AN-09 (Easy Print)
December 6, 2005
All bar codes in O’Neil
selected when you create a field entry for an Easy Print print job. In each field entry you need to specify the bar code you
want to print. To print using Easy Print, the command is PRINT and the DATA is a succession of descriptors for each
field, or “thing” to be printed (whether the “thing” is text, bar code, or graphic). Optional global parameters affect the entire
print job.
thermal printers are resident in the printer and do not need to be downloaded. Bar Codes are
Each field, regardless of what is to be printed is virtually identical. If a field is to contain a bar code, then the bar code
must be selected for that field. Each FIELD has the form:
Begins with an “@” (0x40)
Is followed by WHERE the data is to be printed (ROW,COL
colon “:” (0x3A)
That is followed by HOW is to be printed. In this case, since we a
Easy Print name for that bar code (from the documentation as well as printed on the self test)
That is followed by WHAT is to be printed which is the
vertical bar (0x7C) before and after the data. Optionally, a comma “,” (0x2C) can f ollow HOW to be printed for
modifiers (or “field parameters”) for that FIELD. Although optional and a bar code will print ev en without field
parameters, to get the bar code to look the way you need it to look, you will probably need to use field
The Easy Print name for the bar codes that are present in the prin
codes may vary from version to version of printer:
Available Bar Codes:
*---DESCRIPTION----* *--NAMES---*
INTLV 2of5 ratio 2:1 BCI25 (8CH)
CODE 128 (AUTO A-C) BC128 (91H)
EAN-128 (AUTO A-C) EA128 (92H)
PDF-417 CLUSTERS 036 PD417 (99H)
CODE 93 BAR CODE 2:1 BC093 (82H)
). The row and column are always followed by a
re printing bar code we must include the
DATA to be printed. Data is always delimited by a
ter are shown on the self test. The exact list of bar

BCI25 Interleaved 2 of 5 2:1 0-9 Needs an even number of digits – if not
even, a leading zero is inserted
BC128 Code 128 2:1 All lower case, upper case,
punctuation, numbers, and
control codes in ASCII 0x00
through 0x7F
EN128 EAN-128 2:1 All lower case, upper case,
punctuation, numbers, and
control codes in ASCII 0x00
through 0x7F
BC39N Code 39 2:1 Space $ % + - . / 0-9 A-Z Printer inserts leading and trailing “*” if
BC39W Code 39 3:1 Space $ % + - . / 0-9 A-Z Printer inserts leading and trailing “*” if
COBAR Codabar 2:1 $ + - . / 0-9 ABCD Guard bars are sent as part of data
I2OF5 Interleaved 2 of 5 2.5:1 0-9 Needs an even number of digits – if not
EAN08 8 Digit EAN 2:1 0-9 Send 7 digits – printer calcs chksum (8th
EAN13 13 Digit EAN 2:1 0-9 Send 12 digits – printer calcs ch ksum
UPC-A UPC A 2:1 0-9 Send 11 digits – printer calcs chksum
UPC-E UPC E 2:1 0-9 Send 7 digits – printer calcs chksum (8th
PD417 PDF-417 Set by
Any byte value 0-255 Text and Binary modes supported.
BC093 Code 93 2:1 All lower case, upper case,
punctuation, numbers, and
control codes in ASCII 0x00
through 0x7F. Some are
combinations (e.g. A=A but
Escape Easy Print “|” (end of data) with
leading “/”; to print “/” use “//”. Function
characters 1-4 are /1 - /4
Escape Easy Print “|” (end of data) with
leading “/”; to print “/” use “//”. Function
characters 1-4 are /1 - /4
not sent in data
not sent in data
even, a leading zero is inserted
Large numeric sequences are not
compressed to the maximum extent, but
will print
Printer calculates check digits