bandwidth.
OTA Over-The-Air - Standard for the transmission and reception of application-related
information in a wireless communications system
Palette Synchronization patterns used to identify the speed and coding of packets trans-
mitted over-the-air in E-DBA.
Paragon4 IP-based data radio base station used in mobile networks and designed specifi-
cally to fit the needs of vehicular applications. Runs up to 128 kb/s
Parallel Decode Technology featuring dual receivers for added data decode sensitivity in multi-
path and fading environments. (United States Patent No: 6,853,694 B1)
PHY A PHY chip (called PHYceiver) provides interface to the Ethernet transmission
medium. Its purpose is digital access of the modulated link (usually used together with an MII-chip).
The PHY defines data rates and transmission method parameters.
PDU Protocol Data Unit - A PDU is a message of a given protocol comprising payload
and protocol-specific control information, typically contained in a header. PDUs pass over the protocol interfaces that exist between the layers of protocols.
Ping Packet INternet Groper - An Internet utility used to determine whether a particu-
lar IP address is online.
PLC Programmable Logic Controller. An user-provided intelligent device that can
make decisions, gather and report information, and control other devices.
Roaming Movement of a wireless node (GeminiG3 radiomodems) amongst Multiple Ac-
cess Points (Paragon4). Paragon4 radiomodems support seamless roaming.
Router A networking device that connects multiple networks together.
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
RS-232 Industry–standard interface for data transfer.
Smart Combining Digital processing method used to combine “Spatial Diversity” signals to opti-
mize performance. (See Parallel Decode)
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol - Provides a means to monitor and con-
trol network devices, and to manage configurations, statistics collection, per­formance, and security.
Spatial Diversity Composite information from independent diversity branches using antennas
spaced apart is used with “Smart Combining” to minimize fading and other unde­sirable effects of multipath propagation. (See Parallel Decode)
SRRCnFSK Square Root Raised Cosine (n = level) Frequency Shift Keying. Type of fre-
quency modulation of data signals performed by the Paragon4 radiomodem.
Static IP Address A fixed address assigned to a computer or device that is connected to a network. Static Routing Forwarding data in a network via a fixed path. Subnet Mask A bit mask used to select the bits from an IP address that correspond to the sub-
net. Each mask is 32 bits long, with one bits in the portion that identifies a net­work and zero bits in the portion that identifies a host.
Switch (Ethernet) Computer-networking device that allows sharing a limited number of ports to
connect computing devices to host computers. Replaces network hubs (layer1), switches (layer2), routers (layer3).
Sync Data transmitted on a wireless network that keeps the network synchronized. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol - A transport (layer4) protocol
for transmitting data that requires acknowledgement from the recipient of data sent. Handles retries and flow control.
Telnet Network (layer5) protocol used on the Internet or on LAN connections. TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol - A version of the TCP/IP FTP protocol that has no
directory or password capability.
Topology The physical layout of a network. Transparent A transparent unit transmits all data without regard to special characters, etc. UDP User Datagram Protocol - A transport (layer4) protocol for transmitting data that
does not require acknowledgement from the recipient of the data that is sent.
Upgrade To replace existing software or firmware with a newer version. URL Universal Resource Locator - The address of a file located on the Internet.
VIS Vehicular Information Solutions. Dataradio’s name for a series of products spe-
cially designed for mobile data.
WINIPCFG A Windows 98 and Me utility that displays the IP address for a particular net-
working device.
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network - A group of computers and associated devices that
communicate with each other wirelessly.
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
This document provides information required for the setting up, operation, testing and trouble-shooting of the Dataradio® Paragon4™
radio-modem base station.

1.1 Intended Audience

This document is intended for engineering, installation, and maintenance personnel.

1.2 General Description

The Paragon4 radio base station is a factory-integrated industrial-grade IP-based data product used in mobile networks and is designed specifically to fit the needs of vehicular applications. It features dual receivers for added data decode sensitivity in multi-path and fading environments.
When used with Dataradio’s state-of-the-art GeminiG3 mobile IP data solution, the system delivers unequaled high-speed data performance and unmatched effective throughput.
All Paragon4 models are supplied in a standard 19-inch wide rackmount. The Paragon4 full-duplex radio­modem chassis assembly includes:
A second generation high-speed Dataradio “Base Station Controller” module (BSC2) that uses an open
architecture that simplifies the implementation process. The BSC2 module comes equipped with a built­in IP router with dual Ethernet 10/100 BaseT interfaces.
Option for 10MHz reference source input
Dual, independently synthesized Receiver radio module.
High-performance synthesized 0.2W Exciter radio module.
For all Paragon4 radio modem units:
One Power Amplifier (PA) module is required for the regular usage.
Duplexer and backup power units are custom furnished items.
Wire line modem(s) are optional items.
Laptop PC and its application software are user-supplied items.
Optional Router – Add a second router anywhere within your network if you need a fault tolerant
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
1.2.1 Features
Parallel Decode™ technology featuring dual receivers for added decode sensitivity in multi-path
and fading environments.
Fully IP-based product models, using an optimized IP layer that reduces IP overhead for the RF
Sophisticated dual DSP-based modem design provides added system performance, fewer retries
and more effective throughput.
Full duplex mode of operation
Base Station with an RF Power Amplifier. The Power Amplifier is considered a stand-alone
On-air data speeds and modulation types supported (dependent on “Feature Key” selected
Table 1 - On-air data speeds and modulation
Channel Type
UHF 700 MHz / 800 MHz
25 kHz 12.5 kHz 50 kHz 25 kHz 12.5 kHz NPSPAC
64 kb/s 32 kb/s 128 kb/s 64 kb/s 32kb/s 32kb/s 48 kb/s
43.2 kb/s 32 kb/s 16 kb/s 64kb/s 32 kb/s 16kb/s 16kb/s
24 kb/s 96kb/s
24kb/s 24kb/s
Uses Dataradio’s Next generation high-efficiency Enhanced-DBA (E-DBA) over-the-air
Over-the-air compatible with GeminiG3.x mobile products
Out-of-band signaling enables transmission of GPS reports with no effect on system
Flash programmable firmware, including over-the-air programming capability

1.2.2 Configuration

Paragon4 units are factory-configured. Configuration changes or upgrades are web-based.
Method used to implement customer’s option(s) selected at the time of radiomodem purchase (factory-installation) or as add-on
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual

1.3 Factory Technical Support

The Technical Support departments of DATARADIO provide customer assistance on technical prob-
lems and serve as an interface with factory repair facilities. They can be reached in the following ways:
For Canada and International customers: DATARADIO Inc.
5500 Royalmount Ave, suite 200 Town of Mount Royal Quebec, Canada H4P 1H7
Technical support hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Eastern Time phone: +1 514 737-0020
fax: +1 514 737-7883
Email address:
or For U.S. customers:
DATARADIO Corp. 6160 Peachtree Dunwoody RD., suite C-200
Atlanta, Georgia 30328 Technical support hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Eastern Time
phone: 1 770 392-0002 fax: 1 770 392-9199
Email address:
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual

1.4 Product Warranty

Warranty information may be obtained by contacting your sales representative.

1.5 Replacement Parts

This product is usually not field-serviceable, except by the replacement of individual radio modules.
Specialized equipment and training is required to repair logic, modem boards, and radio modules.
Contact Technical Support for service information before returning equipment. A Technical Support
representative may suggest a solution eliminating the need to return equipment.

1.5.1 Factory Repair

When returning equipment for repair, you must request an RMA (Returned Material Authorization)
number. The Tech Support representative will ask you several questions to clearly identify the prob­lem. Please give the representative the name of a contact person, who is familiar with the problem, should a question arise during servicing of the unit.
Customers are responsible for shipping charges for returned units. Units in warranty will be repaired
free of charge unless there is evidence of abuse or damage beyond the terms of the warranty. Units out of warranty will be subject to service charges. Information about these charges is available from Technical Support.

1.6 Packaging

Each Paragon4 radio-modem base station – UHF, 700 MHz, or 800MHz – normally leaves the factory packaged as follows:
A Dataradio base station “Radio-modem assembly” with dual power supply assembly, and a
Two standard seven-foot 120 VAC power cords.
Coax cable (16-inch) to connect the Exciter module to the power amplifier.
Frequently, Paragon4 product components are field-assembled prior to customer delivery. The cabinetry may then be supplied in one of several custom rack-mount configurations that may also in­clude fan, backhaul modems, duplexer/filters/combiners, and ancillary equipment. If damage has occurred to the equipment during shipment, file a claim with the carrier immediately.
120 20195-100 Preliminary Paragon4 – UHF, 700, & 800MHz User Manual
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