This manual and any examples contained herein are provided ‘as is’ and are subject to
change without notice. Datamax-O’Neil makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this
manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose. Datamax-O’Neil shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental
or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this
manual or the examples herein.
This guide is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. This guide may not, in whole or in part,
be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by
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microFlash is a trademark of Datamax-O’Neil. All other brand names and product
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the respective manufacturers or distributors of those products.
The Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming Guide is a reference guide for DatamaxO’Neil printers. This programming guide documents the functions and features of the
printer's programming language.
Note: The commands documented in this programming guide are available based
upon which version of firmware is installed on your printer and which printer you
are using. To determine which version of the firmware you are using, print a selftest. The self-test printout lists information about your printer's configuration,
options, and so on.
Overview of Printing Modes
Datamax-O’Neil thermal printers support several different printing protocols. The two native
protocols are Line Printer and Easy Print. Each of these protocols have their own unique
advantages depending upon what is to be printed. It is also possible to mix Line Printer and
Easy Print in a single printed imag e. In add i ti on to th es e two modes, there are also several
emulation modes. These emulation protocols are covered in separate documents.
Line Printer Mode
The Line Printer mode is the simplest method of printing. Each line to be printed is sent to
the printer as a sequence of single bytes (some Asian character sets require two bytes for
each character). The printer accepts characters and begins to print when a Carriage Return
(0x0D) or Line Feed (0x0A) is received. Then, al l characters received to that point are printed
on a single line. A series of ESCape code sequences can be sent to the printer to alter the
look of the characters (e.g. to make them double wide, or to change the font, or to change
other aspects of the appearance of the printout). Y ou can also have the printer re- align if you
are using stocks with a "Q" or alignment mark.
Easy Print Mode
The Easy Print mode is a much more powerful method of printing. Easy Print is actually a
printing protocol that lets you give commands to the printer (such as PRINT). Within that
protocol, you can tell the printer how to print that data (such as using a variety of fonts, or as
a bar code), exactly where to put the data (anywhere on the printed image down to .005"),
and how to modify the data (such as tall, wide, rotated). You can also store graphics images
such as logos or icons, to be used anywhere on the printed image. If you are printing on precut labels, you can use a pre-printed "Q" mark or the gap between labels to re-align after
each image is printed.
Bar CodesX
Complex image (exact test/barcode/
graphic positioning important)
Line after line of text (receipts or
Graphics (one time - not stored)
including captured signatures
Graphics (stored)X
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Labels (Butt Cut or Die Cut) with
alignment “Q” mark or gap between
Pre-Printed “fill in the blank” formX
Rotated imageX
Rotated areas on imageX
Use Datamax-O’Neil printer in system
meant for another make of printer
X (Text Only)X (Complex)
Using Line Printer
Line printer mode is the simplest protocol supported by the Datamax-O’Neil thermal printers.
Using Line Printer mode, you can send a line of text as a sequence of characters to the
printer followed by a carriage return (0x0D), and/or a line feed (0x 0A), or a form feed (0x0C)
and the printer prints that line of text. Commands can be used to change the way the
printout looks and to select different fonts (fonts are available as the common IBM PC Code
Page 437 mapping as well as many other mappings and international character sets).
Commands are usually either a single non-printable character, or a sequence of characters
beginning with a non printable characte r such as ESCape (0x1b). Although these commands
can be placed anywhere in the text, they will usually take effect exactly where they are
placed. Therefore, you must be careful to place them where you want the effect to take
place. For example, to change fonts you send ESC w n, where 'n' is the single character name
of the font (seen AN-3 or AN-12). If you do this at the beginning of the line, it will affect the
entire line. However, if you place this in the center of a line, it will a ff ec t o nl y t h os e
characters that come after. If you place this at the end of the line, it will have no effect on
that line at all, but will affect the next line.
Use Line Printer mode to print receipts and labels with text and simple, bitmap , graphics that
do not need to be stored. You can also use Line Printer mode to insert signatures.
Note: This chapter assumes a basic knowledge of computer programming and is
designed to be used by programmers, software engineers, and technicians.
Line Printer Commands
The following table contains the available Line Printer commands:
ESC C nSets form length. Range for n is 1-255.4
ESC A nSets interline spacing; n=0 (default).4
CANCancels buffer line4
ESC V n1 n2 Bit-mapped graphics mode select5
ESC Q n1n2Permits different height characters across a single
ESC BBegins acceptance of compressed graphics6
ESC EEnds acceptance of compressed graphics6
SOSets double wide print6
SICondensed print6
FFForm feed7
LFLine feed7
CRCarriage return7
ESC w nFont select. The range for n is 21-26 hex.7
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Line Printer Mode
ESC @Resets the printer7
ESC HnMultiplies the height n times8
ESC R nInternational font selection8
ESC ! nSets double wide and double high8
ESC EZGoes to Easy Print Mode9
ESC D nIncreases the darkness9
ESC d nDecreases the darkness9
ESC bnBack up9
Note: Line Printer commands are case-sensitive. Make sure you use the correct
case when entering commands. An n indicates binary numbers, not ASCII
characters. For more information, see the individual command(s).
Esc C nSet Form Length
FormatESC C n
FunctionSets the page length in character lines. In the command
format, n represents the number of lines in the form and n is
a single byte. The default for n is 20 decimal, 14
hexadecimal. The range for n is 1-255.
Esc A nSet Interline Spacing
FormatESC A n
FunctionSets the number of blank dotlines that are fed between
character lines. The printer adds n (eight-bit binary number)
blank lines after completing the current line(s) and before
printing the next line.
The default value for n is zero where n equals the number of
inter-character blank dotlines in a single character. The range
for n is 1-155.
CANCancel Line Buffer
FunctionCancels the character received on the currently forming, but
not yet printed, line.
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Line Printer Mode
Esc V n1 n2Bit-Mapped Graphics
FormatESC V n1 n2
FunctionPrints the next (n1*256 + n2) dotlines as bit-mapped
graphics. n1n2 form a 16-bit binary number set, the most
significant byte first. Used to print user-generated bitmap
graphics across the width of the printhead. After receipt of this
command, the printer dumps the binary data directly to the
printhead. As customary with bitmap data, a 1 bit indicates a
dot is on, 0 bit indicates the dot is off. Graphics printed using
this command must be the exact width of the head in bits. Bit
7 of the first byte of data received prints at the left-most dot
on the head as you view the printhead with the paper feeding
away from you. The printer remains in bit-mapped graphics
mode until the total amount of bytes necessary to fill n1n2
lines of print are received by the printer. Use the following
table for guidelines when adding a bit-mapped graphic.
Printer Ty peDots
microFlash2i/2iCR24030127 Horizontal
ESC Q n1n2Advance n1n2 from Q mark
FormatESC Q n1n2
FunctionPermits different height characters across a single line.
Bytes Across Dots Per Inch
69 Vertical
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Line Printer Mode
Esc B, ESC E Accept Compressed Graphics
Dec276627 69
Hex1B421B 45
FunctionAccepts compressed graphics. The printer decompresses and
prints the graphic.
Each compressed dotline (using a run-length encoding
scheme) is preceded by an uppercase G. Each uncompressed
dotline is preceded by an uppercase U. Vertical white space
(where several consecutive dotlines have not been printing)
is processed using an uppercase A followed by a single byte
count of the number of dotlines to advance.
Compressed dotlines use a single graphics byte, followed by
the number of times the byte is repe ated. After the
compressed graphics data command (ESC B) is received,
each dotline must be preceded by the G or U, or an A may be
sent followed by the number of lines to advance.
When all data is sent, the final bytes must be ESC E to exit
compressed graphics data.
Compressed graphics mode requires a graphic image the
same width as the printhead in use.
Note: The microFlash3 printer has 576 bits across a single
line; the microFlash2/2t has 384 bits and the microFlash2i
has 240 bits microFlash4t has 832 bits across a single line.
SOSet Double Wide Print
FunctionPrints the current font in double wide width until an SI (Set
Single Wide Print) comma nd i s rec ei ved or a carriage return
is received.
SISet Single Wide Print
FunctionPrints the current font in single width.
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Line Printer Mode
FFForm Feed
FunctionPrints the current line, then advances the paper to top of
form (TOF).
LFLine Feed
FunctionPrints the current line and advances the paper.
CRCarriage Return
FunctionPrints the current line and advances the paper to top of form
(TOF). The CR command is similar to LF — both commands
are provided for your convenience.
Note: To print and advance n lines, use the number of CR
commands, or LF commands, or a combination of CR/LF and
LF/CR commands.
ESC w nSelect Font
FormatESC w n
FunctionSelects a Line Printer font given n, a binary, eight-bit number.
For more information, refer to Line Printer Fonts in the
Datamax-O’Neil Thermal Programming Guide.
ESC @Reset Printer
FormatESC @
FunctionResets the printer to defaults.
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Line Printer Mode
Note: Use the following Easy Print command to return to Line Printer
mode while in Easy Print mode. {LP} is not a Line Printer command.
If you mistakenly use {LP} while in Line Printer mode, {LP} prints on
your receipt or label.
Format: {LP}
ESC HnHeighten Font n Times
FormatESC Hn
FunctionMultiplies the height of the font by n. Must apply to the entire
ESC R nSelect International Character Set
FormatESC R n
FunctionSelect international character sets.
Note: The common IBM Code page 437 with 224 characters
must be used.
1= France5=Sweden
3=UK 7=Spain
ESC !nSet Double Wide and Double High
FormatESC ! n
FunctionSelects font height and width for one line. Must apply to
entire line.
n=10h 16d Double high
n=20h 32d Double wide
n=30h 48d Double high and double wide
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Line Printer Mode
ESC EZGo to Easy Print Mode
FormatESC EZ
FunctionPuts the printer in Easy Print Mode. You must use uppercase
letters EZ.
T o turn ON MPCL, send the configuration request in Easy Print
{CL:EMM1} followed by {COMMIT}.
To turn ON this new exte nded CPCL, send the configuration
request in Easy Print {CL:EMZ4} followed by {COMMIT}.
FormatESC D n
FunctionIncreases the darkness.
n = 0 0%n = 4 +20%
n = 1 +5%n = 5 +25%
n = 2 +10%n = 6 +30%
n = 3 +15%
ESC d n
FormatESC d n
FunctionDecreases the darkness.
n = 0 0%n = 3 -15%
n = 1 -5%n = 4 -20%
n = 2 -10%n = 5 -25%
ESC bn
FormatESC bn
FunctionBack up.
n = number of dotlines the printer s hould back up in dec
(A = 65 dot lines, d = 100 dot lines)
Using Easy Print
The Easy Print protocol is much more than just a printing protocol. In its most basic form,
Easy Print mode allows the user to send and execute commands. As part of the command
execution, the printer may return data to the host. In addition to printing, commands also
allow paper motion, configuring, and control of peripherals such as the magnetic and smart
card readers.
All commands begin with an opening "left curly bracket" or '{' (ASCII 0x7C) and end with a
closing "right curly bracket" or '}' (ASCII 0x7D). The commands immediately follows the
opening bracket '{'. A colon ':' separates the command from the data that follows. The
general format of any Easy Print command is: {[COMMAND] <:DATA>}.
Easy Print mode controls the printer down to a single dotline. At the printer's resolution of 8
dots per mm, or approximately 200 dots per inch, one dotline is approximately .005". Most
dimensions in Easy Print are in dotlines. For example, a simple command that allows paper to
advance or retract would be {AHEAD:200} or {BACK:50} (the command AHEAD or BACK is
followed by the number of dotlines to move paper).
AHEAD:nnnAdvances paper by nnn dotlinesXX
BACK:nnnRetracts paper bu nnn dotlinesXX
SStatus (returns a fixed status string)XX
DPPuts printer into configured default protocolX
LPPuts printer into Line Printer modeXX
ESCSynonym for LPX
EMZnPuts printer into emulation mode EMZn
(where n=1, 2, 3, etc.)
EMCnPuts printer into emulation mode EMCn
(where n=1, 2, 3, etc.)
EMPnPuts printer into emulation mode EMPn
(where n=1, 2, 3, etc.)
TPPrints a self-test printout (does not require
any data)
PRINT:dataPrints the data received. Note that the data
must be in a particular format (see AN07
for Printing With Easy Print)
Easy print is used for downloading fonts and graphics. It is best to use the Windows Configuration
Program or the OPDI Suite for downloading, rather than attempt to write the code yourself. Other
application notes describe this process in detail.
Easy Print is used to set configuration values into the printer. More detailed information is available in
other application notes.
Radio Ready
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Easy Print Mode
You can use Easy Print mode to design custom receipts, tickets, or reports with borders,
lines, stored graphics, logos, bar codes, and text. For exampl e, you can create a receipt with
your company logo at the top, an identifying bar code in the middle, and a signature line at
the bottom. Easy Print mode also allows you to use stored graphics, thus increasing your
print speed.
You can also use Easy Print mode to create images that are missing variable data which can
be inserted when the image prints. For example, if a graphic is used multiple times on a
receipt, ticket, or report, use Easy Print mode to store the graphic in Flash memory,
minimizing the communication time between the printer and the host computer and
increasing your print speed. Depending on the size of the format and the amount of memory
available in your microFlash printer (1M or 4M), up to 100 different formats can be stored in
internal memory. Only variable data is then sent from the handheld computer to the printer.
Note: This chapter assumes a basic knowledge of computer programming and is
designed to be used by programmers, software engineers, and technicians.
To switch between Easy Print and Line Printer modes, enter ESC EZ to go to Easy
Print mode. To switch from Easy Print mode to Line Printer mode, enter {LP}.
Easy Print Commands: General Guidelines
Use the following guidelines when entering Easy Print commands:
•Easy Print commands appear as {Command:Information} where Information
indicates a set of instructions needed by the printer to carry out a command. Not all
Easy Print commands require a set of instructions to carry out a command. Some
commands, such as {LP}, contain only a few characters with no additional
instructions. T o determine if a command needs additional instructions, see the specific
Easy Print command on page 13.
•Some Easy Print commands, such as the Print command, require a complex set of
instructions to carry out a command. For more information about the Print command,
see “Easy Print: Using the Print Command” on page 16.
•If the printer is asleep, null characters must precede Easy Print or Line Printer
commands. If the printer is awake in either mode, do not precede a command with
null characters.
•Always use Easy Print mode for graphics that are used multiple times, such as a
company logo.
•Do not insert spaces in a command unless they are part of the data. For information
on the data, see “Easy Print: Using the Print Command” on page 16.
•All commands must be entered in uppercase.
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Easy Print Mode
Sample Easy Print Job
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Easy Print Mode
Easy Print Commands
Easy Print commands have a unique format and function. All but the Query class of
commands are documented on the following pages. For information on queries, refer to
Querying the Printer in the Datamax-O’Neil Thermal Programming Guide.
In this chapter, an n indicates ASCII numbers, not binary numbers. For more
information, see the specific comma nd li ste d in the following table.
The following table contains the available Easy Print commands:
A left bracket begins the command set.
AHEAD:nnn or Ahead:nnn or A:nnn advances the paper
by nnn dotlines. Use the Ahead command as an
alternative to manually advancing the paper. The range
for nnn is 1 to 65,000 dotlines.
A right bracket ends the command set.
Back Command
Back Command Format {BACK:nnn}
A left bracket begins the command set.
BACK:nnn or Back:nnn or B:nnn backs the paper by nnn
dotlines. Use the BACK command to reposition the edge of
the paper for minimum paper waste.
A right bracket ends the command set.
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Easy Print Mode
Line Printer Mode
Line Printer Mode {LP}
Self-Test Printout
Self-test Printout {TP}
A left bracket begins the command set.
LP puts the printer into Line Printer mode.
Do not send additional characters for 500ms (is this
the time period?) after sending this command (need more
info. Why not?)
A right bracket ends the command set.
A left bracket begins the command set.
TP commands a self-test printout.
A right bracket ends the command set.
Limited Self-test Printout {TP1}
Alternate Self-test Printout {TP:xxx}
A left bracket begins the command set.
TP1 commands a limited self-test printout.
A right bracket ends the command set.
A left bracket begins the command set.
xxx : (0 - 255)
xxx = 0 will print only the normal self-test
xxx = 001 will print the stored format named TP00 1
xxx = 002 will print the stored format named TP00 2
through xxx = 255
The type of self-test (value of xxx) is returned in the
configuration command {CF?}
A right bracket ends the command set.
Status {S}
A left bracket begins the command set.
Returns an Easy Print status string.
A right bracket ends the command set.
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Easy Print Mode
Initial Program Load
Initial Program Load {IPL:0xAA55}
A left bracket begins the command set.
Erases the .BIN printer application file. This command is
used in preparation to reload a new file.
A right bracket ends the command set.
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Easy Print Mode
Easy Print: Using the Print Command
In Easy Print mode, the Print command includes all possible printer actions used to stop the
paper, rotate images, print images, and alter images. Use the following format for Print
{Print, Global Options:@row,col:Name,Field Options|data|}
{A left bracket ({) begins the print command set.
Print,A comma (,) follows the Print command if there are additional global
options. If no additional set of instructions are specified, th e p r int
command is entered as {Print}.
Global Options:Use Global Options: to specify actions that apply to an entire receipt or
label. Follow global options with a colon (:). Do not enter spaces before
or after the colon (:). Global options may modify the entire Easy Print
command. For example, a global option can be used to stop the paper
after a specified number of dotlines or at a specified mark, to rotate an
image, or to print a specified number of copies simultaneously or on
demand. For more information, see “Print Command: Specifying Global Options” on page 17.
@row, column: Use @row,column: to specify the row and column where each line of
text, graphics, bar codes and lines are to be printed. F ollow the row and
column information with a co l o n( :) . Do not enter spaces before or after
the colon. The range for each row is 1-65,000 dotlines. The column
range for the 2t printer and LP3 printer and microFl a sh 2 printer is
1 -384 dotlines. The column range for the microFlash 3 printer is
1 - 576 dotlines. The column range for the 4t printer is 832 dotlines.
A typical print request consists of the Print command and the number of
items to be printed, each at a different row and possibly a different
column. For text to line up correctly, the column numbers must be
identical, for example, @10,30 (Information)| and
@60,30 (Information)|. If the column numbers are too large for the
paper, or the print request skips to a row further down the paper, the
print request is rejected.
Note: In a typical print request, there may be five or more @row,col
commands for a single Print command.
NameUse Name to specify the name of the font, bar code, line, or file name of
the graphic. An example of a font name is MF102. Do not add spaces to
Name or the print request will be rejected. For more information, see
Font Names, Graphic Names, Line Names, or Bar Code Names.
Note: The Name can only be five characters long, even for user-created
Field OptionsUse Field Options to increase the size of fonts, bar codes, lines, or
graphics. Each field option must be separ ated by a comma (,). For more
information, see Font Field Options, Bar Code Field Options, or Graphic Field Options.
|Data|Use |Data| to specify the text printed on a receipt or label, or to specify
characters that can be read by a scanner. Vertical bars (|) surround the
}A right bracket (}) ends the print request.
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Easy Print Mode
Print Command: Guidelines
•Use the correct terms for global and field options (for example, QSTOPn or WIDEn
where n indicates a number in the range). If a global or field option is entered
incorrectly, the print request is rejected.
global or field option on the following pages.
A single print command can be used for multiple print lines; therefore, you do not need to
enter Print each time another line of text is printed.
Print Command: Specifying Global Options
The following global options are available for the Print command:
BACKnnnBack Global Option
Backs the paper up nnn dotlines before printing.
{PRINT,BACK50:@10,30:MF107 |Hi wor ld|}
For more information, see the appropriate
QSTOPnnnQstop Global Option
ROTxxxRotate Global Option
QSTOPnnn (1<nnn<65000)(microFlash 2/3/2t)
Stops nnn dotlines after sensing the Q mark. When the Q mark is found,
the paper advances by nnn dotlines and stops, even if the image is not yet
complete. If the Q mark is not found, the printer continues to advance;
therefore, use the STOP option when stop conditions are larger than the
desired image. The value of nnn ranges from 1 to 65,535 dotlines .
QSTOP Bnnn - QMark bottom
QSTOP Tnnn - QMark top
QSTOP Gnnn - QMark gap
QSTOP N - Ignore QMark
The commands notes above override label and sensor congiuration
settings in the printer.
positioned below the sensor. For more information, refer to Specifications
in the
{PRINT,QSTOP500:@10,30:MF107|Hi world|}
ROT270, ROT180 , R OT090
Rotates the image with the left edge of the image printing first either 270,
180, or 90 degrees.
{PRINT,ROT270:@10,30:MF107|Hi world|}
When the paper is properly aligned, the Q mark cannot be
Datamax-O’Neil Thermal Programming Guide
Datamax-O’Neil Quick Reference Programming
Using Easy Print Mode
STOPnnnStop Global Option
Advances the paper to the proper point for tearing. This option stops the
paper nnn dotlines (.005”/dotline or 200 dotlines/inch) after the
beginning of the label or receipt. The data nnn is sent after the STOP
option specifies the total number of dotlines hig h for the image. For
example, for the microFlash series of printers (which have a 203dpi
mechanism), specifying STOP500 gives a 2.5" total height image from the
top of the paper to where it stops under the prin thead.
If the paper has advanced nnn dotlines and the printed part of the image
is not yet complete, the image is truncated. If the printed part of the
image is complete, white space is added to the bottom until nnn dotlines
have advanced. The value of nnn ranges from 1 to 65,535 dotlines.
COLx y
The STOP option can also be used with the QSTOP option. Specify the
STOP to stop the printing just after the stop using the QSTOP option. This
ensures the paper stops advancing whether paper with Q marks is loaded,
or regular paper is loaded.
:@10,30:MF107|Hi world|
In this example, the paper stops advancing when it has advanced 500
dotlines, or 125 dotlines after the Q mark is detected, whichever occurs
COLx y
Creates a variable COLx (where 0<=x<=9) with the value of y (y may
have any legal value). Whenever COLx is specif ied in a field (e.g. @ROW,
COLx), the COLx is replaced with the value given in y.
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