Datapath VSN400 User Manual

VSN400 2nd Generation
Version 1.1.0
Disclaimer/Copyright Statement.....................................................................................................5
Quick Start Guide..............................................................................................................................6
Step 1 - Keyboard and Mouse..................................................................................................................................................................6
Step 2 - Connect to a Network (Optional)...........................................................................................................................................6
Step 3 - Connect Input Source..................................................................................................................................................................7
Step 4 - Connect an Output Source........................................................................................................................................................7
Step 5 - Powering up the System.............................................................................................................................................................8
Step 6 - Windows10 Setup.........................................................................................................................................................................9
Step 7- Display Driver Conguration Tool............................................................................................................................................9
Step 8 - WallControl 10 (Optional).......................................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 1 - Introduction.................................................................................................................13
1.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................................................13
1.2 Systems ..................................................................................................................................................................................................13
1.3 How the User Guide is Organised................................................................................................................................................13
1.4 Fonts and Symbols..............................................................................................................................................................................13
1.5 Terminology and Denitions..........................................................................................................................................................14
Chapter 2 - Safety............................................................................................................................15
2.1 Safety Precautions.............................................................................................................................................................................15
2.2 Rack Mount Safety Instructions.....................................................................................................................................................16
2.3 Unpacking and Initial Inspection..................................................................................................................................................16
Chapter 3 - General.........................................................................................................................17
3.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Associated Output/Input Cards and Related Products........................................................................................................17
3.3 Product Datasheets............................................................................................................................................................................17
Chapter 4 - Hardware.....................................................................................................................18
4.1 VSN400 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Chapter 5 - Cabling.........................................................................................................................19
5.1 Connecting the Keyboard and Mouse........................................................................................................................................19
5.2 Connecting to a Network.................................................................................................................................................................19
5.3 Connecting Input Sources...............................................................................................................................................................20
5.4 Connect Monitors and Control Screen (Optional).................................................................................................................20
5.5 Connecting Power Cables................................................................................................................................................................22
Chapter 6 - Operation.....................................................................................................................23
6.1 Switching On.........................................................................................................................................................................................23
6.2 Initial System Boot on Delivery (Windows 10).........................................................................................................................23
6.3 Display Driver Conguration Tool (DDCT).................................................................................................................................25
6.4 Opening WallControl 10 (Optional).............................................................................................................................................35
Chapter 7 - Software......................................................................................................................37
7.1 WallControl 10 (Optional)...............................................................................................................................................................37
7.2 Wall Monitor (Optional)...................................................................................................................................................................40
7.3 Vision Application (Optional)........................................................................................................................................................42
7.4 Software Utilities...................................................................................................................................................................................44
Chapter 8 - Maintenance................................................................................................................45
8.1 Filter Maintenance..............................................................................................................................................................................45
8.2 Technical Support ..............................................................................................................................................................................46
Chapter 9 - Environmental.............................................................................................................47
9.1 Certication and Compliances......................................................................................................................................................47
Chapter 10 - Specications............................................................................................................48
10.1 Technical Drawings............................................................................................................................................................................48
10.2 Technical Specication - VSN400...............................................................................................................................................49
Chapter 11 - Warranty....................................................................................................................50
11.1 Warranty Statement.........................................................................................................................................................................50
11.2 RMA Returns Policy..........................................................................................................................................................................50
Chapter 12 - Advanced Users.........................................................................................................52
12.1 Command Line Interface................................................................................................................................................................52
12.2 Verify RAID...........................................................................................................................................................................................56
12.3 Installing CODEC Packs to Play Video ......................................................................................................................................56
12.4 Firmware Updates.............................................................................................................................................................................57
12.5 System Recovery/Restoring to Factory Settings....................................................................................................................57
Copyright Statement
Disclaimer/Copyright Statement
© Datapath Ltd, England 2018
Datapath Limited claims copyright on this User Guide. No part of this User Guide may be reproduced, released, dis­closed, stored in any electronic format, or used in whole or in part for any purpose other than stated herein without the express permission of Datapath Limited.
Whilst every eort is made to ensure that the information contained in this User Guide is correct, Datapath Limited
make no representations or warranties with respect to the contents thereof, and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
Datapath reserves the right to change specication without prior notice and cannot assume responsibility for the use
made of the information supplied. Datapath Limited acknowledges all registered trademarks used within this User Guide.
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
A version of the Quick Start Guide is included below for your convenience.
Step 1 - Keyboard and Mouse
Each Datapath system is custom built therefore the number and type of input and output cards will dier from system
to system.
Accompanying this Quick Start Guide are PCIe card product leaets which give details on how the cards are installed
and any accessories supplied with them.
Connect Keyboard and Mouse to USB Ports. USB Ports are also available on the front panel.
Step 2 - Connect to a Network (Optional)
Main System
VSN400 Main chassis Mouse/Keyboard Recovery Media Accessories Pack Mains Cable Build Log
In addition, if any optional cards are installed:
PCIe card product leaets Cables/Adapters as specied in the product leaets
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Each Datapath system is custom built. The number and type of inputs will dier from system to system.
Contained within the documentation pack are PCIe card product leaets which give details on how the cards are
The I/O panel on your system may dier from the above illustration depending on which motherboard option you
have purchased. Refer to the motherboard documentation for more details.
Step 3 - Connect Input Source
Step 4 - Connect an Output Source
To enable you to complete the initial setup of the system displays must be connected to the rst and second output as
shown below.
1 2
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Connect power cables then plug into a mains supply.
Switch on the power supply units.
Switch on the system.
RPSU System ATX System
Step 5 - Powering up the System
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Step 6 - Windows10 Setup
Once the system has been congured in our factory the operating system is resealed, meaning that when switching on the system for the rst time the operating system setup commences.
You will be prompted to enter information to set up your wall controller.
There is no requirement for users to activate Windows 10, activation is done automatically.
Once the Windows setup is complete, the Display Driver Conguration Tool (DDCT) is displayed. The DDCT will guide you, step by step, through the conguration of the graphics outputs, enabling you to quickly create one or more video
On the nal stage of the conguration, the (DDCT) will recommend the optimum way to connect your VSN400 to your
video wall displays.
You can access the conguration tool at anytime should you wish to make changes. Right click on the desktop and select Display Driver Conguration Tool from the menu.
A full description of the Display Driver Conguration Tool can be found in the User Guide which can be found on the
Recovery Media.
Step 7- Display Driver Conguration Tool
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Step 8 - WallControl 10 (Optional)
Start | All Programs | WallControl 10 - Client
When WallControl 10 is opened for the rst time you will be prompted to take a Quick Start Tour of the application. It
is strongly recommended that you take the tour prior to using the application.
The WallControl 10 - User Interface
3 4 5
Start | All Programs | WallControl 10 - Server
Before opening the Client and Security Administration Client interfaces you will need to start the Server by clicking on it in the Programs menu. Starting the Server loads both the WallControl 10 Server and the WallControl 10 Security Server. The WallControl 10 Client will only detect servers that are running.
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
1 Indicates the server you are connected too. 2 A representation of the display wall(s) associated with the server. 3 Sources Tab - Displaying all the sources connected to the server for use on the display wall. 4 Layouts Tab - Used to save, recall and share display wall layout congurations. 5 Templates Tab - Use templates to assist in the design of specic display wall layouts.
When opened, the display wall tab shows a live representation of the physical wall and the sources available to display
on it. To place a source on the video wall, simply click on the required source in the sources tab and drag it onto the
display wall representation.
The application help le contains videos explaining how multiple sources can be selected, how to use and create tem­plates and how to save, recall and share layout les.
Display Wall
Click on the display wall representation to open the display wall tab.
Display Wall
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Start | All Programs | WallControl 10 - Security Administration Client
The WallControl 10 - Security Administration Client (Only Available with WallControl 10 Pro)
The WallControl 10 - Security Administration Client allows Administrators to assign specic users to roles on a wall by wall basis. For example, a User can be assigned a role allowing unrestricted access on one wall but assigned a role on another wall which only allows the opening of pre-determined layouts.
Prior to the Security Client being used for the rst time, the SecurityOnO.exe program must be run to enable security protection for the application. To run the SecurityOnO.exe, ensure you are logged into Windows with
Administrator Rights.
Locate and double click on the SecurityOnO.exe le:
Program Files\WallControl 10\ Security Server\SecurityOnO
A WallControl 10-Pro serial dongle must be inserted into a vacant USB port. If the dongle is removed or swapped, the Security Client will not open and an error message is displayed, therefore it is important the dongle is not removed.
The WallControl 10 Security Application help le contains information on how to:
Import users from the Windows Active Directory into the database.
Create and edit roles.
Assign permissions to providers, layouts and sources giving specic roles access to them.
Assign roles to walls.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the Datapath Wall Controller system. The wall controller has been manufactured and tested to the highest standards oering unparalleled quality and reliability. The aim of this user guide is to assist you through the installation of the system safely and eectively and act as a reference guide for future use. Do not
switch on the system until all the relevant cables have been connected.
1.2 Systems
The systems covered by this user guide are the VSN400 range of video wall controllers.
1.3 How the User Guide is Organised
The user guide is broken down into chapters and each chapter into sections. Chapters, sections and pages are numbered individually. Pages are numbered in Arabic numerals with the exception of the cover page (no numbering).
1.4 Fonts and Symbols
1.4.1 Fonts
The font used throughout the user guide is Corbel however the following font styles mean:
Bold = Used to describe menu titles, buttons in software or elements that you must type exactly as shown in the Command Line Interface
Ellipsis (...) - Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line.
Between brackets ([]) - Optional items.
Between braces ({}) - Set of choices (separated by I) from which you must choose only one.
Italic = Information that must be supplied by the user
Courier = Indicates code or program output.
Blue Underlined = Indicates a hyper-link. Some hyper-links may be linked to external live websites.
1.4.2 Symbols
Symbols are used throughout this user guide to assist the user in quickly identifying important safety information and
Yellow triangle indicates that failure to observe the instructions could result in injury and/or damage to the system.
Lifting precautions should be considered.
White arrow in a blue box indicates a useful tip.
White exclamation mark in a blue box indicates important information.
1.5 Terminology and Denitions
1.5.1 BIOS
Basic Input/Output System: Used during system boot up to initialise and test system hardware and load the operating
system. Each BIOS is specically designed to work with a particular motherboard.
1.5.2 Command Line Interface
Preferred means by advanced users of issuing commands and controlling an application or operating system. Pro­grams with a Command Line Interface are generally considered easier to automate via scripting.
1.5.3 Control Screen
Some systems are shipped with the BIOS congured to boot the system o the onboard graphics device. This output can then be used as the Control Screen for a typical video wall. The content of the control screen is not displayed on
the video wall desktop and can be used to host the WallControl 10 application window.
1.5.4 SDK
Software Development Kit: A set of software development tools which allows the creation of certain applications.
1.5.5 WallControl 10 (Optional)
An optional software application for controlling and managing Vision, IP-Camera and third party application windows on a Datapath Wall Controller. Providing a graphical representation of the video wall and a toolbar through which to manipulate all available input sources and applications.
1.5.6 WallControl 10 Security Administration Client (Optional)
The WallControl 10 Security Administration Client allows Administrators to assign specic users to roles on a wall by wall basis. The Security Administration Client is only available with WallControl 10-Pro.
1.5.7 Wall Monitor (Optional)
A software application that enables the user to monitor the temperatures and voltages of system components.
1.5.8 Screen Order
The order in which the screens appear on the display wall.
1.5.9 SQX
SQX is Datapath’s collective name for its video streaming and compression technologies.
Chapter 2 - Safety
2.1 Safety Precautions
To prevent damage to your Datapath product or injury to personnel operating the equipment, please read the follow­ing safety precautions prior to operation. These instructions should be made available to all those who will use and
operate Datapath products.
2.1.1 Power Supply
All Datapath products require a mains power supply. This power supply must be disconnected when equipment is
being upgraded or relocated.
2.1.2 Cables
Do not expose cables to any liquids; doing so may cause a short circuit which could damage the equipment. Do not
place heavy objects on top of any cables as this can cause damage and possibly lead to exposed live wires.
2.1.3 Ventilation
All computer equipment should be located in a well ventilated area. All ventilation holes on the computer casing must
be kept clear of any obstruction at all times. Failure to do so will result in the system over heating and damaging your
2.1.4 Working Environment
The equipment should be located in an environment free from dust, moisture and extreme changes in temperature and should be placed on a stable and solid work surface. Liquids (hot/cold drinks etc) should not be placed near the equipment as spillage could cause serious damage.
2.1.5 Gas/Flammable Liquids
Electronic equipment should never be used in the presence of gas or any ammable liquid, doing so could result in an explosion or serious re.
2.1.6 Smoke/Unusual Smells
Should you notice smoke or unusual smells being emitted from your system, turn o and unplug the system from the mains supply. The system should then be passed to a qualied technician for inspection. Continued operation could
result in personal injury and damage to property.
2.1.7 Maintenance
Apart from what is detailed in this user guide, maintenance should only be carried out by competent technicians, any Datapath plug-in cards that are physically damaged should be returned to Datapath for repair using Datapath RMA procedures.
2.1.8 Replaceable Batteries
Caution: Risk of explosion if batteries are replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the local laws / regulations and manufacturer’s instructions.
2.2 Rack Mount Safety Instructions
2.2.1 Temperature
If VSN400 systems are to be installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the installation should be such that the amount of air ow required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised. The operating ambient temper­ature of the rack environment should be maintained below 35 degrees centigrade under all conditions. Appropriate
cooling arrangements should be built into the cabinet to ensure that this specication is maintained.
2.2.2 Mechanical Loading
Mounting of the equipment in the rack should be such that a hazardous condition is not achieved due to uneven me­chanical loading.
2.2.3 Circuit Overloading
Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the mains supply circuit and the eect that
overloading of the supply might have on any over-current protection or supply wiring. Appropriate consideration of
equipment nameplate ratings should be used.
2.2.4 Reliable Earthing
Reliable earthing of all rack-mounted equipment should be maintained. Particular attention should be given to supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit (e.g. use of power strips).
2.3 Unpacking and Initial Inspection
2.3.1 Unpacking
The system is heavy; lifting precautions should be considered.
To unpack the system follow the instructions provided on the outside of the packaging. All packaging materials
should be retained for future transit.
2.3.2 Initial Inspection
All systems are carefully prepared for shipment and every eort is made to ensure you receive the product in pristine
condition. On receipt, you should carefully inspect the outer packaging for any transit damage i.e. any signs that the system may have been dropped etc.
Use the packing list enclosed to establish that all the items are present. Should any items from the packing list be missing, contact Datapath for further instructions.
Check the chassis for damage that could have an adverse aect on the operation of the system or could cause injury
to the operator. Should there be any physical damage to the power supply unit, for example damaged power sockets or exposed wiring do not connect to a power source, contact Datapath for further instructions.
Chapter 3 - General
3.1 Overview
Datapath’s VSN400 systems are high quality, exible solutions for smaller, more compact video wall and multi-screen display applications. The systems have been developed for installations that require a balanced number of HD video
captures and HD video outputs and optimised to operate with the latest generation of our world leading PCI Express
graphics and video capture cards, providing exible solutions throughout the professional AV industry.
Each system has been designed for use in demanding environments. Each component has been subjected to rigorous testing to ensure the highest levels of performance and reliability.
In summary:
High performance and reliability in demanding conditions
Suited for 24/7 applications
Can be operated via a network
WallControl 10 software (optional) - Display video on the desktop in real time using an array of features
Wall Monitor software (optional) - Provides monitoring of the temperature and voltage sensors on system
3.2 Associated Output/Input Cards and Related Products
The following table lists the range of Datapath cards associated with the VSN400 range of video wall controllers:
Product Description ImageDP4+ Quad output DisplayPort graphics card. ActiveSQX Dedicated IP Streaming decoding card. VisionHD2-SQX Triple channel capture and IP Streaming encoding card VisionSC-DP2 Dual channel, 4K UHD DisplayPort capture card. VisionSC-SDI4 Four channel 3G-SDI video capture card. VisionSC-HD4+ Quad HDMI video capture card. VisionAV-HD Four lane PCI Express capture card with 2 x HD DVI-I and 1 SD channels. VisionAV-SDI Four lane PCI Express capture card with 1 x HD DVI-I, SD, SDI channels. VisionHD4 Eight lane PCI Express capture card with four independent DVI-I HD channels. VisionRGB-E1s Single channel HD video capture card. VisionAV Single Channel HD and single channel SD video capture card. VisionRGB-E2s Dual channel HD video capture card. VisionDVI-DL Single channel Dual-Link video capture card. VisionSD4+1s Video capture card with four channels of SD and one of HD. VisionSDI2 Dual channel HD-SDI video capture card. VisionSD8 Eight channel SD video capture card.
We are constantly updating our product portfolio, for the latest details on our full product range please visit our website:
3.3 Product Datasheets
Product datasheets are available to download from
Chapter 4 - Hardware
4.1 VSN400
4.1.1 Front
Front Panel
1 = Power, on-o 5= PSU Reset LED 2= System Reset 6= PSU Alarm 3= Power LED 7= USB Ports 4= SSD LED 8= Removable Hard Drives
4.1.2 Rear
Rear Panel - RPSU
Rear Panel - ATX
R1= Power Switch R3= Ethernet Ports R2= USB Ports R4= HDMI/DisplayPort
+ 41 hidden pages